Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2015-16
MOF Alm.del Bilag 474
Załącznik do Stanowiska NIZP–PZH w sprawie farm wiatrowych - Wykaz publikacji
Załącznik do Stanowiska
Narodowego Instytutu Zdrowia Publicznego – Państwowego Zakładu Higieny
w sprawie farm wiatrowych
Wykaz publikacji
Artykuły recenzowane (czasopisma i konferencje naukowe):
G.M. Aasvang, B. Engdahl, K. Rothschild (2007): Annoyance and self-reported sleep disturbances due to structurally
radiated noise from railway tunnels. Appl. Acoust. 68 (9), 970–981
M. Abbasi, M.A. Monazzam, A. Akbarzadeh, S.A. Zakerian, M.H. Ebrahimi (2015): Impact of wind turbine sound on
general health, sleep disturbance and annoyance of workers: a pilot- study in Manjil wind farm, Iran. Journal of
Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 13-71
M. Abbasi, M.A. Monazzam, A. Akbarzadeh, S.A. Zakerian, M.H. Ebrahim (2015): Investigation of the effects of wind
turbine noise annoyance on the sleep disturbance among workers of Manjil wind farm. Health Safety Work. 5, 51–
S. Agterbosch, R.M. Meertens, W. J.V. Vermeulen (2009): The relative importance of social and institutional
conditions in the planning of wind power projects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13, 393–405
M. Alves-Pereira, N. A.A. Castelo Branco (2007): Vibroacoustic disease: Biological effects of infrasound and low-
frequency noise explained by mechanotransduction cellular signalling. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular
Biology, 93, 256–279
M. Alves-Pereira, N. A.A. Castelo Branco (2007): Public health and noise exposure: the importance of low frequency
noise. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
M. Alves-Pereira, N. A.A. Castelo Branco (2007): In home wind turbine noise is conductive to vibroacoustic disease.
Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
M. Alves-Pereira, N. A.A. Castelo Branco (2007): In home wind turbine noise is conductive to vibroacoustic disease.
Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
S. E. Ambrose, R.W. Rand, C. M.E. Krogh (2012): Falmouth, Massachusetts wind turbine infrasound and low
frequency noise measurements. Inter-noise 2012, New York, USA
10. S.E. Ambrose, R.W. Rand, C. M.E. Krogh (2012): Wind Turbine Acoustic Investigation: Infrasound and Low-
Frequency Noise - A Case Study. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 32(2), 128–141
11. S.E. Ambrose, R.W. Rand, R.R, James, M.A. Nissenbaum (2014): Public complaints about wind turbine
noise and adverse health impacts. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135, 2272
12. I. Arra, H. Lynn, K. Barker, C. Ogbuneke, S. Regalado (2014): Systematic review 2013: Association between
wind turbines and human distress. Cureus 6(5): e183. DOI 10.7759/cureus.183
13. J. Araújo Alves, L. Torres Silva, P. C. C. Remoaldo (2015): The influence of low-frequency noise pollution on the
quality of life and place in sustainable cities: a case study from northern Portugal. Sustainability 2015(7), 13920-
14. M. Aitken (2010): Why we still don’t understand the social aspects of wind power: A critique of key
assumptions within the literature. Energy Policy, 38(4), 1834-1841
15. Z. Bangjun, S. Lili, D. Guoqing (2003): The influence of the visibility of the source on the subjective annoyance due to
its noise. Applied Acoustics 64 (2003) 1205–1215
16. H.H.C Bakker, D.J. Bennett, R.B., Atkinson (2009): Seismic effect on residents from 3 MW wind turbines.
Third International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise Aalborg, Denmark
17. R.H. Bakker, E. Pedersen, G.P. van den Berg, R.E. Stewart, W. Lok, J. Bouma (2012): Impact of wind
turbine sound on annoyance, self-reported sleep disturbance and psychological distress. Science of the
Total Environment 425 (2012) 42–51
MOF, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 474: Henvendelse af 26/5-16 fra Greta Gallandy-Jakobsen om Polens nye afstandsregler til vindmøller - 10 x møllehøjde
Załącznik do Stanowiska NIZP–PZH w sprawie farm wiatrowych - Wykaz publikacji
18. C. Baliatsas, I. van Kamp, M. Hooiveld, J. Yzermans, E. Lebret (2014): Comparing non-specific physical
symptoms in environmentally sensitive patients: prevalence, duration, functional status and illness
behavior. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 76(5), 405–413
19. C. Baliatsas, I. van Kamp, M. Hooiveld, J. Yzermans, E. Lebret (2014): Non-specific physical symptoms and
related functioning in people with self-reported noise sensitivity. Inter-noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia
20. C. Baliatsas, I. van Kamp, R. van Poll, J. Yzermans (2016): Health effects from low-frequency noise and
infrasound in the general population: Is it time to listen? A systematic review of observational studies.
Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 163–169
21. N. Barnard (2013): Letter to Editor: Issues of wind turbine noise. Noise & Health 15(63), 150-152
22. M. Basner, M. Brink, A. Bristow, Y. de Kluizenaar, L. Finegold, J. Hong , S.A. Janssen, R. Klaeboe, T. Leroux,
A. Liebl, T. Matsui, D. Schwela, M. Sliwinska-Kowalska, P. Sörqvist (2015): ICBEN review of research on the
biological effects of noise 2011-2014. Noise & Health, 17(75), 57-82
23. M. Basner, W. Babisch, A. Davis, . Brink, C. Clark, S. Janssen, S. Stansfeld (2014): Auditory and non-
auditory effects of noise on health. Lancet. 383(9925), 1325–1332
24. M. Baqtasch, J. Van Dam, B. Søndergaard, A. Rogers (2006): Wind turbine noise - An overview. Canadian
Acoustics, 34(2), 7-15
25. J. Baxter, R. Morzaria, R. Hirsch (2013): A case-control study of support/opposition to wind turbines:
Perceptions of health risk, economic benefits, and community conflict. Energy Policy 61(2013), 931–943
26. E. de Beer (2015): Assessment of low-frequency noise due to wind-turbines in relation to low-frequency
background noise. EuroNoise 2015, EAA-NAG-ABAV, Maastricht, Nederland
27. D. Bell, T. Gray, C. Haggett (2005): The ‘social gap’ in wind farm siting decisions: explanations and policy
responses. Environmental Politics, 14, 460–477
28. J. Bengtsson, K. Persson Waye (2003): Assessments of low frequency noise complaints among the local
Environmental Health Authorities and a follow-up study 14 years later. Journal of Low Frequency Noise,
Vibration and Active Control 22(1), 9-16
29. J. Bengtsson, K. Persson Waye, A. Kjellberg (2004): Evaluations of effects due to low-frequency noise in a
low demanding work situation. Journal of Sound and Vibration 278, 83–99
30. S. Benton (2007): The central role of interpersonal conflict in low frequency noise annoyance. Journal of
Low Frequency Noise, Vibration And Active Control, 26(1), 1-14
31. R.G. Berger, P. Ashtiani, C.A. Ollson, M. Whitfield Aslund, L. C. McCallum, G. Leventhall, L.D. Knopper (2015): Health-
based audible noise guidelines account for infrasound and low-frequency noise produced by wind turbines.
Frontiers in Public Health, 3(31), 1-14
32. B. Berglund, P. Hassmen (1996): Sources and effects of low-frequency noise. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 99(5), 2985-3002
33. R.A. Bernert, T.E. Joiner (2007): Sleep disturbances and suicide risk: A review of the literature. Neuropsychiatric
Disease and Treatment, 3(6), 735–743
34. W. Bray, R. James (2011): Dynamic measurements of wind turbine acoustic signals, employing sound quality
engineering methods considering the time and frequency sensitivities of human perception. Noise-Con 2011,
Portland, Oregon, 25–27.
