Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2015-16
ERU Alm.del Bilag 7
Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness
European Commission
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
European Commission
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
25 September 2015
Dear Vice-President, Dear Commissioner,
The single market is the EU’s greatest economic achievement. It added over 2% to EU GDP, provided a
platform for business growth, created new opportunities for citizens and provided consumers with greater
choice. The single market encourages innovation, competition and resource efficiency and it remains
one of the most powerful tools that we have to increase productivity and competitiveness and secure the
EU’s continuing prosperity. But times have changed. Markets are increasingly integrated, manufacturers
are reliant on world-class services providers and digital technology is reshaping every aspect of the
economy. We can no longer continue with business as usual. If we do, we risk consigning the EU to
years of economic underachievement. If we are to avoid this and provide European business and
industry with the platform it needs to compete globally, we need a step-change in our approach. We
need reforms that will modernise and deepen the single market, support the growth and competitiveness
right across the EU, and promote the interests of consumers. We need to tackle head-on the root causes
of uncompetitive markets so as to create the best possible conditions for the success of our
manufacturers and service providers. We need to take on vested interests wherever necessary and we
need to future proof our regulatory framework. This requires real political leadership from the
Commission, Member States and the European Parliament.
President Juncker has already made clear his commitment to completing the single market in goods and
services and making it a launch pad for European business to thrive in a global economy. What is now
needed is a single market package that will deliver on this. We believe that this could be achieved if the
following actions are prioritised:
– Uncompetitive services markets are one of the most significant drivers of the EU’s
productivity gap with the United States and are acting as a drag on the success of European
manufacturers, particularly those competing at the global level. This must be addressed by:
a) Comprehensively reviewing the application of the Services Directive (as required by
Article 41) and related jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU, and responding to
the findings of this review with an ambitious action plan to unlock the full economic
potential of the Directive;
b) Taking a targeted approach to reform based on economic evidence and focusing on
sectors where there is a high potential for economic gain;
ERU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 7: Fællesbrev med indspil til Kommissionen i forhold til kommende strategi for varer og tjenesteydelser på det indre marked, fra erhvervs- og vækstministeren
c) Advancing mutual recognition in those sectors including through, for example, the
development of a services passport;
d) Removing unjustified rules on company ownership for professionals which do not comply
with the provisions of the Services Directive, including those related to legal form or
shareholding requirements;
e) Improving access to professional indemnity insurance through, for example, greater
mutual recognition of the equivalent provisions among Member States;
f) Rolling out common training frameworks and the European Professional Card in
construction and across professional business services, prioritising as necessary and
ensuring that the conditions of Directive 2005/36/EC are fulfilled. This will assist in the
recognition of professional qualifications and reduce the administrative burdens faced by
businesses and professionals;
g) Reducing or removing unjustified regulation of professions where possible; and
h) Revising the process for notifying national measures under the Services Directive,
ensuring that the process applies to draft laws and is effective and transparent, with
Member State notifications being made publicly available (online for example) so that
business have the opportunity to react to them.
– Industrial competitiveness is crucial for the EU economy. If industry is to thrive, we
must improve the market framework within which it operates. That means deepening the single
market and ensuring that reforms reflect the increasing convergence between manufacturing,
services and digital technology. This should be addressed by:
a) Ensuring that the impact on industrial competitiveness of new EU policies is properly
b) Identifying barriers within the single market that undermine the competitiveness of
industry and taking targeted action to address these as quickly as possible;
c) Noting the fact that, with increased convergence between goods and services, action
must be taken to ensure that the goods framework is effective;
d) Assessing whether the Single Market is working to facilitate the integration of EU
businesses into industrial value chains;
e) Improving the regulatory framework for industry, including by ensuring the
implementation of the recent package of better regulation measures announcement by
First Vice-President Timmermans.
– Many of the rules needed to make the single market operate effectively have
already been agreed. However, they are not properly applied or implemented. This must be
addressed by:
a) Continuing to take a firm approach to enforcement, including of the Services Directive, as
you have already advocated. If the Commission does not enforce, Member States will
never feel the pressure needed to drive modernisation;
b) Taking targeted action, based on clear and transparent criteria, including economic
significance, and drawing on ring-fenced resources in the Commission, to address these;
c) Ensuring rapid progress on the implementation of country-specific recommendations,
particularly in relation to services, for example through better monitoring and peer review.
