Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2014-15 (1. samling)
UPN Alm.del Bilag 9
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 52
3340th Council meeting
Foreign Affairs
Luxembourg, 20 October 2014
Catherine Ashton
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
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20 October 2014
Main results of the Council
The Council voiced deep concern about the ongoing spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa and
the increasing number of people being infected and dying from it. Joining in the international effort,
the EU and its member states have already committed over half a billion euros to provide urgent
medical care and to support the affected governments in mitigating the side effects of the outbreak.
To encourage additional health personnel to work on the ground, the EU is providing a guarantee
that international health workers who volunteer will be provided with appropriate care, locally or
through medical evacuation, within available resources, should they become infected.
The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, said:
"Good coordination between everyone involved is essential, so we are preparing terms of reference
for a possible EU coordinator who can ensure the most effective engagement between the European
Union, member states and the UN."
ISIL / Da'esh crisis in Syria and Iraq
The Council unreservedly condemned the atrocities, killings and human rights abuses perpetrated
by ISIL / Da'esh and other terrorist groups in both Syria and Iraq as well as by the Assad regime in
Syria. The EU is determined to contribute to the international endeavour to defeat these terrorist
-on-inclusive policies in Iraq, and instability in Syria caused by the Assad regime's brutal war
against its own people have allowed ISIL / Da'esh to flourish. As a consequence of its policies and
actions, the Assad regime cannot be a partner in the fight against ISIL / Da'esh.
The Council also reinforced EU restrictive measures against the Syrian regime, adding 16 persons
and two entities to the list of those subject to sanctions.
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20 October 2014
PARTICIPA TS................................................................................................................................ 5
Ebola .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Libya .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Iraq/Syria/ISIL ................................................................................................................................... 13
Ukraine............................................................................................................................................... 17
Middle East Peace Process / Gaza ..................................................................................................... 20
Bosnia and Herzegovina........................................................................................................................................ 21
Yemen ................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Afghanistan ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Sudan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Somalia.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
EU action against trafficking of small arms .......................................................................................................... 31
Restrictive measures - Somalia.............................................................................................................................. 31
Restrictive measures - Syria .................................................................................................................................. 31
Restrictive measures - Libya ................................................................................................................................. 31
Restrictive measures - Republic of Guinea ........................................................................................................... 31
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
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20 October 2014
Operation ALTHEA .............................................................................................................................................. 32
EU civilian advisory mission in Ukraine............................................................................................................... 32
EUCAP Sahel Mali................................................................................................................................................ 32
EUCAP Nestor ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
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20 October 2014
High Representative
Ms Catherine ASHTON
Mr François ROUX
Mr Daniel MITOV
Czech Republic:
Mr Frank-Walter STEINMEIER
Mr Urmas PAET
Mr Evangelos VENIZELOS
Mr Laurent FABIUS
Ms Vesna PUSIĆ
Mr László SZABÓ
Mr George VELLA
Mr Grzegorz SCHETYNA
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and
Security Policy
Director General for European Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Minister for Foreign Affairs
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign and
European Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign and European Affairs, Minister for
Immigration and Asylum
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Permanent Representative
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister of State and Foreign Affairs
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Mr Miroslav LAJČÁK
United Kingdom:
Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA
Mr Štefan FÜLE
Mr Tonio BORG
Minister for Foreign Affairs
20 October 2014
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
(Foreign Secretary)
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The Council discussed a strengthened EU response to the outbreak of Ebola.
It adopted the following conclusions:
20 October 2014
Recalling its conclusions and the European Council conclusions of August 2014, the
Council remains deeply concerned about the ongoing spread of the Ebola virus in West
Africa and the increasing number of people being infected and dying from it. The number
of deaths in the region has exceeded 4500 and the epidemic continues to grow
exponentially in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. In addition, the first cases among health
workers being infected outside Africa were recently confirmed.
The Council renews its deepest condolences, of Member States and European Union
citizens, to all those affected by the outbreak, governments and citizens. The Council also
expresses its deep appreciation to all humanitarian and health workers in the front line and
reaffirms its readiness to examine further ways of assisting them in their efforts.
The Council welcomes the efforts of Governments of affected and neighbouring countries,
regional organisations and the international community at large in ensuring that victims
receive adequate treatment, that support is provided to their families and that all actors
involved, including international organisations and relevant non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) are given safe and unhindered access to all affected areas. The
Council commends the mobilisation of the African Union, its efforts at regional
coordination and its solidarity with the countries affected by the outbreak. The
humanitarian corridor from Dakar and the coming resumption of regional air services from
Abidjan are important steps.
