Finansudvalget 2015-16
FIU Alm.del Bilag 43
Draft Programme (dated 17/12/2015):
Including ICM draft topics
European Semester Conference 2016
European Parliament,
Brussels, 16 February 2016
Monday, 15 February 2016
Arrival of delegations / M
eetings of the political groups (S&D (tbc))*
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Arrival of delegations
08.00 - 10.00
Registration of participants from national Parliaments
The registration desk is located at the "Espace Simone Weil" entrance on the ground
floor of the Altiero Spinelli Building (side Place du Luxembourg)
8.00 – 10.00
10.00 - 11.30
Meetings of the political groups (EPP (tbc) and ALDE (tbc))*
Plenary session (part 1):
The revamped European Semester and the role of the European
Parliament and national parliaments
Meeting room: Hemicycle (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
Chaired by Mr. Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament (tbc)
Key notes and exchange of views with
Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission (tbc) and
Mr. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council (tbc).
Plenary session (part 2):
Policy priorities of the 2016 European Semester Cycle
Meeting room: Hemicycle (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
by the Chairs of the ECON and EMPL Committees of the European Parliament
Exchange of views with the responsible Vice President and Commissioner(s) of the
European Commission (tbc)
Sandwich lunch
Espace Yehudi Menuhin (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 1st floor)
Possible meetings of the political groups*
* Indicative timing. Meetings of the political groups will be organised by the respective group.
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Interparliamentary committee meetings
(in parallel)
1) Interparliamentary committee meeting organised by the
Economic and Monetary Affairs
Follow-up on BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting)
Banking Union: Do differing national rules prevent effective supervision?
Meeting room: PHS 3C050 (Paul-Henri Spaak Building, 3rd floor)
2) Interparliamentary committee meeting organised by the
Committee on
Employment and Social Affairs
- What is a Social Triple A? - A European pillar of social rights, including wage
setting mechanisms,
- Investment policies for job creation: EU investment instruments and skills policies.
Meeting room: JAN 4Q1 (József Antall Building, 4
3) Interparliamentary committee meeting organised by the
Committee on Budgets
- EU and national expectations, and how to increase the democratic accountability
of the next MFF negotiations
Meeting room: JAN 6Q2 (József Antall Building, 6
Cocktail and Dinner
(by invitation only)
Members' restaurant (Altiero Spinelli Building, ground floor)
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Committee of Employment and Social Affairs
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM)
Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 15.00 - 18.00
Questions in view of receiving contributions from national parliaments on the themes of the
ICM organised by the EMPL Committee.
1) What is a Social Triple A? - A European pillar of social rights, including wage setting
1. Has your Chamber/Parliament assessed the Commission's package adopted on 21
October 2015 on “Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union”?
2. How does your country involve social partners in the elaboration of National Reform
Programmes? Do you intend to strengthen this involvement?
3. What is your country’s view on the proposed Council Recommendation on National
Competitiveness Boards, particularly their proposed role in the wage setting
4. What is your country's view on the announcement of the European Commission
regarding legislative proposals to ensure the principle of "equal payment for the same
work at the same workplace" as part of the Commission's Work Program 2016?
2) Investment policies for job creation: EU investment instruments and skills policies
1. Has your country presented any candidacy to the European Fund for Strategic
Investments (EFSI) on education or training programmes? If so, in what sense and
extension? What is your view how Europe can boost EU2020 social objectives,
particularly job creation through its Investment Plan and EFSI?
2. Does your country have any particular plan to address the general lack of
competencies acquired through educational national programmes, highlighted by
European enterprises? What is your view how enterprises should be engaged in
education and training programmes?
3. How efficient are your country’s skill policies for the young people and unemployed
with a view to their integration or reintegration into the labour market? Could you
provide information on the most successful programmes? Does your country apply
government's aid or particular tax incentives, to those enterprises, specially SMEs that
employ the most skilled youngsters? Of what kind?
4. Does your country intend to use the European Social Fund for the integration of
refugees into the labour market? If not, what is the reason for it?
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Commission de l'emploi et des affaires sociales
Réunion interparlementaire de commissions (ICM)
mardi, 16 février 2016 - 15.00 - 18.00
Questionnaire en vue des contributions écrites des parlements nationaux sur les sujets de
l'ICM organisée par la commission EMPL.
1) Qu'est-ce que le triple A social? - Un pilier européen des droits sociaux, y compris les
mécanismes nationaux de fixation des salaires
1. Est-ce que votre chambre / Parlement a évalué le paquet de la Commission intitulé
"Compléter l'Union économique et monétaire européenne" adopté le 21 octobre
2. Comment votre pays implique-t-il les partenaires sociaux dans l'élaboration des
Programmes Nationaux de Réforme? Avez-vous l'intention de renforcer cette
3. Quelle est la position de votre pays sur le projet de Recommandation du Conseil sur
les conseils nationaux de compétitivité, en particulier au sujet de leur futur rôle dans
les mécanismes de fixation des salaires?
4. Quelle est la position de votre pays sur l'annonce de la Commission européenne au
sujet des propositions législatives visant à garantir le principe de "salaire égal, travail
égal sur le même lieu de travail" dans le cadre du programme de travail de la
Commission 2016?
2) Politiques d'investissement pour la création d'emplois: Instruments d'investissement
de l'Union et politiques de compétences
1. Votre pays a-t-il présenté une candidature au Fonds européen pour les investissements
stratégiques (FEIS) pour les programmes d'éducation ou de formation? Si oui, dans
quel sens et extension ? Comment est-ce que l'Europe peut, selon vous, stimuler les
objectifs sociaux de la stratégie Europe 2020, en particulier la création d'emplois,
grâce à son plan d'investissement et le FEIS ?
2. Votre pays a-t-il un plan particulier pour remédier au manque général de compétences
acquises grâce à des programmes nationaux d'enseignement, manqué général soulevé
par les entreprises européennes? Quel est votre point de vue sur la façon dont les
entreprises devraient être impliquées dans des programmes d'éducation et de
3. Quelle est l'efficacité des politiques de compétences de votre pays pour les jeunes et
les chômeurs en vue de leur insertion ou réinsertion dans le marché du travail?
Pouvez-vous fournir des informations sur les programmes les plus efficaces? Est-ce
que votre pays offre des aides financières ou des avantages fiscaux aux entreprises, et
spécifiquement aux PME, qui embauchent les jeunes les plus qualifiés? Si oui, de
quelle nature?
4. Est-ce que votre pays a l'intention d'utiliser le Fonds social européen (FSE) pour
l'intégration des réfugiés dans le marché du travail ? Si non, quelle en est la raison?
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FIU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 43: Invitation til Den europæiske parlamentariske uge 2016 med interparlamentarisk møde om det europæiske semester, 16/2-16