Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
EFK Alm.del Bilag 13
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Final Project Report - PUBLIC
Project full title:
Grant agreement no.:
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel
Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency
(EFP-Akt.167 J.no. 033001/33033-0333)
Project duration:
Project coordinator:
19 December 2008 to 31 December 2014
Kristina Fløche Juelsgaard
Contributors to the Final Report:
Kristina Fløche Juelsgaard (SEAS-NVE)
Thomas Engberg Pedersen (COWI)
Laila Grahl-Madsen (IRD)
Jan de Wit (DGC)
Ole Søgaard (SEAS-NVE)
Per Balslev (Dantherm Power)
Aksel Hauge Pedersen (DONG Energy)
Michael Byllemos (SE)
Magnus Larsson (Topsoe Fuel Cell)
Lotte Engberg Pedersen (Topsoe Fuel Cell)
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
This report summarizes and presents the conclusions on the project “Danish MicroCHP based on
Danish Fuel Cells – Phase 3”, covering the last phase of the project 2009 – 2014, including the field
demonstration for:
-fuelled LT-PEM units at Vestenskov, Lolland (27 units)
Natural Gas fuelled LT-PEM at Varde (20 units)
Natural Gas fuelled SOFC in Sønderborg (2 units)
It succeeds the final reporting for phase 1 in 2008 and phase 2 submitted in 2012.
The final reporting consists of the following parts:
The main report (this report) summarizes and evaluates the overall project, addressing general
and cross-cutting topics. The main report is made available to the public.
Three technology reports evaluating in detail the process and the results of phase 3 of the
demonstration of each of the three technology tracks; LT-PEM(NG), LT-PEM(H
) and SOFC.
These reports are confidential and content of the reports may only be shared within the
Appendix – documenting the required deliverables
Conclusion on the results
Through this project, Denmark has strengthened its global market position on fuel cell technology.
Especially for LT-PEM technology, good results have been achieved. The overall intention of the
project has therefore been fulfilled.
Three technology tracks have been developed, demonstrated and analyzed throughout the three
project phases (2005-2014). Experience and lessons learnt from phase 2 have been integrated in the
improved designs of phase 3. The two LT-PEM technology tracks have focused on large-scale
demonstration and long-term testing in the field, whereas the SOFC technology track has focused
on developing a viable microCHP unit for installation at real end users in small scale (2 units) for a
shorter period of time.
Throughout the long project period, including years of global financial crisis, one consortium
partner has left the project (Danfoss), one technology track has changed (HT-PEM
PEM(NG)), reformer technologies have changed, inverter suppliers have disappeared from the
market and a great number of unexpected technological, political and societal obstacles turned the
project into a roller coaster ride with plenty of ups and downs.
In conclusion, the partners are closing the project having obtained a successful demonstration, lots
of valuable knowledge and lessons learnt for the next steps towards pre-commercialization, a strong
cooperation amongst significant Danish industrial partners and a positive feedback on system
performance from the most important critics – the end users in the private households.
Not all project targets were met, delays were inevitable, but in Phase 3 of the project it all came
together through excellent team spirit and cooperation within the consortium group and with the
three municipal hosts in Lolland, Sønderborg and Varde.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Table 1: Key project targets from the project description.
LT-PEM natural gas
Electrical efficiency
Total efficiency
Power-up time, cold
80 (+10)
45 minutes
85 (+10)
1 minute
SOFC natural gas
85-90 (+10)
10 hours
1) +10% is in condensing mode, low-temperature heating systems
In general, the Varde and Vestenskov technologies came very close to the electrical efficiency
target. The Vestenskov, and especially the Varde installation, also met the target for total efficiency.
The SOFC units did not meet the electrical efficiency target during field tests; figures of 38 and
42% were seen during continuous production. During the laboratory tests of the SOFC units,
maximum electrical efficiency was measured to 44%, which came closer to the project goal. One
SOFC unit met the total efficiency target for non-condensing mode by achieving 85% during
continuous production.
The technologies did not meet the availability goal, if the average figure is used. However, for the
Vestenskov case, a number of units did reach the target; for the Varde installations many units
ended with relatively high figures of availability seen over the complete test period. A learning
curve was seen in Varde, and during the last months of the tests, 58% of the units met the target.
The SOFC-based units did not meet the availability targets.
More details on performance of the individual technology track can be found in the track-specific
reports for LT-PEM (NG), LT-PEM (H
) and SOFC or the Technology comparative report D16.3.1.
Socio-economic studies have been carried out with the following, bleak conclusions:
When analyzing the energy system in 2020, the electricity production from natural gas-
based microCHPs mainly substitutes centrally coal-based electricity production. This shift
from coal to natural gas, together with the increased energy efficiency due to increased co-
generation of electricity and heat, results in a reduction in CO
emission as well as a
reduction in socio-economic cost in the system. The reduction in costs should be compared
to the extra annual capital costs of establishing the microCHPs instead of only gas boilers.
The socio-economic feasibility of the hydrogen-based microCHPs is heavily dependent on
the amount of wind power in the energy system and the variations in electricity prices.
When analyzing the energy system in 2020, there is no business case for hydrogen-based
microCHPs. In a system with much more wind power and possible problems with
curtailment of wind power, the business case would be improved as the hydrogen-based
microCHPs can utilize electricity from the wind turbines, which would otherwise be
curtailed, and provide electricity e.g. in periods with no or limited wind.
Denmark has a strong tradition for fuel-efficient combined heat and power production.
Therefore, any substitution or supplementary technology must be fuel and power
production-efficient. The power production from the microCHP units should primarily
replace remaining fossil fuel-based power only-production at centralized plants to achieve
fuel and CO
savings. The share of such power-only production has been declining in recent
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Bringing the technology further on to the market meets two challenges: technical issues and market
Technical issues relate to reducing cost and increasing lifetime and reliability of the microCHP
units. Such improvements would all help strengthening the value proposition of microCHP units
compared to alternative solutions. Research, development, demonstration and volume production
methods are still needed to bring microCHP in a favorable position.
