Transportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
L 141 Bilag 3
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der anerkannten Naturschutzverbånde in Schleswig-Holstein
Landesnaturschutzverband - AG Geobotanik - Landesjagdverband
Landessportfischerverband - Naturschutzgesellschaft Schutzstation Wattenmeer
Schleswig-Holsteinischer Heimatbund - Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald - Verein Jordsand
Tel : 0431/93027,
Fax: 0431/92047,
eMail: [email protected],
- 5 JAN. 2015
Power of Authority
Herewith we authorize
Mr Dr. Wilhelm Mecklenburg, Lawyer,
Håtschenkamp 7, 25421 Pinneberg, Germany
Mr Hendrick Kerlen,
Westermakelsdorf 12A, 23769 F e h m a r n , Germany
to represent us within all, procedures concerning
the construction act for the
Fixed Link of the Fehrman Belt.
Kiel, December 20, 2014
Michael Ott
(for the AG29 Schleswig-Holstein - Working Group of legally recognized nature conservati-
on organizations in Schleswig-Holstein (AG 29) and its associated organizations)
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Dr Wilhelm Mecklenburg
Diplom-Physiker * Rechtsanwalt
Håtschenkamp 7
2 5 4 2 1 Pinneberg
[email protected]
RA Dr W Mecklenburg. Håtschenkamp 7, 25421 Pinneberg
To the Ministry of Transport / Transportministeriet
Kingdom of Denmark
- Dorthe Gravgaard -
Frederiksholms Kanal 27 F
DK -
Hand Carried Delivery
of Transportministeriet: not avaible upon request
eMail of Transportministeriet: [email protected]
5th January 2015
Høring over udkast til Lov om anlæg af en fast forbindelse over
Femern Bælt med tilhørende landanlæg i Danmark -
Pre-Hearing for the Construction Law concerning the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link
(FBFL) to be brought before the Danish Folketing
Objections (bemærkninger til lovudkastet)
Objection / Statement
Aktionsbiindnis gegen eine feste Fehmarnbeltquerung e.V.,
represented by Mr. Hendrick Kerlen, Westermarkelsdorf 12A, 23769
Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation, Germany
(BUND e.V.), East Holstein Group, represented by Mr. Wolfgang
Hielscher, Am Moor 9A, 23611 Bad Schwartau, who also represents
the BUND Schleswig Holstein,
Working Group of legally recognized nature conservation
organizations in Schleswig-Holstein (AG 29) and its associated
Konto 898939 204 BLZ 200 100 20 Postbank Hamburg ** Ust-IdNr: DE 161 282 580
DE85 2001 0020 0898 9392 04
Telefon 04101 780 325 ** Telefax 04101 780 326 ** Mobil 0175 77 49 978
- In Burogemeinschaft mit Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt fur Verwaltungsrecht Ralf Wassermann -
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State Association of Nature Conservation (LNV)
AG Geobotany
Regional Hunters Association
State Association of Sport Fishing
Nature Conservation Society Wadden Sea, Conservation Centre,
Schleswig-Holstein Heritage Association,
German Forest Protection Association,
Jordsand Association,
all represented by the CEOs of the State Nature Conservation
Association, Mr. Ragnar Schaefer an Michael Ott, business address:
Burgstrasse 4, 24103 Kiel,
Verein zum Schutz von Umwelt und Wohnqualitåt e.V. (VESUV)
represented by the Chairman Joachim Kuschinske, SandstraBe 25-27,
23552 Liibeck,
Umweltschutzverein Seeretz e.V. (UVS), represented by Chairman
.Dr. Jorn Funck, Hammersberg 24, 23611 Sereetz
in the following to be referred to as
have asked me to represent them in the above- mentioned procedure. I declare to
have been properly empowered with powers of attorney as included.
In the name of and on behalf of the objectors I raise
with representations as follows :
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Preliminary remarks
Connection to the Espoo-procedure
Split development consent
Necessity for a coherent authorisation
No development consent through a parliamentary law
The Aarhus Convention
T E N - T regulations
State subsidies
Tunnel safety
Uninformed preliminary decision of implementing the
immersed tunnel
General remarks
Further major faults in the project plan
Flawed selection of the favoured immersed tunnel
Only cursory appraisal of the null alternative (baseline scenario)
Unfeasible bridge solutions
Methodology of selecting the optimal fixed link solution
Arguments from the Høringsnotat October 2014
Inadequate environmental assessment
The Marine Strategy - Framework Directive; Biodiversity
Some obvious deficiencies in the investigations are presented
in the following sections
Impact of dredging works
Impact on benthos and plankton
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Impact on birds
Impact on bats
Impact on fish
Impact on the harbour porpoise
Dynamics of the sea bed
Economics of the Fixed Link Project
Traffic Forecast 2014
Financial Analysis 2014
Mandatory macro-economic project justification
The draft law (lovudkastet) is moot
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Preliminary remarks
For technical reasons - as no Telefax communication
was made available - M r Kerlen from the
"Aktionsbiindnis" w i l l personally deliver the present
objections to the Transportministeriet. He will sign the latter
and has been authorized to do so for all the objectors.
The person o f contact, Ms Dorthe Gravgaard wrote to us
on December 19, 2014:
Dear Dr W Mecklenburg
The Ministry of Transport is closed for the public holiday and I wil
therefore not be available until January 5.
Best Regards
Dorthe Gravgaard
Head of Section
Ministry of Transport
Bro- og Metrokontoret
Frederiksholms Kanal 27F
DK-1220 København K
We hold this behavior to be unlawful under the general
requirements of the EIA-Directive (public participlation
clauses), to wit the public participation clauses ("effective
opportunities to participate", Article 6 No 4 of said Directive).
In particular, certain files on the website concerning the present procedure
turned out to be corrupt and we had to ask for proper files. This
problem could not have been solved without help from the
Danish Authorities.
Also it will not be possible to send these objections by mail as
the person on the "receiving end" of the mail communication
will not be available to confirm receipt of the objection.
The objectors maintain that, i f the Ministry feels it deserves a
holiday during the Christmas period, it is unfair (in a legal
sense!) that at the same time the public is put under the
obligation to work and left without reliable communication line.
The objectors are NGOs who, under German Law, fulfil the
necessary requirements to take legal action under Article 11 of
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the EIA-Directive.
Because German and English material is available only through
the portfolios of the Espoo procedure
'Transboundary public participation
pursuant to § 9b
of UVPG (the German law on environmental impact
assessment) for the Danish section of the Fixed Link
Project between Rodby and the German-Danish border in
the Baltic Sea" -
"Espoo procedure"
for the Fixed Link, the party of
origin: Denmark, notification by the Landesbetrieb fur
StraBenbau und Verkehr, (LBV-SH, State Authority for
Road Construction and Transport) of 2 July 2013.
addressing the environmental effects of the Danish half of the
FBFL on Germany and the German "Planfeststellungsverfahren"
addressing the environmental effects of the German half of the
FBFL on Germany the objectors sometimes refer to material
from these procedures.
The public hearing procedure on the draft act is marred
by two serious flaws that are completely invalidating
the former and are turning it into a mere farce for the
the recently published financial analysis, which is an
important part for any decision on the Project Act, is still based
on preliminary cost estimates of Femern A/S. It has already been
announced that the financial analysis 2014 will have to be
revised on the basis of the more relevant cost estimates quoted
by the construction consortia in their tender submissions.
the socio-economic analysis for the Project is not yet
available for the hearing.
These two procedural flaws entitle the public to demand that the
Ministry of Transport shall stay the current public hearing until
these two decision-relevant analyses are available for public
review and discussion.
We also remind the reader that the German public has not been
consulted within the Danish scoping procedure under the EIA-
Furthermore and so far, the draft act raises a number of
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important legal and forensic questions:
Can the building permit for the cross-border tunnel be issued by
an act of Folketing?
Did Denmark comply with the regulations of the Espoo
Convention when convening the transboundary hearings on the
environmental impact of the Belt Tunnel?
Was the Minister for Transport rushed into making a hasty and
uninformed decision on the immersed tunnel solution?
Are the EIA and the various risk assessments (e.g. tunnel safety,
safety of shipping) providing a sound basis for a decision in
favour of an immersed tunnel?
Does the traffic prognosis 2014 provide a sound basis for the
economic evaluations?
We w i l l in the following touch upon these questions in
a concise manner. We refer the Danish Government, in
particular the Ministry o f Transport, to our objection
with the German Planfeststellungsverfahren for the
German half o f the FBFL. This we consider to be part
of the present objection. The material is available to
Femern A/S and thus to the Danish Government.
Connection to the Espoo-procedure
The present hearing is connected to the Espoo-hearing
having taken place in 2013 in Germany, but otherwise
conducted by the Danish authorities. That hearing
contained only a very small portfolio o f material:
a) Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link (coast to coast)-TRANSBOUNDARY-
with a German translation (of 62 pages). ("Summary")
b) Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link (coast-coast)- TRANSBOUNDARY-
the Danish Espoo Procedure, only in English ( 366 pages).
("Environnemental report").
The present hearing contains
no material either in
German or in English
(the latter being, unlike
German or Danish, lingua franca within the EU). As far
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as the Danish authorities are concerned, the German
public will altogether be informed only by the portfolio
of the Espoo-procedure.
Within the Espoo-procedure, only two documents have been
made available to the German public, to wit:
a) Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link (coast to coast)-TRANSBOUNDARY-
with a German translation (of 62 pages).
b) Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link (coast-coast)-TRANSBOUNDARY-
the Danish Espoo Procedure, only in English ( 366 pages).
These two reports are hereinafter sometimes referred to as
"environmental report"
(b) and
The documentation is totally inadequate.
The objectors consider this to be unlawful. The Danish
Espoo-procedure was entirely insufficient as far as the
material provided was concerned and cannot therefore
substitute a participation within the procedure leading
to the Construction Act.
Being a hearing o f the German public o f the effects o f
half o f FBFL on the German public, the
hearing's object was ridiculously formulated.
The construction act therefore can be passed only i f the
objectives o f the EIA-Directive are met, cp Artikel 2
para (2) lit b o f directive 2014/52/EU. The material
leading to the Construction Act must therefore be
available not only in Danish, but also in German (at
least in English, even though this would not be
considered to be sufficient).
However as Ms Dorthe Gravgaard told us expressly by eMail
from December 5, 2014, the material for the construction law is
only in Danish.
The objectors consider this to be unlawful.
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Split development consent
The overall development consent is split into two: On the
German side it will be the result of an administrative procedure,
on the Danish side the Construction Act will be a formal
parliamentary law.
This splitting is after all agreed upon in the Treaty for the
building of a fixed link across the Fehmarn Belt. See Art. 13,
paragraph 3, which states:
The implementation of the necessary approval procedures
will be, for the part of the Fixed Link on German
sovereign territory, subject to German law, and on Danish
sovereign territory to Danish law.
The German authorities have confirmed that there will be no
proceedings, in which the objections of the public regarding the
entire project will be taken into account. (Answer of the State
(Lander) Government of Schleswig-Holstein, parliamentary
information 18/1119, Question and answer no 3.).
The objectors maintain that the splitting of the building permit
for the Fixed Link is not only inappropriate but also illegal and
the Treaty, therefore, must be altered (if the whole project is not
In this context, it is to be emphasized that the Espoo procedure
a Strategic Environmental Assessment for the entire
cf. the SEA Protocol = Protocol on Strategic Environmental
Assessment of the Agreement about the Environmental Impact
Assessment in a transboundary context, OJEU L 308/35 of 19
November 2008.
the COUNCIL from 27 June 2001 on the assessment o f the effects
of certain plans and programmes, OJEU 197/30 21 July 2001 but
concerns a project - EI A (Directive 2001/92/EU).
The objectors maintain that such a strategic assessment should
have been carried out for the Treaty and before entering into the
procedures for the respective national development consents.
Necessity for a coherent authorisation
The objectors maintain that it follows from the EIA-Directive
that the development consent for the Fixed Link must be a single
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uniform decision based on coherent material encompassing the
entire project (both halves of the link together). This follows
basically from the fact that building half a tunnel would make no
sense and might also be technically impossible.
Under the Boxus-decision of the ECJ the requirements of the
EIA-directive effectively have to be fulfilled also within the
legislative procedure at hand. This point has now been clarified
within Directive 2014/52. Thus, in particular, the definitions of
the EIA-Directive apply.
The term "development consent" or authorisation" is derived
'Development consent'
means the decision of the competent
authority or authorities which entitles the developer
to proceed with
the project",
Article 1, para. 2, lit c) EIA Directive
The term
is also found in the EIA Directive. There it
is defined as
means the execution of construction works, other
installations schemes
or other interventions in the natural surroundings and
landscape including those involving the extraction of
mineral resources".
Article 1, para.2, lit a) EIA Directive
From the fact that the
as a person applying for authorisation for a
private project or as a public authority which initiates a
is given the right to
with the project, it follows that the
must be feasible.
It corresponds to general legal principles that the right to
authorisation of a non-viable project does not exist. The German
courts label this under the term -
"no interest in a decision".
There can be no interest in a development consent for half a
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Only in such a way can the public (concerned) properly
participate in the procedures.
No development consent through a parliamentary law
The objectors maintain that Denmark must not grant a
development consent by parliamentary law, to wit: The
exemption Article 1 No 4 of the EIA-directive is not applicable.
The reason for this is basically that the Espoo-convention
regulation concerning cross-boundary participation does
contain such an exemption.
In fact the Espoo-Convention only speaks of "decisions of
competent authorities", see in particular Article 1 (v) of the
"Proposed activity" means any activity or any major
change to an activity subject to a decision of a competent
authority in accordance with an applicable national
procedure; ...
and simply does not mention "specific acts of national
There are also rules of German constitutional law that would
forbid giving a development consent by parliamentary law.
The reason for this is that the Danish half of the tunnel does
after all have legal and material consequences for the German
public concerned.
Putting together the objectors maintain:
It is
permissible to approve a measure such as
the Fixed Link in separate proceedings for two
tunnel halves without the public having an
opportunity to comment upon the project in a
manner, which, in the framework of a contiguous
approval, would have to be considered with legal
It ist
permissible to restrict participation in the
Danish Espoo Procedure to the above-mentioned
small portfolio in particular since many further
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relevant documents were also available at the time,
but only in English and Danish.
It is
permissible to base the participation of the
German public concerned on documents that are not
in German.
A Strategic Environmental Assessment had to be
carried out for "Fixed Link and (at least part of)
Hinterland Connections"
Indeed, only within a Strategic Environmental Assessment a
parliamentary act would have been possible:
'plans and programmes' shall mean plans and programmes... as well
as any modifications to them: which are subject to preparation and/or
adoption by an authority at national, regional or local level or
are prepared by an authority for adoption, through a legislative
procedure by Parliament
or Government,...
Article 2 Nr 5 lit b) SEA-Protocol, see also Article 2 lit a) indent 1
SEA-Directive 2001/42/EG.
In asfar as the second indent of Article 2 lit a) of the SEA-
Directives provides (only) for plans or programmes which are
required by legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions,
the following can be pointed out: A cross-border project always
requires some state treaty which usually is adopted by the
respective national parliaments, mostly in the form of some
formal legislation. These state treaties or the corresponding
national laws then are the "plans or programs" which are to be
subjected to a Strategic Environmental Assessment.
That there has to be an environmental assessment for the entire
tunnel (and not only the respective halves) also follows from the
"principle of integrated permits" as outlined above. While the
rules of SEA provides for unifying procedures for several
projects and a plan or program common to these, the rules of
EIA by the definition "projects" and "permits" make sure that an
project is subject to a
The Aarhus Convention
The Aarhus Convention allows the implementation of
environmental impact assessments only through authorities
(Article 6) and specifically excludes from the term "authority'
those bodies and institutions acting in a legislative capacity
(Article 2, No.2, in fine).
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However, in the Boxus Decision the ECJ (C-128/09) holds that
the Aarhus Convention excludes parliamentary legislative acts
from its application.
The Court infers this from the formulation of Article 1 of the
This definition (of a public authority, undersigned) does
not include bodies or institutions acting in a judicial or
legislative capacity.
The objectors maintain that the Court is wrong in concluding
that the Aarhus Convention excludes legislative acts from the
application of the Convention. They hold this to be true only in
an inverse sense namely that the relevant decision making
processes must be non-legislative in nature.
The objectors maintain that, similarly to the situation with the
Espoo Convention, the Aarhus Convention does not allow to
issue a development consent by parliamentary law.
