Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 30
The Vaccine Allmnce
Reference: 2015-189
Hon. Ane Halsboe-Jerqensen
Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs
Parliament of Denmark
1240 Kebenhavn K
24 August 2015
Honorable Ane Halsboe-Jerqensen,
On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique and Gavi, The Vaccine
Alliance, I have the great pleasure of inviting the Danish Parliamentary Committee on
Foreign Affairs to appoint representatives to take part as distinguished guests in a visit to
Mozambique on 12 to 14 October 2015.
In the Millennium Development Goals countdown to 2015, equitable access to life-saving
vaccines promise to significantly accelerate progress on women's and children's health and
advance socioeconomic development. With support from Gavi and generous donors such
as Denmark, developing countries are making important progress towards achieving the
global health goals faster than ever before and in reaching the unreached.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mozambique and Gavi would like to invite
honourable Members of Parliament from selected donor countries to take an active part in
meetings with different health stakeholders in Mozambique. It is foreseen that the
representatives will witness how child immunisation programmes are carried out, learn
more about the challenges in bringing vaccines out to those who need them the most and
to learn how these programmes are changing the lives of millions of Mozambicans and the
great opportunities this is bringing the country. A draft programme for the visit is attached.
If this is requested, Gavi will be in a position to fund the travel and accommodation of up to
two representatives. Gavi will provide local land transportation, meals and interpretation
and other practical arrangements during the official programme.
We hope that honourable Members of the Danish Parliament will be in a position to take
part in the visit and we would be grateful if you could confirm the names of of the
participants by sending an email to
[email protected]
by 1 October 2015.
Yours sincerely,
Dr eth Berkley MD
Chief Executive Officer
Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance