Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 89
We, the elected deputies of the Egyptian Parliament, and representative of the last elected
Parliament in Egyptian based on Constitutional Legitimacy, and the law, would like to
present the following to your respected council;
According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s roster that it uses to deal with the last elected
Parliament based on the mechanisms of democracy unless the public elects a new
Parliament based on the same mechanisms and under the Legitimation of Authority’s
And since the Armed Forces of Egypt preformed a coup On the 3rd of July the Armed
Forces performed a coup that overthrew the president and his legitimacy, kidnapped him,
and revoked the Constitution, law, seized control over public freedom and exacted
oppression, torture, murder, and detained a number of the Parliament’s deputies.
It was decided by us, the representatives of the Egyptian people, the following:
1- The Parliamentary sessions are to be resumed, and continuously held, for this time for
Egypt is very critical.
2- Not recognizing the legislations issued by the authorities of the military coup, considering
that it is illegal, and disclaiming the people of Egypt the responsibility of what results out of
such legislations.
3- Not recognizing any and all laws, bills and signed agreements issued by the authorities of
the military coup with any pupils, entities, organizations, or countries, and disclaim the
people of Egypt the responsibility of what results out of such acts.
We hope for prompt visit, during which we will present to respected council the complete
scope of the situation, since up to support the pupil’s rights to their freedom and the
dissemination of power according to the mechanisms of democracy that you have adopted.
Head of Parliament
Sarwat Nafi