Curriculum Vitae
Marcus Weinberg
Member of the German Bundestag
Born 4 June 1967 in Hamburg
In a relationship, one son (Emil Oscar)
Professional career
1987 Passed Abitur (school-leaving certificate giving right of entry to
1987-1991 Served in the Bundeswehr
Went on to study history, social studies and educational science
1997 first state examination for teachers
2001 second state examination for teachers
Teacher in Hamburg until October 2005
Political career
Since 1989
Member of the CDU
Member of Altona district assembly
2001 to 2005
Member of Hamburg Parliament for the CDU parliamentary group
Deputy chairman of the parliamentary group
Spokesman on youth policy and expert on youth/children/family
Committee memberships:
Committee on Families, Children and Youth
Schools Committee
Special Committee on Neglected Children
Since 2005
Member of the German Bundestag