Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2015-16
BEU Alm.del Bilag 251
Number and
Requirement and Finding
4.4, 5.3, 5.4.1
The basic IT policy and the structure of
the IT system are not documented
Response from AB
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The IT policy and the IT system have only been
described at user level.
Remedial and corrective actions:
A Section 4.12 will be added to the QM:
4.12 IT system:
DANAK uses an IT system for communication, for
creating and filing documents, for managing and
registering cases, documents, non-conformities,
use of time, and financial affairs.
The external part of the IT system is used for
information and communication with customers and
others and consists of e-mail communication, a
website, a searchable database of accredited
companies, list of methods and calibration
measurement scheme as well as a password
protected customer portal and a database for
handling of non-compliances.
The internal part consists of file servers for case
related documents, a database containing
information on the accreditation cases, an interface
for managing the accreditation cases, a
generator for merging standard letters and
a timesheet system and a financial
management system.
Team Comments/Conclusions
Closed: Yes/no
NC = Non-conformity; CN = Concern; Cm = Comment
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
The IT system, its use and security is described in
IP (F) 42.
Objective evidence of implementation:
Revised QM and new IP (F) 42.
Team Comments/Conclusions
DANAK had a sectorial committee for
medical laboratories that was closed in
2013. In a letter sent to the committee
members, DANAK declared that it would
use the existing professional associations
when to further developing accreditation
of medical laboratories.
However, DANAK has not followed up this
and established a policy on how to
adopt/develop new technical fields.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
When the sectoral committee was closed 8
November 2013 the members of that committee
was informed in a letter where it was indicated
(with the support from the committee chairman)
that DANAK would increase cooperation with
medical societies, individual applicants and
interested parties (eg. the five national regions) in
the medical field in order to ensure proper
accreditation procedures. This policy has been
followed, but has not been described in DANAK’s
quality system.
Remedial and corrective actions:
IP 5 pkt. 1.6, 2.4 og 3.4 and QM 6.13.7 is updated
and this information is provided on the DANAK
Objective evidence of implementation:
The ToR for sectoral co-operation in the medical
field according to the above mentioned procedures
is established.
Closed: Yes/no
DANAK uses a powerful electronic
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The principles in the IT system are not documented
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Team Comments/Conclusions
database. However, the principles and the in the QM and there are no references to user
instructions for use are not documented
manuals for the databases.
or referred to in the QM procedures
Remedial and corrective actions:
A new IP (F) 42 The IT system, with a description
of the principles and safety of the IT system,
including references to user manuals will be
Closed: Yes/no
Objective evidence of implementation:
IP (F) 42
5.5, 7.8
The surveillance assessment report for an
office visit carried out on the 02/06/2015
does not exist.
NOTE: DANAK has opened the
noncompliance number 63 dated on
04/05/2016, this noncompliance identified
that other assessment reports were also
missing. Corrective actions are going to
be implemented
During the internal audit the auditor
discovered that a number of cases from
2012-2015 are not closed due to missing
assessment reports. DANAK performed a
root cause analysis and defined a
corrective action, which is not complete
and not yet implemented
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The missing reports are concentrated to a few lead
assessors who have unfortunately been
overloaded with too many tasks in a period.
Remedial and corrective actions:
A new section manager has been employed from 1
March 2016 who will secure a satisfactory
distribution of tasks between the employees of the
section and regularly follow-up on the performance. Closed: Yes/no
A list of missing assessment reports has been
elaborated, and decisions made whether the
reports should be elaborated or “closed” with
reference to an internal non-conformity. The last
one was the solution if:
a) An assessment has been done afterwards
b) There are no special decisions which
require an action
c) The accreditation has been cancelled
Assessments reports in other cases shall be
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
elaborated before 15. August 2016
Monthly the section manager will follow-up on data
from our database system SAGSYS with each lead
assessor regarding status of assessments reports
to secure they are delivered within a month. Lead
assessors whose record indicates one or more
missing reports follow-up will be performed with
shorter intervals.
Objective evidence of implementation:
List of all missing reports and the handling of them.
Team Comments/Conclusions
DANAK has not defined a policy on
preventive actions in an adequate way.
However, the principles are implemented
on several levels and in different
Analysis of root cause and extent:
Preventive action are described in the quality
manual and in a procedure to be considered in
connection with internal audits and management
Remedial and corrective actions:
A policy on preventive actions has now been added
to section 2.3. of DANAK’s Quality Manual which
contains the overall
Closed: Yes/no
Section 4.7.5 is added to QM:
In connection with handling complaints, IP 13 (F),
new products IP 22(F), acceptance of application
for accreditations IP 7 (P) and IP 25 (C), and
decision on accreditation IP 32 (F) potential non-
conformities and the necessary
actions…determining and implementing
identified as part of the regular case work.
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Objective evidence of implementation:
Revised QM
Team Comments/Conclusions
5.9 of 17011 + Art 61 of the A&V
The EU ETS complaints from the
competent authority are not managed
according to art 61 of the A&V Regulation:
1. There is no evidence of the response to
the complainant for the complaint number
114, received on the 25th of November
2014 coming from the Danish EU ETS
Competent Authority.
2. There is no evidence of the actions
taken by DANAK about the complaint
number 114 (affecting a second CAB).
NOTE: DANAK informed the Danish
Competent Authority in November 2014
about the acceptance of this complaint
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The information from the CA was received and
then distributed internally as well as discussed by
telephone with the CA. Information was requested
and received from the concerned CAB.
The issue concerning another CAB relates to
verification activities which were performed by the
CAB in 2012. At that time the verifier was not
accredited by DANAK. This was also informed to
and discussed with the CA by telephone.
However the responsibility for follow up on the
complaint was not clearly defined.
Remedial and corrective actions:
Answer to the CA on the complaint to be sent and
filed in DANAK file registration SAGSYS.
DANAK procedure IP(C) 23, clause 3.7.4, will be
amended to define clearly that the appointed LA
responsible for receiving information from the CA is
responsible for follow up and responding to the CA:
“The appointed LA is responsible for follow up on
information and complaints received from the
competent authority and to respond to the
competent authority within the defined deadline.”
Objective evidence of implementation:
Closed: Yes/no
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Answer to the CA on complaint no. 30-08-01-0114,
file no. 4 attached.
Revised DANAK procedure IP(c) 23
Team Comments/Conclusions
DANAK has accredited 2 CABs for FSMS
using ISO/TS 22003: 2007. According to
the IAF Resolution, three years transition
period for the new version of ISO/TS
22003 will end in December 2016.
However, one CAB has already applied
for the assessment according to the new
version; DANAK at the moment does not
have a trained LA in ISO/TS 22003: 2013
due to the unexpected departure of a
competent LA.
The LA assigned for the witnessed
assessment for FSMS has not
appropriate qualification for FSMS (no
experience in food sector, no knowledge
of HACCP, no training for ISO/TS 22003
….). The LA has not been approved either
by the head of section nor by the
accreditation committee in line with IP(C)
In one case in 2014, the Accreditation
Committee decided on extension of
FSMS being composed by the Quality
Manager and one LA (without appropriate
qualification in FSMS).
Analysis of root cause and extent:
According to DANAK procedure IP(C) 25, the
assessment team consist of a lead assessor (LA)
and one or more technical expert(s) (TE).
DANAK had in the past two LA on ISO 22003. One
retired and the other has changed to work in other
fields of accreditation. The recent assessments on
ISO 22003 were therefore mainly based on the LA
who resigned unexpectedly shortly before the EA
evaluation. The committee deciding on
Closed: Yes/no
accreditation has consisted of persons with in
depth knowledge of accreditation on management
systems (ISO 17021), but without specific
competence on ISO 22003 and HACCP.
The LA in the team performing the assessment
during the EA evaluation was chosen to replace the
resigned LA based on his competence on ISO
17021, knowledge on the client’s quality system
and his participation in the previous assessment of
the client in 2015. However there was no formal
documented evaluation and approval of the LA for
ISO 22003 assessment. The LA was assisted by a
TE competent for the scope of accreditation on
Remedial and corrective actions:
A training seminar has been planned to be carried
out the 25 August especially on ISO 22003 and
HACCP but also including information on schemes
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
for food and feed such as IFS and GMP+. Six
employees of DANAK and technical experts will
Following the seminar DANAK will evaluate trained
LA’s on ISO 22003 including witnessing on-site
according to the internal procedure IP 24. Based
on the result of the evaluation DANAK will decide
on approval of LA’s for assessment against the
standard or further training and evaluation.