The Council recognises that a united, coordinated and increased effort is needed in order to
contain the outbreak and provide the necessary and appropriate assistance to the countries
affected and also to the neighbouring countries. In this respect, it stresses the importance of
reinforcing regional and international cooperation at appropriate levels, as well as
providing assistance to lead nations, NGOs and the United Nations (UN), particularly the
World Health Organisation (WHO). The EU also looks forward to the quick
implementation of the regional operational plan on the fight against Ebola by the
Economic Community of West African States. The Council underlines the importance of
all actors working together under the UN umbrella and coordinating assistance with the
wider UN led effort. It also notes the need to include measures to create resilience in the
assistance efforts.
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20 October 2014
The Council welcomes the UN Secretary General’s decision to establish the first-ever UN
emergency health mission, the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER),
based in Accra as an important step in the global efforts to contain the outbreak, to assist
with the management and coordination of the international response and take a strong
leadership role at national levels. It also welcomes the appointment of David Nabarro, as
Special Envoy on Ebola, and Anthony Banbury as his Special Representative and Head of
UNMEER. The European Union will continue the close cooperation with both of them and
coordinate its operational response to the epidemic with UNMEER.
The Council recognises that measures to contain the epidemic and to support the affected
countries also require urgent additional assistance. In this regard, it calls on all
international donors to respond to the UN appeal for $ 987.8 million, including through the
UN Ebola Trust Fund bearing in mind the important needs in the short and medium term.
The EU is committed to play an active role in enhancing the international response and,
respecting the overall coordinating role of the UN, is ready to coordinate with other
international partners the organisation of a High Level Conference on Ebola with wide
The European Union and its Member States have already committed over half a billion
Euro to provide urgent medical care to those infected by the virus, to help contain the
epidemic and to support governments of affected countries in mitigating the effects of the
outbreak on their economies and essential services; the European Union is also
contributing financially to the African Union ASEOWA mission (AU Support to Ebola
Outbreak in West-Africa). Member States have also been providing substantive assistance,
including the secondment of specialists, building of hospitals and availability of air lift
capacities, and are mobilising resources in the field of medical research. In this regard, the
Council welcomes the role of France, the UK and the US in mounting the response in the
affected countries. The Council also welcomes the continued airlinks to and from the
countries affected and in this respect it urges all countries to follow the relevant WHO
guidelines The European Union will continue to examine needs and provide further
assistance to the countries of the region in countering the epidemic, mitigating its short and
long-term effects, and enhancing the preparedness of countries in the wider region.
The Council fully shares the assessment of UN Security Council Resolution 2177 (2014)
that the Ebola outbreak is a threat to international peace and security. The Council will
examine at its next meeting the wider political, security and economic implications of
Ebola on the most affected and neighbouring West African countries. The Council
encourages the EEAS, in cooperation with the Commission and the Member States, to
intensify its ongoing diplomatic outreach to African countries and organisations and
reiterate the need to isolate the disease but not to isolate countries.
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20 October 2014
The Council welcomes the close coordination of the assistance provided by the Member
States and the EU institutions and the establishment of the Task Force on Ebola within the
Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC). Ensuring synergies in our common
response is of the highest priority. The Council also encourages the involvement of the
private sector as part of the international health community as exemplified by the on-going
works of World Health Summit (Berlin, 19-22 October). The Council underlines also the
importance of continuous consultations and information sharing, at the appropriate level,
on issues and measures to be taken to protect the EU and its citizens from potential
contamination. The EU underlines the need for continuous objective public information on
the Ebola virus to prevent possible stigmatisation.
The Council welcomes agreement amongst Member States and the Commission to
guarantee appropriate care for international health responders within available resources to
receive the treatment they need, in line with clinical advice, via treatment in country to an
appropriate standard or medical evacuation supported by means of a specialized
commercial aircraft or member states capabilities on a case by case basis. This will be
coordinated through the EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre. The evacuation
operation is eligible for financing of up to 100% from the EU budget. The Council also
calls for an increase in EU Medevac capacity.
The Council takes note of the Commission/EEAS EU Comprehensive Response
Framework for the Ebola Virus Outbreak in Western Africa as requested by the European
Council in its conclusions of 30 August. It invites the Commission and the EEAS to pursue
their cooperation on this issue and to inform rapidly the Council of the progress made in
the implementation of the Comprehensive Response Framework. The Council also takes
note of the ongoing work in enhancing the collective EU response to the Ebola crisis,
including its wider political, security and economic implications, and tasks the EEAS and
the Commission to present options with regard to all available tools at the EU's disposal, in
preparation of its next meeting.