Independent from which interpretation one chooses: The Court
sets strict standards for the legislative procedure and maintains
effectively that the requirements of the EIA Directive must be
Furthermore, the objectors point out that the Court holds that the
right to legal action of the public concerned is not diminished by
the fact that the development consent is granted by a law,
that frequently no legal redress exist against parliamentary
as is certainly the case in Germany (with very few
T E N - T regulations
The objectors maintain that the planning of the FBFL violates
the requirements of
of 11 December 2013
on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-
European transport network and repealing Decision No
661/2010/EU, OJEU L 348/1, 20.12.2013
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of 11 December 2013
on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-
European transport network and repealing Decision No
661/2010/EU, OJEU L348/129, 20.12.2013,
as well as certain related regulations.
Regulation 1315/2013 spells out certain requirements for the
elements of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). In
particular a socio-economic cost-benefit analysis -
'socio-economic cost-benefit analysis' means a quantified
ex-ante evaluation, based on a recognised methodology,
of the value of a project, taking into account all the
relevant social, economic, climate-related and environ
mental benefits and costs. The analysis of climate-related
and environmental costs and benefits shall be based on the
environmental impact assessment carried out pursuant to
Directive 2011/92/EU,
Article 3 lit t) of Directive 1315/2013
must be carried out. This is to be the case at least when a project
is to be subsidized under council regulation 1316/2013 (which is
the case for FBFL).
Under Article 7, para 3 lit c) the projects must
economically viable
on the basis of a socio-economic
cost-benefit analysis.
The objectors maintain not only that
this holds for any project to be an element of TEN-T
and certainly for the FBFL for which EU financing
has already been applied,
said "economic viability" can
be achieved for
the FBFL and thus the project is
materially unlawful
under EU-law.
State subsidies
In particular, compatibility with EU-regulations for state
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subsidies is
not given.
The Danish model for the financing of the FBFL- state-
guaranteed loans granted to a state-owned company constitutes
an infringement of Articles 107ff TFEU (TREATY ON THE
subsidies. The guarantees constitute a state aid incompatible
with the internal market.
Decision COM(2009)5513, finally to N 157/2009 (Denmark), 13
July 2009, (cf. OJEU C 202/2, 27 August 2009)
does not invalidate this argument, to wit:
The Commission bases its decision
the assumption
that Femern A/S is acting as a public authority in their
participation in the planning process for the infrastructure.
Therefore, the use of government funding, which is granted
solely for the planning of the project is not State Aid within the
meaning of Article 87, (now 107 TFEU), para. 1, EC Treaty.
, the Commission stated that such public support under
Article 87 (now 107 TFEU), para. 3, letter b, is compatible with
the common market anyway, because it serves the execution of
an important project of common European interest.
The objectors are of the opinion that the
first argument
of the
Commission is no longer compatible with the view of the European
Court on the public financing of infrastructure,
" ECJ C-288/11P, 19 December 2012 (Airport
As to the
second argument,
the objectors point out that the project
is not
and cannot be in the European interest, because it deviates
significantly from the requirements of the TEN Guidelines, in
particular not being economically viable in the sense required by
the TEN-T-guideline (see above).
From the German perspective, the tunnel therefore can not, for
legal reasons, be financed. Under German jurisdiction a "plan
justification" is therefore missing making a planning consent for
the German half of the tunnel unlawful and therefore, the Danish
half of the tunnel becomes an unfeasible project.
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There are a number of significant objections to the
environmental assessments carried out for the project.
First of all, the planning documents maintain that there will be
no significant (negative) environmental effects of building
and using the tunnel.
This is utterly ridiculous.
Millions of tons of seabed material will be displaced and for
several years the surrounding waters will be muddied by the
construction causing fauna to die or otherwise to suffer in a
significant way. This in turn will have strong effects for instance
on birds as well as sea life feeding in the area. Benthic fauna and
flora will terribly suffer. The same applies to sea mammals like
the harbour porpoises living in the area and migrating through it.
They will suffer not only through the deterioration of the water
quality (for which, by the way, the hydrographical simulation
models turn out to be false) but will also be deeply afflicted by
noise through the construction period and probably through
vibrations and electromagnetic effects while the tunnel is
Some details will be spelt out below.
As far as compensation measures are concerned, the German
side only offers money claiming - falsely - a compensation
as impossible.
It seems that on the Danish side, coastal landfills are considered
as compensation measures. The objectors strongly disagree with
this point of view.
This distorted view becomes (formally) possible because of the
Danish (and German) policy in designating special protection
sites (birds directive and/or sites of community interest (habitats
directive). There are great and unlawful gaps in the spectra of
designated sites. If for examples, landfills are put into these
gaps, they can for legal reasons not be considered to be
compensation measures.
That political "keep clear" instruction is well known for German
examples (Lubeck Airpoirt, A20).
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On Fehmarn, the special (bird) protection sites look as follows:
(from the official publication of the map, the scale being slightly
distorted for technical reasons), clearly leaving room for the
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For FFH areas see map:
•* on
(from the official publication of the map, the scale being slightly
distorted for technical reasons)
The objectors maintain that "efforts to keep clear" are definitely
recognisable here.
The corresponding situation on the Danish side cannot currently
be assessed.
Tunnel safety
The objectors maintain that the planning process does not fulfil
the requirements of Council Directive 2004/54, to wit:
PARLIAMENT and of the COUNCIL, 29th April 2004, on
minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the trans-
European road network, JOEU L 167/39, 30th April 2009
(hereinafter: Tunnel Directive)
According to Eur-Lex, Germany has implemented the Tunnel
Directive through
Revision of the "Guidelines for the equipment and
operation of road tunnels" (RABT) and general
circulars concerning road construction
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Administrative act: Circular, number: 10/2006, Official Journal:
Administrative measures, publication date: 27 April 2006:
Reference: (MNE (2006)52992)
Revision of the "Guidelines for the equipment and
operation of road tunnels'" (RABT) and a general
circular concerning road construction
Administrative Act: Circular, number: 10/2006, Official Journal:
Administrative measures, publication date: 27 April
2006;Reference: (MNE (2006)52991)
43. Regulation amending road traffic regulations and additional
VwV-StVO, 10 April 2006
Administrative A c t : Regulation, Official Journal : Federal Law
Gazette, part 1 (BGB 1), publication date 30th March
2006,.Coming into force : 1 April 2006, Reference (MNE
It should be noted that the only legal act of realisation (number 3)
above) applies only to the introduction of traffic signs. The
RABT has been introduced by means of an administrative
Denmark has implemented the Tunnel Directive as follows:
Bekendtgørelse nr. 892 af 18 august 2006 om
minimumssikkerhedskrav for tunneler, der er
offentlige veje, og som indgår i det transeuropaeiske
Aet: Bekendtgørelse, number 892; Official Journal:
Lovtidende A, date of publication: 18 August 2006,
Reference (MNE (2006) 56288)
Bekendtgørelse nr. 726 om minimumssikkerhedkrav
for tunneler i det transeuropaeiske vejnet.
Aet: Bekendtgørelse; Official Jounal: Lovtidende A,
date of publication 8 July 2008, come into force 9
July 2008; reference: (MNE (2008)53956)
However, according to the established case-law of the European
Court of Justice, an EU Directive cannot be implemented by
means of administrative circulars. The implementation of the
Tunnel Directive therefore is faulty in both countries.
The Tunnel Directive which should have come into force by 30
April 2006 has been, as yet, insufficiently transposed into
German law and is, therefore, to be applied with immediate
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The objectors do not, of course, claim that the RABT (number 1
and 2 of the notification by Germany) should not be observed.
The legal character of the RABT (or the accompanying
introduction) is, however, only that of an anticipated expert
report. It is not a general administrative regulation (cp Article
84, para. 2, GG (Basic Law of Germany))
The mandatory regulations of the Tunnel Directive with relevance to
the circumstances of the present case include:
Compliance with the
minimum requirements
to Annex I (see Article 3, para.l of the Directive);
Designation of an
administrative authority
(Article 4)
Appointment of a
tunnel manager
(Article 5)
Appointment of a
safety officer
(Article 6)
Risk analysis
(Article 13)
Exceptions for innovative technology (Article 14)
Important aspects to be ascertained relate to the transport of
dangerous goods,
Annex I, number 1.1.2 of the Directive
the extent and importance of which needs to be explored, as well
ventilation systems,
Annex I , number 2.9 of the Directive.
