Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
EFK Alm.del Bilag 92
Danish response to the consultation on an EU strategy on LNG and gas storage
Danish priorities:
Denmark calls for full implementation of the third EU Energy Package
as well as the removal of barriers for efficient use of gas in storage.
Denmark calls for initiatives to ensure that the market is given the
right incentives to use gas storage facilities in an optimal way.
Denmark calls for a market-based system to ensure the necessary gas
storage level.
General remarks
Denmark welcomes the Commission’s consultation on an EU strategy for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and
gas storage. As a general remark Denmark finds that new initiatives to improve the use of LNG and storage
facilities should be fully in line with the third EU Energy Package. Market players should be encouraged to
use these facilities and to make the necessary arrangements to supply their customers with gas on a
commercial basis.
Denmark finds that LNG can play an important role in improving the security of gas supply, because it
provides an opportunity for diversification and functions as a backup when imported pipeline gas or
domestic gas is not sufficient. Denmark also finds that the right incentives to use gas storage are needed in
order to ensure that sufficient gas is available in case of emergency situations.
Main Points
Denmark has no LNG facilities and there are no plans to establish LNG facilities in Denmark. Denmark (and
Sweden) is supplied with gas from the Danish part of the North Sea and - due to the expansion of the
transmission system towards Germany and our storage facilities - there is sufficient capacity to meet the
demand in Denmark and Sweden even in case of extraordinary high levels of demand during winters.
Denmark recognizes that LNG can play an important role in diversification of gas supplies and as a backup
in emergency situations. Currently there is a relatively low utilization of the existing LNG capacity in