The fuel cell is not mainstream technology, and market acceptance is lacking. MicroCHP units
provide efficient heat and electricity production at the physical location where it is used resulting in
lower losses. In addition, microCHP will provide CO
savings (if fossil fuel-based power and heat
is substituted) and the possibility of taking part in grid balancing. These three qualities are
demanded by society.
When a private homeowner invests and uses a microCHP unit (s)he should be compensated for
delivering these three qualities. The microCHP could be accepted faster in the market, and
volume/cost balance could really start to take off for microCHP units in Europe. The Danish Micro
Combined Heat and Power project is a first small step in this direction.
International perspectives and market analysis have been carried out with the following
The Danish case for microCHP for private houses meets challenges and so does the Danish
market framework for introducing this technology. Far more attractive from an investment
point of view are the market conditions in Germany or overseas (USA, JAPAN)
In Denmark, decreasing gas prices and the decrease in prices on power-balancing services at
present leave very little (no) economic incentives for end users or for electricity or gas
companies to invest in this technology.
Japan is leading the way, globally. Two attractive incentive structures are identified for
successful market entry. Direct investment support to the end user or an attractive feed-in
tariff for the produced electricity have proven to be efficient means for early market entry in
Japan and USA.
MicroCHP has been identified as a possible contribution to the national smart grid vision.
Therefore, smart grid operability has been introduced along the way, allowing for the following
LT-PEM-based microCHPs are basically suitable for smart grid operation, due to the short
response time and ability to start and stop often. The hydrogen-fuelled microCHP shows the
best results for frequent starts/stops and for the shortest response time (<1 min).
SOFC technology is not suited for frequent start-stop operation and response times from
cold starts are very long (hours). However, it offers good, continuous base load operation
and has indicated useful variable load operation.
The market for power balancing and power backup services always looks for providers of
flexibility, but the price levels are currently very low, indicating that there is a limited need
for further regulating capacity. However, the political goals for more wind energy
integrating within the next five years call for more power balancing and backup services,
where microCHP is an option.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Balance of Plant (BoP) components have generally been a challenge in the field test to all three
technology tracks. The experienced failures and outages are typically not related to the fuel cell
stack or the PowerCore, but were mainly caused by the failure of one or more of these BoP
Inverter products – all relevant inverter manufacturers have strategically turned their
production towards solar PV applications, which are not suitable for microCHP.
Data collection and remote control – weak or insufficient tele network coverage in the rural
areas made monitoring and controlling the microCHP units very difficult, causing many,
unnecessary and long outages and many service visits.
Hydrogen supply – unstable hydrogen supply caused the units to stop. The hydrogen supply
was not part of this project.
The consortium partners have all gained from the project in the following way:
Dantherm Power (DTP): This Project is a major step on DTP’s roadmap for microCHP. Lessons
learnt are relevant and applicable also to solutions within supplementary power and mobile systems.
It supports DTP’s strategy to become the leading development center for Ballard in Europe.
COWI: The project has provided increased insight into fuel cell-based microCHP units (state-of-
the-art) as well as their integration in the overall energy system, both for hydrogen-based units and
natural gas-based units. This is in particular relevant in COWI's work with energy planning, energy
system analyses, benchmarking and incentives structures for different technologies.
DGC has an interest in such new gas appliances with a key focus on efficiency, safety and
environmental impact. As a side benefit of the project, DGC improved their internal processes of
CE certification and laboratory testing procedures along with strengthening their hydrogen
DONG Energy: Initially the primary goal for DONG Energy was to increase gas sales. During the
projects, additional interests in smart Grids and VPP operation developed and knowledge was
gained. A direct benefit is to be harvested from introducing a new gas unit for households on the
market, after further maturing of the technology.
IRD Fuel Cells: The developmental leaps from phase 1 throughout phase 3 have resulted in an
immediate sale of custom-made components to other system assemblers. Integrating the lessons
learnt from the field test helps to focus on further price optimization and prolonging life time
Topsoe Fuel Cell (TOFC): Strengthened integration skills from the close TOFC-DTP cooperation.
The knowledge obtained from the SOFC microCHP track also led to a strategic closure of that
technology track at Topsoe’s, focusing on SOEC systems going forward, but integrating the lessons
learnt from developing and testing the SOFC microCHP.
SE: Strengthened expertise in electrical and internet installation in the households and dealing with
special meters and metering and billing conditions for customers with own production based on
natural gas (not renewable).
SEAS-NVE: Knowledge about customers with oil boilers and their considerations about
alternatives to oil. New knowledge about electricity storage and hydrogen solutions as an essential
future activity in Power and Energy systems. Direct benefit is harvested on the close customer
relationship experience and on the project management and coordination role.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
The participating public contributors (municipalities and project sponsor) have gained from this
project in the following way:
Varde Municipality: Was motivated to gain inside experience in facilitating a creative environment
for testing and demonstrating new technologies in the local area. The administration’s experiences
in how to plan and communicate new green energy activities in the local area.
Lolland municipality: The strategic concept of Community Testing Facility (CTF) was tested and
proven efficient with this project, supporting the municipal energy planning and boosting of local
businesses and increasing green energy awareness.
Sønderborg Municipality: The goal of facilitating green growth technology projects was met. The
knowledge gained is incorporated in the strategic energy planning processes.
despite the challenges and delays in the process, it has proven a successful
project where requirements in research, development and demonstration have been met.
Continuation of the strong collaboration and “friendship” between consortium partners calls for
more co-created development projects especially regarding BoP components. As the fuel cell
technology has matured significantly throughout this project into a pre-commercial stage, a more
commercial and competitive atmosphere amongst the technology partners has developed.
Nevertheless, all partners agree that cooperation is still necessary to further develop and
commercially mature the technology before entering the fully commercial market scene.
In this regards, only Topsoe Fuel Cell has bailed out of the technological race, due to its unexpected
closure of all fuel cell activities for power production by the end of 2014. Topsoe Fuel Cell will
cease to exist, but Haldor Topsoe continues the work with a focus on electrolysis and thereby utilize
the knowledge gained from this project.
