Special Representative
PA President
PA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 47, 2015
This week there were meetings of the Permanent Council (PC), including a Special Meeting on
the occasion of the terrorist attacks in Paris, the Forum for Security Co-operation, the Contact
Group with the Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation, the Preparatory Committee (Prep-
Comm), the Advisory Committee on Management and Finance (ACMF), the three topical Com-
mittees, the Group of Friends on Mediation, as well as a high number of other informal meetings,
in particular on drafts for the upcoming Ministerial Council Meeting in Belgrade. During the regu-
lar PC, PA President Kanerva addressed the Permanent Representatives of the participating
States, followed by a debate. This has been reported on the PA website.
The Permanent Council, after debating with President Kanerva and hearing a report by High
Commissioner on National Minorities Thors, adopted decisions on the extension of OSCE Field
Presences in ten countries. Kosovo and Turkmenistan do not need this extension. Kazakhstan
and Tajikistan are still outstanding. The PC also adopted decisions on the agenda and other or-
ganizational modalities, but failed to agree on invited organizations, because of disagreements
regarding the inclusion of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) as a speaker on
equal footing with EU and NATO.
In the 80 minute debate on the President’s speech, eleven delegations representing at least 38
countries (28 for EU plus alignments) replied, all with – in part comprehensive – statements on
substantial issues. The main issues discussed were Ukraine and the PA’s renewed close part-
nership with the ODIHR, as well as migration and the PA’s contribution to Helsinki+40. The US
Delegation also payed tribute to the long and successful work of outgoing PA Secretary General
Oliver, welcomed incoming Roberto Montella, and commended cooperation with the Vienna Liai-
son Office.
In a Special Meeting, the PC debated the Paris attacks and adopted a Declaration. I referred to
the President’s statement issued the day after the attacks. In the Group of Friends on Mediation, I
outlined the PA’s activities regarding all phases of the Conflict Cycle.
In an informal meeting on a possible MC text on Ukraine, Russia made it clear that they will not
agree to a political text on the issue, while Ukraine and others refuse to have a text that purely
speaks about what the OSCE can do. The draft on Ukraine the Chair put on the table also con-
tained language on the PA, whereas I had to request such language for the draft on a (general)
Political Declaration. Both texts, however, are unlikely to be adopted, but might serve as a
Chairmanship’s summary. In general, Azerbaijan seems to be opposed to any language on the
PA in Ministerial Council drafts.
I hosted a lunch for the new ambassadors from France and Thailand. The French Ambassador
was interested in the possibilities of the PA to assist on the following three issues - facilitation of
internal dialogue in Ukraine in cooperation with the SMM, support in concrete projects to combat
Human Trafficking and on changing the Scales of Contributions.
Andreas Nothelle
November 23, 2015