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Alzheimer’s & Dementia
(2014) 1-9
Research Article
Frequent use of opioids in patients with dementia and nursing home
residents—A study of the entire elderly population of Denmark
Christina Jensen-Dahm
Christiane Gasse
, Aske Astrup
, Preben Bo Mortensen
Gunhild Waldemar
Department of Neurology, Danish Dementia Research Centre (DDRC), Rigshospitalet–University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
National Centre for Register-based Research, Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus, Denmark
Centre for Integrated Register-Based Research, CIRRAU, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus, Denmark
Pain is believed to be undertreated in patients with dementia; however, no larger
studies have been conducted. The aim was to investigate prevalent use of opioids in elderly with
and without dementia in the entire elderly population of Denmark.
A register-based cross-sectional study in the entire elderly (65 years) population in 2010
was conducted. Opioid use among elderly with dementia (N
35,455) was compared with elderly
without (N
870,645), taking age, sex, comorbidity, and living status into account.
Nursing home residents (NHRs) used opioids most frequently (41%), followed by
home-living patients with dementia (27.5%) and home-living patients without dementia (16.9%). Bu-
prenorphine and fentanyl (primarily patches) were commonly used among NHRs (18.7%) and home-
living patients with dementia (10.7%) but less often by home-living patients without dementia
Opioid use in the elderly Danish population was frequent but particularly in patients
with dementia and NHR, which may challenge patient safety and needs further investigation.
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Dementia; Opioids; Elderly; Buprenorphine; Fentanyl; Pain
1. Introduction
Elderly patients with dementia often suffer from multi-
morbidity, and pain-causing conditions are frequent
Thus, appropriate use of drugs and treating comorbidity
represent an important public health issue. Currently, pain
is believed to be undertreated in the elderly and especially
in people with dementia
an assumption corroborated
by a number of small case-control studies
for undertreatment are not well understood. Assessment of
pain in patients with dementia is challenging, which may
*Corresponding author. Tel.:
E-mail address:
[email protected]
lead to undertreatment. On one hand, careful prescribing
may be appropriate as elderly have an increased risk of
side effects and severe adverse drug reactions
may be particularly problematic in patients with dementia
because of sedation and their association with a reduction
in mental health functioning
On the other hand,
pain is associated with lower quality of life
and impair-
ment of working memory
and should be treated effi-
ciently. Furthermore, results have indicated that treatment
of pain can improve behavioral symptoms in patients with
Studies examining data collected before 2000 have
consistently reported that patients with dementia were less
likely to receive analgesics
However, more recent
reports have shown a more varied picture, with some
1552-5260/$ - see front matter
2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
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studies reporting that patients with dementia are more likely
to receive paracetamol
and opioids, although the
association of opioid use in dementia was not significant in
a multivariate analysis
Over the past 10 to 15 years,
however, several countries have reported increasing opioid
use in the general population
and recent results
could indicate that prescription patterns in patients with
dementia may have changed. Consequently, we conducted
a nationwide register-based study in the entire elderly popu-
lation of Denmark, comparing 2010 opioid prescription pat-
terns in home-dwelling and nursing home elderly with and
without dementia. Our hypothesis was that frail elderly
such as patients with dementia and/or nursing home resi-
dents were less likely to receive opioids and particularly
strong opioids.
2. Methods
2.1. Registry data sources
Denmark has a tax-financed health care system that pro-
vides equal access to all residents. Because individuals are
given a permanent personal civil registration number at the
time of birth or immigration, nationwide registries allow
data retrieval at individual level
This study linked
individual-level data from national registries using the civil
registration number. The National Patient Registry contains
all hospitalizations and invasive procedures registered since
1978, and since 1995, data from hospital-based outpatient
clinics and emergency departments have been registered
The Psychiatric Central Research Registry
includes data on all psychiatric inpatient admissions in
Denmark since April 1, 1969, and outpatient contacts since
Information comprises dates and discharge diag-
nosis, registered using WHO
International Classification of
(ICD) codes. ICD-8 was used from 1970 to 1993
and ICD-10 from 1994 and onward
ICD-9 was
never used. The Danish National Prescription Registry
has registered dispensed prescriptions consecutively since
1995 according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
(ATC) classification system
including data on amount
and strength of dispensed tablets and dispensing dates
The study was approved by the Danish Data Protection
Agency (ID no: 2007-58-0015/30-0667), Statistics
Denmark, and the Danish Health and Medicine Authority
(ID no: 6-8011-907/1). Danish law did not require ethic
committee approval or informed patient consent.