Project management
With four annual steering committee meetings, bi-annual workshops for the extended consortium
with relevant guest participants and bi-annual progress reporting in a good dialogue with EUDP, the
process of progress reporting change management and team building was smooth and effective.
Despite the long project period of the entire project, the involved key people are more or less the
same. Despite the participants’ very different background and role in the project, a common
understanding of project goal and common interest in reaching all goals drove the positive team
spirit and made the participants succeed as a group.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Photo 1. Partner Group (with guests from EUDP and Energinet.dk) at workshop in Svendborg, July 2014
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Summary and Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 8
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 9
2. Demonstration results (comparison) ................................................................................ 11
3. Main challenges .................................................................................................................. 16
4. End user relations .............................................................................................................. 17
5. Socio-economic analysis ..................................................................................................... 19
6. Smart Grid readiness ......................................................................................................... 22
7. International Perspectives ................................................................................................. 24
8. Industrial Partner Perspectives ........................................................................................ 26
9. Dissemination ..................................................................................................................... 27
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
The idea of a Danish microCHP project began in 2005 with the ambition to develop, produce and
demonstrate three different fuel cell-based microCHP technologies for household installation. The
pre-work on planning and forming the project proposal was sponsored by Bitten and Mads Clausens
Fond. Phase 1 of the project was kicked off in March 2006 based on the DKK 9 million support
from ForskEL project program under Energinet.dk. The overall vision of this project is to support
and utilize Danish Fuel Cell expertise to boost Denmark as a technological global leader in fuel cell
technologies for household application, to create a new labor and skill intensive industry in
Denmark, to reduce CO
emissions through efficient fuel utilization and to support the increasing
integration of renewable energy sources into the national energy systems.
MicroCHP is in many ways a useful technology. In household installations, the units can substitute
conventional boilers contributing to more energy-efficient heating. Due to the benefits of the co-
production of electricity and heat, the technology also offers more fuel-efficient, CO
-friendly and
flexible heat and power supply to the household. This flexibility benefits the homeowner but also
the electricity distribution grid, where foreseen capacity challenges call for central as well as
decentral flexibility solutions.
In this relation, the interoperability between microCHP and grid controller is of importance.
MicroCHPs can therefore play a significant role in the national smart grid vision. This project has
included an additional target to test the technology for smart grid suitability and demand-response
The original aim for the project was to install and demonstrate a total of 100 fuel cell microCHP
systems in three phases in Denmark. The following Danish industrial players joined forces in the
Consortium “Dansk Mikrokraftvarme” to realize the project.
COWI, responsible for a study about socio-economic impacts for implementing a large
number of microCHP units in the Nordic energy market.
Dantherm Power, responsible for the design and construction of all the natural gas-fuelled
microCHP systems.
DGC, responsible for risk analysis of the appliances, CE certification and laboratory
performance testing of these. DGC carried out analysis based on the field test data
DONG Energy, responsible for gas installations in Sønderborg and Varde for demonstration
of natural gas-based units.
IRD Fuel Cells A/S, responsible for the design and construction of the hydrogen fuelled
SEAS-NVE, responsible for demonstration of LT-PEM (H
) units in Vestenskov, including
the production and supply of hydrogen.
SE, responsible for demonstration of natural gas-based units in Sønderborg and Varde.
Topsoe Fuel Cell, responsible for developing the SOFC-based “PowerCore” integrated in
the SOFC microCHP together with Dantherm Power.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Financing the project
The Danish MicroCHP project phases 2 and 3 were planned during phase 1. The first phase was
partly sponsored by Energinet.dk by a DKK 9 million grant. Phases 2 and 3 were partly sponsored
through The Danish Energy Authorities by a special provision from the Danish Minister for
Transport and Energy, Flemming Hansen:
For phase 3, the total public funding was planned to be DKK 29.6 million. The private financing of
phase 3 was planned to be DKK 56.8 – 71.8 million. However, as the development of the
technologies proved more costly than excepted, the private share of the total costs has by far
exceeded budget. The development of the SOFC technology track proved more difficult and time
consuming than expected, resulting in fewer SOFC units in the field demonstration, and therefore a
reduction in public funding in this phase.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Risk analysis and CE certification
Before entering field tests, all three types of units passed a risk analysis (HAZOP). Also, the units
went through a CE certification process, as during field tests the units are placed outside the
laboratory environment at third-party costumers. The CE certification included further risk analysis,
documentation of components used and third-party laboratory tests related to gas safety and EMC
Performance testing and results for phase 3
In connection with the installation in laboratory for the CE certification-related tests, precision
performance tests were also performed with a focus on production, consumption, energy losses and
emissions for all three types of microCHP units. These tests were performed at the DGC laboratory.
The test results are reported in separate Work Package reports. The results from the field tests of the
three technology tracks are as follows:
In the Varde area, two units were pretested in municipality buildings followed by installation of
a total of 20 natural gas-fired Dantherm Power units deployed during phase 3 in private
households; all of these natural gas-fired units are based on LT-PEM fuel cell stacks.
In Vestenskov on Lolland, a pretest with five IRD units was first made in five private homes;
later, another 27 IRD units were installed and tested in homes and public buildings. All the
Vestenskov units were fuelled by hydrogen.
In Sønderborg, two SOFC-based high-temperature microCHP units were installed and
operational by mid-2014. These were based on the Topsoe Fuel Cell PowerCore; balance of
plant (BoP) and integration was made by Dantherm Power.
Figure 1 presents operational results for the units over the final phase 3 test period. The 20 natural
gas-fired units in the Varde region achieved a total of more than 125,000 hours of operation; the
hydrogen-fired units in Vestenskov achieved a total of more than 90,000 hours of operation (DGC
received data from 72,000 hours) including the early phase 3 test with a limited number of units.