The Council acknowledges the need to establish a clearing house/ reserve pool of health
experts from member states on voluntary basis for quick and targeted deployment in health
crises, welcomes all efforts to enhance medical and pharmaceutical R&D especially on
tropical and neglected diseases, and calls for a tailoring of the EU’s development
cooperation to the specific needs of the countries in the region affected by Ebola in order to
strengthen the resilience of their health systems and governance.
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20 October 2014
Following the High level co-ordination meeting of Health Ministers held on 16th October
2014, the Council calls on the Commission services, with WHO, to audit the effectiveness
of the screening systems at point of exit in the affected countries and to assist in
reinforcing them as necessary. It stresses the importance of continuous consultations and
information sharing on measures to protect the EU and its citizens. The Council underlines
the need to ensure objective information to promote public awareness and preparedness on
Ebola, including at all entry points. The Council stressed the importance of more
consultations with a view to co-ordinating national measures at entry points and calls on
the Commission to lead work which could result in common protocols and procedures as
appropriate. It also calls on Member States to consider to use in full the potential of visa
information systems and transport carriers' information to anticipate potential arrivals of
disease infection. The Council also welcomes Commission's work on the organisation of a
workshop on best practices in infection control in healthcare settings, on the setting up of a
voluntary network of clinicians for the treatment of Ebola at EU level and on the feasibility
of Joint Procurement for protective gear for health professionals treating Ebola patients and
possible medical treatment."
During lunch, ministers discussed the situation in Libya as well as ongoing UN mediation efforts
with Bernadino León, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of the UN
Support Mission in Libya.
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
The EU is concerned by the situation in Libya and its impact on the civilian population,
which threatens the possibility of achieving the aspirations of the Libyan people of a
peaceful political transition and is having a negative impact across North Africa and the
Sahel region and is of concern for the EU as well.
The EU strongly condemns the ongoing violence, all human rights abuses and violations of
international humanitarian law committed across the country. The EU urges all parties to
urgently observe an unconditional ceasefire. The EU is convinced that there is no military
solution to this conflict. Only a political solution can provide a sustainable way forward
and contribute to peace and stability in Libya.
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20 October 2014
In this regard, the EU fully supports, including through the action of European Special
Envoys, the efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to secure a
negotiated settlement and the work of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). The
EU welcomes the UN facilitated dialogue between members of the House of
Representatives initiated in Ghadames on 29 September and continued in Tripoli on 11
October in presence of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki – moon and the Italian Foreign
Minister Federica Mogherini. It calls on all parties to fully cooperate with the UN-led
initiative by engaging in a peaceful political process to resolve the ongoing crisis,
abstaining from actions that risk undermining it.
The EU welcomes the agreements reached so far, and calls upon all parties to respect and
implement them and to remain constructively engaged in this political process. The EU and
Member States are exploring with UNSMIL ways to support the confidence building
The EU underscores the legitimacy of the House of Representatives as the sole legislative
authority in Libya. It urges Libya's government and all elected members of the House of
Representatives to reach out to all parties and engage constructively in an inclusive
political dialogue, also to find a solution to the institutional crisis, as the country cannot
afford to be divided. Libya needs a strong government of national unity.
It encourages the Constitutional Drafting Assembly to continue to pursue its work on a
constitutional text that will enshrine and protect the rights of all Libyans.
The EU does not recognise any parallel authority or entity outside of the legal and
democratic institutional framework.
The EU stresses the importance that the international community acts in a united manner
on Libya on the basis of the principles and understandings agreed at recent meetings,
namely in New York and Madrid. It supports complementary efforts of Libya’s neighbours
and partners, including EU Member States that promote inclusivity, national consensus and
reconciliation and their efforts to address Libya's crisis. The EU emphasises that all
initiatives should feed into the overall UN-led mediation process. It also encourages all
partners to refrain from actions which might exacerbate current divisions and undermine
Libya's democratic transition.
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20 October 2014
The EU calls on all parties in Libya to ensure the protection of civilians and the facilitation
of assistance to people in need, and supports all efforts made to address the deteriorating
humanitarian situation, notably the displacement of people and disruption of access to
basic services. The EU has immediately mobilised funds to address the most pressing
needs but the rapidly declining conditions will require additional international support to
respond to the displacement and needs of the affected population.
The EU stands ready to implement UNSCR 2174 in order to address threats to Libya’s
peace and stability, including violations of the arms embargo. Those responsible for
violence and those who obstruct or undermine Libya's democratic transition must be held
The EU calls on all Libyans to unite in the fight against terrorism. Libya's hard fought
freedom is at risk if Libyan and international terrorist groups are allowed to use Libya as a
safe haven. Libya will only stand a chance to address this threat, weapon proliferation and
trafficking, if all armed forces come under the control of one central authority which
reports to a democratic and inclusive parliament.
