Europaudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 105
President Juncker
European Commission
Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200
1049 Brussels
Dear President Juncker
Food waste: a proposal by national parliaments to the European Commission
The [XX] national parliaments of the European Union, represented by the Chairpersons of
Committees who have signed this letter, collectively make this proposal to the European
Commission. Our aim is to invite the Commission, when tabling a new circular economy
package, to adopt a strategic approach to the reduction of food waste within the EU. This
proposal was initiated by the United Kingdom House of Lords.
As well as inviting you to adopt the approach to food waste set out in the proposal in the
new Circular Economy package, we hope that this initiative will establish a new and closer
political dialogue between national parliaments and the European Commission. Such a
dialogue, often referred to as a ‘Green Card’, will allow national parliaments to contribute
positively and constructively to the development of policies at EU level.
At the outset of your Presidency, you made a commitment to the role of national
parliaments which was sincerely welcomed by Member States. We believe that this new
form of dialogue reflects the spirit of your commitment, and will help national parliaments
to engage in policy development upstream, working with the Commission more closely than
ever before.
We emphasise that we do not seek to infringe upon the Commission’s right of initiative, but
to complement it; nor do we seek to challenge the existing role of the European Parliament,
or the duties of the co-legislators in agreeing legislation. But we ask, given that [XX]
national parliaments have come together in support of this proposal, that the Commission
should give it due weight, and respond appropriately.
In the present case, we would welcome a response ahead of the publication of
Commissioner Vella’s proposed circular economy package, and ask also that our proposal
be acknowledged and assessed within that package.
Yours sincerely
Lord Boswell of Aynho
Chairman of the House of Lords European Union Committee