The objectors consider the ventilation system indicated in the
Environmental Report, Espoo-procedure, page 76,
which is
made up of a
self-ventilating system due to piston
impulse fans
at the tunnel exits,
to be
totally inadequate.
This is so specifically in view of the length of the tunnel and
possible operational breakdowns (accidents), in particular large
fires with an intensity in the region of 100 MW or possibly
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The objectors have supplied many more technical details within
their objections in the German participation procedure
According to Article 1, para. 1, 3 of the Tunnel Directive, a single
administrative authority
is to be set up for each tunnel.
Although Member States may, in principle, set up several
administrative authorities (Article 1, para. 1), this only applies to
the Member State as a whole and not the individual tunnel
(Article 1, para.3).
Article 5, para.l of the tunnel Directive shows that this
administrative authority must be established in the
planning phase.
Also, the tunnel manager (Article 5) is to be
named in the planning phase.
This follows with greater clarity, from Article 4, para. 4, in
conjunction with Annex II of the Tunnel Directive, whereby
"the provisions of the Directive have to be applied from the
beginning of the preliminary planning stage".
This is not a mere (nit-picking) formality.
The safety problems of the tunnel will not only arise with the
opening of the tunnel but, quite definitely, in the construction
phase as well.
In addition, specific elements of infrastructure of the tunnel must
be assessed as to their necessity during the planning phase, so as
to avoid at commissioning the experience that these measures
would be necessary while it is too late for their supplementary
It is not apparent that a single administrative authority was set up
for the present planning. This constitutes a breach of the
requirements of the Tunnel Directive.
It is, therefore requested that,
the ongoing process be discontinued and, if necessary, not
reopened until this authority has been set up and a tunnel
manager appointed.
Otherwise this provision of the Tunnel Directive can not been
The objectors take this as a further argument to support their
opinion that the planning should be carried out in total by a single
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administrative authority, since, for those affected, it is quite
absurd and a fraudulent exploitation of their legal rights to
authorise a tunnel in two halves.
Article 13, para 2 of the Tunnel Directive orders the Member
States to develop a common methodology, with regard to risk
"2. Member States shall ensure that, at national level, a detailed and
well-defined methodology, corresponding to the best available
practices, is used and shall inform the Commission of the methodology
applied; the Commission shall make this information available in
electronic form to other Member States."
Germany and Denmark should have co-operated in this respect to
develop a joint methodology which is accessible to the public.
It cannot be seen that this has been done,
which is being reprimanded as being a major omission.
Summarizing it has to be noted that the safety of the tunnel and
its users has by no means been proven.
From the German perspective, a municipal political aspect is of
particular importance.
Protection against fire
and of public
safety fall, according to German law, (here: Fire Protection Act
of Schleswig-Holstein, BrSchG-SH), under the responsibility of
the local community i.e. presently the town of Fehmarn. This
not only concerns the fighting of fires, but more general rescue
It can be assumed
with certainty,
the town will not be able to
fulfil its duties in relation to BrSchG-SH regulations.
As experience with the planning of the Elbe tunnel in
connection with the A 20 motorway shows, the Federal State of
Schleswig-Holstein, which may only become active on the
initiative of the competent district authorities (in the case of the
Belt tunnel the District of East Holstein), is not inclined to
become active in a form of a contingent liability.
Should it turn out in this context, that the district and the state
are united in their obstructive attitude, the
tunnel safety
can indeed
not be guaranteed.
Although the Federal Republic of Germany has transferred the
operation of the tunnel to Denmark in Article 4, para. 1 of the
Treaty, this cannot include the duties being subject of the Fire
Protection Act of Schleswig-Holstein, since this is state law
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whilst the Federal Government, so far, is lacking relevant
legislative competence.
Uninformed preliminary decision of implementing the
immersed tunnel
General remarks
As mentioned in the introduction to the second part of the
legislative proposal (Part 2 Explanatory statements on the
Proposal), in February 2011, the immersed tunnel was selected
from among the two technical solutions mentioned in the
proposal for the Planning Act.
For the selection process, the following sets of criteria were
environmental impact,
security of shipping in the Fehmarn Belt,
operational security and hazard control,
technical construction risks,
duration of construction works,
economic efficiency.
Following a public meeting held on 20 January 2011 at
Lalandia/Rødbyhavn, the Minister for Transport instructed
Femern A/S to focus its further planning on the immersed
In this connection, it should be noted that contrary to the
assertion in the explanations to the legislative proposal for the
Construction Act (page 16) a good number of German
participants at the Lalandia meeting brought forward a barrage
of objections against the fixed link project in general and
notably against the immersed tunnel.
Main arguments raised by them at that occasion were:
Absence of proof of the socio-economic and financial
feasibility of the whole venture;
serious concerns about the marine environmental impact
of the immersed tunnel and
the risks to shipping during the construction phase.
Even the issue of a bored tunnel as an environmentally friendly
solution was put forward by the German participants. On that
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occasion, directors of Femern A/S still argued that the Project
would produce a net benefit of 1.2 billion Euro, though they
knew very well that the net benefit of the immersed tunnel
would range near zero.
Therefore, the Ministry is rebuked for alleging that, at said
meeting, no new arguments were raised against the favoured
solution of an immersed tunnel.
Although backed by the majority of Folketing, the 2011
instruction by the Minister in favour of an
immersed tunnel
was based on an un(der)informed and thus incorrect
and premature decision.
The same flawed approach had already been taken in the
proposal for the Project Planning Act of December 2008 in
which the bridge solution was declared the preferred one; the
immersed tunnel was only considered another possible option; a
bored tunnel was not mentioned at all.
At that time, insiders knew already from the pre-feasibility
studies (COWI-Lahmeyer, 1999) that a bridge would result in
intolerable average risks for shipping and thus would not be
Likewise, the marginal (and deceiving) results of the earlier
socio-economic project evaluation (COWI—Danmarks
Transportforskning, 2004 - not in compliance with TEN-T
requirements!) on the poor economic efficiency of the immersed
tunnel should have been considered in Folketing's decision on
passing the Planning Act.
However, this important fact was omitted from the legislative
proposal of 2008 in order to leave a loophole, if the bridge
solution failed.
Nevertheless, and against all rational planning, Femern A/S has
included the bridge solution in its German plan approval
documentation as still "feasible" solution.
Irrespective of this, the immersed tunnel is now being presented
as the only and final option for which Folketing shall issue its
development consent. The legislative proposal for the
Construction Act and its related documentation is grossly
inadequate for Folketing to come up with a fully informed
decision as will be shown below.
Further major faults in the project plan
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Flawed selection of the favoured immersed tunnel
The selection of the best technical solution for the Fixed Link
structure proposed for implementation is beset by a number of
deficiencies indicated below.
Only cursory appraisal of the null alternative (baseline
Right from the beginning, i.e. already at the pre-feasibility stage,
the Ministry of Transport failed to consider the null alternative
for planning of the Project. The null alternative is marked by
retaining the ferry service while freight trains continue using the
existing Jutland route. This reference case has never been
seriously evaluated. In 2004, COWI-Danmarks
Transportforsknign indicated that assessment of this alternative
might be beneficial. But the Ministry failed to heed this expert
Due to the clear instruction by the Ministry to further planning
of the immersed tunnel, Femern A/S also failed to evaluate the
do-nothing alternative.
The objectors rebuke Femern A/S for their obvious neglect of a
self-evident obligation in plan preparation and demand that this
fault is made good as precondition for a final decision on project
implementation by an act of Folketing.
Unfeasible bridge solutions
The deceiving and wasteful manner by which the bridge
solutions has been dragged along throughout project preparation
from the pre-feasibility study, via the Planning Act, the
subsequent feasibility studies and the current approval stage of
the Project has been unveiled under Section 11.1 above. A lot of
money has been wasted on studying this nonsense solution. The
unacceptable average risks for shipping were already known by
1998. By cunning editing of the final pre-feasibility report of
COWT-Lahmeyer, this fact was hidden somewhere in the
annexes to the main report in order to ensure that no time
pressed decision maker might stumble across this decisive
technical planning restriction. Later on, the earlier findings from
1998 were corroborated through costly simulation runs on
bridge design and fairway layout.
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Moreover, the additional findings on the negative environmental
impact of bridge piers in terms of the qualitative stratification of
water currents as well as the quantitative impairment of the
water exchange through the Fehmarn Belt should have been
enough for abandoning the bridge solution. Irrespective of such
obvious killer conditions, Femern A/S is still alleging that the
bridge solution is a feasible option while including it in the final
selection exercise for the optimum technical solution.