The instability in Libya poses a direct threat to the EU, through terrorism, increased
irregular migration and trafficking of illicit goods, including arms. The EU reiterates its
commitment to continue supporting Libya in sectors like security, migration, civil society,
protection of vulnerable groups and promotion of human rights. The EU stands ready to
assist Libya in the field of border management, including as already being provided
through EUBAM.
The EU remains strongly committed to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity
and national unity of Libya."
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20 October 2014
Over lunch, ministers discussed the situation with regard to the "Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant" (ISIL) in Syria and Iraq.
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the ISIL/Da'esh crisis in Syria and Iraq:
The EU is seriously concerned about the humanitarian and security situation in Syria and
Iraq and condemns unreservedly the attacks, atrocities, killings and abuses of human rights
perpetrated by ISIL / Da'esh and other terrorist groups in both countries as well as by the
Assad regime in Syria. The EU is determined to contribute to the international endeavour
to defeat those terrorist groups. A Syrian led political transition and inclusive political
governance in Iraq are crucial to sustainable peace and stability in the region.
The situation in Ayn al Arab / Kobani and in other areas under siege and experiencing
fierce fighting against ISIL / Da'esh is a matter of serious concern. The EU appreciates
efforts by Turkey to shelter refugees from Kobani and calls on Turkey to open its border
for any supply for the people of Kobani.
The EU is committed to tackling in a comprehensive and coordinated manner the regional
threat posed by terrorism and violent extremism and addressing the underlying instability
and violence which has given ISIL / Da'esh and other terrorist groups a foothold. The EU
supports efforts by more than sixty States to tackle the threat from ISIL / Da'esh, including
military action in accordance with international law. It notes that military action in this
context is necessary but not sufficient to defeat ISIL / Da'esh and it is part of a wider effort
comprising measures in the political/diplomatic, counter-terrorism and terrorism funding,
humanitarian and communication field. The EU calls on all partners to enforce relevant
United Nations Security Council Resolutions, including 2170 and 2178 and to step up
efforts at national level to deny ISIL / Da'esh the benefits of illicit oil sales and other
Non-inclusive policies in Iraq, and instability in Syria caused by the Assad regime's brutal
war against its own people, massive human rights violations and systematic obstruction
against democratic reforms, have allowed ISIL / Da'esh to flourish. As a consequence of its
policies and actions, the Assad regime cannot be a partner in the fight against ISIL /
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20 October 2014
The EU approved today further sanctions against the Assad regime, designating individuals
and entities linked to the regime to be subject to restrictive measures. The Council also
agreed today to impose an export ban on jet fuel and relevant additives being exported to
Syria as they are being used by the Assad regime's air force, which undertakes
indiscriminate air attacks against civilians. The EU will continue its policy of imposing
additional measures targeting the regime, as long as repression continues.
The EU reiterates its firm commitment to counter the serious problem of foreign fighters
who have joined the ranks of ISIL / Da'esh and other terrorist groups. The Council
endorses the EU counter terrorism / foreign fighters strategy, which is an integral part of
the response to the August 2014 European Council Conclusions and to United Nations
Security Council Resolutions 2170 and 2178. The Council calls for its well-coordinated
implementation as a matter of highest priority. The EU is determined to take immediate
and long term action to deny ISIL / Da'esh the benefits of its sources of funding and
supply, and to enhance its counter terrorism and security cooperation with countries
neighbouring Syria and Iraq in line with the EU counter terrorism / foreign fighters
strategy. The EU supports the work undertaken by the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
in this regard.
International efforts to achieve a Syrian-led transition remain a priority in order to maintain
the country's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity while preserving its multi-ethnic
and multi-religious character. The EU will continue to provide political and practical
support to the moderate opposition. There cannot be lasting peace in Syria if the legitimate
grievances of all ordinary Syrians, including those belonging to ethnic and religious
groups, are not addressed. The EU is determined to support all efforts for a political
solution by mutual consent based on the Geneva Communiqué of 30 June 2012 and in line
with relevant UNSC
Resolutions. The EU calls on all parties to engage constructively in negotiations and it
expresses its full support to the UN special envoy Staffan de Mistura and his ongoing
efforts. The EU recognises that the active engagement of regional and international actors
will be required to deliver a viable transition and calls on them to play a constructive role
in this regard.
The EU is appalled by and firmly condemns the indiscriminate killings, human rights
abuses, including systematic sexual and gender based violence, perpetrated in Syria and
Iraq by ISIL / Da'esh and other terrorist organisations, in particular against Christian and
other religious and ethnic groups, women and children.
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20 October 2014
The EU reiterates also its condemnation of the gross, widespread and systematic violations
of human rights and international humanitarian law by the Assad regime.