As we only have 2 accreditations on ISO 22003 it is
presently planed that 2 LA’s after training and on-
site witnessing will be approved as LA for
assessment against ISO 22003. The on-site
witnessing before approval of the 2 LA’s will be
performed at the first possible ordinary
DANAK will also decide on approval of LA’s for
being qualified to decide on accreditation to ISO
22003 based on participation in above mentioned
training seminar. According to DANAK procedure
IP(F) 32 the decision committee consist of 2
persons, where one needs to be qualified for the
specific field.
Decisions taken by the committee in the present
accreditation cycle for the concerned 2
accreditations will be reviewed after the approval of
LA’s as mentioned above.
Objective evidence of implementation:
Attached is the training program.
Team Comments/Conclusions
DANAK has not specified competence
criteria for an assessment team in the
Analysis of root cause and extent:
DANAK’s requirements for qualification of lead
assessors and experts in the area of certification,
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
field of FSMS and has not yet
implemented IAF MD 16 (version 2014
and 2015)
Response from AB
inspection and verification are elaborated in
internal procedure IP(C) 24. The requirements of
IAF MD 16 were not included.
Team Comments/Conclusions
Remedial and corrective actions:
IP(C) 24 has been updated to cover the
requirements in IAF MD 16:2015. It is now explicitly
Closed: Yes/no
mentioned that competence shall be present for
document review, for assessment, and for the
accreditation decision on HACCP, food safety
management and legal framework.
Objective evidence of implementation:
Attached is an updated procedure IP(C) 24.
DANAK does not meet its own policy on
on-site monitoring (once in 3 years) of LA
in some cases.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
During the EA-audit the requirement was not
fulfilled for 1 LA, as the other LA discussed during
the evaluation (DANAK’s managing director) had
stopped acting as LA in 2014 and was before this
monitored in 2012.
Remedial and corrective actions:
The missing on-site monitoring is planned to
August 2016. It is stated clearly if the LA has
stopped as LA in the monitoring plan.
A new form (Monitoring plan) is elaborated to give
an overview of performed and planned on-site
IP 20 (F) is revised and reference to the form is
Closed: Yes/no
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
given. Cl. 3.1 is revised to:
Team Comments/Conclusions
SLs plans the evaluation of LAs through
periodic monitoring of the assessment activities.
Once a year SL defines which activities shall be
monitored based on the experience with LA and
which on-site monitoring of the LA that has been
done before. The result is recorded in the spreadsheet
Monitoring plan “
Objective evidence of implementation:
Filled in Monitoring Plan
Revised IP 20 (F)
The policy for sampling for product
certification (AMC 15) does not ensure
that all necessary scopes and activities
are covered during the accreditation
The procedure describes the necessary
witnessing and files review activities for
specific schemes; however, this is not
translated into forward planning for each
accredited CB (audit Plan). (note that
there are some recent examples using the
portal system where such information is
included – this is a new process being
In the inspection area, it is not ensured
that the witness activities cover the whole
accreditation scope within the 4-year
accreditation cycle, since it was observed
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The lack of an AMI regarding witness activities for
inspection and an in-complete AMC regarding
witness activities for certification and verification
combined with a new system for using SAGSYS for
planning witness audits is the root.
Regarding the forensic activities witness
assessments are done in the autopsy room at the
hospitals normally when an on-site assessment is
done. Witness assessment has not yet been done
Closed: Yes/no
at the place of finding, as the police only allow a
few people to be there and inspection of places of
findings are done unannounced within a very short
time limit.
Remedial and corrective actions:
As a supplement to the plan for on-site assessment
(office) there shall be a plan for all witness
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
that in certain cases (forensic activities)
witness activities have not been
performed at all.
At least in one case DANAK has not
conducted witnessing of all required
categories (FSMS) and has no plan how
to fulfil the requirements on witnessing
during the accreditation cycle
Response from AB
assessments in SAGSYS for the accreditation
period. It shall be stated which parts of the scope/
accreditation shall be covered at each witness
AMC 15 will be revised and cover FSSC 22000 etc.
