Retsudvalget 2015-16
REU Alm.del Bilag 322
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Folketingets Retsudvalg
Formand Peter Skaarup
Klik for at vælge dato.
Enhed: Psykiatri og Lægemiddel-
Sagsbeh.: SUMLPE
Sagsnr.: 1605444
Dok. nr.: 87983
Kære Peter Skaarup
Med brev af 26. april 2016 har du rettet henvendelse til mig om FN’s Generalforsam-
lings særlige samling om narkotika (UNGASS), som fandt sted den 19.-21. april 2016. I
brevet anmoder du om, at materiale mv., som det vil være relevant for Retsudvalget
at stifte bekendtskab med, sendes til udvalget.
Jeg skal i den anledning gøre opmærksom på, at FN i forbindelse med UNGASS har
oprettet en særlig hjemmeside (, hvor der er adgang til
mødedokumenter og meget andet relevant materiale.
Det vigtigste mødedokument er naturligvis slutdokumentet
”Our joint commitment to
effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem”.
Det vedtagne udkast
til slutdokument vedlægges.
Efter vedtagelsen af slutdokumentet afgav Europa-Kommissionen på vegne af EU og
EU-medlemsstaterne følgende erklæring:
”We deeply regret that the outcome document does not include language
on the death penalty. We have a strong and unequivocal opposition to the
death penalty in all circumstances and consider that the death penalty un-
dermines human dignity and errors made in its application are irreversible.
Moreover, imposing the death penalty for drug offences is against norms
of international law, specifically Art. 6 Para 2 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights.
The unprecedented support generated by the United Nations General As-
sembly Resolution on a Moratorium on the use of death penalty, which
was adopted in December 2014 signalled that there is an international
momentum behind efforts to limit the application of the death penalty,
including in terms of the number of offences for which it is imposed. We
urge all States that have not done so to implement a moratorium on the
use of death penalty as a step towards its final abolition. Furthermore, we
welcome the decision of the International Narcotics Control Board to call
on countries still applying the death penalty to consider its abolition for
drug-related offences, and the statement from the UN Office on Drugs and
Crime that the use of the death penalty has never been in the letter or the
spirit of the drug control conventions.
We also encourage Member States to adopt safeguards to prevent criminal
justice or other forms of international assistance resulting in a death sen-
REU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 322: Orientering om FN’s Generalforsamlings særlige samling om narkotika (UNGASS), fra sundheds- og ældreministeren
tence being applied, and to hold international agencies to account for
compliance with this and all other human rights obligations.”
Ligeledes på vegne af EU og EU-medlemsstaterne afgav Europa-Kommissionen føl-
gende indlæg under den såkaldte generaldebat:
”The EU and its Member States welcome the opportunity for this much ne-
eded debate on addressing the world drug problem. We welcome the reba-
lancing of global drug policies towards a multi-disciplinary, sound public
health and human rights approach. Effective drug policies must be based
on evidence and reliable monitoring systems. The role of the civil society
and the scientific community must be recognised. It is important that the
different needs of men, women, children, young and vulnerable people are
treated adequately. The EU has a longstanding commitment on all these
We reiterate our strong commitment to the UN Drug Control Conventions
which are the cornerstones of the global response to the world drug pro-
blem. They provide sufficient scope and flexibility to accommodate a wide
range of approaches in accordance with national and regional specificities.
The EU strongly supports the anchoring of drugs policy in a wider socio-
economic context in line with the Sustainable Development Agenda to
promote health, democracy, rule of law and sustainable livelihoods. In or-
der to tackle the root causes of the illicit cultivation of drug crops, alterna-
tive development should be actively promoted to provide alternative and
sustainable livelihoods and reduce the dependence of affected communi-
ties on illicit drug economies.
The EU fully supports the call for enhanced coordination between UNODC,
the main responsible agency, and other UN entities and specialised agenci-
es, notably WHO, INCB, UNAIDS and UNHRC.
We welcome a strengthened international cooperation to counter drug
trafficking and its links with corruption, organized crimes and, in some ca-
ses, terrorism. We are firmly committed to address the growing threats of
new psychoactive substances and the use of Internet for drug trafficking.
Moreover, the EU will continue to play its role to the full to prevent the di-
version of precursors.
Human rights are an integral part of any response to the drugs problem.
Consequently, we fully support proportionate sentencing for drug related
offences and the promotion of alternatives to incarceration and coercive
sanctions. We, however deeply regret that the outcome document does
not address the abolition of death penalty for drugs offences. The EU is
strongly and unequivocally opposed to the death penalty in all circumstan-
ces, since it undermines human dignity and fails to act as deterrent to cri-
minal behaviours.
The ultimate objective of the international drug control system is the pro-
tection of public health. Drug demand reduction policies must include the
full range of measures from prevention, treatment to social reintegration
and recovery. Risk and harm reduction measures must be further promoted
Side 2
REU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 322: Orientering om FN’s Generalforsamlings særlige samling om narkotika (UNGASS), fra sundheds- og ældreministeren
and implemented. They have proven effective in many countries worldwide
in preventing overdose deaths, the transmission of HIV, viral Hepatitis and
other blood borne diseases.
All these elements are of defining importance ahead of our high-level mee-
ting on drugs in 2019 to review the implementation of the UN Political
Declaration and Plan of Action on drugs.
Firm commitment from all parties is required to implement effectively this
renewed UN approach to the world drug problem and put into practice the
operational recommendations. This is what our citizens expect from all of
Som delegationsleder afgav jeg det danske indlæg under generaldebatten. Indlægget
Under UNGASS holdt jeg et møde med de deltagende danske civilsamfundsorganisa-
tioner; nemlig Brugernes Akademi, Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, Gadejuristen og
Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Københavns Universitet.
Med venlig hilsen
Sophie Løhde
Lars Petersen
Kopi: Folketingets Sundheds- og Ældreudvalg
Side 3