The EU is seriously concerned about the human rights abuses and sectarian violence that
are being committed in Iraq.
The EU welcomes the 8th report of the independent international Commission of Inquiry
on the Syrian Arab Republic published on 27 August 2014. The EU strongly condemns the
actions of ISIL / Da'esh amounting to crimes against humanity and war crimes. The EU
recalls that all responsible for abuses and violations of human rights and international
humanitarian law must be held accountable and that there can be no impunity for them.
The EU reiterates its call to the Security Council to refer the situation in Syria to the
International Criminal Court and its call of Iraq to accede to the Rome Statute. The EU
welcomes efforts by actors working on the ground to ensure that human rights abuses and
violations are being documented and evidence preserved.
The EU welcomes the formation of a new Iraqi government on 8 September and its
commitment to address current challenges by pursuing inclusive policies which meet the
needs and aspirations of all components of Iraqi society. Failure to do so may compromise
efforts to combat ISIL/Da'esh, hamper the government's efforts to promote Iraq's national
reconciliation, and further intensify sectarian tensions. It welcomes the appointment to the
key posts of defence and interior ministers, as well as the other ministerial appointments
and the fact that the Kurdish ministers have taken up their posts in the government. It calls
on the Iraqi government and the government of the Kurdistan Region to find a lasting
solution to their differences.
The EU reiterates its firm commitment to Iraq's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
It welcomes the coalition's efforts, including the decision by individual Member States to
provide military material and expertise to Iraq, to reduce ISIL/Da'esh's capacity to attack
civilian populations, which come in response to an explicit request for support by the Iraqi
government. Ultimately, however, the solution to the crisis can only be political. It calls on
the government to reach out to all components of Iraq society and to pursue, without delay,
a process of national reconciliation. The EU urges all components of Iraqi society to unite
in the fight against ISIL/Daesh and to support a process of national reconciliation.
The EU expresses its readiness to closely cooperate with the Government of Iraq in
addressing its challenges, and to support it in pursuing the necessary reforms across a
broad spectrum of sectors, including the security sector and the judicial system which need
to be reinforced along non-sectarian lines, in cooperation with UNAMI and in compliance
with Iraq’s international obligations, in order to enhance good governance and rule of law.
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20 October 2014
The EU welcomes the various and complementary initiatives taken on Iraq, in particular
the conclusions of the Conference on Peace and Security in Iraq held in Paris on 15
September, as well as the UNSC meeting on Iraq held on 19 September. The EU calls on
countries in the region and the international community to work together to help Iraq tackle
its sectarian tensions and restore peace and stability.
The EU is deeply concerned, particularly in view of the approach of winter, by the
humanitarian predicament of the millions of Syrians and Iraqis who have been forcibly
displaced both internally and to neighbouring countries. The EU and its Member States are
leading the international response to the crisis. To date, around €2.9 billion has been
mobilised for relief and recovery assistance to those in need in Syria and Iraq as well as to
refugees and their host communities. The EU will continue to support the humanitarian
relief efforts, including for people in areas that are difficult to reach, provide assistance to
support the resilience of refugees and host communities in countries affected by the crisis
and calls on the international community to do the same. It will also continue to insist on
the importance of abiding by humanitarian principles and international human rights law.
Regarding Syria, the EU condemns the Assad regime's continued intransigence on
humanitarian access and the use of administrative procedures to hinder the rapid and
sustained delivery of aid. The EU reiterates its call on all parties, in particular the Assad
regime to implement in full the provisions of the United Nations Security Council
Resolution 2139 and 2165. The EU will continue to implement those Resolutions to deliver
cross-border and cross line assistance. The EU is also deeply concerned that ISIL has
significantly affected the presence and operation of humanitarian agencies and actors in
northern Syria, thus compromising their humanitarian function.
Regarding Iraq, the EU calls on the government of Iraq to do more to contribute to the
humanitarian relief effort across the country and deliver on its duty of care and protection
vis-à-vis all Iraqis.
In all the neighbouring countries hosting Iraqi and Syrian refugees, the EU will continue to
provide assistance to refugees and vulnerable host communities in close coordination with
national authorities and development actors, whose efforts contribute to reducing tensions
with host communities and to the stabilization of these countries in line with their national
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20 October 2014
The EU is fully aware of the immense social and security challenges that the current
developments in Syria and Iraq pose in particular to Lebanon and Jordan. The EU is
determined to seek ways to further enhance its support to both countries to meet those
security challenges.
The EU is looking forward to the Berlin Conference on the Syrian Refugee Situation of
28 October 2014.
The Council calls on the High Representative/Vice President to develop an EU
comprehensive regional strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the ISIL / Da'esh threat."