An AMI 1 for Inspection corresponding to AMC 15
for certification and verification shall be issued.
Clause 3.9 in IP 25 (C) is revised. A plan for the
witness assessments for the accreditation period
shall be delivered to the accreditation committee
and when accreditation is granted/renewed it shall
be put in to SAGSYS.
Clause 3.1.2 in IP 26 C is revised. A plan for the
witness assessments for the rest of the
accreditation period shall be elaborated and put in
Team Comments/Conclusions
Objective evidence of implementation:
Revised AMC 15, IP 25 ( C ) , IP 26(c ) and a new
AMI 1.
DANAK does not establish a specific plan
for sampling tests. It uses a competence
matrix in which it registers the main
technical fields and the activities that are
assessed (IP(P)7 point 3.1.3 f). In some
Analysis of root cause and extent:
Although the procedure is in place for establishing
competence matrices and in a number of cases
request for revision of competence matrices have
been made at renewal of accreditation (decisions),
a number of competence matrices are not
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
cases not all accredited technical fields
have been checked during an
accreditation cycle
Procedure IP (P) 7 does not define a
policy for:
-Planning sites in case of multi-site
laboratories: CAB 1 all the sites where
verified during one accreditation cycle but
in CAB 2 not
In case of multisite testing laboratories,
DANAK does not document the scope of
accreditation for the different sites.
It produces only one list of tests without
specification where the single test is
Response from AB
appropriate in the field of testing. This is not the
case in the medical field or in calibration.
Team Comments/Conclusions
Closed: Yes/no
Remedial and corrective actions:
The following remedial actions are made:
1. All testing competence matrices are
reviewed systematically and changed
2. A process for ensuring that requests made
in the visit note (supporting the decision for
accreditation is made) are implemented is
installed in IP7 cl. 3.1.3 f) to ensure that an
alarm is established by the decision
makers in the electronic system.
3. For sampling among sites the policy is
clarified in IP 7 cl. 3.1.3 d) and f). Those
clauses for sampling are collected in a
separate clause and a form is created to
support a uniform approach in sampling
among sites.
4. Laboratories are requested to include
location in the list of methods. AB 3 is
revised accordingly and this will be
followed up at future surveillance and .
Objective evidence of implementation:
1. A table with indications of the changes
made to competence matrices of all testing
labs is included.
2. One example of change to competence
matrix is included
IP 7 is included, see cl. 3.1.3.
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
DANAK reaccredited a CAB although
there is little evidence that chapter 4 of
ISO/IEC 17043 has been assessed
At the previous surveillance visit there is
also little evidence that chapter 4 of
ISO/IEC 17043 has been assessed.
DANAK did not realise this gap in the
At the decision-making DANAK waived
the requirement.
Response from AB
Team Comments/Conclusions
Analysis of root cause and extent:
When DANAK established accreditation of PT
providers this activity was a part of ISO 17025
accreditation. When separate accreditation
according to ISO 17043 was developed in June
2010 DANAK issued a first edition of IP 8 which
allowed combined reporting with laboratory
accreditation to ISO 17025. During accreditation
committees in the years 2010 - 2014 it was
discovered that this approach did not satisfy
Closed: Yes/no
decision makers and IP 8 was consequently
changed in both 2011 and 2012 where the
requirements to separate filing on laboratory case
and PT case and to separate reporting was
required. Due to the low number of PT providers (in
total 4) experience is gathered at very low speed.
The 4
version of IP 8 from September 2014 is
however considered appropriate.
For one case in march 2015 the decision makers
discovered that reporting as required by IP 8 was
not very good and the technical assessor reported
all of chapter 4 in a vertical audit which however
covered all activities that year (The PTP only
organized one PT that year). For that reason the
decision makers decided to renew the accreditation
despite the poor reporting and required that
reporting at the next assessment shall cover all
requirements in chapter 4 and that this shall be
clear from the reporting.