In Section 12.2.5 of its proposal for the Act (page 46), the
Ministry alleges that all technical solutions have been examined
through diligent and prudent analysis. The above representations
give evidence that this claim is lacking substance.
Therefore, the objectors reprimand the Ministry for its failure to
control the work of Femern A/S in order to avoid wasteful
planning that is obviously deceiving the public. They demand
that the Ministry subjects the plan to thorough scrutiny by
independent international consultants.
Methodology of selecting the optimal fixed link solution
The proposal of the Construction Act only mentions the sets of
criteria applied for the selection of the optimal fixed link
solution (ref. Section 12.2.5). Therefore, the final decision-
makers are assumed to just follow the Ministry's
recommendation for their vote.
Neither the Ministry nor Femern A/S are disclosing how they
established their preference for the immersed tunnel. The
documentation in this respect on the websites of the Ministry
and Femern A/S is exiguous. On 9 September 2013, Femern
A/S just published a memo (2 pages) "The selection of the
immersed tunnel as the preferred solution" without any
indication on the methodology and criteria used. Apparently, the
final choice has mainly been made under consideration of
construction cost.
Since the bridge solutions are obviously unfeasible, decision
makers' final choice will be reduced to the two tunnel options,
i.e. the immersed tunnel and the bored tunnel - or an improved
do-nothing alternative in case the latter is also assessed in depth.
The cost comparisons in Section 12.2.5 of the proposal suggest
that the bored tunnel and the cable stayed bridge were mainly
deselected by taking into account construction and recurrent
cost. Though environmental impacts allegedly had been
carefully assessed, they are not specifically mentioned as having
played a role in the deselection process.
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As mentioned before, any considerations of the bridge solution
was and is absolutely superfluous because it is not feasible.
This leaves the question of whether the deselection of the bored
tunnel can simply be decided through a mere cost comparison.
Taking into account the documentation which Femern A/S
produced in their application for the German development
consent, the question has to be answered in the negative. On the
basis of their multi-criteria comparison, the immersed tunnel
was clearly rated inferior to a bored tunnel in terms of former's
significant environmental impact. Yet, in the course of the
overall assessment, the bored tunnel was excluded by using its
"higher" cost as the final "killer argument".
In this connection it is worth noting that Femern A/S is
essentially still sticking to the outdated design concept of a
tunnel with three single bored tubes as proposed in the pre-
feasibility study of 1999. Since then, technological advance in
tunnel engineering make possible boring of large diameter
tunnels. In consequence, only two bored tubes would be needed.
Thus construction cost could be saved through scale effects.
Moreover, Femern A/S always claims that, in view of the
geology, tunnel boring would involve a number of serious
engineering risks. Such assertions are untenable. In recent years,
a good number of bored tunnels have been implemented under
similar geological conditions and without technical problems.
The headstrong negative approach of Femern A/S to the bored
tunnel solution suggests that they obediently stick to the
Ministry's order of February 2011 to construct an immersed
tunnel. Any other solution is or has to be described as
Arguments from the Horingsnotat October 2014
The Ministry follows the same approach as can be seen from its
hearing note (Horingsnotat - VVM-redegørelse for en fast
vorbindelse over Femern Bælt, October 2014). Under Section
2.3.4 (p. 48ff) the recommendation of Dr. Silvino Pompeu
Santos in favour of a bored tunnel solution is repudiated by the
following arguments:
Femern A/S and their consultants had very carefully
investigated i. a. the bored tunnel,
this solution offers only small advantages in terms of
the environmental impact,
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the high risks of constructing and operating the
high construction and operation cost,
higher duration of construction time,
risks for shipping.
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The objectors maintain however:
ad a):
The asserted "careful" assessment of the bored
tunnel is questioned because the state of the art had
obviously not been applied (as evidenced by three
tunnel tubes).
The allegedly "small" environmental advantage of
the solution is the result of an obviously heavily
biased overall assessment of all environmental
impacts: By underweighting of the prevention of
sediment spill related ecological problems while
overweighting respectively exaggerating some
negative environmental impacts (e.g. possibly toxic
tailings, stabilization of tailings) not specified in the
hearing note but in the final EIA report (Hørings-
notat October 2014) for the Danish environmental
public hearing of summer 2013.
ad c) through e):
All these arguments appear artificial and forced
having the sole purpose of imposing the "favoured"
immersed tunnel solution. They are lacking thorough
substantiation on the basis of state of the art
engineering instead of following outdated design
The risks for shipping is not discussed in the
Horingsnotat. That shipping will not be endangered
during construction of the immersed tunnel is still
maintained in Chapter 5 of the final EIA report
prepared for the Danish public hearing.
Most of the tailings accruing on Fehmarn from the bored tunnel
are envisaged to be transported across the Fehmarn Belt for land
reclamation works on Lolland. The tug and tows crossing the
fairway increase the risk of collision which Femern A/S rates a
disadvantage of the bored tunnel (similar to the immersed
tunnel). With respect to the alleged prudent planning of
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alternatives, the question arises of whether any thought had been
given to the obvious option to avoid, in the case of a bored
tunnel, this technical problem by landfilling on Fehmarn.
Inadequate environmental assessment
In its Section 2.1 the proposal for the Construction Act
acknowledges the inevitable environmental impact of the
Project. It highlights the legal obligation to analyse the
environmental impact of the Project and to develop mitigating
measures to reduce the potential environmental degradation by
the Project. These requirements have not been adequately
The Planning Act puts the Ministry of Transport in charge of
supervising the EIA and related studies instead of leaving the
competent Ministry of Environment responsible for this task.
Already at this point of project preparation it should have been
clear that this decision resulted in a permanent clash of interest
between environmental concerns and engineering.
While the Ministry was and still is pressing ahead with project
implementation, aspects of environmental protection are only
considered as restricting technocrats'/engineers' scope of action
and progress of planning. The two final environmental reports of
the Ministry of Transport give strong evidence to suggest that, in
this clash of interest, environmental considerations were
sacrificed in favour of engineering expedience.
The fact that Femern A/S obviously authored the final
environmental report is symptomatic for a deceiving approach
taken to lull the public, and apparently this approach is
supported by the Minister: The driver of the EIA is even enabled
to defend his insufficient studies.
This obvious bias could have been avoided by completely
entrusting the EIA to the Ministry of Environment.
Else, the environmental studies produced so far, should be
reviewed by independent international experts directly
employed by the Ministry of Environment.
The Marine Strategy - Framework Directive; Biodiversity
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The objectors maintain that neither
the " D I R E C T I V E 2008
E C of the E U R O P E A N P A R L I A M E N T
and of the C O U N C I L ; 17 June 2008, for the establishing of a
framework for measures of the C O M M U N I T Y in the field of the
Marine Environment (Marine Strategy Framework Directive), O J E U
L I 6 4 / 1 9 , 25 June 2008",
nor the
Biodiversity Convention of the U N (Convention on Biological
have been properly applied.
The planning process restricts itself to (an inefficient)
application of the Birds Directive and the Habitats directive
(numerus clausus of species etc).
Biological diversity is an object to be protected in its own right,
in which disruptions can be examined according to the
developed by the German Federal Agency for Nature
Such an examination
by the objectors.
This could apply, in the project at hand, mainly to the Benthic
species and communities, which will be significantly disturbed
not only by the "footprint" and the sediment spill, but also by
the fixation of the seabed along a longitudinal axis.
Such investigations should be furnished prior to the passing of
the Construction Act and should have been already included in
the public participation process.
Some obvious deficiencies in the investigations are presented
in the following sections
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Impact of dredging works
The Ministry admits in the law proposal (Section 15.1 p. 56f)
that the dredging and landfilling works are likely to result in
material losses. Yet, it plays down this environmental problem
with the argument that natural sediment load of the Fehmarn
Belt is much higher than the material losses caused by the
construction works. Therefore, the impact on the marine flora
and fauna is argued to be low.
The objectors challenge this claim as untenable (see already
On the basis of "in-depth" investigations and simulations by a
set of numerical models, Femern A/S asserts that the settling of
sediments will be mainly limited to the vicinity of the tunnel
trench whilst only part of the sediments will be transported to
more distant areas, e.g. the Arcona Basin or the Kiel Bight. The
assurance of Femern A/S that the project design is based on
reasonable optimizations of project works including a dredging
plan minimizing sediment spills to marine waters has to be
judged with strong reservations.