To some extent, the operating time of the units in Vestenskov was limited due to problems with the
hydrogen production equipment, which led to limited hydrogen availability in some periods. This
had an influence on the operating time achieved and possibly also on the availability and the
number of faults. The operation of the units in Sønderborg was limited due to malfunctioning
inverters, a stack breakdown (partly mal-operation) and limited demand for the heating produced
due to a warm summer and autumn.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Figure 1 The overall operational field test data for three different types of units. The presentations
are based on data transmitted and available to DGC. Five of the units in Vestenskov
achieved higher operational figures than shown, as they had an early pretest period in
phase 3.
The units with the highest number of hours of operation during the phase 3 tests were a unit in
Varde with close to 8750 hours of operation (but was stopped as the field test period ended) and a
unit with more than 10,000 hours of operation in Vestenskov.
The availability of the units was in the range of 58 – 89% for the complete Varde area tests (on
average 78%) and 29 – 98% for the Vestenskov tests (on average 77%). A learning curve could
generally be seen leading to higher availability (on average >95%) in the later part of the tests for
the Varde units. The availability of the units in Sønderborg was low seen over the actual test period.
This was due to technical problems as mentioned above, the closure of the stack/PowerCore
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
supplier Topsoe Fuel Cell during the test period and a reduced interest from the system integrator to
support a system in which the core technology is no longer available.
Efficiency measured during the field tests can be seen in Table 2. All efficiency results shown refer
to the lower heating value (LHV) of the fuel.
Table 2
Efficiency measured during the field tests. (Continuous operation, Lower Heating Value
(LHV) reference)
Net electrical
efficiency (%)
3 - 35
42 - 49
38 – 42
Total efficiency
92 - 102
78 – 85
Natural gas
Natural gas
*) Data not available, malfunction of the heat meters installed.
The electrical efficiency results measured during field tests are close to the targets set up in the
project description. The electrical efficiency results are very high compared to any competing
power production technology for the actual power output range.
The total efficiency results are generally high and in fact higher than the project target for the Varde
units. They are relatively low for the Sønderborg SOFC units. This is due to the fact that a high
operating temperature and a relatively large surface area lead to surface losses. This is also due to
the fact that the SOFC units operate with a very high air-to-fuel ratio, leading to reduced
possibilities for energy gains via flue gas condensation. However, the efficiency of the Sønderborg
SOFC units is very high compared to similar systems developed.
In general, the most difficult components during the field tests were the DC-AC converters. They
proved difficult to buy, they came with a limited technical support and they were unexpectedly
sensitive to disruptions on the power grid. Lightning caused many failures, outages and the need for
man assisted restart. Moreover, local grid related power quality issues, such as start of electrical
power tools/compressors nearby etc. sometimes led to failure of operation. The actual fuel cell
stacks had very few failures; however, stacks could be damaged as a result of other component
failures. This picture of difficult components is also reported from field tests of Japanese fuel cell-
based microCHP units.
The annual CO
savings obtained per unit was typically in the range of 1.2 - 2 ton for the natural
gas-fired units in the Varde region. In Vestenskov, even higher CO
savings (0.5 – 3.7 ton) were
obtained as no fossil fuel hydrogen was used. The units in Sønderborg did not operate for a
complete season/year.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Examples of own coverage of electricity and heat in the private houses measured during the phase 3
field tests are shown in Table 3.
Table 3
MicroCHP production, in-house use, typical ranges on annual basis from the Varde tests.
In-house use of the CHP
electricity production
Varde Area
50 - 90
CHP coverage of
CHP heat coverage of
house electricity needs house heating needs
30 -70
20 - 40
In most private houses, the net electrical production from the microCHP units was less than the
annual electricity consumption. However, an ‘export’ of power was seen during some periods when
the actual power need was lower than the power production from the microCHP unit. This was the
case as the operation of the unit was mostly controlled by the demand for heat, a feature based on
prior analysis.
An example of the monthly electricity need, the production from the microCHP unit and the
electricity export can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Example of monthly electricity need, production from the microCHP unit and in-house
own electricity coverage from one house in the Varde field tests. The dotted area
illustrates the part of the electricity that is exported to grid.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Fulfillment of project targets
Table 4 shows some key technical targets for the project.
Table 4
Key project targets from the project description
LT-PEM natural gas
Electrical efficiency
Total efficiency
Power-up time, cold
80 (+10)
45 minutes
85 (+10)
1 minute
SOFC natural gas
85-90 (+10)
10 hours
In general, the Varde and Vestenskov technologies came very close to the electrical efficiency
target. The Vestenskov, and especially the Varde installation, exceeded the target for total
efficiency. The SOFC units did not meet the electrical efficiency target during field tests; figures of
38 and 42% were seen during continuous production. During the laboratory tests, maximum
electrical efficiency was measured to 44%, which came closer to the project goal. During field
testing, one SOFC microCHP unit met the total efficiency target for non-condensing mode by
achieving 85% during continuous production.
The power needed for heating up the SOFC-based units to their operating temperature (7 – 800
will influence their net efficiency over a week if several starts and stops occur. The net electrical
production efficiency of a week with 5-10 starts will end at 27-29% due to the power needed for
heating up. Such units (SOFC) should therefore be used as base load units.
None of the technologies met the availability goals if the average figure is used. However, for the
Vestenskov case, a number of units did reach the target; for the Varde installations, many units
ended with relatively high figures of availability seen over the complete test period. A learning
curve was seen in Varde, and during the last months of the tests an average availability of >95%
was reached, thus meeting the target.
The SOFC-based units did not meet the availability targets.
All three technologies came close to the power-up time targets.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
The challenges we are facing in bringing the technology further on to the market falls in two
categories: technical issues and market acceptance.
Technical issues relate to reducing cost and increasing lifetime and reliability of the microCHP
units. Such improvements would all help strengthening the value proposition of microCHP units
compared to alternative solutions. Research, development, demonstration and volume production
methods are still needed to bring microCHP in a favorable position.
