Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2014-15 (1. samling)
FLF Alm.del
Vedrørende rapport om
”Group housing of mink”
Fødevarestyrelsen (FVST) har i mail af 5. juli 2013 bedt DCA
Nationalt Cen-
ter for Fødevarer og Jordbrug om at udarbejde en faglig rapport vedrørende
dyrevelfærdsmæssige forhold ved gruppeindhusning af mink.
Baggrunden herfor er, at Regeringen i efteråret 2012 indgik en aftale om vete-
rinærområdet (Veterinærforlig II). Af veterinærforligets aftaletekst fremgår
”I forligsperioden vil fødevareministeren
udarbejde en analyse, i
dialog med relevante parter, hvor faglige, juridiske og økonomiske forhold i
relation til gruppeindhusning afdækkes. Analysen vil blive forelagt forligs-
partierne, med henblik på evt. indgåelse af en tillægsaftale”.
Til dette formål
har FVST nedsat en arbejdsgruppe, der består af repræsentanter fra Fødeva-
reministeriet og Finansministeriet. Det fremgår af arbejdsgruppens kommis-
sorium, at analysen bl.a. skal afdække effekten ved et forbud.
I bestillingen fra FVST anmodes DCA om at besvare at række spørgsmål i for-
bindelse med gruppeindhusning. Rapportens konklusioner vil indgå i ar-
bejdsgruppens endelige indstilling, der vil blive forelagt forligskredsen med
henblik på en evt. indgåelse af en tillægsaftale til forliget.
Den vedlagte rapport er udarbejdet af Steen Henrik Møller, Jens Malmkvist
og Steffen Werner Hansen, alle Institut for Husdyrvidenskab.
Susanne Elmholt
Koordinator for
Dato: 19. november 2013
Direkte tlf.: 8 715 7685
[email protected]
Afs. CVR-nr.: 57607556
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Med venlig hilsen
Susanne Elmholt
Seniorforsker, koordinator for myndighedsrådgivning ved DCA
DCA - Nationalt Center for
Fødevarer og Jordbrug
Aarhus Universitet
Blichers Allé 20
Postboks 50
8830 Tjele
Tlf.: 8715 6000
E-mail: [email protected]
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture
Group housing of mink
November 19
Steen Henrik Møller, Jens Malmkvist og Steffen Werner Hansen,
Institut for Husdyrvidenskab
0. Introduction to mink and group housing
In nature, adult mink (Neovison
are solitary, coming together only at mating
time. They are territorial and defend their home range by scent marking and aggression
towards mink of the same sex. A male territory can overlap that of several females,
whereas overlap between mink of the same sex is not reported (e.g. Dunstone, 1993;
Gerell, 1970). The solitary and territorial lifestyle of mink in nature forces the young
mink to leave the territories occupied by their mothers. Dispersal happens in the
autumn, when the juveniles are 12
16 weeks old (Dunstone, 1993). Based on these
characteristics of the mink, it has been common and recommended in Scandinavia, to
house adult mink (older than 7 months) singly in one cage and juveniles during the
growth period from separation (July) to pelting (November) in pairs of one male (♂)
and one female (♀) per cage. Alternatively, juveniles can be housed alone in a cage,
which is common in North America from September to pelting or in groups of more
than two, which has been common especially in the Netherlands in the growth period.
On farms, the territory is restricted to the cage, and juveniles housed more than one in
a cage are prevented from dispersal. Many experiments with social group housing of
mink have been performed in cages that are different from the traditional ones.
Consequently, the effects of groups are often confounded with cage complexity and
additional enrichments; therefore, it is often not possible to separate the effect of each
factor based on these studies.
1. A definition of group housing
how is group housing defined?
Group housing of mink is defined as opposed to single or pairwise housing. One
definition is therefore three or more mink in the same cage. However, in relation to the
solitary and territorial nature of the adult mink, we adopt a more relevant definition of
group housing as
or more mink of the same sex in one cage‟. The definition is
relevant for all adult mink and becomes relevant for juvenile mink from the age of
about 12 weeks at which time dispersal begins in feral mink (Dunstone, 1993).
2. A description of the different forms of group housing used in Denmark?
The description should be supported by illustrations.
a. Different cage designs
The present Danish legislation (2006) and EU recommendations (1999) claim
that if more than two young mink are housed in the same cage, then the
minimum area of the cage (2550 cm
) must be enlarged with 850 cm
per extra
mink and extra supervision of the mink is then mandatory. The enlargement of
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
the cages may be provided by connecting Danish standard cages (30 cm x 90
cm) with holes made in the partition between neighbouring cages, hereafter
called “row cages”
(Figure 1) or by placing an extra cage (W: 30 cm x L: 70 cm)
on top of a standard mink cage and making a pathway to the upper floor
hereafter called
cages” (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Row cages. The wooden panel in the partition between the cages can be
lifted up allowing the mink access to the neighbouring cage.