35. I.D. Bishop, D.R. Miller (2007): Visual assessment of off-shore wind turbines: The influence of distance, contrast,
movement and social variables. Renewable Energy, 32 (2007) 814–831.
36. B. Bilski (2012): Factors influencing social perception of investments in the wind power industry with an analysis of
influence of the most significant environmental factor – exposure to noise. Polish Journal of Environmental. Studies,
21(2), 289-295
37. I.D. Bishop (2011): What do we really know? A meta-analysis of studies into public responses to wind energy. World
Renewable Energy Congress. Wind Energy Applications, Linkopinkg, Sweden
38. A. Bockstael, L. Dekoninck, B. De Coensel, D. Oldoni, A. CanD. Botteldooren (2011): Wind turbine noise: annoyance
and alternative exposure indicators. Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Germany, Denmark
39. A. Bockstael, L. Dekoninck, A. Can, D. Oldoni, B. de Coensel (2012): Reduction of wind turbine noise annoyance: an
operational approach. Acta Acustica United With Acustica, 98 , 392-401
MOF, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 474: Henvendelse af 26/5-16 fra Greta Gallandy-Jakobsen om Polens nye afstandsregler til vindmøller - 10 x møllehøjde
Załącznik do Stanowiska NIZP–PZH w sprawie farm wiatrowych - Wykaz publikacji
40. A. Bockstael, T. Van Renterghem, V. De Weirt, D. Botteldooren (2013): Exploring underlying mechanisms for human
response to wind turbine noise. Inter-noise 2013, Innsbruck, Austria
41. T. Boczar, T. Malec, D. Wotzka (2012): Studies on Infrasound Noise Emitted by Wind Turbines of Large Power. Acta
Physica Polonica A. Vol. 122(5), 850-853
42. K. Bolin, M. Nilsson, S. Khan (2010): The potential of natural sounds to mask wind turbine noise. Acta
Acustica united with Acustica, 96, 131–137
43. K. Bolin, G. Bluhm, G. Erickson, M.E Nilsson (2011): Infrasound and low frequency noise from wind turbines:
exposure and health effects. Environmental Research Letters, 6(3), 1-6
44. K. Bolin, A. Kedhammar, M.E. Nilsson (2012): The influence of background sounds on loudness and
annoyance of wind turbine noise. Acta Acust United Acust, 98, 741-748
45. W. Bray, R. James (2011): Dynamic measurements of wind turbine acoustic signals, employing sound quality
engineering methods considering the time and frequency sensitivities of human perception. NoiseCon2011,
Portland, Oregon, USA
46. N. Broner (1978): The effects of low frequency noise on people - a review? Journal of Sound and Vibration, 58(4),
47. D. Bowdler (2008): Amplitude modulation of wind turbine noise. Acoustics Bulletin of the Institute of Acoustics,
33(4), 31–35
48. D. Bowdler (2011): Why turbine noise annoys. Fourth International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise, Rome Italy
49. D. Bowdler (2012): Wind turbine syndrome - an alternative view. Acoustics Australia, 40(1), 67-71
50. A. Bowling, J. Barber, R. Morris, S. Ebrahim (2006): Do perceptions of neighbourhood environment
influence health? Baseline findings from a British survey of aging. J Epidemiol Community Health 2006;
60: 476–483
51. A.L. Bronzaft (2011): The noise from wind turbines: potential adverse impacts on children's well-being. Bulletin of
Science, Technology & Society, 31(4), 291–295
52. F. P. Cappuccio, D. Cooper, L. D’Elia, P. Strazzullo, M. A. Miller (2011): Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular
outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. European Heart Journal, 32(12), 1484-92
