Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2015-16
BEU Alm.del Bilag 14
Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe:
Improving Outcomes for the Young Generation
Wednesday 25
November 2015
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre,
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 14: Invitation til Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe: Improving Outcomes for the Young Generation, d. 25/11-2015 i Bruxelles
Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe:
Improving Outcomes for the Young Generation
According to Eurostat’s latest figures, 23.296 million men and women in the
EU-28 were unemployed in June 2015, out of which 4.724 million were young
people (under 25). Although there has been a recent improvement in the youth
unemployment rate, with a decrease of 386,000 since June 2014 in the EU-28,
the issue of youth unemployment remains a profound challenge to the future
of Europe: the costs of NEETs (young people not in education, employment or
training) amounts to €153bn (1.21% of GDP) a year in benefits and foregone
earnings and taxes, according to Eurofound.
There is a pressing need to combat youth unemployment and support targeted
measures that aid young people in their transition from education to work. With
a budget of €6 billion for the period 2014 - 2020, the Youth Employment Initiative
aims to support NEETs in EU regions most affected by youth unemployment.
Additionally, EU Member States are developing the Youth Guarantee
Implementation Plans to ensure that all youngsters under 25 receive a good-
quality offer within four months of leaving education or becoming unemployed.
Also, the Riga Conclusions on Vocational Education and Training (VET) have put
forth several priorities for 2015-2020, including the endorsement of non- formal
and informal learning as well as the development of skills acquired through initial
and continuous VET.
With millions of young people in Europe constantly struggling to find a job, the
economic recession has forced many to accept unpaid internships or become
long-term unemployed – which leads to a lack of confidence, social exclusion,
poorer health, depression and even suicide. Without doubt, there is a need to
support high-quality internships and tackle the causes of skills mismatch and its
impact on the labour market.
This International Symposium sets out to explore the current situation of
young unemployed people in Europe and examine possible solutions to boost
employment in the EU. Delegates will also have the opportunity to examine
initiatives and innovative projects that have been implemented to tackle youth
unemployment and social exclusion at both national and EU levels.
Helping Europe’s young people access quality jobs is at the top of my
priorities. Together we will create new opportunities for young people
to learn the skills and gain the experience needed in the labour market.”
Marianne Thyssen , Commissioner for Employment,
Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility,
June 2015
Why Attend?
Explore solutions and discuss ways
forward to encourage job creation in
the EU
Examine the role of both formal and
non-formal education in tackling
youth unemployment
Assess trends and causes of skills
mismatch and its impact on the
labour market
Share best practice in the field of
innovative and experimental policy-
making and implementation
Who Should Attend?
Ministries of Employment and Social Affairs
Social Services
Employment Agencies
Youth Organisations
Social Funds
Training Managers
Recruitment Advisers
Human Rights Groups
Trade Unions
Research Institutes
Social Innovation Centres
National Departments for Social and Family
Lifelong Learning Institutes
Social Advisers
Active Ageing Organisations
Voluntary Organisations
Local Authorities
Employment and Social Inclusion Institutes
Labour Economy Research Centres
Labour Market Institutes
PhD Candidates
European Social Organisational Science
European Employment Associations
Social Partners
Pension Organisations
Associations of Social Enterprises
Sheltered Employment and Labour
Integration Organisations
Physical and Social Rehabilitation Centres
Disabled People’s Rehabilitation and
Employment Unions
Vocational Training Centres
Innovation and Personal Development
Special Employment Unions
Venue and Accommodation
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
Avenue du Boulevard 17
1210 Brussels
Enquiries: +44 (0)20 3137 8630
BEU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 14: Invitation til Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe: Improving Outcomes for the Young Generation, d. 25/11-2015 i Bruxelles
Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe:
Improving Outcomes for the Young Generation
Registration and Morning Refreshments
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
Current EU Policy Framework on Youth Unemployment
• Implementing the Youth Employment Initiative: Developments and Ways
• Discussing the EU Youth Guarantee Schemes
• Promoting Youth Employment and Social Inclusion: Facilitating the School-to-
Work Transition
• Recommendations for Future Policy Actions
First Round of Discussions
Morning Coffee Break
Universities and Formal Education: Working towards an Employment-Oriented
Working Towards the Future: Aligning Education with Labour Market Needs
• Providing Effective, Personalised and Coordinated Support and Career Advice at
Every Key Transitional Period
• Enhancing Young People’s Skills through Entrepreneurial Education
• Youth Unemployment and Mental Health: Preventing Depression and Suicide
Second Round of Discussions
Networking Lunch
Employers’ Role in Tackling Youth Unemployment and Making Workplaces
Youth Friendly
• Addressing Skills Mismatches : Exploring Trends and Causes
• Introducing Young People to the Professional Life: Providing High-Quality
Remunerated Internships
• Engaging HR Professionals in Helping Young People to Prepare for Work Settings
• Examples from Current Initiatives and Best Practice
Third Round of Discussions
Afternoon Coffee Break
Event Details
Wednesday 25th November 2015
10:00am – 4:30pm
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre,
Speakers Include:
Fons Leroy,
CEO, VDAB (the Flemish
Public Employment Service), Board
Member, European Network of
Public Employment Services
Marianna Georgallis,
Policy and
Advocacy Coordinator, European
Youth Forum
Forthcoming Events
Young People and Sexual Health:
Towards Improved Standards for
Sexual Education in Europe
21st October 2015
Smart Cities: Supporting an
Innovative and Sustainable
Development of Urban Areas
27th October 2015
Fostering a Positive Image of Vocational Education and Training
Addressing Europe’s Drug Problem:
Assessing the Impact of Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Combating Drug Trafficking and
• Promoting Training and Lifelong Learning Systems in Member States
Substance Misuse
• Encouraging Recognition of Qualifications Gained through Non-formal Education
28th October 2015
• Sharing Knowledge and Best Practice
Fourth Round of Discussions
Chair’s Summary and Closing Comments
Networking Reception
* Please note that the programme is subject to change without notice *
Delivering on EU Food Safety:
Promoting a Safe and Sustainable
Agri-Food Chain
17th November 2015
6th Annual International Symposium
on Preventing Human Trafficking:
Strengthening Cooperation,
Developing a Multilevel Approach
1st December 2015
Unlocking the Potential of Mobile
Health in Europe: Removing Barriers
to the Empowerment of Citizens
20th January 2016
Marketing and Exhibition Opportunities
We offer a range of opportunities to enable your organisation to raise its profile and
communicate with key decision makers in the public sector.
For further information please contact us on
+44 (0) 20 3137 8630
or email
[email protected]
Enquiries: +44 (0)20 3137 8630