Figure 2. Climbing cages viewed from side (at left) and front (at right).
According to European and Danish regulations, it is allowed to house five mink
in two connected standard cages (5400 cm
) because the first two mink must
have 2550 cm
while three extra mink must have 3*850 = 2550, in total 5100
. Three connected standard cages (8100 cm
) allow for eight juveniles
together and so on. By connecting standard cages, the mink potentially
if the
nest box entrances are kept open
has access to the same number of nest boxes
as it has to cages, because each cage is provided with an attached nest box. In a
climbing cage (a standard cage (e.g. 2700 cm
) plus a top cage (e.g. 30 cm x 55
cm = 1650 cm
) = 4350 cm
), four juveniles are allowed. In contrast to mink
housed in row cages, mink in climbing cages usually have access to only one
shared nest box. Nest boxes attached to climbing cages need to be large enough
to accommodate the number of mink in the cage.
In principle, one can construct three or four floors of climbing cages or connect
up to six standard cages in the row system. To our knowledge, mink in Denmark
are almost exclusively group housed in two-storey climbing cage systems.
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
However, there is no registration of the actual number of farms using group
housing or of the number of juvenile mink raised in group housing systems. It is
assumed that many farmers have some climbing cages and use these as a
"buffer" if the number of weaned kits should be larger than expected and larger
than they have room for in standard cages. On some farms the use of climbing
cages has become the dominant or the only type for housing of juvenile mink.
b. Different number and sex combinations of mink
One practical reason for introducing group housing may arise from the common
practice to house one or two juvenile males with an adult female (a dam) in the
growth period. Therefore, the surplus of juvenile females has been housed in
groups. Apart from this, the number of juveniles and the sex ratio in the group
vary between the individual farms. Three or four juvenile females appear to be
the most used combination. No registrations are available on the frequency of
combinations used, and we expect that many combinations can be found in
In 2012, Hansen and Møller investigated four private farms, selected as having
good experience in the use of group housing in Denmark. The farmers were
encouraged to use their preferred group composition in climbing cages. All
farmers used the combination of four females, while one farm also used the
combination of one male plus two female juveniles and another one dam plus
two male juveniles. Furthermore, the farmers were encouraged to include a
control group of pairs of one male plus one female and an extra test group of two
male plus two female juveniles, as this is the best examined combination in
scientific studies. The
voluntary choice of group combinations indicates
that four females is a popular group composition in practice.
c. Weaning or not, management and feeding routines
Family group housing allows the whole or part of the litter to grow up together
with the dam without being separated, and thus potentially makes the weaning
animal-based and gradual over a longer period. It has been documented that an
artificial and abrupt weaning procedure at about 6 weeks of age affects the
welfare of the mink kits negatively (Heller et al., 1988; Mason, 1994; Hansen et
al., 1998). In nature, the weaning ends definitively at approximately 16 weeks of
age, when the juveniles leave the mother‟s territory (Dunstone, 1993). According
to Danish and European regulation, removal of the dam from the mink kits must
not take place before the kits are 8 weeks of age, unless the welfare of the mother
or her kits is compromised. Pedersen and Jeppesen (2001) compared various
behavioural, physiological and production-related parameters in adult females
housed alone after weaning of the kits at 8 weeks of age and adult females
housed with their juveniles in the row cage system (tree connected standard
cages). Between 82 and 93 % of the dams housed with the juveniles suffered
from swollen and/or bitten teats observed when the juveniles were 16 weeks old.
None of the dams separated from the kits at the weaning age of 8 weeks had teat
problems. In addition, 24-45 % of the family housed dams, but only 0-11 % of the
dams without prolonged contact to their juveniles, had damages on the fur or
skin. The number of bite marks on the leather side of the pelt was higher in
family housed dams than in solitary dams. Also a higher stress hormone
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
(cortisol) concentration in family housed dams indicated, together with the teat
problem, that family housing is a stressor with negative impact on the welfare of
the dams.
Hansen & Møller (2012) showed that aggression in groups varied significantly
between farms. One farm had significantly more problems with bite marks,
wounds and mortality than the three other farms, and according to the farmer,
also compared to previous years. One reason for this variation could be an
unusually late separation of weaned juveniles to group housing compared to
previous years and the other farms in the investigation. The hypothesis was
tested in 2012 on the research farm in Foulum and on the farm with problems
the previous year. Contrary to our hypothesis, time of group formation (July 1 vs.
July 15) was not an important management factor as early group formation
decreased bite marks in females at the research farm only, while it increased bite
marks in males at the private farm (Møller & Hansen, 2013). Therefore, we
rejected the hypothesis that early separation of young mink into group housing
in general decreases the number of bite marks. The level of bite marks in males
pairwise housed with a female was one fourth, and in the females, one third of
the level in group housed mink (Møller & Hansen, 2013).
