Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2015-16
BEU Alm.del Bilag 154
International LabourOffice
Bureau international du Travail
Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
Route des Morillons 4
O1rD, 2016
International Labour Office
Bureau international duTravail
Oficina Internacional del Trabajo
Tél. direct:
Fax direct:
FThe Minister for Employment
Ved Stranden 8
Votre réf.:
January 2016
Convocation of the I O5th Session of the
International Labour Conference
(Geneva, 30 May-i i June 2016)
Dear Sir,
It is my pleasure to inform you that, in accordance with the decision taken by the
Governing Body of the International Labour Office, the i O5th Session of the International
Labour Conference will open on
Monday, 30 May 2016.
lt will be held at the
Palais des
Nations and at ILD headquarters in Geneva. After the successful trial of a two-week
Conference in 2015, the Governing Body has decided that the Conference should take place,
once again, in a shortened, two-week format. This year’s World of Work Summit is expected
to take place on
Thursday, 9
June; further information regarding the Summit will be
communicated to member States in due course. Please also note that provision has been
made for the holding of preparatory group meetings on
Sunday, 29 May
and in the morning
Monday, 30 May,
prior to the opening sitting.
A document entitled
Advance information
on the i O5th Session of the Conference
will shortly be posted on the ILD website at In line with the Governing Body
policy of reducing the use of printed texts, certain documents, including
Advance information,
will only be available in electronic form. A
Conference guide,
containing fuller details on
this year’s Conference, will be posted on the website following the 326th Session of the
Governing Body (March 2016), when the Governing Body will review a finalized plan of work
for this year’s Conference, and may take decisions altering the programme. The Conference
reports have already been or will be posted on the website as soon as they become
availa ble.
Special attention is drawn to the section in
Advance information
on “Participation”,
which deals with the composition of delegations. Member States are required to ensure that
their national delegations are fully tripartite and balanced as regards the number of advisers
accompanying the respective delegates representing the government, employers and
workers. You are also urged to make every effort to achieve a gender balance in delegations,
taking note of the section on “Gender parity” in
Advance information.
Tél. central: +41 22 799 6111
Fax central: +41 22 7988685
E-mail: [email protected]
Site internet:
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 154: Invitation ti lILO's Arbejdskonference, d. 30. maj - 11. juni 2016 i Genève, fra beskæftigelsesministeren
Please ensure that the credentials of your country’s tripartite delegation are deposited
with the Difice of the Legal Adviser of the ILD before
Monday, 9 May 2016,
using the online
accreditation system (credentials(äilo.orq). Upon request, a form for depositing the credentials
of national delegations is available from the Difice of the Legal Adviser ([email protected]).
To return the completed form please consult the contact details given in
Advance information.
Explanatory note for national dele gations,
also available on the website, and the section
on “Credentials” in
Advance information,
give detailed instructions on the deposit of credentials.
Delegations requiring visas should contact the Swiss consular services directly, as early as
possible, in order to obtain the visas required for ali persons included in the credentials.
As part of the continuing reform of the International Labour Conference, and as
trialied successfully in 2014 and 2015, the Difice will again make the form for the registration
of delegates in technical committees available online. For further details, I refer you once
again to
Advance information,
and its section on “Advance registration in committees”.
The Official Meetings, Documentation and Relations Department will provide any
further information you may require concerning the i O5th Session of the Conference.
The contact numbers for this Department are also given at the end of
Advance information.
The International Labour Office very much boks forward to doing its utmost to ensure
the efficient and effective functioning of this session of the International Labour Conference
in Geneva.
Yours sincerely,
Guy Ryder
Di rector-Genera I