Sundheds- og Ældreudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
SUU Alm.del Bilag 83
Til Sundhedsministeren, ministeriet samt Folketingets Sundhedsudvalg
Cc: Statsministeriet Island, mfl.
I forlængelse af tidligere fremsendte; nedenfor yderligere og nylige advarsler vedr. TG fra “Psychology
og ”Scientific
“What kind of story do these research findings outline about the parasitic behavioral manipulation and
zombifying potential of T. gondii? To hear Flegr tell it, while human beings aren’t currently under significant
threat of being eaten by cats, we were from a historic and evolutionary perspective. Therefore, as
intermediate hosts,
our brains are changed by T. gondii in a way that might have put us at greater risk
being eaten by something like a lion. In the modern world outside of the savanna, those same brain
changes might now place us at greater risk of mental illness, suicide, or death by car accident.
Flegr has
suggested that T. gondii’s influence on human behavior is profound
and that it could even be responsible
for more human deaths than malaria
(usually considered to be the most deadly parasite on the planet).”
“How a Cat Parasite Controls Other Animals' Brains. Toxoplasma gondii, an insidious and common parasite
spread by cats, controls its rodent host's brain—and
may be manipulating our own behavior as well”
Danske borgere - voksne som børn, mænd som kvinder - bliver syge af TG.
Dette faktum har stået klart i meget langt tid.
TG er farlig, TG kan og skal fjernes og behandles.
Med venlig hilsen
Bo Hembæk Svensson et al.