Several studies have indicated that group housing may increase the competition
for resources such as nest box and food (Pedersen et al., 2004; Hänninen et al.,
2008a, b; Hansen and Malmkvist, 2011; Hansen, 2012). Experimental studies of
mink deprived of the use of their nest boxes have demonstrated that the nest box
is of considerable importance to the welfare and production of mink and can be
considered as a biological need. Pedersen et al. (2004) compared the behaviour
of juvenile mink in two group housing systems - row cages and climbing cages
with pair housed juveniles in standard cages. Mink in row cages had access to
three cages and three nest boxes, while mink in climbing cages and standard
cages only had access to one nest box. Juveniles housed in pairs in standard
cages used the nest box more than group housed mink in the row cages, and
mink in row cages used the nest boxes more than mink in climbing cages.
Sleeping, drinking and eating were significantly reduced in climbing cages
compared to standard and row cages. Furthermore, social behaviour and
agonistic behaviour were performed more in climbing cages than in row cages
and more in row cages than in standard cages. These results demonstrate that
group housing increases social interactions and enhances the resource
competition, e.g. for nest boxes.
In order to reduce feed competition in climbing cages, the effect of three vs. one
feeding place was investigated by Hansen & Malmkvist (2011). Juvenile mink
with access to three feeding places consumed more feed than mink with access
to one feeding place, and they obtained a higher body weight in September.
Males with access to three feeding places produced longer pelts than males with
only one feeding place, while this effect was not seen in females. Access to three
feeding places also reduced the amount of bite marks compared to one feeding
place. The results showed that it is possible to reduce feed competition by
increasing the number of feeding places in group housed mink.
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
In order to reduce the increased aggression level observed in group housed
mink, different occupational objects such as plastic tubes and straw briquettes
have been tested (Hansen, 2012). Group housed juveniles in climbing cages had
access to plastic tubes, straw briquettes or both. Access was either permanent or
alternating every two weeks. Group housed juveniles without access to
occupational objects were used as control. Mink with access to either or both
types of occupational objects had less fur chewing than mink without access. The
welfare improving effect of the tested objects justifies that they can be described
as environmental enrichments for mink. They did, however, not reduce
aggression measured as bite marks or wounds in group housed mink (Hansen,
3. A description of the production- and management related advantages and
disadvantages related to group housing?
The main production and management-related advantage of
group housing is the increased stocking density in climbing cage systems (see
also section 2b). By adding an extra cage on top of the standard cage, the
number of mink in a shed can be doubled from typically 12 to 24 juveniles per
six cages battery section. As the shed, the watering system, the slurry system and
the nest box are the same, the only extra cost is the top cage.
It appears that many Danish mink farmers took advantage of this opportunity
when other cage types than 30 cm wide standard cages were ruled out by the
implementation of the Council of Europe recommendations (1999) in the Danish
legislation in 2006. As most farmers could not obtain the necessary permits for
extending the farm with new cages, many chose to introduce a number of group
housing cages instead of reducing the total number of mink on the farm. In
terms of management, the time spent on feeding, adding bedding material and
removing manure is reduced as the distances to cover is halved.
The main disadvantage of group housing is the increased risk
of aggression and thus the increased loss of juveniles during the growth season
(see also section 4). In the farmed mink, a social stability must be established
between the mink in a cage after the time of dispersal and territoriality, i.e. from
September. As the male is almost twice the size and weight of the female in
September (Møller et al. 2004) and territorial overlap is tolerated between mink
of opposite sex, male plus female, pairs of mink juveniles rarely involve severe
aggression. In groups with two or more mink of the same sex, aggression is more
frequent, probably related to territoriality and a more difficult formation of
social stability between mink of equal size. A recent study of group housing over
two years supports
based on bite mark registration
that aggression primarily
occurs between cage mates of the same sex (Alemu et al., 2013).
Based on controlled studies, increased feed competition during group housing
everything else being equal
lead to reduced body size. However, over a
range of studies and under production conditions with varying feed
management, the economic value of the pelts from group housed mink is not
always reduced. Some find a negative effect of group housing on pelt
quality/mink size (Udvalg for avl og teknik, 1979; Hänninen et al., 2008a) while
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
others do not (Neil, 1985; Aulerich et al., 1991; de Rond & de Jonge, 2008). It
should be noted, however, that mink with wounds or injuries will often not
produce a pelt because the skin is at risk of breaking at some point in the pelting
process. A comparison of pelts ready for sale may therefore be biased in relation
to the full economic impact of group housing if the loss of animals during the
trail is not considered.
In cases where the level of aggression increases to unusual heights (Hansen &
Møller, 2012) the economic loss on missing pelts can be high, because all the
production costs have been incurred while no pelts are produced from dead or
euthanized mink.
