Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 51
Udvalgets medlemmer
25. november 2014
Information fra den kinesiske ambassade vedr. DAFOH (Doctors Against
Forced Organ Harvesting)
Udenrigsudvalgets sekretariat har modtaget de vedlagte dokumenter fra den
kinesiske ambassade i Danmark i relation til DAFOH. Ambassaden under-
streger at:
”Any organ donation without the permission of the donor or his family would
be considered illegal and punished harshly by relevant laws in China. In 2007,
China issued the Provisions on Human Organ Transplant. In 2009, The Minis-
try of Health (MOH) of China stated that China prohibits organ transplants for
foreign visitors carrying a tourist visa and those who want to conduct such
operations must acquire official approval from provincial health departments,
and provincial health departments must report to the MOH before giving ap-
proval to the applications. The ministry will deal harshly with domestic medical
institutions involved in illegal organ transplants. In 2010, China introduced an
organ donation system with the non-governmental Red Cross Society serving
as an independent third party for supervising and facilitating donation proce-
dures. And in 2013, the Regulation on the Procurement and Distribution of
Donated Human Organs was publicized by the National Health and Family
Planning Commission. According to the regulation, donor organs must be
distributed automatically through a national system. The rule aims to prevent
human intervention and ensure fairness and transparency in human organ
distribution in China.”
Med venlig hilsen
Thomas Søndergaard Sarup,