All lead assessors dealing with PT were at the
same time made aware that reports need to be
better and all other newer reports show adequate
Remedial and corrective actions:
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
There is not considered any need for changes to IP
8 and therefore the following two actions are made:
- A dummy report is made displaying proper
reporting similar to what is found in all
other areas (ISO 17025 and ISO 15189) in
the laboratory section.
- The team for the CAB in question is
informed of the need for better reporting
and the outcome of the next surveillance
will be monitored by the manager of
Objective evidence of implementation:
The dummy report and the report from the
surveillance June 2016 are included.
Team Comments/Conclusions
7.8 of 17011 + art 47 of the Regulation
During the GHG witnessing the LA
assessed as satisfactory an onsite
monitoring plan for EU ETS auditors of a
6 years period claiming that there was no
requirement for this monitoring. The EA
06/03 includes that the maximum
frequency for on-site monitoring shall not
be more than 3 years.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The 6-year period monitoring plan was given as an
observation to the verifier in 2015. In praxis the
monitoring of LAs are done within 3 years.
During the on-site assessment LA did not
remember the requirement.
Remedial and corrective actions:
It has been required to the verifier to adjust the
monitoring plan to 3-years periods. The
implementation of this will be assessed on next
office visit.
The requirement will be stated in the checklist
Objective evidence of implementation:
Closed: Yes/no
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Copy of revised checklist
DANAK has required the VB to implement a 3 year
monitoring plan as stated in the report.
Copy of report to the VB, page 4, in which it is
stated (translated):
“Competences in “Skills” demonstrated. The date
of expiry was 6 years, but EA -6/ 03 6.2.1 indicates
max 3 years. Given that observation in 2015.
DANAK will at the next office visit follow up on
monitoring planned with 3-year interval.”
Team Comments/Conclusions
The accreditation certificate of inspection
bodies in the forensic area does not
include the specific requirements against
which the inspection body was assessed
Analysis of root cause and extent:
DANAK was not aware of the need for the details
during the original accreditation, probably because
it is a rather regulated area.
Remedial and corrective actions:
As mentioned during the interview of the LA at the
EA-evaluation, the 3 forensic pathology
departments accredited by DANAK, had already
been requested to define a list of specific
requirements for the scope of accreditation.
This is documented in the reports for the
assessments 2015-09-25, 2015-09-28 and 2016-
01-22: “The
scope of accreditation shall be
described more specific, to include the standards
and / or references which are the basis for the
methods and procedures for the performance of
the activities.
The time for implementing the specific
requirements has been agreed to be before the 16
Closed: Yes/no
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
September 2016 considering the need for
discussion and coordination.
Objective evidence of implementation:
Copy of the reports from the 3 forensic
Team Comments/Conclusions
In the AB 3 cl.3.9 DANAK requests from
the laboratory to elaborate a plan for
participating in PT that shall be worked
out in a way that makes it possible to
evaluate whether the extent adequately
covers the scope of the accreditation.
In some cases in testing, no evidence for
the assessment of the plan was found.
During the visits TA register in the check
list if laboratories have participated in PT.
In some cases there is no information in
the report on the existence of a PT policy
nor if PT is not available or just no
Analysis of root cause and extent:
All AB’s and IP 7 are considered to be sufficient.
Further dummy reports exist to support proper
reporting in all areas of testing and calibration.
The root cause is therefore considered to be lack of
awareness among assessors to assess the plan
and especially when PT is not available or
Remedial and corrective actions:
All LA and TA will be informed in writing about the
need for addressing PT plans specifically at every
assessment and also awareness of difference
between a PT policy and a plan for PT. Further PT
activities will be marked to be addressed at every
Objective evidence of implementation:
Communication to TA about how to address PT in
reports and during assessment.
Closed: Yes/no
The process of identifying and analysing
of potential conflicts of interests and the
involvement of the interested parties is
not transparently described
Analysis of root cause and extent:
Potential conflicts have been handled by the Board
of Directors, however not in a systematic and
transparent way.
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Corrective action plan:
The agenda for management review as listed in IP
2 (F) will be extended with an item regarding
identifying and analysing potential conflicts of
The outcome of management review is addressed
annually by the Board of Directors, where
stakeholders are represented.
Revised IP 2 (F) is attached.
