Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
BEU Alm.del
Question 92:
Section 26 of the Act on Safety and Health at Work (see section 26, annex 1) regulates violations of
the German safety and health legislation. Furthermore, the individual Ordinances relating to the
Safety and Health at Work Act, such as section 21 of the Biological Agents Ordinance, contain
corresponding criminal provisions (see section 21, annex 2).
Question 93:
Under the criminal provision of section 26 of the Safety and Health at Work Act a term of
imprisonment of no more than one year is provided for as maximum penalty.
In 2013, 121 criminal charges were filed by the labour inspectorates. How many of them resulted in
convictions is not known.
Question 94:
Where safety and health provisions are violated, the competent authority may, in line with section
22 of the Safety and Health at Work Act, forbid the work referred to in the order or the use or the
operation of the work equipment referred to in the order. In 2013, the competent authorities issued
14,663 orders. How many of them resulted in a complete cessation of work is not known.