The time needed for inspection of the mink is increased under group housing
because it is more difficult to make sure that all animals are inspected. In
addition, the variation in feed intake is more difficult to detect when three or
more mink are fed per cage compared to two mink per cage.
In case of a contagious disease on a farm, this will be expected to spread more
rapidly in group housing systems due to the increased stocking density of mink.
Apparently, no health data have been published in relation to group housing
other than those related to aggression and mortality. This is probably because
contagious diseases are rare in mink production, and experimental farms are
generally well vaccinated.
4. Résumé of the international research on animal welfare in mink
production systems (in relation to group housing) including:
In most studies of the effects of group housing versus traditional housing of
pairs in standard cages, it is important to emphasize that it is not only a
comparison of the two social group sizes but also of two cage and management
systems in which many factors differ. In most studies it is, therefore, not
possible to separate the effects of the social environment from the effects of the
increased cage complexity. In addition, further effects of +/- weaning,
differences in feed allocation, number of feeding places and nest boxes and
access to shelves or other occupational object may differ between the two
systems. A comparison of group housing and pairwise housing in standard cages
makes it difficult to relate the results unambiguously to the number of mink in
the cage. However, going through the literature, there seems to be scientific
support for the following conclusions.
a. Behavioural differences between juvenile mink housed in groups and
in pairs of one male and one female.
Play behaviour
It has been argued that play does not occur under severe stress and, therefore,
increased occurrence of play behaviour in mink has been taken as an indication
of improved welfare (Vinke et al., 2004). Hansen et al. (1997) compared the
behaviour in mink housed pairwise in standard cages with mink in standard row
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
cages as family groups. An increased frequency of aggression and ego-play (play
with own tail or straw) in family mink
without any difference in social play and
stereotypic behaviour
leads to the conclusion that family housing in row cages
was not a behavioural welfare improvement for mink compared with traditional
housing in pairs.
Behavioural differences between juvenile mink housed in climbing cages, row
cages (three connected cages) and standard cages were investigated by Pedersen
and co-workers (2004). They found no differences in stereotypies, self-grooming
or play behaviour between the systems. Vinke and co-workers (2004) found that
addition of objects in group housed mink increased object manipulation and
reduced social play. The added objects had, however, no significant long term
effect on anticipatory activity or stereotypic behaviour, suggesting no effect in
terms of stress.
Hänninen and co-workers (2008a) investigated the effect of group and pairwise
housing and found that group housed mink had more social interactions, but
argued that it was difficult to make a valid differentiation between playful and
aggressive motivated social behaviour. Hansen & Malmkvist (2011) analysed
video recordings of social interaction in group housed mink (two males plus two
females). They made a distinction between aggression (mutual bite exchanges
and subsequent escape) and social play (alternately flight and persecution, with
bite exchange, that stops without an obvious "winner") and found that the
temporal occurrence and frequency of the two types of social interactions were
very similar. The research demonstrates that it is difficult to distinguish between
aggression and play in mink based on video, and that direct behavioural
observations are very time consuming.
Use of nest box
Group housing decreases the mink‟s use of the nest box compared to mink kept
pairwise, which may indicate increased competition for the nest box as a highly
prioritized resource (Pedersen et al., 2004; Hagensen & Jeppesen, 2007; Hansen
& Jeppesen, 2008; Hänninen et al., 2008a & b; Jeppesen, 2009). Pelts from
climbing cages with two nest boxes had fewer bite marks than pelts from
climbing cages with one common nest box (Jeppesen, 2009). Studies of mink
deprived of the use of their nest boxes have demonstrated that the nest box is of
considerable importance to the welfare and production of mink. Mink housed
without access to a nest box was exposed to more stress (measured
physiologically) and had a higher feed intake than mink with access to a nest box
(Hansen & Damgaard, 1992; Hansen et al., 1994).
Measures of elasticity of demand are one way to assess an animal‟s priority of
resources (Hansen & Jensen, 2006). Hansen & Jensen (2002) demonstrated
that mink make higher priority to 60 min of access to a nest box than to 20 min
of access and lowest preference to 1 min of access showing that mink prefer a
longer stay in the nest box. The demand for a nest box and the physiological
stress response to deprivation from the nest box indicate that mink have a
biological need for access to a nest box. Reduced use of the nest box in group
housed mink may be caused by resource competition.
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
Spontaneous fighting in group housed mink correlates with bite marks but
occurs very infrequent and is therefore difficult to observe in practice (Jeppesen,
2013). However, aggressiveness can be tested in a competition test were mink
after a deprivation period are offered a small amount of feed. In these tests,
males deliver more bites than females and females receive more bites than
males. Received bites correlated significantly with bite marks observed on body
and tail, but not with bite marks in the neck (Hansen & Jeppesen, 2008). The
results indicate that bite marks in the neck may be affected by other motivations
than aggression, e.g. sexual or play motivation, whereas bite marks on the body
and tail are caused primarily by aggression (Hansen & Jeppesen, 2008;
Jeppesen, 2013).
The fact that bite marks on the leather side of the pelt actually reflect bites has
been documented by applying artificial bites to juvenile mink during the
maturation of the winter coat and recognizing these as bite marks when the
mink are pelted (Hansen et al., 2013).
Irrespective of group composition, group housing increases the occurrence of
aggression compared to mink kept pairwise as observed by the consequences of
aggression such as bite marks and wounds (see also answers to question b, c,
and d). The increased frequency of bite marks in group housed mink cannot be
reduced by use of extra environmental enrichment such as plastic tubes or straw
briquettes (Hansen 2012). Furthermore, it was not possible to document that
two mink in a climbing cage had less bite marks than two mink kept in a
standard cage (Jeppesen, 2009).
Abnormal behaviour
fur chewing
Fur chewing can be reduced through selection against fur chewing and by use of
non-social environmental enrichments (Malmkvist & Hansen 2001; Hansen et
al., 2007, Malmkvist et al., 2013). Group housing has by some authors been
suggested as an environmental enrichment, as group housing may decrease the
occurrence of fur chewing, probably due to the increased social stimuli (de
Jonge, 1996; Hansen & Houbak, 2005; Hansen & Møller, 2012). However, this
positive effect is not uniquely confirmed (Hänninen, 2008a), and the effect of
social housing on fur chewing is confounded with late weaning (Hansen et al.,
1998; Jeppesen et al., 2000) and/or increased cage complexity (Jeppesen et al.,
2000; Hansen et al ., 2007) which is known to decrease fur chewing in mink.
Further, it cannot be excluded that activities of higher priority (e.g. fighting in
groups with negative welfare impact) may suppress low priority types of
behaviour such as grooming and fur chewing.
Abnormal behaviour
Nowadays, the frequency of stereotypy is low during the growth period (Hansen
& Møller, 2008; Axelsson et al., 2013; Malmkvist et al., 2013), probably due a
better adjustment in the feeding management in accordance to the demand of
the individual mink and feeding close to
ad libitum.
Most studies have found low
and not significantly different levels of stereotypy in mink kept in groups and in
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
pairs (Jeppesen et al., 2000; Hänninen et al., 2008 a; Pedersen et al., 2004;
Jeppesen, 2009).
Dams housed with their litter in connected row cages (family housing) during
the first 12 weeks after delivery showed less stereotypy than dams weaned from
their litter at 8 weeks (1 % vs. 7 % of the observations; Pedersen & Jeppesen,
2001). The effect of family housing was confounded with a more complex cage
environment and +/-weaning. Hänninen and co-workers (2008 b) also reported
less stereotypy in group housed mink than in pair housed mink, possibly as a
consequence of a more complex cage environment for the group housed mink
and a general feed restriction due to frozen feed in November. At present, the
studies do not convincingly link changes in stereotypic behaviour to
consequences of the group housing.
Physiological indicators of stress
In order to quantify the stress level in group housed mink, different
physiological indicators have been used such as cortisol secreted from the HPA
axis, weight of the adrenal gland, eosinophile leucocytes, heterophile/
lymphocyte ratio (H/L) and enzymes (ASAT, ALAT and CK). Commonly, these
physiological indicators are interpreted in combination with behavioural
indicators of stress and other production related signs.
One challenge when measuring stress in group housed mink is the acute
activation of the HPA axis during the catching and blood sampling procedure.
Eosinophile leucocytes and H/L are less affected by the acute activation of the
HPA axis than cortisol and have, therefore, been used as a measure of the basal
level of stress in mink. However, no significant differences between group
housed and single housed mink have been found (Hansen & Damgaard, 1991)
while pair housed mink were not included in this study.
An increased weight of the adrenals in group housed mink vs. pairs was taken as
an indication of increased activity in the HPA axis and thereby increased social
stress (Vinke et al., 2002b). Hänninen and co-workers (2008a) found the
opposite and a higher cortisol responsiveness to ACTH challenge in mink kept in
pairs than in family housed mink when measured just before pelting, but could
not repeat the results for group housing (Hänninen et al.,2008b). Several factors
may explain this discrepancy in results, among these different timing of the
sampling, the size of the animals, the feeding management, activity and different
termoregulatory demands across and even within studies. In addition, the
weight of the adrenals needs further validation before being used as measure of
chronic stress in mink (Hansen & Damgaard, 1991). Females had a higher
concentration of plasma cortisol than males under group housing. Besides,
females kept in groups of two males plus two females had a higher concentration
of plasma cortisol in October and November than females kept single. This
result, in combination with an increased activity of the enzymes ASAT, CK and
more bite marks, leads to the interpretation that females kept in groups are
more physiological stressed than females kept alone (Hansen & Damgaard,
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
Likewise, Pedersen and co-workers (2001) found a higher concentration of
plasma cortisol in dams housed with the litter than in dams separated from the
litter and housed alone, indicating a higher level of stress in family housed dams.
