Transportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
TRU Alm.del
[email protected]
BAM Nelis De Ruiter bv
Dear Mr Versteegen,
Thank you for your unsolicited proposal for ECOBEACH as a system for
coastal protection of the West Coast of Jutland.
As the Danish government's adviser on coastal protections we appreciate
your offer, as we are always looking at new and more effective methods for
coastal protection.
Summary of your proposal
You propose to install the ECOBEACH, which you describe on page two as the
PEM-system, over a stretch of 110 km along the West Coast of Jutland
including maintenance for 5 years, measurements, analysis and reporting.
The cost for these activities is 6.4 million Euros/year excluding VAT.
The yearly results of ECOBEACH will be defined in comparison with the
coastal condition at the beginning of the project. The time for evaluation is
before the storm season. Success of ECOBEACH will be defined as:
The average dune foot position over 110 km is stable or
The average sand quantity over the 110 km on the beach 60-80 m in
front of the dune foot is stable
In 3 of the 5 years this performance is achieved
If there is no success; at the end of the project a percentage of the total
project costs will be paid back according to the following subdivision:
0 year success of the 5 years: pay back 30 % of the project costs
1 year success of the 5 years: pay back 20 % of the project costs
2 year success of the 5 years: pay back 10 % of the project costs
The pay back has the following conditions:
The parts of the coast which are already protected by the PEM system
are not taken into account for your pay back
There will be no manmade adaptions (adaptations?) on the coast
during the project
The maintenance (bypassing of sand) of the navigation channels is
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Sand for nourishments will be derived from existing quarries on the
The lee side erosion of existing port entrances are excluded (the
length has to be determined)
Danish coastal protection
According to the Coastal Protection Act, it’s the individual land owners'
responsibility to protect themselves from flooding or erosion. There are no
laws or regulations that determine whether to perform a safeguard, and if so,
to what level coastal protection is implemented. Coastal protection requires
permission by the Danish Coastal Authority according to the Coastal
Protection Act. Only coastal protection with well documented effect or which
has been scientifically proven gets permission. However, tests with new
methods for coastal protection can be permitted for a limited time along a
limited stretch of coastline.
However, on central parts of the west coast protection began in the late
1800s and has since early 1980 been funded by both state and municipality
in the so called “Fællesaftale”. (An agreement between the state and the
involved local authorities). Along this coastal stretch the state handles the
planning, prioritization and implementation of coastal protection efforts.
The purpose of Fællesaftalen on coastal protection from Lodbjerg to
Nymindegab is to prevent the hinterland from flooding due to a breach in the
narrow dune system. Breaching is caused by erosion by waves that reach the
foot of dune during storm surges.
There are two sustainable methods to prevent waves from reaching the
dunefoot. One method is through establishing a wide and high beach that
makes the waves break on the beach so wave run-up does not reach the
dune foot. On an erosional coast the way to build a sufficient wide and high
beach is to carry out regular beach nourishments.
Another method is to make the waves break on the bar offshore as can be
seen in fig. 1. By doing so only minor waves will reach the beach which are
too small to cause duneerosion.
Fig 1: Waves break first on the outer bar, then on the inner bar and finally on the
coastline which prevent waves from eroding the dunes.
On an erosional coast the method used to build a sufficiently wide and high
bar is to carry out regular shoreface/bar nourishments. Comparable to beach
nourishments, this is the preferable one, because it is less expensive.
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So in order to prevent dune erosion the amount of wave energy reaches the
dune foot must be controlled. This can be achieved by controlling the
dynamic coastal profile from dune top to the point from which wave breaking
starts. In the “Fællesaftale” this point is defined by 6 m of water depth, see
fig 2.
Translation to Fig 2:
Coastal retreat is an average of the retreat measured between the dune top and a
depth of 6m.
Fig 2: Definition of the control profile used to control waves energy
Because the coast between Lodbjerg and Nymindegab suffers from erosion,
the eroded sand must be replaced by sand somewhere in the coastal profile
between dunetop and 6 meters water depth. To maintain these conditions,
the common agreement on coastal protection includes a target for the
volume of sand in this part of the coastal profile.
The aim for the present agreement is shown in fig 3.
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Advance retreat m/yr
Translation to Fig 3:
Calculated annual coastal retreat without nourishment.
Target set for the maixiumum permissable coastal retreat.
Section without a target.
Fig 3: Aim for the movement of the coastal profile from dunetop to -6m waterdepth
based on the volume of sand.
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Evaluation of the proposal
For the next five years the Danish state and the municipalities along the West
Coast have made an agreement on the financing and implementation of
coastal protection. The agreement carries through until 2018 and includes a
safety level where the coast should withstand a storm which statistically
occurs once every 100 years (in Thyborøn every 1000 years).
Your offer contains no such precautions. A refund on project expenses if the
ECOBEACH method does not work is not relevant when compared to the
costs and risks to human life in the case of a total dune failure during a
storm. Furthermore, your offer states that ’there will be no manmade
adaptions on the coast during the project’ which prevents action from being
taken to combine ECOBEACH with other coastal protection methods if the
safety is reduced to below the agreed level.
The agreement between the state and the municipalities is based on the use
of sand nourishment for coastal protection, as it is well documented.
The process of EU tender for the contract period of 5 years has been initiated
and the pre-qualification round has ended. BAM has not applied to be pre-
qualified. However, your proposal to start negotiating about the PEM system
without the EU tender is not relevant since your proposal is based on
methods other than sand nourishment.
Furthermore, according to the EC Public Procurement Directive a protection of
exclusive rights does not in itself justify the use of the negotiated procedure.
It is also required that no equivalent can be offered by another provider. This
has been established in a long line of case law from the Court of Justice of
the European Union, see for example cases C-57/94 Ascoli Mare ("absolutely
essential that the contract in question be awarded to the undertaking") and
C-394/02 DEI ("absolutely necessary to award that contract to a particular
contractor"). It is also made very clear in the new EU procurement rules that
were just approved by the Parliament this month (where it is required that
there is "no reasonable alternative or substitute"). As there are several
different methods available for costal protection, of which your solution is
only one, it not possible to award the contract without a prior public
procurement process according to the EC Public Procurement Directive.
Along the part of the West Coast in question, the Danish Coastal Authority
and Skagen Innovation Center (SIC) has carried out a test with the PEM-
system between 2005 and 2008. The test was subject to an academic
assessment conducted by two professors of which one was selected by SIC
and the other by the Ministry of Transport. The assessment concluded that
the effect of the PEM-system was not significant and therefore the PEM-
system could not be used as coastal protection along the West Coast of
Jutland. I have attached the report for your information.
We have paid attention to the Ecobeach project since we learned that you
had approached Rikzwaterstaat with the proposal of at test of the PEM
system in the Netherlands. We have noticed that there are different
interpretations of the results from the test in the Netherlands.
It is important that coastal protection along the west coast is carried out in
accordance with the agreed safety levels. We do not consider it documented
that the PEM-system should be suitable for the coastal protection of the West
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Accordingly, on this basis we have to decline your proposal.
If you have questions or further comments, you are welcome to present them
at a meeting here in Denmark.
Yours sincerely,
Merete Løvschall