Team Comments/Conclusions
Closed: Yes/no
In the quality manual a reference to the
procedure IP(P)8 for accreditation
according to ISO/IEC 17043 is missing in
section 6.5.2 (paragraph 6)
Document RL 16 in both versions (Danish
and English) refers to an obsolete
standard (EN 16001)
Analysis of root cause and extent:
IP 8 refers to IP 7 for decision making so it has
been understood that the same procedure applied
to labs shall be utilized for PTP’s. In all cases the
same process is applied.
Corrective action plan:
QM cl. 6.5.2 is updated to include IP 8 specifially in
dot, so that this clause takes the form: “
Closed: Yes/no
the appropriate assessment documentation for the
review by the accreditation committee as specified in
IP(P) 7,
IP(P) 8,
IP(C) 25 or IP(C) 26;
5.5 e
The DANAK electronic database is a
good tool to show open non-compliances
and their nature. However, the existing
process does not guarantee that open
findings are closed within reasonable time
Analysis of root cause and extent:
There has not been installed a mechanism in the
database to alert the Quality Manager and the
receiver of a NC when deadlines have been
Corrective action plan:
Closed: Yes/no
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
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Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Alarms have been created so that receivers of
NC’s and QM are made aware when a deadline is
passed. The alarms are communicated
electronically by email to receiver and QM every
Team Comments/Conclusions
IP(F) 13 is not clear on the fact who is
taking decisions on the final answer to the
complainant. The head of section and a
LA are involved. The records do not give
clear evidence who has taken a decision
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The procedure is not clear.
Corrective action plan:
IP(F) 13 is corrected to clarify that the head of
section (SL) takes the decision unless the
Closed: Yes/no
complaint concerns the SL. In that case the director
takes the decision.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The competences in the Qualification form GHG
(form 48a) was by mistake not updated after the
training and by that formally qualifying the
Corrective action plan:
Training and registration of specialist’s
competences will be updated according to IP(C)24,
formally qualifying the specialist.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
By mistake documentation of justification for
competence related to activity group 3 of the AVR
was not ensured to have a specific reference.
Closed: Yes/no
DANAK has not formally qualified
specialists in activity group 12 “aviation”
(Regulation A&V)
DANAK has delivered trainings in March
2014 and in 2012, for Lead Assessors
requirements for this activity group.
DANAK has one accredited body in this
field. A witnessing in this field was made
on the 2nd and 3rd of March in 2015
There are no evidences in the DANAK´s
management system to support the
justification about the competence
evaluation carried out in the case of the
specialist in the field of production of pig
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
iron or steel (activity group 3 of the
Regulation A&V):
In form 48a the competence evaluation
for the activity group 3 of the RA&V is
based on a previous job carried out for
DANAK in a company. No information to
support this justification has been found in
the DANAK record systems. The form 48a
for this person was signed on the
Response from AB
Corrective action plan:
Justification for the concerned person will be
acquired and documented in form 48a and the
evaluated and approved by the SL.
IP(C) 24 to be amended to ensure that justification
is recorded.
Team Comments/Conclusions
Closed: Yes/no
The Annex to IP(P)19 contains the
“competence profile” of a LA. However,
this are the criteria for hiring new staff.
(same for technical assessors in IP(P)
The competence criteria for assessors are
not properly defined.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The competence profiles in IP 18 and 19 were
understood to clarify profiles for applicants to be
employed as LA and TA which means that the
competence for LA and TA shall be supplemented
with the competences acquired through training.
Closed: Yes/no
Corrective action plan:
IP 18 and 19 are updated to clarify the competence
requirements for LA and TA and to align with ILAC
Analysis of root cause and extent:
For the scope area of product certification it is
required for each lead assessor to search
knowledge by studying the scheme documents and
product requirements. DANAK has also made a
competence matrix where it appears who are
competent for specific areas and who are the key
Closed: Yes/no
persons for these areas responsible to obtain any
information and share this.
Corrective action plan:
Above description is added in IP(C) 24.
For product certification Lead Assessors,
the competence requirements as stated in
IP24 do not include any required
knowledge for the general scope area
In the certification section DANAK has not
defined technical areas (areas of scope)
for the different accreditation activities in a
consistent way
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Team Comments/Conclusions
Records on assessors’ qualifications and
competence are not kept in a systematic
way. The competence matrix is used for
assessors (although not regularly
updated) but not for technical experts.