During the Danish-microCHP project we have learned that a number of technical parts of the units
need further development as to cost reduction and reliability improvements. Some examples of
these are:
DC/AC inverters dedicated to fuel cell applications. We have experienced in this project
that the inverters developed for PV applications modified for fuel cell applications do not
meet requirements and the price target needed
Balance of plant (BoP)components used in the fuel systems need to be more integrated to
meet the price and reliability targets
Integration with the heating system of the house must be simplified to meet cost targets
Cost reduction needed for fuel processing and de-sulfurizing of the natural gas system
Hydrogen generation must become more reliable and cost of equipment must be reduced
The fuel cell is not mainstream technology and market acceptance is lacking. MicroCHP units
provide efficient heat and electricity at the physical location where it is used resulting in
significantly lower losses. In addition, microCHP will provide CO
savings and the possibility of
grid balancing. Two qualities demanded by society.
When a private homeowner invests in and uses a microCHP unit (s)he should be compensated for
delivering these two qualities. The microCHP could be accepted faster in the market, and
volume/cost balance could really start to take off for microCHP units in Europe.
Another important barrier for commercialization is the lack of awareness among decision makers,
which is reflected in the laws and regulations, e.g. hourly registration of produced power exported
to the grid. There are still many challenges to be addressed before the technology can become fully
commercial. Despite these challenges, the Danish MicroCHP project is a first small step in this
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
With today’s rules and regulation in Denmark, there is no financial incentive in exporting electricity
produced by microCHP systems based on natural gas. To obtain an optimal end-user financial
benefit, the microCHP systems must match household electricity consumption on an hourly basis.
For the hydrogen-based microCHP systems, where the hydrogen is produced using mainly
electricity from wind turbines, it is argued that the hydrogen is a renewable energy. These
microCHP systems are therefore eligible for simple net settlement, benefitting the end-user.
Based on the experiences gained from the field tests, there are no functional issues in the coupling
of the primary heat source and the microCHP system. The natural gas-based systems were installed
as supplements to the existing natural gas-based heating source of the households. The hydrogen-
based systems were installed as substitution for the oil boilers of the households, and therefore they
operated in a stand-alone mode. However, these hydrogen systems were supported by electric water
heaters to top up production in peak hours of demand.
The coupling of the microCHP with the heat storage facility in the houses operated successfully and
improved the overall operating conditions and experiences by limiting the number of start-stops,
which resulted in an increased flexibility in the electricity and heat production.
Net settlement
The electrical settlement method used in the field test of the microCHP was: “simplified net
settlement Group 5” (Fixed installations where the exported electricity is zero or marginal) as
described in the TSO (Transmission System Operator) guideline
from Energinet.dk.
However, in Vestenskov, annual net settlement was used, and in Varde, hourly net settlement was
used during the field test, which means that ‘exported’ electricity is subtracted from the ‘imported’
electricity on an hourly basis, whereby net house consumption becomes subject to billing. All
exported electricity that is not used within the hour is delivered to the grid for free.
This billing method was chosen for the Varde field test as electricity produced from natural gas
does not fall under the same privileges as renewable electricity, where the TSO has a production
balance responsibility, and selling the electricity on the spot market would require a contract with a
commercial production balance responsible entity and associated cost.
Primary / secondary heat source
During selection of the field test hosts it was ensured that:
there was sufficient room to integrate the microCHP system with the existing heat source
return temperature in the heating system was suitable
routing of gas, water, exhaust and electricity was possible
The heat power of the primary heat source was typically 12-16 kW. The microCHP system was
connected to the return pipe of the primary heat source. When the heat demand of the house
for nettoafregning af egenproducenter”
Energinet.dk document no.: 27582-10
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
exceeded the 1,6kW heat power of the microCHP system, the primary heat source supplied the
additional heat demand. Hot water demand of the household was produced by the primary heat
source only.
Before the field test was started a lease agreement between the demo host and the involved parties
from the consortium was signed.
For example, Dantherm Power leased the microCHP system in a min. period of 12 months to SE,
who in turn leased the microCHP system to the test host. After the end of the field test all
installation sites was re-established to state prior to the installation and the microCHP systems
returned to Dantherm Power for further analysis (Post mortem).
All costs associated with the field test were covered by Dantherm Power, SE and DONG Energy.
From the project the test hosts received extra payment for all exported electricity from the fuel cells
and free natural gas for the fuel cells during the field test.
A similar (but not identical) constellation was applied for the end users in Vestenskov, where IRD
Fuel Cells and SEAS-NVE covered the costs of the field test, leaving for the end users to pay for
their actual heat and power consumption, based on the average energy rates for the last three (3)
The project revealed a possible administrative barrier for microCHP implementation. Energinet.dk’s
forms for small power producer registration only accept one type of production unit per producer. It
is therefore not possible to be own producer of electricity from both solar panels and a microCHP in
the same household.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
As part of the project activity on socio-economic analyses, a number of quantitative analyses have
been carried out focusing on the direct benefit of the microCHP units. This benefit has been
estimated by use of the system modelling tool Balmorel, which simulates the electricity and heat
production in electricity and CHP systems. The analyses have been carried out for the scenario of
year 2020.
For the natural gas solutions,
a direct economic benefit of approximately DKK 740 per unit per
year has been estimated (including CO
benefit). This socio-economic benefit should be compared
to the extra annual capital costs of establishing the combined microCHP / gas boiler systems instead
of only gas boilers.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 below show the change in electricity production by fuels, and the change in
fuel use for electricity and heat production when introducing the
gas microCHP units,
which are
individual gas boilers.
From Figure 3, it appears that the total electricity generation in
the system is unchanged by the introduction of the gas-fuelled microCHP units, but an additional
amount of electricity is produced by gas. From Figure 4 it appears that the introduction of the gas-
fuelled microCHP units results in a net reduction in total fuel consumption in the system, which is
due to increased co-generation of electricity and heat. The main fuel reduction is seen at coal-fired
power plants.
Figure 3:
Change in electricity production by fuels (positive equals increase)
Other fossil
Figure 4:
Change in fuel use for electricity and heat production (positive equals increase)
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
The hydrogen solutions
are indeed very, and more than the gas solutions, dependent on variations
in electricity prices. In situations where the microCHP units are not forced into operation, the
model, due to among others the limited electricity price variations found in 2020, mainly chooses to
produce the heat by the electric heaters. This is due to the relatively high losses in the hydrogen
production and distribution system.