2.2. Study population
All permanent residents aged
years alive on January
1, 2010, were identified using the Central Population Regis-
Individuals with dementia were identified as those
who had been registered in the National Patient Registry
or Psychiatric Central Research Registry before January 1,
2010, with a dementia diagnosis as the main or secondary
diagnosis during admission or at an outpatient visit
Table A1
for diagnostic codes) and/or
who had filled an antidementia prescription (ATC: N06D).
The individuals had to be
years at the time of diagnosis
and/or first prescription, as prior research has shown low val-
idity of the dementia diagnosis in those
The remaining individuals formed the group without
2.3. Opioid treatment
In Denmark, opioids are only available by prescription
from a physician and can only be dispensed once per pre-
scription. Opioid users were defined as individuals who
had redeemed at least one opioid prescription (ATC:
N02A) in 2010. We grouped morphine analogues
(N02AA01-04), oxycodone (N02AA05-55), pethidine
(N02AE01), and ketobemidone (N02AG02) as strong opi-
oids, whereas codeine (N02AA59), dextropropoxyphene
(N02AC04), and tramadol (N02AX02) were grouped as
weak opioids.
2.4. Comorbidity and demographic information
Comorbidity was evaluated at baseline (January 1, 2010).
We evaluated potentially pain-causing diseases (cancer,
osteoporosis, arthritis, and recent fracture) and comorbidity
(diabetes, vascular, pulmonary, renal and liver disease) that
may affect opioid use (Supplementary
Table A2).
Denmark provided information about living status (home
living and nursing home).
2.5. Statistical analysis
Our descriptive analysis showed that opioid use patterns
differed depending on living status, and the two groups
were evaluated separately. Frequency of comorbidity and
percentage of opioid users were compared using Pearson’s
chi-squared test. A logistic regression analysis was per-
formed initially to evaluate the effect of covariates indepen-
dently (crude analysis) and then in a multivariate logistic
regression analysis (adjusted analysis), where age, sex,
pain-causing disorders, and comorbidity were included as
these covariates have been shown to be potential con-
To evaluate treatment intensity, we computed the num-
ber of prescriptions and equivalent doses of oral morphine
and total dose for each user. Equivalent doses of oral
morphine were calculated as the number of defined daily
dosages redeemed in 2010 multiplied by a factor, which
was based on content of one defined daily dosage and equi-
analgesic effects (Appendix
Table A3).
To calculate dura-
tion of use, a daily dose of 30 mg was assumed.
Differences were evaluated using a nonparametric test
Data analysis was performed using SAS statistical soft-
ware, version 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
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3. Results
3.1. Study population
On January 1, 2010, Denmark had 908,418 residents aged
years, representing 16.36% of the Danish population.
We excluded 2318 people (0.26%) who had received a de-
mentia diagnosis before the age of 60 years, leaving
906,100 individuals, 35,455 (3.91%) of whom were diag-
nosed with dementia before January 1, 2010. This left a pop-
ulation without dementia of N
870,645 (Fig.
1). Table 1
lists the characteristics of the study population stratified by
dementia diagnosis and living status. Home-living patients
with dementia were older and suffered from more comorbid-
ity than the population without dementia, whereas the
nursing home residents without dementia suffered from
more comorbidity than the patients with dementia, with
the exception of fractures.