TEs are sometimes trained in specific
scheme requirements as “on the job”
training, but this is not recorded in
competence records
Training certificates of assessors do not
distinguish between participation of the
assessor as a trainer or as a trainee
Analysis of root cause and extent:
Lead assessors approved competence to a specific
standard (e.g. ISO 17065) is registered in the case
management system and in the competence matrix
mentioned in CN 8. The competence matrix refers
to the documents for approval for a specific
standard. The competence matrix is a new tool that Closed: Yes/no
still had a few errors at the evaluation.
Some training activities have been performed as
workshops where some of the participant
presented some of the sessions
Corrective action plan:
The competence matrix has been reviewed and
updated. It is referred in the QMS and will be
Records of training for TE’s will be maintained to
also include DANAK training.
For future workshops there will not be issued
certificates but a document showing the items
presented and discussed.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
Training has been performed in group of LA and
also with meetings of the TA and in newsletter
2014. TA hired after 2013 (check year) have not
received this training.
Corrective action plan:
The following steps are taken:
- All LA and TA in the medical field shall be
Closed: Yes/no
Personnel files of internal LAs for medical
Training activities for ISO 15189:2012 and
ISO 22870:2006 are not documented
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
trained to ISO 22870 in combination with
ISO 15189.
- ISO 22870:2006 is included in the training
courses for TA starting 2017 as the training
2016 has been made.
- All TA not receiving this training shall
receive that through circulation of the
information in the newsletter 2014.
Qualification of all LA to ISO 22870:2006 is
documented on personnel files based on received
training….. included in CV….
Team Comments/Conclusions
Document AMC 03, 2015/09/02 refers to
IAF MD16 and specifies the rules for
witnessing in the field of FSMS according
to this. IAF MD 16 was developed taking
into account ISO/TS 22003:2013. Since
DANAK still uses ISO/TS 22003:2007 for
the accreditation in field of FSMS, the
rules for witnessing are misleading from
the point of view of the specific marking of
the food chains categories which is
different in the old and the new version of
ISO/TS 22003.
DANAK policy on traceability does not
include ILAC P10 option 3a and 3b.
By doing so there is a risk that not all
measurement quantities are
metrologically traceable.
(DANAK document AB 3 cl. 4)
Analysis of root cause and extent:
DANAK has by mistake not considered the
differences in the two versions of the standards.
Corrective action plan:
A new AMC has been published to address the
requirements in ISO 22003:2007.
Closed: Yes/no
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The AB 3 in Danish is understood to not exclude
option 3a and 3b of ILAC P10 and such is the
tradition. Since all NMI’s in Denmark are accredited
for all services they offer in the KCDB DANAK is
not aware of any lack of service that can only be
achieved through 3a and 3b
Closed: Yes/no
Corrective action plan:
Option 3a and 3b are now included in DANAK AB3
chapter 4 as a separate clause.
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Team Comments/Conclusions
It has been observed that when the
assessment team comprises more than
one member, the tasks of each member
are not always clearly defined in the
assessment plan
Analysis of root cause and extent:
For certification bodies with several areas of
accreditations the areas are often assessed
simultaneously. The team can therefore consist of
more lead assessors, each responsible for an area
of accreditation. The tasks for each team member
have not always been clearly defined but based on
dialog between them.
Corrective action plan:
An IP 43 (C) on assessment of certification bodies
with several accreditations will be issued.
A team leader will be appointed for certification
bodies with several accreditations.
This person will be responsible for communication
with the management, drafting assessment plan,
determination of each team members tasks,
assessment of the customers
IP 43 (C) is attached.
Closed: Yes/no
Accreditation scopes medical
Locations on the front page
and in the method list are not always
explicitly given, examples:
CAB 1 – Abbreviations used in the
method list are not identifiable on the
front page.
CAB 2 -– two locations are listed in
Analysis of root cause and extent:
It has never occurred to us at DANAK that the
location codes in lists of methods are not self-
explaining. CAB 2 is closed at the end of 2015.
