Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
MOF Alm.del Bilag 41
MEPs toughen EU ban on the sale of seal
[08-09-2015 - 12:11]
Fewer seals could be hunted for their fur thanks to a stronger EU ban on the trade in
seal product, approved in plenary on Tuesday (631 MEPs in favour, 31 against, 33
abstentions). The new rules will extend the ban to products resulting from hunts to
protect fishing stocks, although Inuit and other indigenous communities will
continue to be exempt from the ban. These changes, already agreed with EU
governments, are needed to bring EU regulation in line with World Trade
Organization rules.
In response to animal welfare concerns, the EU banned in 2009 the trade in seal products,
such as sealskin coats, mitts, bags or seal meat. This ban entered into force in 2010.
However, it allowed two exceptions, one for products resulting from indigenous hunts and
the other for small-scale hunts to ensure sustainable “marine resource management”.
The ban was challenged by Canada and Norway in the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
In June 2014, it delivered a ruling which noted that the ban could be justified on moral
grounds regarding the welfare of seals but required more clarification of the exceptions
applied. To address the WTO concerns, the European Commission proposed an
amendment to the current EU rules in February 2015.
What will change
Under the changes, which have already been agreed with EU governments, Inuits will be
allowed to sell seal products in the EU only if their hunting methods have due regard to
animal welfare, are a part of their tradition and contribute to its subsistence.
Meanwhile, an exception regarding seal products originating from hunts to protect fish
stocks has been removed.
Proper information and impact assessment
At the insistence of MEPs, the Commission will be tasked with informing the public and
customs officials about the new rules and the Inuit exception. They believe that this could
help to counter the widespread negative portrayals and misunderstandings of seal hunts
conducted by Inuits and other indigenous peoples.
Also, the Commission will have to report by the end of 2019 on the implementation of the
new rules, paying particular attention to their impact on the Inuit community.
“We amended the Commission’s proposal taking into consideration in particular the right to
self-determination of the Inuit and other indigenous communities,” said Cristian-Silviu
Bușoi, a Romanian member of the EPP group who is responsible for steering the new
rules through Parliament during the debate.
Next steps
The new rules will have to be approved by both the Parliament and the Council before
they can enter into force.
Find out more
Watch the debate on Monday 7 September from 17.00 CET:
Press Service
Directorate for the Media
Director - Spokesperson : Jaume DUCH GUILLOT
Reference No:20150907STO91833
Press switchboard number (32-2) 28 33000
MOF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 41: Afstemning i Europaparlamentet om handel med sælprodukter
Press release on the deal with the Council:
Press release on the committee vote:
Commission information on the seal trade ban:
Information about the Commission proposal:
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