53. G. Carbone, L. Afferrante (2013): A novel probabilistic approach to assess the blade throw hazard of wind turbines.
Renewable Energy 51 (2013) 474-481
54. N. A.A. Castelo Branco (2001): Low frequency noise: a major risk factor in military operations. RTO AVT Symposium
Ageing Mechanisms and Control, Manchester, UK
55. N. A.A. Castelo Branco, T. Costa e Curto, L. Mendes Jorge, J. Cavaco Faísca, L. Amaral Dias, P. Oliveira, J. Martins dos
Santos, M. Alves-Pereira (2010): Family with wind turbines in close proximity to home: follow up of the case
presented in 2007. 14th International Meet Low Frequency Noise Vibration Control , Aalborg, Denmark
56. S. Chapman (2011): Wind farms and health: who is fomenting community anxieties? Medical Journal of Australia,
195(9), 495
57. D. Shepherd (2012): Letters to the Editor: "Wind farms and health: who is fomenting community anxieties?"
Medical Journal of Australia, 196(2), 495
58. S. Chapman, A. St. George, K. Waller, V. Cakic (2013): The pattern of complaints about Australian wind farms does
not match the establishment and distribution of turbines: support for the psychogenic, ‘communicated disease’
hypothesis. PloS One, 8(10), e76584, 1-11
59. S. Chapman, A. St George (2013): How the factoid of wind turbines causing 'vibroacoustic disease' came to be
'irrefutably demonstrated'. Australian and New Zealand Journal Public Health. 37(3), 244-249
60. M. Alves-Pereira, N. A. A. Castelo Branco (2014): Letter to the Editor re: 'How the factoid of wind turbines causing
‘vibroacoustic disease’ came to be ‘irrefutably demonstrated’'. Australian and New Zealand Journal Public Health.
38(2), 191-192
61. S. Chapman (2014): Factoid forensics: have "more than 40" Australian families abandoned their homes because of
wind farm noise? Noise & Health, 16(71), 208-212
62. S. Chapman, K. Joshi, L. Fry (2014): Fomenting sickness: nocebo priming of residents about expected wind turbine
health harms. Frontiers in Public Health 2(279), 1-8
63. S. Chapman, K. Joshi (2015): Corrigendum: Fomenting sickness: nocebo priming of residents about wind farm
health harms. Frontiers in Public Health 3(234), 1-2
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64. H-h. A. Chen, P. Narins (2012): Wind Turbines and Ghost Stories: The effects of infrasound on the human auditory
system. Acoustics Today, 8(2), 51-56
65. A. Cook, T. Evans, R. Brown (2012): Effect of a 35 dB(A) minimum criterion on a wind farm development. Acoustics
Australia, 40(2), 144-146
66. J. Cooper, T. Evans (2013): Automated detection and analysis of amplitude modulation at a residence and wind
turbine. Acoustics2013. Australian Acoustical Society. Victor Harbor, Australia
67. S.E. Cooper (2016): Wind farm infrasound - Are we measuring what is actually there or something else? Meetings
on Acoustics, Vol. 25 055001, Jacksonville, Florida, USA (2015)
68. R. Cowell, G. Bristow, M. Munday (2011): Acceptance, acceptability and environmental justice: the role of
community benefits in wind energy development. J. Environ. Plan. Manag., 54(4), 539–557
69. F. Crichton, G. Dodd, G. Schmid, G. Gamble, K.J. Petrie (2013): Can expectations produce symptoms from
infrasound associated with wind turbines? Health Psychology. American Psychological Association (2013) Vol. 32,
No. 4, 1-5
70. F. Crichton, G. Dodd, G. Schmid, G. Gamble, T. Cundy, J.J. Petrie (2013): The power of positive and negative
expectations to influence reported symptoms and mood during exposure to wind farm sound. Health Psychology
33, 1588–1592
71. F. Crichton, S. Chapman, T. Cundy, K.J. Petrie (2014): The link between health complaints and wind
turbines: support for the nocebo expectations hypothesis. Frontiers in Public Health. Epidemiology.
