The Consumer Voice in Europe
Mr. Esben Lunde Larsen
Minister for the Environment and
Ministry of Environment and Food of
Slotsholmsgade 12
DK-1260 Copenhagen V
Ref.: BEUC-L-2016-322/MGO/cm
15 September 2016
RE: European consumers need Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals
Dear Mr. Lunde Larsen,
On behalf of BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation, I write to highlight the
essential role Danish Consumer Council (DCC) THINK Chemicals plays for
consumers across Europe and to urge you to extend the Danish Government’s
financial support for DCC THINK Chemicals.
Since its establishment in 2014, DCC THINK Chemicals has been an invaluable
source of information on chemicals in consumer goods as well as a clear voice in
the European debate on how to better protect consumers against toxic chemicals.
Among DCC THINK Chemicals’ impressive achievements, I wish to emphasize that:
DCC THINK Chemicals’ 46 product tests have been widely disseminated
among consumer and environmental NGOs across Europe. Therefore, all EU
consumers benefit from THINK Chemicals’ important work.
DCC THINK Chemicals supports consumer organisations in other EU countries
to raise awareness about harmful chemicals such as endocrine disruptors
(EDCs), flame retardants or fluorinated substances. DCC THINK Chemicals for
example recently cooperated with BEUC’s Romanian member, APC, on a joint
test of harmful chemicals in deodorants. The test was covered by many
different news media, including national television, and sparked a national
debate on EDCs in Romania.
DCC THINK Chemicals actively engages decision-makers in the EU to raise
awareness about the consumer impact of chemicals. DCC THINK Chemicals’
work, especially test results, allows BEUC to bring clear evidence to the EU
institutions on how to better protect consumers against toxic chemicals.
DCC THINK Chemicals is an influential voice in the European debate on
endocrine-disrupting chemicals. DCC THINK Chemicals is for example an
active partner in the EDC-Free Europe coalition which brings together over 60
health, environmental and consumer groups, campaigning to reduce exposure
from endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs AISBL
Der Europäische Verbraucherverband
Rue d’Arlon 80, B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32 (0)2 743 15 90
Fax +32 (0)2 740 28 02
TVA: BE 0422 071 051
EC register for interest representatives: identification number 9505781573-45