Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling), Forsvarsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 38, FOU Alm.del Bilag 24
Interparliamentary Conference for
the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)
Senate of the Republic, 5 - 7 November 2014
On the acronym: as agreed at the Conference in Athens, the Inter-Parliamentary
Conference on the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and
Defence Policy shall adopt the practice of using the acronym IPC CFSP/CSDP.
On participation to the Inter-Parliamentary Conference: the RoP state clearly that
each national Parliament may designate up to six delegates and the European
Parliament up to sixteen delegates from the competent parliamentary committees to
participate in the Inter-Parliamentary Conference. Each Parliament shall
determine the size and composition of its delegation within this quota.
On the Presidency: the Presidency Parliament, in close cooperation with the
European Parliament and with the preceding and following Presidencies, works to
prepare the Inter-Parliamentary Conference and, when necessary, to coordinate
positions, on current or urgent matters linked to the Inter-Parliamentary
Conference. The Presidency will cooperate with national delegations as far as
possible and any contributions are always welcome. For the sake of efficiency and
in order to guarantee cost effectiveness, the Secretariat will be provided by the
Presidency Parliament. The publishing of any official document should be a
prerogative of the Presidency Parliament and considered on a case by case basis.
On the communication and cooperation between delegations: the networks already
existing (the Parliaments’ representatives in Brussels, the networks in the capitals,
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IPEX) have proven to be effective and appropriate to facilitate communication and
cooperation between delegations.
On the quality of debates: the Inter-Parliamentary Conference has already
successfully evolved by holding topical debates, working groups and breakout
sessions which should be further developed as a useful tool for improving the
effectiveness and quality of exchanges between delegates. The contribution from
invited specialists to address the Inter-Parliamentary Conference in the framework
of workshops was also positively assessed. In the same spirit, suggestions to
consider shifting the balance from lengthy plenary presentations by the speakers to
more time for questions and answers, in particular between delegates, should be
further explored in order to ensure that each Parliament/Chamber present is able to
contribute during each debate.
On the principle of consensus: in line with the principle of consensus no exception
should be made in the decision making processes.
On draft conclusions of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference: it is widely agreed that
the practice of circulating draft Conclusions (in English and French) in good time
before the relevant meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference should be
continued. However, considering the need to respond to timely events and topical
matters it would be artificial to set unrealistic deadlines; the principle of providing
draft conclusions as early as possible ahead of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference
should be followed and respected. As far as amendments to draft conclusions are
concerned, they could be sent in advance or deposited during the Conference, on
the basis of a deadline set by the Presidency at the beginning of the Conference
On the presence of the High Representative: the consistent participation of the High
Representative in the Inter-Parliamentary Conference and the discussion thereafter
has proven both fruitful and useful for the debate on the priorities and strategies of
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the EU in the area of CFSP-CSDP. Dedicating a plenary session to the HR has also
been judged a useful tool to raise unforeseen topical issues.
The adopted conclusions
by the Inter-Parliamentary Conference will be attached to the invitation sent to the High
Representative to attend the following meeting, as an incentive for further discussion and
Any additional input by the EEAS to the Inter-Parliamentary
Conference is positively perceived by the delegations.
On the political groups: the Presidency has already provided space for political
groups organized along the lines of the European political parties to convene
informal meetings prior to meetings of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference.
On the communication of the related documents: the Presidency Parliament shall
ensure that all documents pertaining to the Inter-Parliamentary Conference
meeting for which it is responsible are made available on the IPEX website.