An expert's review of the various simulation models arrives at
the following observations on the work of Femern A/S:
The compilation and application of relevant data
easily available from German authorities has been
insufficient, own field investigations have been
inadequate in terms of quantity, duration and spatial
distribution; the source of data related to
morphology and sea bed material is often not
The resolution of 1000 to 3000 m (and above) of the
numerical models for the simulation of hydraulic
and morphological processes in the local and
regional sea areas is too low for arriving at any
meaningful predication about the environmental
effects of the construction works, especially in terms
of sedimentation.
Model data input is partly defective in terms of bed
roughness relative to the local seabed conditions;
fine material has not been considered and samples
were only taken in the Danish part of the Fehmarn
The investigations are obscure due to lacking
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descriptions of the simulation models used.
The significance of the models cannot be verified
because in many cases the imperative calibrations of
the models are missing.
The results are obtained on the basis of averaged
input data; extreme events have not been duly
Existing structures of coastal protection are not
There is a glaring discrepancy in the assertion that
sediments are mainly settling within the vicinity of
the construction site while a substantial part is also
transported to the Arcona Basin.
The simulations do not adequately consider the
importance of the Fehmarn Belt for the qualitative
and quantitative water exchange especially during
extreme events (change of salinity and oxygen
content of water, current velocities as well as
sediment loads and transport).
As to the impact on individual functional elements of the
immersed tunnel, the expert states:
For the immersed tunnel, only the change of current velocity in
the upper surface of the Belt and wave heights have been
Information on salinity, temperatures, water levels
and stratification is lacking; without this data some
of the results cannot be verified;
No scenarios of extreme events have been taken into
account, i.e. extreme storm floods, design scenarios
for coastal protection, current surges of saline water:
therefore the impact of the fixed link structure
cannot be reliably assessed;
The investigations on the cumulative impact of the
fixed link structure cannot be reproduced because of
the missing basic data and the limited extent of the
map section applied;
It is impossible to comprehend why no serious
functional impairment by the project has been
determined though several hundreds hectares of
coastal areas will be also lost due to the immersed
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Furthermore, the expert deals with the negative effects of the
construction related measures and raises the issues of:
site reinstatement in order to re-establish the
environment to its original conditions;
the absence of any information on the type and
quantity of material used for backfilling the tunnel
trench; this information is important for assessing
the long term consequences of the works;
the respective duration of such recovery; in this
connection, the expert warns against grave
misjudgement of such processes.
Trench stability is another issue not properly dealt with in the
studies of Femern A/S. Already the pre-feasibility study by
COWI-Lahmeyer gives evidence that the trench slopes may be
instable and that considerable sea bed erosion has to be
anticipated in the close vicinity of the trench. This expectation is
corroborated by the more detailed geological information
available by now.
In consequence, the quantities of dredge spoils and refill
material will be much higher than indicated in Section 15.5.7 (p.
78) of the legislative proposal at hand.
The above expert opinion on the multitude of critical
environmental issues clearly shows that the studies by Femern
A/S are incomplete and not suited as basis for the legislative
proposal at hand. His observations leave the impression that the
very basic investigations have been presented under the cover of
a highly scientific work approach which in fact has been
debunked a mere deception.
In view of the fundamental importance of the above
observations, especially for the marine ecology, and while taking
into account the principles outlined under Section 6.1 of the
legislative proposal for the handling of environmental issues
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the objectors strongly urge the Ministry to
stay the initiated legislative process
order a comprehensive revision of the EIA
resume the legislative process only subject to a new, objective
and altogether sound decision making basis.
Impact on benthos and plankton
Construction of the immersed tunnel will pose a massif
intervention into the benthic habitat caused by dredging works
(tunnel, extraction of sand), erosion of the sea bed in the vicinity
of the tunnel trench and increased water turbidity as well as
settling of sediments in sea areas the locations and sizes of
which have not yet credibly established.
This environmental problem is briefly mentioned in Section
15.5.7 of the legislative proposal. Potential loss of benthos is
obviously played down as being of low significance, because
affected benthos communities will recover within 1-2 years.
The objectors reject such assertion as not substantiated by the
environmental assessments performed so far.
The assessments are marred i.a. by the following deficiencies:
The case studies are quite old (about 5 years)
The location and density of the sampled sea areas is
dubious so that the statistical significance of the
results obtained is insufficient.
The disturbing effects for the benthos habitat are not
made transparent.
Environmental sensitivities of benthos are verbally
described but not quantified.
The ecological impact forecast fails to determine the
severity of the intervention into the habitat.
In conjunction with their "scientific" approach, the
assessments elucidate once again that they are
performed only in order to justify the feasibility of
the immersed tunnel.
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The objectors challenge this manipulative planning approach
biased in favour of the immersed tunnels and demand a
thorough review of the methodology and approach by
independent experts in order to provide decision makers with
reliable facts.
Impact on birds
In several sections, the legislative proposal at hand stresses the
importance of bird protection in connection with the
construction works. Yet, in view of a still fragmentary baseline
study on the bird populations possibly affected, it is futile to
argue about mitigation measures without knowing the facts.
All in all, the environmental report focusses, from the outset, on
only five out of about 230 known species. This can, by no
means, be sufficient for an environmental assessment.
Apart from the objection to an inadequate collection of data, the
impact assessments are contestable:
"unlikely to cross the alignment area" (Red-necked
is not enough as a reason for irrelevance, crossing
must be excluded.
"areas are assessed to be of minor importance to the
species, since these areas are already highly disturbed"
(White-tailed Eagle)
- a principle of already existing
disturbance levels does not exist; it is rather the other way
round, if the species still appears in the area despite
disturbances, it is highly probable that further disturbances
will be fatal.
"not being sensitive to habitat change" (Gulls)
- cannot
be accepted. The fact that a species suffers a loss of habitat
cannot be conjured away with the comment that the
species could move away. The alternative areas, i f
suitable, are, firstly, likely to be already occupied and,
secondly, it is precisely this "salami slicing"' which lead, in
the end, to no more suitable areas being available.
"The total loss of such shallow water habitat on the
German side would be rather small (approximately 22
ha)" (Terns) -
22 ha are not a small area! It is, in this
case, only necessary to refer to the Santona Decision of
the ECJ.
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The planners' considerations addressed are paradigmatic for
their biased planning approach. By assuming the size of the
chosen area affected, the impact on large sub-areas is belittled,
the - theoretical - avoidance options of species are, in effect,
rated as contribution to nature conservation, and the killing-rates
are verbally and qualitatively downgraded to insignificance.
All this
cannot be tolerated and calls for thorough review
and revision in order to arrive at an fully informed decision
on project feasibility.
Impact on bats
The legislative proposal mentions only mitigating measures for
the protection of bats in connection with the land based works
(see for instance Section There is no information on
the impact of the tunnel on bats.
With regard to the Bat-background studies, in particular to the
impact assessments, it should be noted that this (and this also
applies to other background studies) contain a huge "overhead"
of general statements, i. e. statements which re-appear in every
background paper and are not directly related to the problem
concerned. In view of the abundance of material to be
scrutinised, this is to be criticized.
That said in advance, the objectors note:
The studies focus on migrating bats,
Environmental Report for the Espoo process, page 283.
The approach is contested, as in coastal areas and especially in
the area of the tunnel portals, also bats on the hunt, which are
not migrating, have to be expected.
The planners must admit that "average" collision risks exist, but
they regard them as being insignificant.
In view of the significant migration perpendicular to the route of
the FBFL (on land: motorways and railway, power lines) this is
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Nevertheless, the assessments come to the conclusion; for
instance on page 284 of the Environmental Report of the Espoo
"Most of the potential pressures in the operational phase were
assessed to cause no impacts on the relevant bat species during their
migration phase. Only the pressure 'Traffic-related collision risk' was
assessed to have an impact on migrating bats.
The degree of impairment regarding traffic-related collision risk is
assessed to be minor for Noctule and medium for Nathusius'
Pipistrelle and Soprano Pipistrelle in the area of the tunnel entrances.
The impact assessment therefore concludes that any predicted impacts
are insignificant at local (the Fehmarn Belt) and population level.
