Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2015-16
ERU Alm.del Bilag 241
Response from the Danish Government to the public consultation on
non-binding guidelines for reporting of non-financial information by
Denmark appreciates the opportunity to provide input to guidelines for
reporting of non-financial information by companies. Denmark has invit-
ed Danish stakeholders to provide input to the consultation process and
the response from the Danish Government includes the received com-
Denmark recognises the directive 2014/95/EU amending directive
2013/34/EU as regards disclosure of non-financial information as an im-
portant tool for companies, investors, shareholders and other stakeholders
to gain a fair and just understanding of the state of the company. Den-
mark has been among the first European countries to implement the di-
rective into national law.
Denmark supports guidelines for reporting of non-financial information
which can contribute to increased transparency on the impact of compa-
nies on the surrounding environment.
1. From a Danish point of view it is important that the guidelines as-
sist companies in operationalising key concepts in the directive
such as “business model” and “due diligence”. Therefore the
guidelines should include examples and best practise on non-
financial reporting which inspire and improve CSR-reporting.
Furthermore, the guidelines could include a list of possible KPI’s
and stakeholders.
2. The guidelines, however, should avoid increasing administrative
burdens for companies. This can be achieved by underlining the
considerable flexibility in the directive which allows companies to
report in a way which is relevant and meaningful to them.
3. There is a need for more alignment in the field of CSR. Therefore,
the guidelines should not be a new and additional framework, but
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ERU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 241: Notat om dansk høringssvar vedrørende Europa-Kommissionens vejledning for CSR-rapportering
build on the existing frameworks of especially UNGP, UNGC, the
OCED Guidelines for multinational enterprises and ISO26000.
Denmark looks forward to participate in further discussions on the up-
coming guidelines. Please find enclosed Danish Guidelines on CSR-
reporting published March 2016.