The Council took stock of the situation in Ukraine. It adopted the following conclusions:
Recalling its conclusions of 15 August and the European Council conclusions of 30
August, the Council welcomes the Minsk Protocol of 5 September and the Minsk
Memorandum of 19 September, agreed in the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group,
as a step towards a sustainable political solution of the crisis, which needs to be based on
the respect for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Council
takes good note of the decreased overall level of violence as a result of the agreed ceasefire
but regrets and condemns the continued numerous violations of it. The Council welcomes
the releases of hostages so far and calls for all the remaining hostages to be released. It
commends Ukraine's efforts to implement its commitments, in particular through the
adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the laws on amnesty and on interim local self-
governance. The Council reiterates the important role of the OSCE Special Monitoring
Mission in implementing the Minsk Protocol and the Minsk Memorandum and the need to
provide the Mission with the resources needed to comply with the tasks. The Council
reminds all parties concerned of their responsibility for a safe environment for the OSCE
monitors. The EU and Member States stand ready to provide increased financial and in
kind support to the OSCE SMM.
The Council expects the parties' full engagement and swift implementation of all other
commitments under the Minsk documents. The Council underlines the Russian
Federation's responsibility in this context, and calls for the withdrawal of illegal armed
groups, military equipment, fighters and mercenaries, as well as for the securing of the
Ukrainian-Russian border with permanent monitoring under OSCE verification. The
Council supports swift expansion and extension of the OSCE Observer Mission to Russian
checkpoints to ensure effective and full control of the border by Ukraine and calls on the
Russian Federation to do the same.
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20 October 2014
It also expects the unwavering practical commitment by the parties to the holding of the
early local elections in parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in full conformity with
Ukrainian law and international standards, as foreseen by the Minsk Protocol and by the
law on interim self-governance. The Council encourages the Government of Ukraine to
invite OSCE/ODIHR to observe these elections and calls on all parties to ensure safe and
secure conditions for such an Election Observation Mission, should it take place. The
holding of "presidential" and "parliamentary" elections, called by the self-appointed
authorities, would run counter to the letter and the spirit of the Minsk Protocol and disrupt
progress towards finding a sustainable political solution in this framework. The EU would
not recognise them.
The Council reiterates its call upon all States and actors in the region to ensure safe and
unrestricted access to the crash site of MH17, to allow resumption of the investigation
onsite and complete repatriation of the remains and belongings of the victims still present
at the site. Those directly and indirectly responsible for the downing of MH17 should be
held accountable and brought to justice as soon as possible.
The European Union is concerned by the increasingly serious humanitarian impact of the
crisis in eastern Ukraine. The Council calls on all parties to fully respect international law,
to protect civilians and humanitarian workers and to ensure unhindered access for
humanitarian organisations. The EU is committed to support the population affected by the
conflict, as well as the efforts of the Ukrainian government to that end. In this respect, the
Council welcomes the efforts by the European Commission and the EU Member States to
provide support to the population in need, amounting to EUR 63 million so far. The EU
and the Member States remain committed to scale-up their assistance to the crises-affected
population through additional funding or through targeted and coordinated in-kind
assistance. The Council furthermore recognises the importance of an enhanced
coordination within the European Union and with other international donors.
The Council looks forward to the holding of early national parliamentary elections on 26
October in full conformity with international standards and welcomes the deployment of
the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to this effect. Ukrainian officials and
voters should be unimpeded in preparing for the elections, and all candidates should be
ensured safe and secure conditions to campaign freely, across the whole country. The
Council condemns the recent incidents of beating and intimidation of some candidates and
underlines the need for proper campaigning conditions for all candidates.
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20 October 2014
The Council supports the Commission's efforts in seeking an interim agreement for the
resumption of gas supplies by Russia to Ukraine and recalls the urgency for the sides to
reach an agreement on the basis of the Protocol proposed at the latest trilateral meeting.
Such an agreement, as well as urgent and long-term measures to improve energy efficiency
in Ukraine, are critical for safeguarding the security of supply and transit this winter. The
Council encourages the Government of Ukraine to maintain the momentum on energy
sector reforms, in line with its commitment under the Energy Community Treaty, in
particular to further advance on the restructuring of the natural gas sector.
The Council welcomes the recent adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of the laws on
prosecution and anti-corruption, and encourages Ukraine to continue the process of
envisaged reforms and economic modernisation, including those foreseen in the
Association Agenda, in accordance with its international commitments. Constitutional and
decentralisation reforms, as well as ensuring rights of persons belonging to national
minorities in line with the relevant standards of the Council of Europe, are of particular
importance. Based on the mandate given in the properly conducted parliamentary and local
elections, an inclusive national dialogue should be resumed, as foreseen in the Minsk
Protocol. In coordination with other donors and international financial institutions, the
European Union stands ready to support implementation of the comprehensive reform
package as well as rebuilding of Ukraine’s economy.