3.2. Opioid use in 2010
Fig. 2
shows the 2010 frequency of opioid use stratified
by dementia, age, and living status. Home-living patients
with dementia received more opioids than the reference pop-
ulation (patients vs. reference: 27.5%, 95% confidence inter-
val [CI], 26.8%–28.1% vs. 16.9%, 95% CI, 16.8%–17.0%;
.001 for all age groups except for 951 years, where
.007). Nursing home residents used opioids even more
frequent, but patients with dementia received fewer opioids
than those without (37.8% [37.0%–38.5%] vs. 43.0%
.001 for all age groups except for age
90–94 years, where
.12, and 951 years, where
Table 2
lists the results of the logistic regression analysis
for those receiving “any opioid” in 2010 according to living
status. Home-living patients with dementia had a crude odds
ratio (OR; 95% CI) of 1.86 (1.80–1.92) for receiving an
opioid, which after adjustment for age and sex decreased
to 1.43 (1.38–1.47), and further decreased to 1.27 (1.22–
1.31) after additional adjustment for comorbidity. In
contrast, nursing home residents with dementia were 20%
less likely to receive an opioid (crude OR, 0.80 [0.77–
0.84]), and there was minimal effect from adjustment for
age, sex, and comorbidity (adjusted OR, 0.83 [0.80–0.87]).
Use of opioids increased with age, but this was especially
pronounced for the home living. Comorbidity was associ-
ated with increased ORs, which was also the case for poten-
tial contraindications such as pulmonary or renal disease.
When we excluded those who died in 2010, the overall
pattern did not change, but the frequency decreased by
1.2% to 6.7% (Supplementary
Figure A1).
Table 3
lists the distribution of opioid subtypes and over-
all results of logistic regression analysis (for detailed results,
Supplementary Table
A1A–G). The crude analysis
showed that home-living patients with dementia received
all subtypes of opioid more frequent, but after adjusting
for age, sex, and comorbidity, they were less likely to receive
weak opioids. The crude analysis showed that home-living
patients with dementia had a fivefold increased OR for bu-
prenorphine and a fourfold OR for fentanyl, which after
adjustment decreased to 2.57 (2.41–2.74) and 2.32 (2.15–
2.50), respectively. Use of buprenorphine and fentanyl was
highly dependent on age, and the 951 group had, compared
with the 65- to 69-year-old group, a crude OR of 17.24
(15.41–19.30) for buprenorphine use (Supplementary
A4D). The pattern was similar for fentanyl, although
the OR was lower (951: crude OR, 10.46 [9.17–11.93]).
For both buprenorphine and fentanyl, the estimates dimin-
ished with adjustment for age, sex, and comorbidity but re-
mained high at 11.18 (9.95–12.55) and 7.10 (6.20–8.13),
respectively (Supplementary
Comparing nursing home residents and home living,
27.9% (27.5%–28.4%) of nursing home residents used
strong opioids in contrast with 7.1% (7.1%–7.2%) of the
home living without dementia and 17.4% (16.9%–17.9%)
of the home living with dementia, but the difference was
especially pronounced for buprenorphine and fentanyl.
The age dependency in the home-living population for bu-
prenorphine (951: crude OR, 2.58 [2.06–3.23]) and fentanyl
(951: crude OR, 1.74 [1.38–2.19]) was less pronounced in
nursing home residents (Supplementary
Table 4AC–D).
The pattern differed for nursing home residents with no sig-
nificant difference between groups for strong opioids but less
frequent use of weak opioids in those with dementia. Fenta-
nyl and buprenorphine were mainly used as transdermal for-
mulations, that is, patches.
3.3. Treatment intensity
Home-living patients with dementia were more likely to
receive more than one opioid prescription than those without
(75.6% [74.5%–76.8%] vs. 70.8% [70.6%–71.0%],
Fig. 1. Population selection.