Volume 2, Article 220, 1-8
72. F. Crichton, K.J. Petrie (2015): Health complaints and wind turbines: The efficacy of explaining the nocebo
response to reduce symptom reporting. Environmental Research, 140(2015), 449–455
73. J. Cummings (2013): The variability factor in wind turbine noise. 5th International Conference on Wind
Turbine Noise, Denver, USA
74. S.J. Davis (2012): Editorials Wind Turbine Noise. Posted comment British Medical Journal, 344, e1527
75. B. Dawson, N. Mackenzie (2013): Meteorological stability impacts on wind turbine noise assessments.
Acoustics2013. Australian Acoustical Society. Victor Harbor, Australia
76. B. Deignan, E. Harvey, L. Hoffman-Goetz (2013): Fright factors about wind turbines and health in Ontario
newspapers before and after the Green Energy Act. Health, Risk & Society, 15(3), 234-250
77. P. Devine-Wright (2005): Beyond NIMBYism: Towards an integrated framework for understanding public
perceptions of wind energy. Wind Energy, 8, 125–139
78. C. Di Napoli (2011): Long distance amplitude modulation of wind turbine noise. Fourth International
Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise. Rome, Italy
79. P. J Dickinson (2009): A pragmatic view of a wind turbine noise standard. Acoustics 2009. Adelaide,
80. G. Dixsaut, D. Vernez, C. Fevrier, M. RumeauE. Thibier, M. Berengier, A. Moch, P. Lepoutre, M. Saihi
(2008): Wind Turbines and Noise: Is There a Minimal Siting Distance? Epidemiology, 19(6), S216
81. C.J. Doolan, D.J. Moreau, L.A. Brooks (2012): Wind turbine noise mechanisms and some concepts for its
control. Acoustics Australia, 40(1), 7-13
82. C.J. Doolan (2013). A review of wind turbine noise perception, annoyance, and low frequency emission.
Wind Engineering, 37(1), 97-104
83. G. Ellis, J. Barry, C. Robinson (2007): Many ways to say ‘no’, different ways to say ‘yes’: applying Q-
methodology to understand public acceptance of wind farm proposals. Journal of Environmental Planning
and Management, 50(4), 517-551
84. D. Eltham, G. Harrison, S. Allen (2008): Change in public attitudes towards a Cornish wind farm:
implications for planning, Energy Policy, 36, 23–33
85. H. Enbom (2013): Infrasound from wind turbines: An overlooked health hazard. Läkartidningen, 110
(2013), 1388-1389
86. T. Evans, J. Cooper (2012): Comparison of predicted and measured wind farm noise levels and
implications for assessments of new wind farms. Acoustics Australia, 40(1), 28-36
87. T. Evans, J. Cooper, V. Alamshah (2012): Analysis of wind turbine low frequency noise prediction
accuracy. Inter-noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia
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88. A Farboud, R Crunkhorn, A Trinidade (2013): ‘Wind turbine syndrome’: fact or fiction? The Journal of
Laryngology & Otology (2013), 127, 222–226
89. K. Feder, D.S. Michaud, S.E. Keith, S.A. Voicescu, L. Marro, J. Than, M. Guay, A. Denning, T. Bower, E. Lavigne, C.
Whelan, F. van den Berg (2015): An assessment of quality of life using the WHOQOL-BREF among participants living
in the vicinity of wind turbines. Environmental Research 142(2015), 227–238
90. D. Fiumicelli (2011): Wind farm noise dose-response. Acoustics Bulletin November/December 2011, 26-35
91. J. Forssen, M. Schiff, E. Pedersen, K. Persson Waye (2010): Wind turbine noise propagation over flat ground:
Measurements and predictions. Acta Acustica United with Acustica 96, 753-760.
