Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 11
Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption
255 Albert Street, Suite 904, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A9 Canada
Sixth Global Conference of Parliamentarians against Corruption
- Program Brief -
Bringing perpetrators of grand corruption to justice for a sustainable world where all
citizens can live in prosperity and dignity
Justice, Dignity and Prosperity
The GOPAC membership unanimously mandated GOPAC to establish grand corruption as
a crime at international law, to enable international institutions and alliances to
apprehend, prosecute, judge, and sentence the guilty. This mandate was unanimously
adopted at the
Fifth Global Conference of Parliamentarians Against Corruption,
held in
Manila, Philippines, in February 2013. The issue was further explored in a
discussion paper
released by GOPAC in mid-November 2013, and again at the
Forum of Parliamentarians,
an event parallel to the Fifth Conference of States Parties to the United Nations
Convention Against Corruption, at the end of November 2013. Participants at the forum
unanimously adopted a Declaration that set out GOPAC’s path to take this issue forward.
GOPAC is now recognized as the lead organization working against grand corruption, due
to the firm decisions taken by our membership.
In addition, in September 2015 the United Nations will adopt its Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG). Goal 16 includes commitments to accountability and fighting corruption.
GOPAC believes that combatting grand corruption is not only a keystone to achieving the
SDGs but is also part of a larger agenda for justice. There can be no sustainable
development without measures to fight corruption.
Our theme for the Sixth Global Conference will further consolidate our position on these
issues and continue to build momentum. It will create a brand that will resonate with our
members and anti-corruption stakeholders. In addition, due to the complexity and broad
nature of the fight against grand corruption and its relationship to the SDGs, our panel
sessions will incorporate issues relating to our Global Task Forces as well as our regional
and national chapters.
Panel Sessions:
The Sixth Global Conference of Parliamentarians will include six panel sessions (2 running
concurrently). Below are suggestions for topics, as well as potential speakers and
Session 1: Stop Stealing from Us: Tools and mechanism to build anti-corruption
prevention systems