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Table 1
Characteristics of the study population stratified by living status and dementia diagnosis
Home living (N
Age groups (y)
Time since diagnosis, y
Antidementia treatment
Living alone
Recent fracture
Reference (N
463,414 (54.9)
296,622 (35.1)
211,647 (25.1)
150,591 (17.8)
103,524 (12.3)
57,972 (6.9)
19,358 (2.3)
4688 (0.6)
326,929 (39.0)
118,575 (14.0)
90,407 (10.7)
134,254 (15.9)
22,357 (2.7)
79,166 (9.4)
169,001 (20.0)
75,533 (9.0)
17,443 (2.1)
8426 (1.0)
Dementia (N
11,782 (60.7)*
1547 (8.0)*
2647 (13.6)
3974 (20.5)
5035 (25.9)
4094 (21.1)
1676 (8.6)
434 (2.2)
2.3 (0.9–4.5)
8060 (41.5)
11,058 (57.0)
2992 (15.4)*
3330 (17.2)*
3973 (20.5)*
1303 (6.7)*
2249 (11.6)*
7443 (38.4)*
2315 (11.9)*
663 (3.4)*
323 (1.7)*
Nursing home (N
Reference (N
18,110 (69.0)
1490 (5.7)
2232 (8.5)
3311 (12.6)
5265 (20.1)
6633 (25.3)
4913 (18.7)
2399 (9.1)
4418 (16.8)
5234 (19.9)
5921 (22.6)
2234 (8.5)
3381 (12.9)
11,760 (44.8)
3664 (14.0)
1202 (4.6)
434 (1.7)
Dementia (N
11,452 (71.4)*
528 (3.3)*
1192 (7.4)
2283 (14.2)
4091 (25.5)
24,696 (29.3)
2533 (15.8)
725 (4.5)
3.3 (1.5–5.6)
6333 (39.5)
2275 (14.2)*
2864 (17.9)*
2996 (18.7)*
1557 (9.7)*
1691 (10.5)*
6210 (38.7)*
1639 (10.2)*
470 (2.9)*
223 (1.4)*
Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.
NOTE. Numbers are given as n (%) or median (25% quartile to 75% quartile) as appropriate.
.0001). Half of the home-living patients
with dementia had a duration of use exceeding 93 days
(25%–75% interquartile range, 27–288 days), compared
with 70 days (19–272 days;
.0001) for those without.
Among nursing home residents, approximately 80%
received more than one opioid prescription, but patients
with dementia were less likely to receive more than
one prescription than those without dementia (78.8%
[77.8%–79.9%] vs. 82.7% [82.0%–83.4%], respectively,
.0001). Likewise, patients with dementia at nursing
homes were treated for a shorter period, as half of patients
with dementia had a duration of use exceeding 112 days
(32–331 days), compared with 153 days (40–454 days;
.0001) for those without.
4. Discussion
This is the first study to investigate an entire elderly pop-
ulation’s use of opioids. Contrary to our hypothesis, the
frequency of opioid use rose steadily with age and was
Fig. 2. Percentage receiving an opioid in 2010 stratified by dementia, age group, and living status.
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Table 2
Opioid drug use in 2010
Home living
Sex (females)
Age groups (y)
Recent fracture
Crude OR (95% CI)
1.86 (1.80–1.92)
1.51 (1.49–1.53)
1.30 (1.28–1.32)
1.60 (1.57–1.63)
1.94 (1.90–1.97)
2.36 (2.31–2.41)
2.77 (2.68–2.86)
3.33 (3.14–3.54)
1.73 (1.71–1.76)
2.59 (2.55–2.63)
2.86 (2.82–2.90)
2.44 (2.37–2.50)
1.54 (1.51–1.57)
1.89 (1.86–1.91)
2.20 (2.17–2.24)
2.26 (2.19–2.33)
2.11 (2.02–2.21)
Adjusted OR (95% CI)
1.27 (1.22–1.31)
1.39 (1.38–1.41)
1.18 (1.16–1.20)
1.31 (1.29–1.34)
1.48 (1.46–1.51)
1.73 (1.70–1.77)
2.06 (1.99–2.13)
2.58 (2.42–2.74)
1.56 (1.53–1.58)
1.84 (1.81–1.87)
2.35 (2.32–2.39)
1.81 (1.76–1.87)
1.40 (1.38–1.43)
1.55 (1.53–1.57)
1.74 (1.71–1.77)
1.44 (1.39–1.49)
1.74 (1.66–1.82)
Nursing home
Crude OR (95% CI)
0.80 (0.77–0.84)
1.41 (1.35–1.47)
1.11 (0.99–1.25)
1.28 (1.15–1.42)
1.36 (1.23–1.51)
1.43 (1.29–1.58)
1.46 (1.32–1.62)
1.42 (1.26–1.59)
1.39 (1.32–1.47)
2.14 (2.04–2.25)
1.76 (1.68–1.84)
1.73 (1.62–1.85)
1.03 (0.97–1.10)
1.15 (1.11–1.20)
1.37 (1.29–1.45)
1.33 (1.20–1.47)
1.26 (1.08–1.47)
Adjusted OR (95% CI)
0.83 (0.80–0.87)
1.27 (1.21–1.32)
1.11 (0.99–1.25)
1.22 (1.09–1.36)
1.27 (1.15–1.41)
1.31 (1.18–1.45)
1.34 (1.20–1.49)
1.34 (1.18–1.51)
1.35 (1.28–1.42)
1.83 (1.74–1.93)
1.59 (1.51–1.67)
1.60 (1.50–1.72)
1.04 (0.98–1.11)
1.14 (1.09–1.19)
1.23 (1.16–1.31)
1.22 (1.10–1.35)
1.27 (1.09–1.50)
Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.
