Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2014-15 (2. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 81
European Council
Brussels, 23 September 2015
(OR. en)
SN 59/15
Informal meeting of the Heads of State or Government
(Brussels, 23 September 2015)
Tonight we met to deal with the unprecedented migration and refugee crisis we are facing. We
decided on a number of immediate priorities and had an in-depth discussion on how to achieve
long-term sustainable solutions. We all recognised that there are no easy solutions and that we can
only manage this challenge by working together, in a spirit of solidarity and responsibility. In the
meantime we have all to uphold, apply and implement our existing rules, including the Dublin
regulation and the Schengen acquis.
We ask the EU institutions and our Governments to work speedily on the Priority Actions proposed
by the Commission. We want operational decisions on the most pressing issues before the October
European Council, along the following orientations:
respond to the urgent needs of refugees in the region by helping the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees, the World Food Programme and other agencies with at least an
additional 1 billion euro;
assist Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and other countries in dealing with the Syrian refugee crisis,
including through a substantial increase of the EU's Regional Trust Fund in response to the
Syrian Crisis ("Madad Fund");
SN 59/15