18. March 2016
Danish response to the second consultative document from the
Basel Committee on revisions to the standardised approach for
credit risk
General remarks
As mentioned in our general comments, we find that differences between
jurisdictions must be taken into account.
In this context, we generally welcome the move away from harmonised
multi-dimensional risk drivers towards the reintroduction of ratings, alt-
hough we recognize that this approach is not flawless either. The multi-
dimensional risk drivers did not capture the differences between countries
with respect to legal systems, insolvency procedures, loss experience etc.
which all affect risk. Furthermore, the risk drivers implied more complex-
ity as well as lower risk sensitivity and comparability. Allowing the use of
ratings could strengthen the risk sensitivity and comparability across ju-
risdictions as ratings take country specific characteristics into considera-
tion to better reflect the true underlying risks.
National discretions in certain selected areas where jurisdictions histori-
cally differ significantly will also strengthen the risk sensitivity and com-
parability. Therefore, we suggest that such national discretions should be
allowed to a higher extent. Such national discretions could then be ac-
companied with clear criteria for their specific application.
As mentioned in our general comments, the current Basel standard ap-
proach and the consultative document does not grant covered bonds a
specific treatment. Grouping covered bonds together with other exposures
runs the risk of overstating the risk embedded in covered bonds. In Eu-
rope covered bonds have a specific treatment and it is in our view very
important that we can keep this treatment in order to reflect the low risk
in covered bonds. We therefore find that the Basel Committee should take
this issue into consideration.
Furthermore, it is essential to avoid too much complexity and reduce the
administrative burden for institutions using the standardised approach.
This is important in order to preserve a competitive environment among