Furthermore, the investigation on bat migration predicts that only a
few bats on a local scale will be impacted. Therefore, no trans-
boundary impacts are expected."
The objectors maintain that this conclusion is false.
Once again, the above statement is symptomatic for the
structural deficiencies of the environmental studies and
planners' approach of playing down environmental problems:
Limitation of the approach used in the investigations
"migrating bats").
Exclusion of significant risks ("only the pressure
'traffic-related collision risk' was assessed to have
an impact on migrating bats")
Conclusion of not inconsiderable impact ("the
degree of impairment is ... medium . . . " ) .
Conclusion that these are insignificant in the Espoo
Procedure (- "only a few bats on a local scale will be
affected" - "no trans-boundary impacts"), whereas
the method used is questionable because the basic
investigations do not just restrict themselves to
trans-boundary impacts. The problem lies in "only a
few", since the assessments, according to the laws
on species protection, on the one hand, must be
quantitative, on the other hand "only a few"
casualties should be sufficient in some cases for
invoking the regulations governing exceptions.
Impact on fish
Stock taking of fish species for the baseline survey was
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restricted mainly to the Danish territorial waters. As German
fisherman from Fehmarn noted, a number of endangered species
were not listed in the records, though their presence is known
from by-catch. Likewise, fisherman from Fehmarn reported that
they have obviously not been considered as resource persons on
the local fish fauna.
Turbidity and sediment spill as well as landfills in coastal waters
will have a massively effect on the local fish fauna as in
particular spawning and spawning grounds will be either
completely lost or at least greatly affected.
This will also have indirect effects on birds and direct effects on
commercial fishery.
The objectors maintain that the planning process does not assess
these damages properly.
Impact on the harbour porpoise
In the legislative proposal the species harbour porpoise is
casually mentioned in Section (p. 69) but only with
respect that these mammals will leave the Fehmarn Belt i f
exposed to excessive noise or in response to deliberately applied
scaring measures.
The objectors note again that the most critical issues for project
feasibility are left unmentioned in the Ministry's explanations:
Harbour porpoises are a highly endangered species
in the Western Baltic Sea.
Recently published results of continuous surveys
over several years on the species' abundance and
migratory behaviour in the Baltic Sea west of the
island of Riigen confirm the high importance of the
Fehmarn Belt for the reproduction of the population
(Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, 2014);
this has been evidenced by flight observations and
counts of calves.
Scaring away of harbour porpoises from the
construction site will result in a reduction of their
already confined habitat and respective feeding
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The environmental assessments carried out so far by Femern
A/S play down potential conflicts between this species and
construction interests resulting in such statements as reflected
above under
In view of the high significance of this environmental problem
for the feasibility of the immersed tunnel solution, the objectors
demand to stay the legislative procedure until this issue has been
thoroughly analysed by independent experts commissioned by
the Ministry of Environment.
Dynamics of the sea bed
An extremely important dynamic factor is that of sediment spill
(see above). Its relevance (impairment of water composition,
light conditions and feeding grounds) is not disputed. The
objectors, in their in-depth analysis of the German
"Planfeststellungsunterlagen" found that already the
hydrodynamical models were wrong and the overall effects of
sediment spill widely underestimated.
This said, it appears to be most strange that the question as to
the impact on the seabed by a huge trench, which will be filled
in by the watertight tunnel, has not been dealt with,
cf Environmental Report Espoo, page 75.
The objectors maintain that the sheer presence of this structure
will render transverse movements of the seabed virtually
impossible along the stretch of the Fehmarn Belt. Consequently,
not only the morphological conditions that cannot be perceived
as being static will be significantly affected, but also the Benthic
Flora and Fauna which will no longer be able to migrate across
this barrier.
Hence, the tunnel will result in
a significant barrier effect for the seabed.
Therefore, the conclusion to the contrary of the planners,
Environmental Report Espoo, Section 1.6.7 and 1.6.8,
is refuted.
It is however not so that the planners view the seabed as not
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being dynamic. In the brief summary of the morphology (see
above, 1.5) is stated :
"The impact simulations show that the seabed is dynamic
and that sediment spill is characterised as temporary
The objection raised is that the assessments stop here whereas
the disruption of the dynamics as such is not discussed.
Economics of the Fixed Link Project
Traffic Forecast 2014
In Section 12.3.1 of the legislative proposal, the updated Traffic
Forecast 2014 (published by Femern A/S in November 2014) is
mentioned. In principle, it should a basic building block the
basis for the economic evaluation of the FBFL in terms of the
latter's socio-economic and financial feasibility.
Credible and robust forecasts on traffic volumes by mode are
forming key parameters to this end. The recent traffic forecast
fails to fulfil this requirement in several decisive aspects.
The B Case scenario of the forecast is still basically based on the
assumption that Scandlines will completely abandon its service
across the Fehmarn Belt.
The objectors maintain that the assumption that ferry services
will completely close down with opening of the fixed link is
Though the impact of a continued ferry service is formally
attempted, this happens in a half-hearted way only. The
respective approach and assumptions are obviously tailored in a
way to play down the significance of such competition.
Definitely not taken into account is the scenario of all ferry
services closing down before the opening of the crossing. The
building of the tunnel will greatly affect traffic across the Belt
and without financial compensation and/or mitigating measures
during the building phase might turn out to be economically
The objector cannot see that SCL or other ferry services
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providers are under any legal obligation to provide these
According to the material provided, the planners expect a rapid
increase in traffic numbers after opening the tunnel.
A substantiation for this "four years ramp-up effect" is not given
however. A ramp-up of 40% of the traffic at opening of the
tunnel previously forecast was at least drawing on the
experience of the Great Belt and Øresound crossings.
In the Traffic Forecast 2014, the traffic jump (ramp up effect)
for all road vehicles is predicted to reach 54% (66% increase for
passenger vehicles).
It seems these forecasts have been ""adjusted" by inverting the
approach, in which the "needed" traffic demand 2035 became
model input and the traffic jump output. The objectors suspect
that those traffic numbers needed to have the tunnel financed by
toll payments are inserted into the calculation as a starting point
from which the needed ramp up is derived.
The objectors reject such forecasts on the traffic jump as pure
fiction and plucked from the air, because the FBFL can not be
compared with the links across the Great Belt and Øresound
In this context, the exclusion of the phenomenon of tunnel
phobia from the forecasts is another fault symptomatic of how
the traffic volumes have been predicted with a positive bias.
Norwegian studies (SINTEF) suggest that tunnel phobia and
tunnel fear have an impact (of 5% - 30%) on drivers' (and
passengers') decision to use a tunnel. This holds true especially
for long subsea tunnels like the one of the FBFL where road
users have the choice to use a ferry.
The objectors request that the effect of tunnel fear on the traffic
forecast for the tunnel resp. ferry service must also be assessed
The prospects of an important competitor for the FBFL coming
up with the railway tunnel crossing the Baltic to link Trelleborg
and Sassnitz/Stralsund is not assessed in the assessment of
transport in the Scandinavia-Continent Region. Planning of the
COINCO project is steadily progressing and decisions makers
should pay due attention to this project. Failure to address this
project in the making is another indication of planners' sweeping
problems under the carpet, if the latter become relevant for
feasibility decisions.
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In conclusion of the before said, the new Traffic Forecast 2014
represent a sufficiently robust and reliable basis for
sound decision making on the feasibility of the FBFL.
This will have legal consequences at least on the German side,
where the Supreme Court will minutely dissect the traffic
forecast in the context of "plan justification".
Financial Analysis 2014
The Financial Analyses 2014 - another fundamental component
of the economic analysis - mentioned under Section 12.4 of the
legislative proposal are still speculative guesswork, because they
lack substantiation by robust traffic forecasts (see above) and
cost estimates.
Moreover, the assumption of substantial grant funding from the
TEN-T coffers has also remained mere speculation.
The update of the previous cost estimates by using the price
index of 2014 raises the question of the source of this index
which may be only known in 2015. Irrespective of this
observation, the new index does not materially improve the
previous cost estimates of the FBFL because the latter remain
essentially based on semi-detailed quantity computations as is
usual practice for feasibility studies. The more realistic
assumption of increased contingency costs (30%) was long
overdue. Nevertheless, the current estimates remain shaky.
A construction budget of around 52.7 billion DKK (7.1 billion
Euro) for the tunnel component of the FBFL plus some 9.5
billion DKK (1.3 billion Euro) for the Danish hinterland
infrastructure sums up to the big amount of 62.2 billion DKK
(8.4 billion Euro).