NOTE. This table shows the logistic regression analysis comparing opioid users and nonopioid users according to living status. The results are given as OR
(95% CI). The crude ORs for comorbidity and demographic variables are modeled for any opioids. The adjusted ORs include adjustment for age, sex, and co-
particularly pronounced among the most vulnerable pa-
tients, that is, patients with dementia (32%) and nursing
home residents (41%). Home-living patients with dementia
were more likely to receive multiple prescriptions and higher
dosages than those without dementia. However, the highest
percentage of use was found among nursing home residents.
Our results also show that there are clear differences in treat-
ment of patients with dementia in relation to living status, as
nursing home residents without dementia were the most
frequent users. This is surprising for two reasons. First, our
findings are in opposition to the current belief that pain is un-
dertreated in the elderly, especially those with dementia
Second, frail elderly patients, and particularly
patients with dementia, are much more prone to adverse
events associated with opioids, leading us to believe
physicians would be reluctant to prescribe them.
Previous studies, which had limited sample size and
generalizability, have found that among elderly, increasing
age was associated with lower likelihood of receiving anal-
which is opposite to our results, which
showed that use of opioids rose steadily with age.
Likewise, our results contrast with most studies on home-
living patients with dementia, which have found that patients
with dementia receive fewer analgesics
Second, all
the studies were published in 2004 or prior, and over the
past 15 years, several countries have reported an increase
in opioid prescriptions
In Denmark, use of
opioids in the entire population has increased by 34%
Table 3
Percentage of individuals receiving prescriptions for different kinds of opioids in 2010
Home living (N
All opioids
Strong opioids
Weak opioids
Crude OR
1.86 (1.80–1.92)
2.74 (2.64–2.85)
1.98 (1.85–2.12)
1.53 (1.43–1.63)
4.07 (3.78–4.37)
5.15 (4.84–5.47)
1.23 (1.18–1.28)
1.27 (1.21–1.32)
Adjusted OR
1.27 (1.22–1.31)
1.79 (1.72–1.86)
1.35 (1.26–1.44)
1.07 (1.01–1.15)
2.28 (2.12–2.46)
2.57 (2.41–2.74)
0.88 (0.85–0.92)
0.91 (0.87–0.95)
Nursing home (N
Crude OR
0.80 (0.77–0.84)
0.99 (0.94–1.03)
0.77 (0.72–0.84)
0.61 (0.57–0.66)
0.94 (0.88–1.01)
1.34 (1.26–1.42)
0.63 (0.59–0.66)
0.63 (0.59–0.66)
Adjusted OR
0.83 (0.80–0.87)
1.04 (0.99–1.08)
0.82 (0.76–0.88)
0.63 (0.58–0.68)
0.99 (0.92–1.07)
1.38 (1.29–1.47)
0.64 (0.61–0.67)
0.64 (0.61–0.67)
Abbreviation: OR, odds ratio.
NOTE. The cumulative percentage is higher than “all opioids” as a user may have used more than one opioid. This table also shows the OR (95% confidence
interval) of the logistic regression analysis comparing those with dementia with those without dementia according to living status. The adjusted ORs include
adjustment for age, sex, and comorbidity.
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from 1999 to 2010
which the high percentage of users
in our study may reflect. More recent publications have re-
ported results that were closer to our findings. In accordance
with our study, a smaller Swedish study found that home-
living patients with dementia used opioids more frequently
(8.0% without dementia [N
2199] and 14.3% with
A Finnish register-based study examining
2005 data found that home-living patients with Alzheimer’s
disease received opioids less frequently than those without
(3.6% vs. 4.6%) but were more likely to receive strong opi-
oids. However, the percentage of users is much lower than
what we found (3.6% vs. 27.5% for home-living dementia
patients), but the study has limited generalizability as they
excluded nursing home residents and those with dementia
due to other causes than Alzheimer’s disease.