The Council approves the Operational Plan of the EU Advisory Mission for Civilian
Security Sector Reform (EUAM Ukraine) in response to its conclusions of 23 June, which
further emphasises the commitment of the EU to support Ukraine and in particular in
assisting the Ukrainian authorities in meeting the urgent needs to effectively address
Civilian Security Sector Reform. The Council reiterates the importance of coordination and
coherence with other EU efforts, with the OSCE, and with other international actors.
The European Union does not recognise the local elections held on 14 September in the
illegally annexed Crimea and Sevastopol. The Council reiterates its call on UN Member
states to consider non-recognition measures similar to those pursued by the EU in line with
the UNGA Resolution 68/262. In that respect, the Council fully supports the continuation
of the missions of the United Nations, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, and expects
all parties to provide them with full, free and unrestricted access to the whole territory of
Ukraine, including Crimea. The Council condemns the deterioration of the human rights
situation on the peninsula, in particular the persecution and intimidation of the Crimean
Tatar community, including the cases of kidnapping, torturing and killing of young male
Crimean Tatars, the eviction of the Mejlis from its premises in Simferopol and
interrogations of its activists.
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20 October 2014
The Council welcomes the ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement by the
Ukrainian Parliament and the consent given by the European Parliament, enabling the
provisional application of the relevant provisions of the Association Agreement as of 1
November. It calls upon Ukraine to continue the process of envisaged reforms and
economic modernisation, including the adequate preparation for the implementation of
Title IV of the Association Agreement, in line with the timeframe specified in the Council
Decision, taking into account Ukraine's international commitments. The Council also
welcomes the Commission proposal for an extension of the autonomous trade preferences
for Ukraine in line with the Joint Ministerial Statement of 12 September on the
implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement/DCFTA and looks forward to
its swift adoption. It underlines the importance for all parties to strictly abide by their
commitments in the Joint Ministerial Statement, which is part and parcel of a
comprehensive peace process in Ukraine, respecting Ukraine's territorial integrity and the
right of Ukraine to decide on its destiny. It recalls that the Association Agreement is a
bilateral agreement and any adaptations to it can only be made at the request of one of the
parties and with the agreement of the other."
Middle East Peace Process / Gaza
The Council discussed the situation in Gaza, including prospects for a durable cease-fire, the
reconciliation between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas and recent announcements of Israeli
settlement activities.
The High Representative debriefed ministers on the outcome of the donor's conference for Gaza on
12 October in Cairo, which she co-chaired. The EU and its member states pledged more than €450
million for the reconstruction of the Gaza strip on that occasion.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
20 October 2014
The Council welcomes the overall orderly conduct of the elections which took place in
Bosnia and Herzegovina on 12 October, underlines the crucial importance of swift
government formation, and calls on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s leaders to act immediately
to ensure this takes place. The Council recalls its Conclusions of April 2014 and reiterates
its call for the leadership of Bosnia and Herzegovina to engage immediately on a broader
set of issues in order to address the challenges that the country faces as it progresses
towards the EU. The Council reaffirms its determination to actively and intensively engage
in support of this process.
The Council welcomes the continued presence of Operation Althea, focusing on capacity-
building and training while also retaining the capability to contribute to the Bosnia and
Herzegovina authorities' deterrence capacity if the situation so requires. In this context, as
part of the overall EU strategy for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council confirms the EU's
readiness to continue at this stage an executive military role to support Bosnia and
Herzegovina's authorities to maintain the safe and secure environment, under a renewed
UN mandate.
It reiterates its agreement to keep the operation under regular review, including on the
basis of the situation on the ground, with a view to making progress on the conditions
conducive to the delivery of its mandate.
The EU at the same time encourages the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the
support of the international community, to accelerate their efforts to address the disposal of
excess ammunition and other outstanding issues."
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The Council adopted the following conclusions:
20 October 2014
The EU welcomes the appointment of Mr. Khaled Bahah as Yemen's new Prime Minister,
and positively notes that his appointment was unanimously approved by the panel of
presidential advisors. The EU urges the swift formation of a new inclusive government,
and calls upon all political actors to engage constructively and support President Hadi in
his efforts.
The EU reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting Yemen in its transition, and calls
on all regional actors to contribute positively to this process. The EU welcomes the
signature of the Peace and National Partnership Agreement on 21 September and of its
security annex, which offer a way out of the current crisis. State institutions, political
parties and social groups must work together to ensure the swift implementation of all parts
of the Agreement, in line with the National Dialogue Conference's (NDC) outcomes and
the GCC Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism. The EU is concerned that slow
progress in the implementation of NDC recommendations has significantly hampered
Yemen's ability to tackle its pressing security, economic, and humanitarian challenges.
