[Det talte ord gælder]
Udkast til indlæg ved møde i LIBE-komiteen den 25. januar 2016.
Mrs. Chair, thank you for the invitation to address the Committee. I
very much look forward to presenting the Danish Government’s ini-
tiatives on migration and refugees together with my colleague the
Minister for Immigration, Integration and Housing.
In recent years, the European Parliament has become an important
forum for European public debate and dialogue. We are therefore
pleased to be here today. This provides us with an opportunity to ex-
plain the policy of the Danish Government on asylum and to hear the
point of view of the honorable members of this Parliament. We will
of course be more than happy to answer your questions in this regard.
To the Danish government, it is important to avoid any misunder-
standing of our initiatives. Consequently we would like to continue
the presentation in Danish in order to present a detailed and precise
account of our new proposals.
[Migrationsudfordringen for Europa]
Lad mig indledningsvis dog sige et par ord om de store udfordringer
på asyl- og migrationsområdet, som Europa står overfor.
I de senere år har verden oplevet et historisk antal krige, konflikter
og kriser. Det gælder ikke mindst vores naboregioner, hvor vi har
været vidne til voldsomme konflikter i Syrien, Irak og Ukraine.