In our study, the highest percentage of use was found
among the most fragile patients living at nursing homes.
Forty-one percent of nursing home residents had used an
opioid in comparison with 17% of the home living without
dementia. To our knowledge, only one other study has
compared home-living and nursing home residents and like-
wise found that a higher percentage of nursing home resi-
dents received analgesics
In our study, nursing home
residents with dementia received opioids less frequently
than residents without dementia (38% vs. 43%), but this
was due to fewer receiving weak opioids. This finding is in
accordance with a number of smaller studies, with limited
generalizability, which have found that nursing home resi-
dents with dementia were less likely to receive pain medica-
tion compared with the cognitively intact
Denmark, dementia is the primary reason for nursing
home placement, and most residents without dementia
have severe physical disability
which could also
explain the differences between the two groups. Our results
also show that there are different treatment patterns of pa-
tients with dementia depending on living situation as nursing
home residents with dementia received opioids less
frequently than those without dementia. Nevertheless,
opioid use was very common in nursing home residents
and much more common than among home-living elderly.
This study raises an important question, whether the
frequent opioid use in the elderly, and especially in patients
with dementia and nursing home residents, is appropriate.
On one hand, frailty and comorbidity have been associated
with pain
and pain is frequent among nursing home res-
On the other hand, the main limitations of
opioid use are adverse reactions, which increase with age,
frailty, dementia, and higher dosages
The frequent
opioid use is in sharp contrast to the fact that very few
elderly of age
years have been included in analgesic
trials and no trials have included patients with dementia or
elderly of age
among which we found the
most frequent use. At present, little data exist supporting
evidence-based prescribing of opioids in dementia and frail
elderly. Furthermore, most patients received multiple pre-
scriptions, but the evidence for long-term use is limited
A recent Cochrane review concluded that the effect
of strong opioids in osteoarthritis is outweighed by large in-
creases in risk of adverse events and strong opioids should
not be used routinely
Guidelines for pain treatment in
the elderly are few, but an expert consensus statement on
opioids for treatment of chronic severe pain states that “in
properly selected and monitored patients, opioid analgesics
constitute a potentially effective treatment as part of a multi-
modal strategy, but should only be prescribed on a trial basis
with clearly defined therapeutic goals”
One may ques-
tion if 41% of nursing home residents constitute a properly
selected group of patients.
Our analysis revealed that fentanyl and buprenorphine were
used by 20% of nursing home residents with dementia, in
contrast to 10% of home-living patients with dementia and
2% of the home-living reference population. Among the
home living, those aged
years had, compared with the
age group 65 to 69 years, a risk of receiving buprenorphine
and fentanyl, which were 17 and 11 times higher, respectively.
Although adjustment for age, sex, and comorbidity diminished
the effect estimates, home living
years had an 11 and 7
times increased risk for receiving buprenorphine or fentanyl,
respectively. The prevalent use of fentanyl and buprenorphine
(i.e., patches) in nursing home residents, patients with demen-
tia, and very old individuals is potentially problematic as it
may pose a risk to patient safety. First, in 2005, the US Food
and Drug Administration released a black box warning against
using fentanyl patches in nonopioid–tolerant patients because
of serious adverse events and deaths
The elderly and
those with cognitive impairment are the most susceptible to
serious adverse events or death, and a recent study showed
that initiation of transdermal fentanyl in opioid na€ persons
was more frequent among those with advanced age and/or
cognitive impairment
Second, even palliation guidelines
from the National Institute for Clinical Excellence in the
United Kingdom do not recommend use of transdermal patch
formulations as first-line maintenance treatment in patients for
whom oral opioids are suitable
Last, but not least, using
drugs with potentially serious side effects in patients with de-
mentia poses an ethical challenge as patients with dementia
eventually lose the ability to consent to treatment.