No correlation was found between the cortisol level and the mean duration of the
catching/blood sampling procedure, suggesting that the cortisol level reflected
the housing system. In order to avoid the acute stress reactions during catching
and blood sampling, corticoid metabolites can now be measured in faeces
reflecting the basal level of cortisol (Malmkvist et al., 2011). However, this
measure has not yet been used to quantify the level of stress in group housed
b. Differences in frequency and severity of bite wounds between mink
housed in groups and in pairs of one male and one female.
This part deals with bite wounds and injuries to the body observed during the
growth period and wounds (Figure 3) observed at a thorough inspection of the
bodies after killing at pelting time.
(a) < 1 cm
(b) 2.5 cm
(c) 5 cm
Figure 3. Wounds at the tail tip (a), tail base (b), and tail base (c).
In many papers on group housing, the number and severity of wounds and
injuries is not clearly indicated and the direct relation to pairwise or group
housing is unclear. However, some figures are available and these have been
summarised in Table 1. The reported number of severe wounds leading to death
or euthanasia is often low, e.g. 0.1 % in pairwise housing and 2 % in group
housing (Møller, 2011). Both lower (Hänninen et al., 2008a & b, de Rond & van
Willigen, 2012) and higher (Pedersen & Jeppesen, 2001; Pedersen et al., 2004;
Hansen & Møller, 2012) numbers have been reported, indicating a large
variation, especially in group housing systems.
Table 1. Bite wounds (open and healed) in mink juveniles in the growth season
in total from four farms. Wounds were scored from 0 (no wound) to 9 (wound
larger than 50 mm).
of mink
With wound
% with wound
Mean score of wounds
All mink
With wound
Calculated from the data set used in Hansen & Møller (2012).
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
The number of wounds is higher in group housing systems in most experimental
studies published (European Commission, 2001; Hansen, 1997; Hansen &
Damgaard, 1991; Hansen & Jeppesen, 2008; Hansen & Møller, 2012; de Jonge,
1996, 1999, 2000, cf. EC., 2001; Møller 2003; Møller et al. 2003; Mononen et al.
2000; Pedersen & Jeppesen 2001; Pesso 1968) while the difference is not always
significant in small samples (Hänninen et al., 2008a and b). Hansen & Møller
(2012) also recorded the severity of wounds on a scale from 0 (no wound) to 9
(wound larger than 50 mm) and whether the wounds were open or healed (see
also section 2.c). Although the frequency is higher in group housed mink, the
severity of the actual wounds does not differ between housing systems, which
has also previously been found by Hansen & Houbak (2005).
c. Differences in frequency of bite marks in the leather side of the pelt
between mink housed in groups and in pairs of one male and one
Bite marks are visible spots on the leather side of the pelt (Figure 5 a and b)
caused by a hard pressure, but not necessarily penetrating the skin (Hansen et
al, 2013). In the literature, bite marks are also referred to as scars or black spots.
Bite marks can be seen in numbers from zero to hundreds per skin and are
therefore conveniently scored in categories. Bite marks have been scored in
different ways in different investigations but often in e.g. the neck, body and tail
region of the pelt, and usually in a limited number of categories ranging from
two (yes/no) to ten (0: none to 9:>45).
Comparing bite marks in pairs and family groups has demonstrated significantly
more bite marks in the family groups (Pedersen & Jeppesen, 2001; Hänninen et
al., 2008a). More bite marks in groups of juveniles than in pairs of one male and
one female have also been found in almost all published studies (Damgaard &
Hansen 1996; de Jonge 1996; 1999; 2000, cf. EC., 2001; Hänninen et al. 2008b;
Hansen 1997; Hansen & Damgaard 1991; Hansen & Jeppesen 2008; Mononen et
al. 2000; Møller 2003; Møller et al. 2003; Pedersen & Jeppesen 2001; Pesso
Almost all data published have been from mink that are naïve to group housing,
i.e. have not been housed and selected in group housing in previous generations.
Furthermore, most studies have been performed with two males and two
females in a cage, while a preferred farm practice appears to be three or four
females. Thus, results in the current literature may overestimate the actual
amount of bite marks in practice. Therefore, we recently studied bite marks on
four Danish farms, selected due to their commercial application of group
housing systems for a number of years (Table 2, Hansen & Møller, 2012).
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
a. Belly
b. Back
Figure 5. Bite marks on the belly or back of the leather side of a female pelt. In
this case, the pattern from two or four
canine teeth‟s of a cage mate can be
identified for most marks.
