Kirkeudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
KIU Alm.del Bilag 2
Multinational Efforts to Promote Freedom of Religion or Belief
Joint Action for the Common Good
New York, Thursday 17
– Saturday 19
September 2015
The International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief and the Konrad-Adenauer-
Stiftung take great pleasure in inviting you to an international consultation,
Multinational Efforts to
Strengthen Freedom of Religion or Belief,
to be held in New York, USA on Thursday 17
to Saturday 19
September 2015.
International commitments under Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are clear that
freedom of religion or belief is a fundamental right to be enjoyed by all. Yet these rights are increasingly
violated around the world with devastating human consequences. This consultation, organised in the margins
of the UN General Assembly, will provide a platform for key stakeholders to identify ways to increase their
international cooperation in defence of this basic human right. We would be delighted if you would join this
The consultation will start with a reception at the German Mission to the United Nations on the evening of
Thursday 17
September to which you are invited. The main public event will take place on Friday 18
September with a range of interactive discussions. There will then be time reserved for parliamentarians to
meet in closed sessions that afternoon and on the morning of Saturday 19
September to discuss the
particular challenges and opportunities they face in safeguarding the right to freedom of religion or belief for
Accommodation will be provided for the nights of 17 and 18 September. If you require financial assistance
with travel then we ask that you complete the attached form and return it as soon as possible by email
([email protected]) to the Secretariat of the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of
Religion or Belief. The Secretariat is very happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the aims
and purpose of this consultation. We very much hope we will have the opportunity to welcome you to New
York City in September.
Baroness Elizabeth Berridge of the Vale of Catmose
International Panel of Parliamentarians on Freedom of Religion or Belief
Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering
President of the European Parliament ret.
Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung