Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
MOF Alm.del Bilag 75
The Department of Public Health, Environment and Nature Protection
Bellisimaweg 17
E-mail: [email protected]
Danish EPA, Industrial
Permits and Inspections MST-1272-00046
Ref. Kabje/hefpe/marip
September .. 2015
Export of a Danish gas turbine to Curaçao
The Danish EPA would hereby like to inform you of the intention of the power
plant Vattenfall A/S, Nordjyllandsværket to export a gas turbine to Curaçao
Refinery Untillities BV, ”ISLA” Refinery, Kaya 206-No-02, Willemstad, Curaçao.
This notification is forwarded to you, because the Danish legislation requires
notification of the receiving country in the case of export of certain used
production plants, which may pose a risk of significant pollution, if suitable
measurements are not taken.
The gas turbine has a thermal input of 86,99 MW and an output on 25 MW. The
gas turbine has been at the Nordjyllandsværket since 1976 and has been used in
the case of need for emergency start of the power plant.
The Danish EPA does not consider this plant to pose a possible threat of significant
environmental pollution.
Further information about the plant can be found in annex A to this letter.
If you wish to receive additional information about the plant, please contact the
disposer or the buyer of the plant.
According to Danish legislation, a provisional prohibition of the export of the plant
is valid until October 24, 2015.
The reason for the provisional prohibition is to give the competent authority in the
receiving country sufficient time to decide on the import.
If you wish to receive additional information about our national legislation,
concerning export of certain used plant you are welcome to contact us.
Yours faithfully
Karsten Borg Jensen
Phone: + 45 72 54 44 49
E-mail: [email protected]
Copy of this letter is sent to:
Miljøstyrelsen • Lyseng Allé 1 • 8270 Højbjerg
Tlf. 72 54 40 00 • CVR 25798376 • EAN (drift)5798000863002 (tilskud)5798000863019 • [email protected] •
MOF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 75: Kopi af en underretning om eksport af en gasturbine fra Nordjyllandsværket, Vattenfall til en virksomhed i Curaçao, fra Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet
Curaçao Refinery Untilities BV: [email protected]
Vattenfall A/S, Nordjyllandsværket: [email protected]