Corrective action plan:
Closed: Yes/no
In all cases where a code is provided for location
DANAK will make this code clear from the overview
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
Team Comments/Conclusions
the method list and nine locations are on the list of sites. See LINK XXXXX.
given on the front page. Names of the
locations in the method list are not
identifiable on the front page.
DANAK collected information according to
IAF MD 12, but there are no written rules
or guidance for LA describing how to use
the collected data for assessment
Analysis of root cause and extent:
The collected information has been used by the
LA’s for planning in an informal way.
Corrective action plan:
The collected data shall be used in the plan for
witness and on-site assessments. IP 25 (c ) and IP
26 (c ) are revised, and now includes a description
that the plan shall be evaluated each year when
the information about foreign activities is received.
A note shall be in SAGSYS of the result of the
evaluation of the information and if the plan needs
to be revised.
Analysis of root cause and extent:
It was a mistake by the lead assessor to tick the
suspension box in the electronic system. This is
seen as a single incident.
Corrective action plan:
The laboratory has been informed about the
closure of the file and all electronic information is
adjusted to reveal that this accreditation was
closed by the end of 2015.
Letter for termination is included.
Closed: Yes/no
A CAB has notified DANAK that they were
closing the lab by end of December 2015.
However, DANAK suspended the lab and
did still not update the website to state
that the lab is closed down.
Closed: Yes/no
Analysis of root cause and extent:
Incorrect use of DANAK’s logo on a list of The issuing organisation is part of the legal identity
orders was not noticed by the LA and was holding the accreditation.
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
not discussed with the IB representatives
during a witnessed assessment. (the
issuing organisation is not accredited)
Response from AB
Team Comments/Conclusions
Corrective action plan:
The use of DANAK’s symbol by departments of an
accredited legal identity will be discussed at
Closed: Yes/no
DANAK for clarification to secure that it cannot give
reason for any misunderstanding as to what the
accreditation is covering.
The QM 6.10 as well as IP8 are reviewed to clarify
the team composition in PT (and RM which is also
covered by IP 8). QM 6.10 was revised for
consistency with IP 8 cl. 3.2 and with the change to
6.10 the need for change in IP 8 is unnecessary.
In section 6.9.1 of the quality manual
about the technical assessors procedure
IP(P)8 is mentioned. However, a team of
a lead assessor and technical experts
performs assessments. This is also not
clarified in IP(P)8.
The summary records for a technical
expert for product certification identify for
which overall area they are considered
competent but not the specific scheme or
scope, although this information can be
found by further searching it is not easily
The Program refers to document AMC 09
dealing with scheme FSSC that is not
included in the scope of accreditation.
Reference to IAF MD 1 and MD 5 are also
misleading (applicable rules for multisite
certification and audit time for FSMS are
in ISO/TS 22003).
Technical experts on certification, inspection and
verification are registered in the case management
system but there is not a search engine for their
technical area of expertise.
DANAK will define a list of competences for
certification, inspection and verification and allocate
the experts to the relevant categories as done for
the experts used for laboratory accreditation.
The problems is seen as a single incident and arise
from our merging of information from the SAGSYS
and the standard program. Due to an human error
the FSSC has been marked as a part of the
accreditation scope.
The references to IAF MD 1 and MD5 are relevant
for the accreditation with the same number, but not
for FSMS. Normally on-site assessments are done
together during several days for several scopes as
quality, food etc.; but due to the EA-evaluation
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Number and
Requirement and Finding
Response from AB
FSMS was done separate, and the lead assessor
did not evaluate the merge program properly
The “check mark” of FSSC is removed from the
The process of merging documents and quality
control will be discussed at intern meetings.
Team Comments/Conclusions
Information on the number of inspectors
in each IB is not consistently obtained in
order to allow for a representative number
of staff of the IB to be witnessed
This information is often listed in DANAK’s
assessment reports to be used for the next
assessment. It has now been stressed at the
section meeting in May 2016 to include the number
of inspectors in reports.
For further actions DANAK awaits any
requirements from EA or ILAC.
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 251: Orientering om redegørelser fra Det Norske Veritas og DANAK om tilsyn og arbejdsmiljøcertificering af Siemens Wind Power og Vestas, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Emma Alconero and Martin Czaske finished their visit before the final meeting.