Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
EFK Alm.del
EUSurvey - Survey
Side 1 af 19
Case Id: ff6257dc-2b6e-4888-ae52-636f7ab9d352
Questionnaire on the application of Commission
Recommendation 2014/70/EU on minimum principles for the exploration
production of hydrocarbons (such as shale gas) using high-volume
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Respondents are invited to read the
introductory note
on the right side of the screen before
responding to this questionnaire.
Please indicate in capital letters on
behalf of which Member State you are responding:
10, Points 1.1, 16.1 and 16.4. Did you grant or do you plan to grant
authorisations for the exploration or production of hydrocarbons that may
require the use of high-volume hydraulic fracturing (in onshore and/or
offshore operations) ?
If you
replied "Yes", please provide further information on authorisations granted
or to be granted and distinguish between onshore and offshore operations,
where relevant:
Onshore: Two Licences for exploration and production of Hydrocarbons, w
here the exploration target is shale gas, were granted in 2010.
Offshore: An assessment has been initiated to decide if and in that cas
e how the recommendation should be implemented / handled offshore.
http://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/printcontribution?code=ff6257dc-2b6e-4888-ae52-636f7... 18-12-2014