In view of the poor average daily traffic by 2035 of around
13,000 vehicles (possibly substantially lower in view of the
highly questionable traffic jump), decision makers are faced by a
striking imbalance between traffic demand and total cost.
The problem of low road traffic is still aggravated by the project
objective to relocate freight transport from road to rail.
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The financing model proposed envisages the total cost of the
FBFL (construction and operation/major replacements plus the
borrowing cost) to be essentially refinanced through user
charges. While the railway operators are assumed to pay only
the trifle amount of operating cost saved by using the 160 km
shorter rail link of the FBFL (ref. Section 12.3.2 of proposal),
the road users are presumed to shoulder the main burden of
refinancing the FBFL. In view of the poor average daily traffic
demand, it should be obvious that the refinancing model is
doomed to failure; this in turn having the consequence that
compatibility with EU-regulation on state subsidies can not be
The Ministry is not free to fix road user charges at levels which
would be needed for enforcing refinancing in a reasonable
period of less than 40 years. Tunnel charges would always have
to remain in balance with the charges of the competing ferries.
Increasing railway operators' charges is also constrained by their
option to revert to the existing Great Belt Link / Jutland route.
As the FBFL is always rated an integral project of the Union's
TEN-T programme, it would, in principle, be entitled to grant
funding from the respective EU budget. For the cross-border
tunnel the maximum rate for grant funding could amount to 40%
of the construction cost - provided the requirements of TEN-T
Regulation 1315/2013 are fulfilled (see Article 7, paragraph 2
(c) of said regulation).
The objectors maintain that these requirements are
In particular, conformity not only with environmental standards
but also wit e.g. state subsidy law is required, all depends on the
traffic using the tunnel passing a "break-even point" in terms of
enough vehicles paying a high enough toll.
Even the planners concede that this break-even point can be
reached (and only just be reached) under the assumption of
state-guaranteed (and thus cheap) bank loans.
In the Financial Analysis 2014, the Ministry assumed a
comparatively low EU funding rate of 18% instead of 40%. In
view of the low income basis due to a possibly grossly overrated
traffic forecasts, the Ministry's modesty is difficult to follow, not
only for the public, but even for experts.
On 28 December 2014, more reliable estimates of the
construction cost have been submitted by the contractor
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consortia in response to the tenders performed by Femern A/S.
Accordingly, a revision of the financial analysis was already
announced which shall be ready shortly before the beginning of
Folketing's deliberations on the Construction Act. This approach
suggests once again that the Financial Analysis 2014 has only
been floated to deceive the public in the current "hearings".
Mandatory macro-economic project justification
According to Article 7 Para 2 lit c) of the TEN Directive
1315/2013 a TEN-T project of common interest "shall...
be economically viable on the basis of a socio-economic
cost-benefit analysis; . . . .
If, as is the case for the FBFL, such an analysis is not even
provided and fundamental socio-economic assessments remain
missing, the legal consequence can only be that
FBFL is not a project of common interest (in the sense of
the TEN-T Guidelines).
The TEN Regulation 1315/2013 (Article 3 lit t)) defines the
"socio-economic analysis" within the framework of the TEN-T
guidelines as follows:
'socio-economic cost-benefit analysis' means a quantified ex-ante
evaluation, based on a recognised methodology, of the value of a
project, taking into account all the relevant social, economic, climate-
related and environmental benefits and costs. The analysis of climate-
related and environmental costs and benefits shall be based on the
environmental impact assessment carried out pursuant to Directive
It thus outlines the essential components resp. project effects to
be taken into account in such analysis. It is thus not only limited
to cost components or direct benefits (various economic
advantages accruing to infrastructure users and operators) but
looks also at social, environmental and induced economic
For more than ten years the Danish government has been
avoiding to come up with a comprehensive and in-depth
evaluation of the FBFL. The project evaluation of 2004 by
COWI and Danmarks Transportforskning was the last exercise
of this kind.
The analysis was very limited in terms of the socio-economic
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project effects assessed. More importantly however, the
evaluation was seriously blemished by methodological flaws of
double accounting of benefits (objectionable aggregation of
direct benefits with financial revenues).
Already at that stage of the FBFL the project should have been
abandoned because the true/corrected results would have shown
that the project was unfeasible.
The call for a new socio-economic evaluation, voiced by
opponents of the FBFL time and again and since 2007, remained
without response.
At the EIA hearing in Rødbyhavn of 29 August 2013, the issue
of a new socio-economic analysis was raised again by H.
In their reply, Femern A/S (CDY) denied any need for a new
analysis. It is noteworthy that the Ministry's Horingsnotat of
October 2014 is reproducing the respective reply of CDY in a
contradictory manner - just another example of how Femern
A/S is manipulating facts.
Following an enquiry of the "Aktionsbtindnis gegen eine feste
Fehmarnbeltquerung" to the then-Minister of Transport, Ms Pia
Olsen Dyhr, she replied in a letter dated 16 September 2013
"I can confirm that the Danish Ministry of Transport has no plans to
initiate the preparation of a new socio-economic analysis of the
Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link."
The Ministry's statement in the legislative proposal (see Section
12.5) on a new socio-economic evaluation of FBFL is indicative
of a more active approach and that it has given up its evasive
attitude on this issue.
Nevertheless, in December 2014 the project evaluation report
has not been published as announced in the legislative proposal
and thus was not made available for the public hearing. Possibly,
the study was commissioned much too late for coming up with a
thorough assessment of all the complex macro-economic issues
of the FBFL.
As already mentioned above under 15.2.8, the TEN-T Directive
1315/2013 establishes mandatory preconditions for any grant
funding of TEN-T projects.
Article 7, paragraph 2 (c) reads (see also above)
"A project of common interest shall: . . . .
be economically viable on the basis of a socio-economic cost-benefit
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Moreover, Article 7, paragraph 4 reads:
"Member states shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the
projects are carried out in compliance of Union and national law, in
particular with Union legal acts on the environment, climate
protection, safety, security, competition, state aid, public procurement,
public health and accessibility".
Thus the Danish government will have to come up with a
comprehensive and in-depth socio-economic assessment of the
FBFL which provides convincing proof of the project's viability
- and this not only for the national government but especially
for the European Investment Bank that will be in charge of
examining the cost-benefit analysis.
The numerous requirements that must be still fulfilled in
accordance with para 4 of Article 7 are putting a big question
mark behind Denmark's present eligibility for grant funding
under the TEN-T programme.
The objectors maintain that at least presently such grants would
be unlawful.
Moreover they maintain that the requirements of Article 7 of the
TEN-T Guideline
cannot be fulfilled
as the requirement socio-economic feasibility
cannot be obtained.
Therefore, lawful co-funding by the EU
is impossible,
as Article 3 of Council Regulation 1316/2013 (CEF -
Connecting Europe Facility) clearly spells out:
The CEF shall enable projects of common interest to be
prepared and implemented within the framework of the
trans-European networks policy in the sectors of transport,
telecommunications and energy.
This means that those projects which are not of common interest
(which is the case for FBFL) shall not be supported under the
provisions of Regulations 1315/2013 und 1316/2013.
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The draft law (lovudkastet) is moot
Consequently the objectors maintain that the draft law is moot.
There is no way visible that the Folketing could pass a law
based on this legislative proposal that would be either
compatible with European Law, European environmental
standards and German constitutional law.
Certainly a sufficiently informed decision of the Danish
Folketing on building the FBFL is presently not possible.
The material provided to the public is not only
(outdated and incomplete assessments of the
environment, no usable material on climate or social
effects and so on)
but also
in vital aspects (traffic under toll conditions, parallel ferry
operations and alternative rail routes through Jutland,
financing in general)
conjectural in nature.
So far, the kingdom's procedures in letting the public participate
(like now, during the Christmas holidays with officialdom's
absenteeism) has been at best evasive in nature and certainly
entirely unfair procedurally.
The objectors
request -
provision of all documentation in all necessary languages,
at least (also) in German,
clear information about competent authorities, the
importance of time frames and other procedural questions
including judicial relief,
availability of Telefax connection in order to make
submissions provable in court,
availability of collateral material in German such as is
available to the Danish public as well as to the Danish
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(Hendrick Kerlen, who has been authorized by Dr W Mecklenburg,
Lawyer, and the objectors themselves, is to sign this letter for all