Table 2. Sum of bite mark scores from 0 to 9 in the neck, body and tail region for
mink kept in different groups on four farms. Not all farms kept all groups.
4.50±4.89 b
3.58±4.32 b
4.27±4.63 b
6.87±7.37 c
10.52±8.64 b
14.87±7.73 a
Grouping of mink
8.64±6.30 a
10.95±8.11 a
11.55±7.27 a
6.73±6.54 ab
11.18±7.48 a
16.97±8.08 a
Results with different subscript in the same row are significantly different.
On all farms, mink in the control group
one male (♂) + one female (♀) kept in
had less bite marks than the tested combinations of group housed mink.
The best group combination in general could not be elucidated from this
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
d. Differences in mortality between mink housed in groups and in pairs
of one male and one female.
In many papers on group housing, the causes of mortality are not clearly
indicated, and the direct relation to pairwise or group housing is unclear. In
general, the mortality during the growth season is low, as illustrated in Table 3,
for standard Danish farm practice of mainly pairwise housing and experimental
data comparing pairwise and group housing. Based on systematic comparison of
experimental data, group housing appears to increase the overall mortality
(Table 3).
Table 3. Mortality of juvenile mink in the growth season in total and with
wounds in a number of investigations.
No. mink
Mortality %
Pairs Groups
2. Clausen 2006
3. Foulum 2007
4. Foulum 2008
5. Foulum 2009
6. Pedersen 2004
7. Edelveen 2009-11
8. Farm A, B, C, 2011
8. Farm D, 2011
3 x 10,755
Mortality from
bite wounds %
Pairs Groups
1. Private farms mainly pairwise housing (Rattenborg et al., 1999); 2. Average of four years (Clausen,
2006); 3. Whole farm; 4. Whole farm, few in group housing; 5. Group selection (2
+ 2
at Foulum; 6.
Pedersen et al., 2004; 7. De Rond & van Willigen, 2012; 8. Calculated from Hansen & Møller, 2012.
5. An evaluation of the international research into the potential for genetic
selection for mink that is better adapted to group housing.
Although group housing has been practiced in large scale in the Netherlands
since the 1990‟s,
no papers on the potential for genetic selection have been
found. The anecdotal evidence available for the results obtained in the
Netherlands suggests that selection against bite wounds has reduced the
proportion of family housed females with wounds or scars from 18.2 % in 1993
to 2.1–2.5 % in 1999-2000 (EU commission 2001). Recent data indicate that the
number of bite wounds and bite marks is no longer systematically higher in
group housing than in pairwise housing at the research farm Edelveen in the
Netherlands (de Rond & van Willigen, 2012; van Willigen et al., 2012).
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
Only one selection experiment
aimed at increasing mink‟s adaptation to
housing by genetic selection of mink with fewer bite marks during group housing
has been identified (Alemu et al., 2013; Berg & Møller, 2010; Berg et al., 2013;
Møller, 2011; Møller & Hansen, 2013). The experiment involved group selection
against bite marks using a model with both direct and indirect genetic effects
and thus including the genetic variation in bite marks between the animals in the
group. A line for low bite mark score and an unselected control line were formed.
Based on results from three years, the traditional heritability was 0.25 while the
for bite marks was 0.61 when indirect genetic effects (i.e. additional
effect of the social environment) were included in the analysis (Alemu et al.,
2013; Berg 2013). The increasing difference between the selection and control
line demonstrates the effect of selection (Figure 6) while the modest decline in
total bite mark score demonstrates that unknown environmental factors are
increasing the bite mark score over the years. According to the theory and
models, it can be estimated that without this unknown factor, the selection line
could have reached the same level as pair housed within three to four
Figure 6. Average sum (to the left) and difference (to the right) in bite mark
score between group housed mink of a line selected against bite marks (Sel) and
an unselected control line (Con), reported for males (M) and females (F)
separately. Sum of bite mark scores from 0 (none) to 9 (> 45) bite marks on the
neck, body and tail region of the leather side of pelts in November.
The analysis thus revealed that it is possible to select for fewer bite marks during
group housing. However, long-term effects (e.g. in other parts of the production
year) or effects on other welfare indicators following selection against bite marks
have not yet been published.
The development in wounds followed to some degree the same pattern as seen
for bite marks, confirming the relation between bite marks and wounds.
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
6. A description of the advantages and disadvantages of a ban on group
A Danish ban on group housing of mink would result in an increase in mink
kept in pairs (one male
one female) during the growth period. At the
European level, this would result in a moderate decrease in the number of group
housed mink, based on our information on the moderate proportion of Danish
mink in group housing compared to in other European countries. In case of a
European ban on group housing, the consequences will therefore apply to a
much larger proportion of the world production of mink. To our knowledge,
group housing is not in use in North America. This is the background for the
listed advantageous, neutral and disadvantageous consequences.
