Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 15
8 October 2014
The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,
Having regard to
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014) on threats to international
peace and security caused by terrorist acts, in which the international community pledged to
strengthen the fight against the spread of international terrorism and expanded the obligations of
Member States in connection with both internal and mutual cooperation in preventing the
recruitment of foreign terrorist fighters, arming them and financing of their activities and of their
Having regard to
European Parliament Resolution 2014/2843(RSP) on the situation in Iraq and
Syria, and the IS offensive, including the persecution of minorities, which considers the activities of
the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and of other extremist groups in Iraq and Syria, and
the illegitimate and arbitrary announcement by the IS leadership about the establishment and
expansion of the Islamic caliphate to be a direct threat to the security of European countries and
which calls on the international community to coordinate its efforts to protect all the civilians
affected by the conflict;
Having regard to
the Declaration adopted by the Heads of State and Government taking part in the
NATO Summit in Wales on 5 September 2014, which confirms the strong commitment of the
Organization to fight terrorism—a global threat that knows no border, nationality, or religion—in
accordance with international law and the principles of the UN Charter, and which calls on the
international community to join its efforts against the direct threat to citizens of all countries;
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Being of the opinion
that terrorism in all forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious
threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable
regardless of their motivations, by whomsoever committed;
that the spread of international terrorism poses a threat to the whole international
democratic community, which considers respect for human rights the highest value;
Being of the opinion
that international security is indivisible and that the international community
must ensure equal efforts to both preserve peace and security in the Middle East and address
geopolitical challenges in Ukraine;
the internationally recognised borders and condemning the notion of any unilateral
changes of the borders of sovereign states;
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction of nationality or
religion and stating that the security and humanitarian situation in Iraq and Syria is rapidly
deteriorating due to massive violations of human rights on the grounds of nationality, citizenship and
religion and that the continuously expanding conflict ousted millions of people from their homes,
thus affecting a large number of the most vulnerable victims of the conflict––women and children;
the executions of foreign nationals carried out by the group of the Islamic State in Iraq
and the Levant (ISIL);
that mass target killing and repression of ethnic and religious minorities, particularly
Christians, and aggressive “terrorist communication” within states and with the international
community in order to intimidate and attract foreign fighters are actions proving the criminal nature
of the terrorist movement and therefore must be unreservedly condemned;
the resolute initiative of the United States of America and appreciates its efforts to
establish a broad international coalition for the fight against the extremist group of the Islamic State
in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and other extremist groups in Iraq and Syria;
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strong support for the decisions of individual NATO and EU Member States to contribute
to stopping the expanding conflict and mitigating its consequences by both military and humanitarian
measures and emphasises the importance of coordinating national actions for preventing the spread
and growth of international terrorism;
that active and unconditional military, diplomatic and political involvement of the states
neighbouring zones of conflict is key to preventing the ominous spread of extremism to neighbouring
states and to stabilising the situation in the region;
that the states have a duty to prevent foreign fighters from entering the territory of other states
and to terminate the provision of support to fighters through ensuring the proper protection of
Draws the attention, in particular,
to the fact that, aiming at long-term prevention of the spread of
international terrorism and reduction of radicalism, the measures used for combating terrorism must
not violate the norms of international law recognised by the democratic international community, in
particular the commitment to protection of human rights, and the principles of international refugee
law and international humanitarian law;
Calls on
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to implement United Nations Security
Council Resolution 2178 (2014) by taking necessary measures to prevent the departure of people for
participating in terrorist activities abroad and to prevent financial and other support to such activities;
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to contribute to the fight of the international
community against international terrorism and the group of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
(ISIL) in Iraq and Syria through diplomatic and political means and through providing humanitarian
assistance, expertise and other necessary support.
Benediktas Juodka
Chair of the Committee