92. A. Fukushima, K. Yamamoto, H. Uchida, S. Sueoka (2013): Study on the amplitude modulation of wind turbine
noise: Part 1 – Physical investigation. Inter-noise 2013, Innsbruck, Austria
93. P.A. Groothuis, J.D. Groothuis, J.C. Whitehead (2008): Green vs. green: Measuring the compensation required to
site electrical generation windmills in a viewshed. Energy Policy, 36, 1545–1550
94. C. Gross (2007): Community perspectives of wind energy in Australia: The application of a justice and community
fairness framework to increase social acceptance. Energy Policy, 35, 2727–2736
95. C. Haggett, D. Toke (2006): Crossing the Great Divide – Using Multi-method Analysis to Understand Opposition to
Windfarms, Public Administration, 84(1), 103-120
96. D. Halperin (2014): Environmental noise and sleep disturbances: A threat to health? Sleep Science 7(2014), 209–
97. Z. Hameed, Y.S. Hong, Y.M. Cho, S.H. Ahn, C.K. Song (2009): Condition monitoring and fault detection of wind
turbines and related algorithms: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (2009), 1–39
98. C. Hanning; E. Alun (2012): Wind turbine noise seems to affect health adversely; an independent review of
evidence is needed. Wind turbine noise — BMJ editorial, 344, e1527
99. S. Chapman (2012): Re: Wind turbine noise. Wind turbine noise — BMJ editorial, 344, e1527
100. K. Hansen, N. Henrys, C. Hansen, C. Doolan, D. Moreau (2012): Wind farm noise – what is a reasonable limit in rural
areas? Acoustics2012, Australian Acoustical Society, Fremantle, Australia
101. K. Hansen, B. Zajamšek, C. Hansen (2014): Comparison of the noise levels measured in the vicinity of a wind farm
for shutdown and operational conditions. Inter-noise 2014, Melbourne, Australia
102. K. Hansen, B. Zajamšek, C. Hansen (2014): Identification of low frequency wind turbine noise using
secondary windshields of various geometries. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 62(2), 69-82
103. C. Hansen, B. Zajamsek, K. Hansen (2015): Infrasound and low-frequency noise from wind turbines {in.]
3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control
104. K.L. Hansen, B. Walker, B. Zajamsek, C.H. Hansen (2015): Perception and annoyance of low frequency
noise versus infrasound in the context of wind turbine noise. Sixth International Meeting on Wind
Turbine Noise, Scotland
105. K.L. Hansen, C.H. Hansen, B. Zajamšek (2015): Outdoor to indoor reduction of wind farm noise for rural residences,
Building and Environment, 94(2), 764-772
106. G. Harding, P. Harding, A. Wilkins (2008): Wind turbines, flicker, and photosensitive epilepsy: Characterizing the
flashing that may precipitate seizures and optimizing guidelines to prevent them. Epilepsia, 49(6), 1095–1098
107. J. P. Harrison (2009): Inadequacy of wind turbine noise regulations and their application. Can. Acoust. 2009 37(3),
108. J.P. Harrison (2011): Wind Turbine Noise. Bulletin of Science Technology & Society, 31(4), 256-261
109. R.V. Harrison (2014): On the biological plausibility of wind turbine syndrome. International Journal of
Environmental Health Research, 8, 1-6
110. M. Havas, D. Colling (2011): Wind turbines make waves: why some residents near wind turbines become
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111. A.L.B. Heagle, G.F. Naterer, K. Pope (2011): Small wind turbine energy policies for residential and small business
usage in Ontario, Canada. Energy Policy 39(2011), 1988–1999
112. H.G. Hepburn (2006): Acoustic and geophysical measurement of infrasound from wind farm turbines. Canadian
Acoustics, 34(2), 51-67
113. D.M. Hessler, G.F. Hessler (2011): Recommended noise level design goals and limits at residential receptors for
wind turbine developments in the United States. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 59(1), 94-104
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114. S.D. Hill, J.D. Knott (2010): Too close for comfort: Social controversies surrounding wind farm noise setback policies
in Ontario. Renew. Energy Law Policy, 1(2), 153-168.