Advantages following a ban on group housing
Category I: Consequences highly likely to occur based on the scientific review:
Reduced amount of aggression between co-housed mink
Fewer interventions necessary due to less fighting, reduced separation and
treatment or euthanasia
Reduced resource competition for food and nest box
Fewer damages and wounds on mink during the growth period
Reduced mortality during the growth period
Fewer bite marks on the leather side of the pelts
Easier surveillance of the individual mink
A higher number of pelts produced per breeding female, increasing
sustainability in the mink production
Category II: Consequences which may occur with some likelihood:
Reduced social stress in terms of reduced stress hormone concentrations
Easier to include juveniles in the pool for genetic selection, e.g. making it
easier to link heritable traits such as temperament to the individual mink
Easier use of individual feeding during the growth season
Reduced disease/infection pressure
For category II effects, the literature is evaluated as less conclusive or the
subjects are less well studied. The positive effects in this category may also
depend on other factors, such as the management time the farmer allocate per
mink, the cage and nest box design and the selection strategy used during
Disadvantages following a ban on group housing
Category I: Consequences highly likely to occur:
Farmer‟s investment in the upper part of group housing cages is lost while
new investment in additional cages for mink in the growth period is
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
A loss of management flexibility to house larger than average litter sizes
according to the regulations. This can to some degree be compensated by
allowing farms to expand in order to house all offspring of the allowed
breeding stock
The potential of group selection to efficiently decrease bite marks during
group housing cannot be further exploited and applied in practice
Category II: Consequences which may occur with some likelihood:
Increased amount of fur chewing/sucking on the tail; one type of abnormal
Some farmers using group housing may move mink production from
Denmark to other countries if a ban is only applied nationally
These consequences are based on results from studies and more anecdotal
reports, compared to pairs in barren cages. However, the amount of fur chewing
is also influenced by the feeding intensity, management and whether the mink
have access to additional cage resources.
Neutral effects following a ban on group housing
Reduced amount of ego-play, the same amount of social play
Same amount of stereotypic behaviour
Similar average price per pelt sold
Pairwise housed mink (one male and one female) are able to play as well and
develop natural sexual behaviour to be used later in case they are selected as
breeders. The amount of social play was not different in mink housed pairwise
versus in groups. The studies on stereotypic behaviour do not convincingly link
changes to consequences of the group housing. Following a ban of group
housing, some farmers may choose to place two mink in climbing cages present
at their farm. Only one study has so far compared mink housed pairwise in
standard cages and climbing cages, and this study did not demonstrate any
difference in welfare between the two systems.
7. A description of the consequences of a ban on group housing for animal
health and animal welfare.
A ban on group housing would overall lead to a more stable social environment
with less risk of aggression and thereby to improved health and welfare during
the growth season.
The list of positive effects on mink health and welfare includes:
Reduced aggression
Reduced feeding competition
Fewer number of wounds and injuries
Reduced mortality during the growth period
Easier surveillance of the individual mink, making preventive intervention
FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
Reduced infection pressure in case of contagious diseases
The list of negative effects on mink health and welfare includes:
Increased amount of fur chewing/sucking on the tail
Procedures used in other types of animal husbandry in Denmark/other
countries include the cutting of parts of the animals to make keeping
easier/economically feasible (e.g. dehorning, tail docking, beak trimming to
reduce damages, castration). No such procedures are used in the commercial
mink production
the mink are kept intact. Historically and in pet animals,
both castration and claw/canine teeth removals have been suggested as
„solutions‟ to diminish aggression/fighting. However,
these procedures imply
negative welfare as well, which should be considered in case suggested
implemented to reduce damages and wounds in group housed mink.
Some mink may be better adapted to group housing conditions. The anecdotal
evidence from the Netherlands suggests that this strategy has been successful in
the period of 15 years since the mandatory introduction of group housing in
1998; however, there exist no published data or impartial investigations
convincingly supporting this view. The anecdotal evidence that selection against
bite wounds also reduces the number of bite marks is plausible since both are
the result of bites. Although the scientific study performed at Aarhus University
recently has demonstrated the possibility to select against bite marks, this
procedure is at present not feasible for application in practice.
8. A description of other potential advantages and disadvantages of group
An advantage of group housing for farmers is that more mink can be fitted into
the same space. Thus a ban would increase the need for cages for juvenile mink
at the farm, everything else being equal, and the mink farmers should therefore
be allowed to build the cages needed.
The initial reason for group housing was the potential for increased social
enrichment to the benefit of the welfare of the mink during the growth period.
This potential has, however, never been demonstrated as an effect of housing
mink in groups.
9. References
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FLF, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 76: Spm. om oversendelse af den analyse om gruppeindhusning af mink, der som følge af Veterinærforlig 2 er gennemført af en arbejdsgruppe under Fødevareministeriet m.v., til fødevareministeren
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