Europaudvalget 2015-16
EUU Alm.del Bilag 651
Danish government response to the public consultation on the
development of a comprehensive, integrated, research, innova-
tion and competiveness strategy for the Energy Union
17 May 2016
J nr.
In response to the Commission’s
on the development of a com-
prehensive, integrated research, innovation, and competiveness strategy for
the Energy Union, this position paper outlines the overall priorities of the Dan-
ish Government.
The strategy implements the fifth dimension of the Energy Union which plays
a key role in strengthening the four other dimensions
decarbonisation, ener-
gy efficiency, energy security, and a fully integrated internal energy market
and is therefore essential in order to achieve the overall objectives of the En-
ergy Union and in particular the EU’s 2030 targets.
The Danish Government fully supports strong, EU-wide collaboration when it
comes to research and innovation that can drive European competitiveness,
growth, and job-creation. In addition, intensified research and innovation has
the potential to contribute substantially to making the transformation of our
energy system as cost-effective as possible.
The Commission has indicated that more targeted consultations will take
place at a later stage of the process with the participation of stakeholders
from the energy and transport sectors, and that expert-groups will be estab-
lished to elicit expert input into the strategy-process. The Danish Government
looks forward to these targeted consultations, as it believes that a more tar-
geted approach is the most feasible way forward. Furt hermore, it is very posi-
tive that these consultations will take into account the Strategic Energy Tech-
nology Plan (SET-Plan) and the proposed Strategic Transport Research and
Innovation Agenda (STRIA) as these should be key elements when develop-
ing the overall strategy.
The Danish Government finds that the SET-Plan already contains many of the
required elements for a comprehensive, integrated research, innovation, and
competiveness strategy, for example in terms of:
10 actions for research and innovation, based on an assessment of the
energy system demands and on their importance for the energy system
transformation and the potential to create growth and jobs in the EU ;
An integrated approach to research and innovation, which addresses
the synergies across different sectors of the energy system, and pro-
vides linkages between research, innovation and competitiveness ;
Danish Ministry of Energy,
Utilities and Climate
Stormgade 2-6
DK-1470 Copenhagen K
P: +45 3392 2800
E: [email protected]
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EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 651: Regeringens notat samt høringssvar om udviklingen af en kommende strategi for forskning, innovation og konkurrenceevne under Energiunionen
A new governance structure with a focus on transparency and the pro-
duction of results.
In addition to these general introductory remarks, the Danish Government
finds it important that an overall strategy strikes the right balance between
transforming the energy system and at the same time maintaining a high level
of competitiveness in the EU. Moreover, the Danish Government would sug-
gest the following more specific principles that could serve as guidance in
developing the strategy. The strategy should thus seek to:
Promote commercially sustainable solutions, which are demanded in
the international energy markets when it comes to renewable techn ol-
Focus on solutions promoting energy efficiency which are character-
ized as commercially viable because they have relatively short pay-
back-periods and which in addition support a green transition.
Promote smart-energy and smart-grid solutions that take advantage of
synergies between different parts of the energy sector. This is for ex-
ample the case when it comes to the electricity and heating systems,
as well as the electricity and natural gas systems.
Promote solutions within the transport sector which fit well into the
overall energy system. This is the case for technologies such as elec-
tric vehicles and hybrid vehicles that suit a system which is increas-
ingly based on electrification and where energy efficiency is high,
emissions are low, and energy storage can be integrated into the
Promote advanced biofuels in situations where electric- and hybrid-
options are infeasible. However, a cautious approach to biofuels
should be applied giving priority to the special needs for those parts
of the transport sector (e.g. long-haul, shipping, air transport, etc.),
where electrification is more unlikely to happen and where alterna-
tives are few. Consequently, advanced biofuels should be prioritized
in the short-medium term, while for the long-term considerations
should take into account that biomass-resources for biofuels produc-
tion might become scarce.
Focus on solutions that enhance cost-effectiveness in energy for the
benefit of households and industry thereby promoting prosperity and
Promote solutions which generally underpin energy security and
which thus reduce the risk of dependence on a limited number of sup-
pliers and sudden price increases.
Link research, innovation and competitiveness efforts with the dedi-
cated work taking place in the context of Mission Innovation, where
appropriate and beneficial.
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EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 651: Regeringens notat samt høringssvar om udviklingen af en kommende strategi for forskning, innovation og konkurrenceevne under Energiunionen
The Danish Government looks forward to continued work on developing a strategy
on research, innovation and competiveness for the Energy Union and in particular
the targeted consultations delivering specific inputs into the process.
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