Ligestillingsudvalget 2015-16
LIU Alm.del Bilag 88
Pia Kjaersgaard
Speaker of the Parliament
Parliament of Denmark
Folketinget, Christiansborg
1240 Copenhagen
8th July 2016
Dear Pia Kjaersgaard,
The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP)
has the pleasure of inviting you to appoint a
WIP Ambassador
your Parliament.
The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP)
is the global network of female Parliamentarians at
national level, including the European Parliament, of whom there are currently around 9000. WIP is an independent,
international and post-partisan foundation established with the purpose of advancing society by building a network
between women in Parliaments.
WIP Ambassadors
are coordinated by the
WIP Executive Board,
and serve as the
main point of contact
cooperation and WIP initiatives and events, in their respective Parliament. They are provided the opportunity to
represent their country by attending
global conferences, to network with other female Parliamentarians, and to
work with WIP’s u erous part er a d spo sor orga isatio s.
The current list of WIP Ambassadors can be found
The full profile of a WIP Ambassador, and a rolling programme
of upcoming WIP activities can be found below.
For your information, The WIP Executive Board consists of
Ms Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, Member of Parliament
for Iceland, Chair of the WIP Executive Board, Ms Linda Lanzillotta, Vice-President of the Italian Senate, Ms Loren
Legarda, Member of the Senate of the Philippines, Ms Lucero Saldaña,
Member of the Mexican Senate and
Silvana Koch-Mehrin,
Founder of WIP and former Vice-President of the European Parliament. The members of the
WIP Executive Board have been appointed to the board for a term of
two years.
If you have any further enquiries
please do not hesitate to contact Patrick Moloney, WIP, via
[email protected]
or Ms Arna Bang,
Iceland, via
[email protected].
Once more, It would be an honour and a pleasure to have a WIP Ambassador for
your country.
LIU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 88: Invitation af 8/7-2016 fra Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WPL) om at udpege en WPL ambassadør fra Folketinget
Yours sincerely,
Silvana Koch-Mehrin
Founder, Women in Parliaments Global
Former Vice President European Parliament
Linda Lanzillotta
Member of the WIP Executive Board
Vice-President of the Italian
Hanna Birna
Chair of the
WIP Executive
Member of
Lucero Saldaña
Member of the WIP Executive Board
Member of the Senate of Mexico
Loren Legarda
Member of the WIP Executive Board
Member of the Senate of the Philippines
LIU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 88: Invitation af 8/7-2016 fra Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WPL) om at udpege en WPL ambassadør fra Folketinget
Profile: WIP Ambassadors
The Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WIP) is the global network of female Parliamentarians.
WIP is an
independent, international and post-partisan foundation established with the purpose of advancing society by
building a network between women in Parliaments.
Building this network requires communication and a constant exchange of ideas.
This is why WIP seeks to
establish strong and direct lines of communication with all female Parliamentarians, regardless of their political,
geographical or cultural background.
WIP therefore aims to rely on
WIP Ambassadors
in every Parliament. In this distinguished role the appointed
Parliamentarian, appointed by the Speaker of the Parliament, would act as the WIP representative in their
respective Parliament and be afforded many exclusive and high-level opportunities. WIP aims to appoint one
female Parliamentarian in each Parliament across the globe who will play an important role in advancing equality,
therefore this is a highly-privileged position.
WIP Ambassadors:
Are afforded a unique opportunity
to further raise the profile of their Parliament through WIP’s
international platform
Are the first point of reference
for WIP to contact for co-operation, initiatives and events which may
i volve the WIP A assador’s Parlia e t or ou try.
Receive special and first-hand information
on future activities, including the possibility to provide input
on WIP initiatives.
Act as a non-partisan representative
of WIP in their respective national Parliaments, caucuses or regions,
by encouraging active female Parliamentarians from all parties to engage in WIP activities and projects,
thereby fostering cross-party support for the mission and objectives of WIP.
Contribute to the collection of data and dissemination of information
in their national Parliaments.
Have the opportunity to broaden their political network
and form close ties with female Parliamentarians
from across the world.
Attend high-level external conferences and summits
as representatives of WIP, thereby increasing their
atio ’s voi e o the i ter atio al stage.
Engage with the network of WIP
by contributing to its different media outlets, events and campaigns.
PROGRAMME 2016 / 2017
17th-20th January:
WIP at the African Union Gender Pre-Summit; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
21st January:
WIP at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting; Davos, Switzerland
3rd- 5th February:
WIP Session in the Context of the OECD Parliamentary Meeting; Paris, France
1st - 3rd March:
World Bank Group Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum; Washington DC, United States
8th March:
International Women Day, WIP Leadership Campaign
13th - 26th March:
WIP Exhibition at the UN, New York, United States
10th - 12th April:
WIP at the Global Parliamentary Conference, Washington, D.C., United States
12th - 13th April:
WIP at the OECD Global Parliamentary Network Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
26th - 28th April:
WIP at the Annual Regional Conference of Women Parliamentarians, Tirana, Albania
4th - 5th May:
WIP Global Summit; Amman, Jordan
LIU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 88: Invitation af 8/7-2016 fra Women in Parliaments Global Forum (WPL) om at udpege en WPL ambassadør fra Folketinget
Screening of the documentary
He Na e Me Malala at the Europea Parlia e t, Brussels, Belgiu
12th - 13th July:
African WIP Ambassadors conference co-hosted with African female Foreign Ministers at the
African Union Summit on Human Rights, Kigali, Rwanda
25th - 27th July:
WIP Delegation to the Third Preparatory Committee for the Habitat III Conference; Surabaya,
13th September:
WIP at The UN General Assembly, New York, United States
17 - 19 November:
WIP at the APEC Women Leaders convention; Lima, Peru
WIP and European Institute of Gender Equality: launch of Parliamentary Index, Vilnius
WIP in Israel
19th January 2017:
WIP Sessions in the Context of the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
February 2017:
Munich Security Conference, WIP Sessions
26th - 27th April 2017:
Conference: Women in Defence and Security, in cooperation with Maltese EU
Presidency, La Valetta, Malta
22nd - 26th May 2017:
WIP at the UNISDR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Cancun, Mexico
May 2017:
WIP Global Summit
Spring 2017:
WIP and BOGK: Event Surrounding the Reduction of Food Waste in the European Parliament,
Brussels, Belgium