The direct economic benefit of the hydrogen solutions in combination with electric heaters as
backup has been estimated from a loss of DKK 2,200 per unit per year up to a benefit of DKK
2,600 per unit per year. However, in the situation with at benefit of DKK 2,600, the benefit mainly
arises from the electric heater which accounts for 90% of the heat production.
Figure 5 and Figure 6 below show the change in electricity production by fuels, and the change in
fuel use for electricity and heat production when introducing the
hydrogen microCHP
units, which
are replacing
individual oil boilers.
From Figure 3, it appears that the total electricity generation at
thermal power producers in the system (and hydro) increases by the introduction of the hydrogen-
fuelled microCHP units. This is due to the increased losses in the system (more electricity are used
for hydrogen production than production using the microCHP units) and due to the fact that almost
no excess wind, that would otherwise have been curtailed, is used for the hydrogen production in
2020. This result may have been different if a future situation with almost 100% of wind energy in
the system had been analyzed instead of the model situation in 2020. From Figure 4, it appears that
the introduction of the hydrogen-fuelled microCHP units results in a net increase in total fuel
consumption in the system, which is due to the required increase in electricity production (arising
from the losses).
Figure 5:
Change in electricity production by fuels (positive equals increase)
Other fossil
Figure 6:
Change in fuel use for electricity and heat production (positive equals increase)
The direct economic benefits and the CO
reductions are shown in the table below. The direct
economic benefit includes the benefit/costs of reduced/increased CO
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Table 5
Socio-economic benefit and
reduction by scenarios.
Direct economic benefit (reduction
in socio-economic costs)
[million €]
Reduction in CO
(which is also included in
the direct economic benefit)
Natural gas
Hydrogen, forced
Hydrogen, double wind
Hydrogen, double wind, forced
It appears that the two hydrogen scenarios without forced production at the CHP units are the
scenarios with the highest direct economic benefit. However, these two scenarios are actually rather
two "electric heating" scenarios than two hydrogen CHP scenarios as the electric heaters produce
most of the heat in these scenarios. It also appears that the CO
emission actually increases in the
hydrogen scenarios, which is due to the increased need for electricity production, and due to the fact
that in 2020 only a very little amount of wind energy, which would otherwise have been curtailed,
is used for hydrogen production.
The model results have illustrated a very central point. Without having very large variations in
electricity prices from some hours to others, the hydrogen solutions cannot compete with electric
heaters (or heat pumps for that matter), which in combination with heat storages also have a
relatively high flexibility with respect to using electricity when electricity prices are low.
When talking about the future electricity market, it can on one hand be argued that further
development of wind power will lead to more fluctuating electricity prices. On the other hand, there
are a lot of measures under development with the purpose of utilizing electricity when prices are
low and reducing electricity consumption in peak-load hours when prices are high. One of these
measures is the hydrogen microCHP units. Other measures are electric vehicles, heat pumps and
demand response. The development of these measures will - opposite to the wind power
development - lead to less variation in electricity prices. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether
electricity prices will be more or less fluctuating in the long run, compared to today's prices.
In the analyses of the hydrogen solutions, it has not been taken into consideration that, depending
on the location of the electrolyser, it may be possible to utilize the heat loss in the electrolyser for
heat production. In some cases, this may increase the direct economic benefit of the hydrogen
solution compared to the figures in the table above.
In addition to the direct economic benefit shown above, there may be some other socio-economic
benefits for both the gas and hydrogen solution. These are:
Reduced electricity distribution losses and costs
Increased regulating power capacity
Reduced investment costs at other power plants in the system
Increased security of supply
Increased possibilities of incorporating wind power in the system
Not all these other benefits (additional to the direct economic benefit) are additive. For instance, if
some investment costs are saved at other power plants in the system, the CHP units will not
contribute to an increase in the overall security of supply at the same time. But the list of benefits
points out some relevant aspects that, apart from the direct economic benefit, may contribute to the
total socio-economic benefit of the microCHP units.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Smart grid means ’computerizing’ the electric utility grid. It includes a two-way digital
communication technology between the devices associated with the grid and the utility’s network
operations center. A key feature of the smart grid is automation technology that lets the utility
adjust and control each individual device or millions of devices from a central location. However,
fulfilment of the smart grid vision also requires that the individual device is aimed at fast response
and is sufficiently robust to cope with many start-stop cycles. The latter aspect is investigated in
further detail within the present project.
Response time is of vital importance in a smart grid context. The hydrogen-fuelled microCHPs
demonstrated in Vestenskov took 2.5 min. to reach full power from cold conditions, while the
equipment can be shut down in less than �½ min. The power-up time can be reduced significantly by
including batteries or super-capacitors to compensate for the power output during the power-up, a
well-known technology for hydrogen-fuelled UPS systems based on PEM fuel cells. During the
field demonstration in Vestenskov, several hydrogen-fuelled microCHPs were scheduled for up to
12 daily start-stop cycles. The overall conclusion is that the cell degradation is not related to the
number of start-stop cycles (Fig. 7) and that the hydrogen-fuelled microCHPs are well suited in this
respect to become part of the future smart grid.
Average Cell degradation [µV/h]
y = 7.7278ln(x) - 63.037
R² = 0.1106
-fuelled µCHPs @ IRD: 2012-14
Recorded number of start/stops
Figure 7 Average cell degradation versus number and start-stop
cycles for individual hydrogen-fuelled microCHPs demonstrated in
Vestenskov 2013-2014
In Varde, selected microCHP units were controlled by the DONG PowerHub, which was integrated
in the microCHP systems’ control system. The DONG PowerHub setup is designed to interface
power producing hardware to the secondary reserve power market in Denmark.
