Udenrigsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 103
European Parliament condemn the attacks on Iraqi
Turkmens and and calls on the Iraqi and Kurdish
authorities to provide protection for them.
EU Parliament hold its plenary session on Thursday 14
March 2013 and passes the
resolution condemning the attacks on Iraqi Turkmens calling both Iraqi and Kurdish
authorities to hold investigation to these terrorist attacks and to bring those responsible
to justice.
The resolution states that the European Parliament condemns the recent attacks on the
Turkmen community and affirms that ‘despite the reference in the Constitution to the
rights of Turkmen and other minorities, these minorities continue to be plagued by
ethnic sectarian violence and discrimination’. The European Parliament also calls on the
Iraqi government ‘to take the necessary measures to provide security and protection for
all Iraqi citizens in general and members of vulnerable ethnic and religious minorities in
This resolution was supported by MEPs from across the political spectrum and was
passed unanimously.
This comes at a crucial time for the Turkmen community in Iraq who are being targeted
in frequent and bloody sectarian attacks. On 23 January 2013, a suicide bomber blew
himself up in a crowded mosque during the funeral of a Turkmen civil servant – himself
the victim of sectarian assassination the previous day – killing 43 and injuring a further
117. Unfortunately, this is far from an isolated incident. Attacks on the Turkmen have
seen a dramatic increase since the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and there is
currently no sign of an end to this violence. Violence and intimidation have become a
part of daily life for the Iraqi Turkmen, who have been caught up in the collateral
damage of the conflict between the Arab and Kurdish populations of Iraq.
MEP Mr. Metin Kazak on his speech pointed out despite the Iraqi High commission for
human rights admitted the increased violence towards Iraqi Turkmens , yet neither Iraqi
or Kurdish government has done much to protect them calling EU to work closely with
Iraqi Government to put an end to Iraqi Turkmens suffering;