The Commission’s own analysis shows that only 2% of country-specific recommendations
have been fully implemented. As a result, essential reforms that would improve the EU’s
services markets are not being delivered. Member States must take responsibility for this,
but the Commission should also apply more pressure to ensure delivery;
d) Introducing guidance on proportionality so that Member States can assess what national
measures are disproportionate barriers to trade;
e) Improving the uniform application and interpretation of EU legislation by competent
authorities, for instance by streamlining enforcement procedures, introducing common
standards or European codes of practices;
f) Improving the uniform application of the Internal Market Information System (IMI) as the
electronic tool provided by the Commission to facilitate administrative cooperation
between competent authorities of the Member States and the Commission; and
g) Improving the SOLVIT network, accelerating the resolution of unresolved cases and
assessing whether linking it to the broader framework of EU complaint procedures
ERU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 7: Fællesbrev med indspil til Kommissionen i forhold til kommende strategi for varer og tjenesteydelser på det indre marked, fra erhvervs- og vækstministeren
including the EU-pilot and the Commission’s formal complaints procedure, would provide
better support for those operating within the single market.
– Digital technology is transforming the economic landscape for consumers and
businesses. Disruptive and innovative new business models, for example in the sharing
economy, are revitalising parts of the economy, creating new jobs and providing new products.
However, the potential of these developments is put at risk by regulatory systems that are
outdated, bureaucratic and unresponsive to the needs of the businesses and citizens that want to
take advantage of the digital economy. The Digital Single Market Strategy is an important step in
the right direction, and the Single Market Strategy should take these objectives further by:
a) Bringing an end to unjustified price-differentiation or unjustifiably limiting access to goods
or services based on geographic location (geo-blocking);
b) Stopping Member States from banning or imposing inappropriate rules on new business
models, such as online platforms, where this fragments the market or imposes
unnecessary or disproportionate requirements;
c) Making life easier for online businesses by removing national restrictions on sales
promotions and domain names;
d) Ensuring that businesses only have to go through one digital process to set up and
operate anywhere in the EU;
e) Supporting the digitalisation of industry through an agenda for smart industry, including by
facilitating EU and global standards-setting and interoperability;
f) Building on the interconnection of business registers and bringing about an EU wide
‘once-only’ principle.
The Business Environment
– Every business needs the opportunity to succeed, from large
corporations that compete on a global scale to individuals who – thanks to new technology – can
now become entrepreneurs on their own terms. The single market needs to work for all these
businesses. This can be addressed by:
a) Setting up a network of Digital Single Gateways (fully functioning e-government portals) to
help businesses to start-up, scale-up and trade across borders by providing all the
information needed to operate in a Member State;
b) Increasing access to finance by improving venture capital frameworks for SMEs following
the publication of the Green Paper
Building a Capital Markets Union;
c) Ensuring that public procurement takes place online, is more accessible to small
businesses and businesses from other Member States and complies with European
standards in public procurement;
d) Ensuring that there is clear legal status for intermediaries such as fulfilment centres,
which have become central players in e-commerce, to ensure that market surveillance
authorities have European economic operators to hold responsible for unsafe and
dangerous products distributed through such intermediaries;
e) Fully applying the “Think Small First” principle and recommitting to the provisions in the
Small Business Act for Europe.
Your single market package must move the agenda forward and towards a European solution that will
boost growth, competitiveness, productivity and job creation. Only a truly ambitious set of proposals will
do this and we are confident that you will bring forward such a package. When you do, you will have our
ERU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 7: Fællesbrev med indspil til Kommissionen i forhold til kommende strategi for varer og tjenesteydelser på det indre marked, fra erhvervs- og vækstministeren
We are copying this letter to Vicky Ford, Chair of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Committee in the European Parliament.
Mr. Ivan Vrdoljak
Minister of the Economy
Republic of Croatia
Mr. Giorgos Lakkotrypis
Minister of Energy, Commerce, Industry and
Republic of Cyprus
Jan Mládek
Minister of Industry and Trade
Czech Republic
Mr. Troels Lund Poulsen,
Minister for Business and Growth
Kristen Michal
Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure
Jari Lindström
Minister of Justice and Employment
Richard Bruton
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
Sandro Gozi
State Secretary in charge of European Affairs
Dana Reizniece-Ozola
Minister of Economics
Republic of Latvia
Rasa Noreikiene
Vice-Minister of Economy
Hon. Christian Cardona
Minister for Economy, Investment and Small
Henk Kamp
Minister of Economic Affairs
The Netherlands
Jerzy W. Pietrewicz,
State Secretary, Ministry of Economy
Bruno Maçães,
Secretary of State of European Affairs
Zdravko Počivalšek,
Minister of Economic Development and
Republic of Slovenia
Mr. Vazil Hudák
Minister of Economy
Slovak Republic
Baroness Neville-Rolfe
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and
Minister for Intellectual Property
United Kingdom