Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 3
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Web-site: www.unccd.int
Bonn, 21 May 2015
Dear Ms. Andresen,
Subject: Eleventh Session of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
(UNCCD) Round Table for Parliamentarians (Ankara, Turkey, 21-22 October
In my capacity as President of the UNCCD Parliamentarians’ Forum, I am pleased to
inform you that the Republic of Turkey has generously offered to host the Twelfth Session of
the Conference of the Parties (COP 12) to the UNCCD. Accordingly, the Round Table for
Parliamentarians will be held at the COP12 venue, on 21-22 October 2015.
We have the honor to cordially invite you to attend and to actively participate in the
Eleventh Session of the Round Table for Parliamentarians (RTP 11). This important event,
organized conjointly by the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey and the
UNCCD secretariat, will be held at the “Congressium Ankara ATO International Convention
and Exhibition Centre”.
During this Round Table, a special session will be organized between the ministers
attending the High Level Segment and the Parliamentarians to foster working cooperation on
cross-cutting issues. In particular, the Parliamentarians will be invited to discuss the potential
of land as a response to climate change, both as a mitigation tool and an adaptive measure.
In the aftermath of the United Nations Summit for the adoption of the post-2015
development agenda, in which UNCCD expects Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) to be
one of the sustainable development goals, Parliamentarians will also be invited to provide
further guidance on the implementation of the LDN for an effective implementation of the
Ms. Ammalie B. Andresen
Korrespondent, Higher Executive Officer
Copenhagen, Denmark
E-Mail: [email protected]
URU, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 3: Invitation til konference om FN's ørkenspredningskonvention den 21. - 22. oktober 2015 i Ankara
In the perspective of the expected global climate agreement to be reached in Paris at
the forthcoming climate change conference (December 2015), it is anticipated that
parliamentarians will agree on a Declaration flagging the importance of land potentials in this
agreement, as part of their recommendations to policy and decision-makers.
The provisional agenda for the parliamentarian’s event is herewith attached for your
consideration. In order to assist the Parliamentarians in preparing for the session, a document
entitled “information for participants” (ICCD/COP(12)/INF.2) will be made available on the
UNCCD website (www.unccd.int) together with other substantive documentation.
We would be grateful to receive your response at your earliest convenience at the
following address:
UNCCD Secretariat
P.O. Box 260129
UN Campus Bonn - Langer Eugen
Hermann Ehlers Str. 10
53113 Bonn - Germany
Fax: (49-228) 815 2898 and 815 2899
E-mail: [email protected]
The UNCCD Secretariat would like to remind that the confirmation letter for
participation should include the full name, exact title and contact details including E-mail,
telephone and fax numbers, as well as a passport-size photograph of the nominee. The
photograph is not required for participants that have attended the previous Session of the
Round Table of Parliamentarians (RTP 10 in Windhoek, Namibia in September 2013).
We look forward to receiving your response to this invitation and to welcoming you
in Ankara next October.
Please accept, Dear Ms. Andresen, the assurances of our highest consideration.
President of the Chad National Assembly
and President of the UNCCD Forum for Parliamentarians
Cc : Ms. Monique Barbut
Executive Secretary
United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
E-Mail: [email protected]