During February to April 2013, a series of three tests controlling four microCHP systems for a
period of 60 hours were performed, in which the communication was made over the existing
internet connection. The microCHP units’ power-up time of approximately one hour means that
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
only units already operating can meet the 15 min. requirement, for reaching full power, set on the
secondary reserve power market. For the reformer-based fuel cell systems deployed, the optimum
solution for delivering regulating power would be to bid in excess capacity while the system is
With the current bidding volumes on the secondary reserve power market ±15MW and a microCHP
system size of 1kW, a third-party provider pooling the systems in a virtual power plant (VPP) is
If this theoretical setup was performed, an optimistic estimate of annual system earnings would be
DKK 680-970. Dividing this earning between the system owner (end user), the VPP operator and
the energy company in a business model, in which the profit follows the allocated risk, it is most
likely that only a small fraction of the total profit could be left for end-user incentive. The setup of a
suitable business model was outside the scope of this task.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
In an international perspective, there are higher expectations for the fuel cell-based solutions than
any other directly competing microCHP technologies. According to the internationally recognized
technology analyzing institute Delta-ee (http://www.delta-ee.com ) the global microCHP share for
engine-driven microCHP solutions (Stirling and gas engine) has dropped from 100 to 30% from
2008 to 2013. On the other hand, fuel cell-based solutions have increased their global microCHP
market share from 0 to 70% for the same period of time.
Figure 8 MicroCHP Fuel Cells in Japan
The numbers only reflect a few hundred thousand plants, and it is mainly Japan (see Figure 8) - and
partly Korea - which have been successful, with many thousand plants installed. In September
2014, Japan passed a remarkable milestone with 100,000 fuel cell-based microCHP units, where
both the European and the US market are lagging far behind with only a few thousand systems
The reason for the lack of international success is primarily the high costs. The high costs are due to
production costs for the units, costs for operation and maintenance and a lifetime that does not quite
meet the commercial benchmark, primarily defined by condensing gas-fired boilers. Continued
development of the fuel cell-based microCHPs and mass production of these will solve these
obstacles on the way to a commercial breakthrough for the markets in the US and Europe. However,
it is acknowledged today that it will take longer than previously anticipated. Just a few years ago,
expectations indicated several million microCHPs in the European market by 2020, but today the
same expectations are down to perhaps 100,000 plants in 2020.
Therefore, a commercial breakthrough will depend on a continued public support for many years
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Danish MicroCHP in an international perspective
The Danish demonstration project for fuel cell-based microCHP has received considerable
international attention. The project and results from the project have been presented internationally
at several occasions, and a lot of foreign visitors have come to Denmark to visit the demonstration
sites. Globally, this project - along with the corresponding German Callux project - represent the
most important demonstration projects for microCHPs in recent years. A somewhat larger European
demonstration project - ene.field - with 1000 demo installations in 12 EU countries has recently
been started up, but the foundation for the project is experiences from Callux and the Danish
MicroCHP projects.
As an additional element in the Danish microCHP project, the "clean hydrogen solution" was
introduced – a feature that no other international demonstration projects have yet included. The
combination of wind-based hydrogen production to feed fuel cells in microCHP installations is a
technology meant for the future fossil-free society. The commercial breakthrough is probably not
imminent, but the Danish microCHP project has demonstrated the solution, and therefore this
particular part of the project attracted much international attention.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
The microCHP plants are expected to become a significant part of the future renewable energy
system. For this reason, the project has focused on the interaction between the units, the consumers
(demo-hosts) and the utility companies. Valuable knowledge for the further deployment has been
obtained. As a result of the successful completion of the demonstration project, both IRD Fuel Cells
A/S and Dantherm Power A/S are now ready to bring their technology further towards
commercialization. The commercialization plans include installation of 3,000 microCHP plants in
Denmark before 2018. The planned distribution comprises 1,500 hydrogen-fuelled plants and 1,500
natural gas or biogas-fuelled plants. The microCHP technology still needs to become more market
mature. This will happen in parallel with the production of more units. The Danish
commercialization will take place in close competition with other, international fuel cell microCHP
providers, particularly with manufacturers in Japan and Germany.
A further price reduction of 50% is expected for both IRD and Dantherm Power microCHP systems
by 2018 as a consequence of a higher production volume. Furthermore, the additional operational
experience that will be obtained during the operation of the many plants on the local markets in
Denmark is a prerequisite for obtaining the necessary lifetime warrantees that are needed to expand
to the international markets. Fuel cell-based microCHP has great export potential. The annual
market for boiler replacement units is more than DKK 100 billion in Europe alone. Danish
produced microCHPs aim at winning up to 10% of the potential European market for boiler
replacements. This will result in an annual Danish export of up to DKK 10 billion and holds a great
potential for Danish growth and creation of Danish jobs.
From a first glance, many new technologies appear attractive from an environmental and energy-
related point of view, but it is a tough task for new technologies to penetrate the market. There are
many reasons for a possible commercialization failure or a slow breakthrough. Among the key
barriers is the high financial risk related to the challenge of providing a long warranty period.
Furthermore, at present, the high microCHP investment costs are not justified in Denmark by the
owners of flexible power production, the environmental benefits of replacing fossil fuels are not
credited nor is energy security via smart grid services financially appreciated. This means that there
is no financial incentive or even justification for the technology, although it can be an important
method for grid balancing.
Integrated microCHPs are recognized as one of the most mature of fuel cell systems. Several
European manufacturers are ready for large-scale distribution. Already, a few European companies
sell products, though mostly under public support programs; other companies participate in large-
scale field tests like the present Callux project in Germany or ene.field across Europe.
A successful Danish fuel cell-based microCHP industry still needs political acceptance and support,
as has been the case for the wind industry for many years. Financing measures may be different, but
it is crucial for the energy strategy/policy implementation, job creation and the export potential.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
During the course of the project phase 3, the vision, the progress and the results have been shared
with interested parties in the following way:
Articles in magazines
1. Mikrokraftvarme på brint i Vestenskov, Gasteknik 5/2014,
2. Micro-CHP - A tool for increased market access, Cogeneration and On-Site Power Production,
May-June 2014
3. Mikrokraftvarme i praksis, Gasteknik 6/2013
4. Mikrokraftvarme er succes – nu skal prisen ned, FiB 44, april 2013
5. Test af mikrokraftvarme i stor skala i private hjem, Gasteknik 3/2013,
6. Mikrokraftvarme – tæt på gennembrud, Nyhedsbladet Dansk Energi, 11/2012
7. Klar til mikrokraftvarme med naturgas, FiB 38, december 2011,
8. Klar til mikrokraftvarme med naturgas, Gasteknik, 5/2011,
9. Brint og brændselsceller til mikrokraftvarme, Dansk Kemi 91, 12/2010
10. Brændselsceller til mikrokraftvarme – det danske projekt, HVAC 11/2010
11. Fem familier luner sig med brændselsceller, Electra, april 2009
12. Brændselsceller til mikrokraftvarme, HVAC 1/2009
Articles in public newspapers and magazines
A media analysis for the entire project period has been performed. A total of 323 media events
targeting the broader population has been registered. Most eager journalists are from the local
newspapers of Vestenskov, Varde and Sønderborg, as shown in figure 9.
Figure 9 Media events for Danish microCHP project 2007-2014 (source: Infomedia)
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Conference presentations/papers
All project partners have been very eager to present the project at various Danish and International
conferences. Only the international presentations are listed here. For further detail, please refer to
the technology reports.
1. Development and demonstration of Danish fuel cell based micro cogeneration, M. Näslund, J.
de Wit, DGC et al., 3rd International Conference on Micro-cogeneration and Related
Technologies, 15-17 April 2013, Napoli
2. MicroCHP units meeting tomorrow’s power/heat demands and improving the integration of
renewables, J. de Wit, DGC et al., Power-gen Europe, 4-6 June 2013, Vienna
3. Residential Fuel Cell Micro Cogeneration - Opportunities and Challenges in the System Design,
M. Näslund, J. de Wit, DGC et al., International Gas Research Conference 2008, Paris
4. PEM Fuel Cell Power for Stationary Applications, Laila G. Madsen, IRD et al., Conference and
Trade Show, 2007, Vancouver.
5. MicroCHP implementation, M. Näslund, J. de Wit, DGC, Power-gen Europe 2007, Madrid.
6. Implementation of microCHP in single-family houses, Jan de Wit, Ianina Mofid, Karsten V.
Frederiksen, DGC, World Gas Conference 2006, Amsterdam.
7. FuelCellEurope Roundtable discussion on CHP, Laila Grahl-Madsen (2010) on the 25
March, 2010 in Brussels
8. The Hydrogen Demonstration Society @ Lolland Island, Denmark, FCH JU general assembly,
Laila Grahl-Madsen (2010): November 9-10, Brussels
9. Fuel cell Durability & Performance conference, Hydrogen fuelled PEM μCHP’s in field test in
Denmark Laila Grahl-Madsen (2010), Poster presented 9-10th December, 2010, Boston
10. Real-life experience obtained in Vestenskov during field test with hydrogen fuelled LT PEM
µCHPs. L. Grahl-Madsen at the PEMFC Degradation workshop, Sintef Oslo on the 3
– 4
April, 2013.
11. International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany
on the 16
to 18
of April, 2013, L. Grahl-Madsen: Field experience with a Hydrogen fuelled
12. Providing sustainable power and heat in Denmark and beyond. Oral presentation at the Danish-
Korean PEM Fuel Cell Workshop, November 18-19, 2013, KIST, Seoul, Mikkel Juul Larsen
(2013) IRD A/S
13. Development and demonstration of PEM FC based μCHP units in the hydrogen village
Vestenskov on Lolland in Denmark. Oral presentation at the workshop on “Progress in PEMFC
Stack Testing Procedures” organized by Next Energy on 28
– 29
of January 2014, Steen Yde-
Andersen (2014)
14. “Development and Demonstration of Danish Fuel Cell based micro cogeneration”, Presented at
the 3rd International Conference on Micro-generation and Related Technologies, 15-17 April
2013, Napoli, Mikael Näslund, et al.
15. “Micro CHP units meeting tomorrow’s power/heat demands and improving the integration of
renewables”, Power-gen Europe, 4-6 June 2013, Vienna, Austria, Jan de Wit et al.
16. “Micro-CHP - A tool for increased market access”, published in “Cogeneration & On–Site
Power Production”, May-June, 2014, Jan de Wit, Laila G. Madsen and Mads Møller Melchiors
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
Dissemination Website
The project website (www.dmkv.dk) has existed since 2008. During 2011, the website was
redesigned and restructured to reflect the progress of the project. Based on the expected future role
of the µCHP units as a sustainable technology and in relation to smart grid, the website presents the
fuel cell technology in relation to wind power, smart grid and different fuels as well as to the project
In 2014, the website was rearranged to act as an information source about the project and the role of
the participants. All public presentations (papers, articles, reports) are now available for free
download on the project website.
EFK, Alm.del - 2014-15 (2. samling) - Bilag 13: Orientering om afslutningen af projektet ’Demonstration af mikrokraftvarme baseret på danske brændselsceller’
Demonstration of MicroCHP Based on Danish Fuel Cells - Phase 3
The Danish Energy Agency (EFP-Akt.167 J. no. 033001/33033-0333)
In relation to the COP15 UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen in 2009, the exhibition house
“H2Interaction” was opened, displaying the topics of fuel cells, hydrogen, microCHP and
renewable energy in a popular and interactive way. The exhibition has been well visited, mainly by
international delegations and industry, but also by Danish politicians and industrial leaders, schools,
local activity clubs, tourists and citizens. A total of 160 delegations have visited the exhibition over
the project period.
In addition, a temporary show case exhibition was displayed at the annual meeting of
Gasteknisk Forenings
(Danish Gas Association) in 2012 and at
(annual political event
for politicians, industry and the general public) on the island of Bornholm in 2013.
All exhibition activities have resulted in very positive feedback both from technical experts and
ordinary citizens on the efforts to communicate technically complex material in a popular way.