Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2015-16
BUU Alm.del Bilag 106
Maik Beermann
Savings bank specialist
Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU)
Born on 19 October 1981 in Nienburg an der Weser; Protestant; married.
Obtained intermediate school-leaving certificate.
Trained as a bank clerk at Nienburg savings bank from 1998 to 2001; undertook further
training as a savings bank specialist in 2005; studied to become a certified savings bank
business administrator at the Lower Saxony savings bank academy in Hannover in 2006.
Member of a marksmen club; Wendenborstel sports club and fire brigade; the Steimbke local
branch of social organisation Sozialverband Deutschland; the German Life Saving
Association (DLRG); the association of friends of Steimbke outdoor swimming pool;
Steimbke marching band.
Member of Steimbke municipal council since 2001; member of the council of Steimbke
association of communes since 2006; chairman of the CDU parliamentary group in both
bodies; deputy mayor; chairman of the school board; member of the administrative
committee; member of the finance committee.
Member of the German Bundestag since 2013.
Membership of Bundestag bodies and parliamentary posts
Committee on the Digital Agenda
Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Substitute member
Committee on Food and Agriculture
Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development