One of the strengths of this study is that it investigates
“real-life prescription patterns” in an entire elderly population
eliminating problems of selection bias. The validity of regis-
tered dementia diagnoses at hospitals has previously been
shown to be high
but most cases are registered as unspec-
ified dementia. However, dementia is generally underdiag-
nosed, and previous research has shown that estimated 50%
to 70% of cases are diagnosed and therefore captured by the
Danish hospital registries
Potential undiagnosed cases
among the reference group could lead to an underestimation
of differences. An additional strength is that we are able to
distinguish between home-living and institutionalized indi-
viduals, which is not possible in several countries
However, in some cases, patients or their caregivers may
not report moving to a nursing home, and it has been
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estimated that this leads to an underestimation of the number
of nursing home residents by approximately 10%
(information provided by Statistics Denmark). The Danish
National Prescription Registry registers all prescriptions
filled at pharmacies, and the information has proven to be
but we cannot be certain that the patients
consumed the drugs. However, between 73.8% and 82.7%
of patients redeemed multiple prescriptions indicating that
the majority did consume the medication. Furthermore, the
exact indication for the prescriptions is unknown. In our anal-
ysis, we adjusted for a number of potential confounders (both
indications and contraindications for opioid use), but not all
pain-causing comorbidity can be accounted for in hospital
registries, in particular disease states such as back pain, which
are mainly treated by general practitioners. Our logistic
regression analysis showed that the crude estimates for de-
mentia were confounded by age, sex, and comorbidity, but
age was the most important confounder. It is noteworthy
that even conditions that must be considered relative contrain-
dications for opioids (i.e., pulmonary, renal and liver disease)
were associated with use of opioids, which was contrary to ex-
pected. However, we cannot rule out that unmeasured con-
founding could explain part of the remaining association
between dementia and opioids. An alternative explanation
could be that patients with dementia are more likely to receive
opioids for other indications such as end-of-life treatment. We
explored this by excluding those who died in 2010, which
decreased the frequency of use to 1.2% to 6.7%, but the over-
all pattern remained unchanged, indicating that end-of-life
treatment was not the explanation. An alternative explanation
may be found in a recent study that showed that a systematic
approach to pain treatment (though mainly paracetamol) leads
to reduced agitation in people with moderate-to-severe de-
and one may speculate if opioids in our popula-
tion were used to treat behavioral symptoms and not pain.
5. Conclusions
In the entire elderly population of Denmark, we surpris-
ingly found that use of opioids rose steadily with age and
was particularly high for patients with dementia and nursing
home residents. This study raises a number of questions, the
first being if the frequent opioid use with increasing age,
dementia, and/or nursing home residency may challenge pa-
tient safety? Future studies should explore potential conse-
quences of opioid use in these groups to further assess
this. As opioid use has been increasing in several countries,
there are reasons to suspect that our findings apply outside
Denmark. Our study also highlights the urgent need
for more evidence to guide analgesic prescribing in the elderly
and especially those who are frail and/or suffer from dementia.
The Danish Dementia Research Centre is supported by
grants from the Danish Health Foundation (
2007B0004) and the Danish Ministry of Health ( 2007-
12143-112/59506 and 0901110/34501). All researchers
were independent of the funders. All authors declare no sup-
port from any organization for the submitted work.
Contributors: C.J.D. drafted the manuscript and conducted
the analysis. C.J.D., C.G., A.A., and G.W. outlined the sta-
tistical analysis. All authors participated in the design of
the study, edited the manuscript, and approved the final
Supplementary data
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
1. Systematic review: We searched PubMed using the
keywords: “dementia,” “opioid,” “pain,” “analge-
sics,” and “nursing home.” Articles published in En-
glish and from peer-reviewed journals were collected
and reviewed. We specifically reviewed studies that
had assessed use of analgesics in the elderly, de-
mentia, and nursing home residents.
2. Interpretation: This study is the first to study
opioid use in an entire elderly population, elimi-
nating problems of selection bias. Contrary to ex-
pected, patients with dementia and nursing home
residents were the most frequent users of opioids.
However, clinical trials of analgesics have never
included patients with dementia and nursing
home residents, representing the frailest patient
groups. Our findings highlight the urgent need
for more evidence to guide analgesic prescribing
in these groups.
3. Future directions: This study raises a number of
questions, the first being if the frequent opioid use
with increasing age, dementia, and nursing home
residence may challenge patient safety, which
should be explored in future studies. As opioid use
has been increasing in several countries, there are
reasons to suspect that our findings apply outside
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