115. B. Horner, R. Jeffery, C. M.E. Krogh (2011): Literature reviews on wind turbines and health: are they
enough? Bulletin of Science Technology & Society, 31(5), 399-413
116. M.C. Homola, M.S. Virk, P.J. Nicklasson, P.A. Sundsbø (2011): Modelling of ice induced power losses and
comparison with observations. Winterwind 2011, Umea, Sweden
117. B. Horner, C. M.E. Krogh, R. Jeffrey (2013): Audit report: literature reviews on wind turbine noise and
health. 5th International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise, Denver, USA
118. B. Howe, N. McCabe, I. Bonsma (2011): Addressing low frequency sound and infrasound from wind
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119. K. I. Hume, M. Brink, M. Basner (2012): Effects of environmental noise on sleep. Noise & Health, (14)61,
120. R. Ingielewicz, A. Zagubień (2004): Uciążliwości hałasowe elektrowni wiatrowych. Zielona Planeta, 1(52),
121. J. Jallouli, G. Moreau (2009): An immersive path-based study of wind turbines’ landscape: A French case in
Plouguin. Renewable Energy 34 (2009) 597–607.
122. J. Jallouli, G. Moreau (): Virtual reality as a landscape decision-making tool: the wind turbines’ case. International
Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, 16(2), 73-88
123. J. Jakobsen (2005): Infrasound emission from wind turbine. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active
Control, 24(3), 145-155
124. J. Jakobsen (2012): Danish regulation of low frequency noise from wind turbines. Journal of Low Frequency Noise,
Vibration And Active Control, 31(4), 239-246
125. R.R. James (2012): Wind turbine infra and low-frequency sound: warning signs that were not heard. Bulletin of
Science, Technology & Society, 32(2), 108-127
126. S.A. Janssen, H. Vos, A.R. Eisses, E. Pedersen (2009): Exposure-response relationships for annoyance by wind
turbine noise: a comparison with other stationary sources. Euro-Noise 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland
127. S.A. Janssen, H. Vos, A.R. Eisses, E. Pedersen (2010): Predicting annoyance by wind turbine noise. Inter-
noise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
128. S.A. Janssen, H. Vos (2011): A comparison between exposure-response relationships for wind turbine
annoyance and annoyance due to other noise sources. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130 (6),
129. R. D. Jeffery, C. M.E. Krogh, B. Horner (2013): Adverse health effects of industrial wind turbine (Commentary).
Canadian Family Physician, 59(5), 473-475
130. R. D. Jeffery, C. M.E. Krogh, B. Horner (2013): Adverse health effects of industrial wind turbine (Letter to the Editor).
Canadian Family Physician, 59(5), 921-924
131. R. D. Jeffery, C. M.E. Krogh (2014): Industrial wind turbines and adverse health effects. Canadian Journal
of Rural Medicine, 19(1), 21-26
132. A. Jobert, P. Laborgne, S. Mimler (2007): Local acceptance of wind energy: factors of success identified in
French and German case studies. Energy Policy, 35, 2751–2760
133. O. Jianu, M.A. Rosen, G. Naterer (2012): Noise pollution prevention in wind turbines: status and recent
advances. Sustainability, 4, 1104-1117
134. C.R. Jones, J.R. Eiser (2010): Understanding ‘local’ opposition to wind development in the UK: How big is a
backyard? Energy Policy 38(2010) 3106–3117
135. S.S. Jung, W-S. Cheung (2008): Experimental identification of acoustic emission characteristics of large wind
turbines with emphasis on infrasound and low-frequency noise. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 53(4), 1897-
136. A. Kaczmarska, A. Łuczak (2007): A study of annoyance caused by low-frequency noise during mental work.
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