Security is an essential prerequisite for the success of the transition. The EU therefore
unreservedly condemns the recent violence that has taken place in Sana'a, Saada, Al-Jawf,
Amran, Mareb, and Hadramawt. Those engaged in armed confrontation must lay down
their weapons and act in keeping with the law and with state authority. The EU also renews
its firm commitment to support Yemen in its fight against terrorism.
The EU calls on the Constitutional Drafting Committee to quickly deliver a draft
Constitution, which preserves the unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity
of Yemen. Preparatory steps for the constitutional referendum and for transparent and
credible elections must urgently be taken forward, including a transparent voter registration
The EU continues to be concerned by the actions of spoilers and recalls that UN Security
Council Resolution 2140 includes provisions on targeted sanctions measures against
individuals or entities engaging in or providing support for acts that threaten the peace,
security, or stability in Yemen. It is a clear signal to those who aim at undermining state
institutions and the transition process.
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20 October 2014
The EU congratulates Yemen for concluding an ambitious agreement with the
International Monetary Fund and calls on the Government to maintain its course on the
necessary economic reforms, including by taking action to improve fiscal sustainability
and fighting corruption in the public administration. More resolve is still needed urgently
to alleviate the implications of these reforms on the most vulnerable part of the population.
The EU remains deeply concerned that more than half of the population of Yemen is
affected by the humanitarian crisis. It urges all parties in Yemen to cooperate to protect
civilians and to ensure immediate and unimpeded humanitarian access. The magnitude of
the humanitarian crisis calls for immediate short-term assistance; in the longer term, it can
only be addressed by tackling its structural root causes through economic reforms. The EU
urges all donors to contribute to addressing humanitarian needs."
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
The Council welcomes the formation of a Government of National Unity. The presidential
and provincial elections demonstrated the clear will of the Afghan people for democracy.
Future elections should be credible and transparent. It is critical that the Afghan authorities
take the necessary steps to remedy the shortcomings, starting with next year’s
parliamentary elections. The European Union stands ready to assist in this endeavour.
The EU reiterates its long-term commitment to Afghanistan and reaffirms the
comprehensive strategy agreed by the Council in June. It looks forward to working in close
cooperation with the new government and international partners to safeguard the advances
Afghanistan has made over the last thirteen years and to support and incentivise urgently
needed reforms. The EU recognises the important future role to be played by UNAMA in
The Council welcomes the finalisation of the Multiannual Indicative Programme for
Afghanistan, which sets out the EU's commitment to provide up to €1.4 billion in
assistance for the period up to 2020. This funding complements the development assistance
provided bilaterally by Member States. The EU restates its willingness to finalise the
Cooperation Agreement for Partnership and Development. This can provide the basis for a
wide-ranging long-term partnership between the EU and Afghanistan. The EU also restates
its commitment to the extension of the EU police mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL) until
the end of 2016.
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20 October 2014
The Council welcomes the signing of the Bilateral Security Agreement with the United
States of America and the Status of Forces Agreement with NATO. These agreements
provide the basis for the continued international military presence to support the Afghan
National Security Forces in providing security in Afghanistan. Lasting peace and security
will require strong leadership from the Government of Afghanistan as well as consistent
and constructive engagement from neighbouring countries. The EU welcomes the 'Heart of
Asia' ministerial on 31 October in Beijing. The ministerial has the potential to play an
important role in putting in place the required regional economic and security architecture.
The Council calls for all Central Asian countries to set aside their differences and use the
opportunity to promote longterm stability and prosperity both in Afghanistan and in the
wider region.
The Council calls for a clear and unequivocal commitment to respect human rights, in
particular to implement fully existing statutes for the rights of women and girls. The EU
reiterates its strong and principled position against the death penalty in any and all cases
and in all circumstances.
It is now imperative that the Government of Afghanistan enact the reforms necessary to
restore economic confidence, promote job creation and increase revenue generation.
Action is also needed to reform the judicial system, tackle the twin threats from corruption
and narcotics and improve the accountability of the state to ordinary Afghans, including
the establishment of decentralised decision-making bodies at provincial and district level.
The London conference on 24-25 November will provide the opportunity both for the
government to set out its reform commitment in these areas and for the international
community to restate its long-term commitment to support Afghanistan."
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
The European Union remains deeply concerned at the ongoing conflicts in Sudan, notably
in Darfur, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile and the accompanying violations of
humanitarian and human rights law, as well as a serious humanitarian emergency all of
which continue to cause enormous human suffering and internal displacements and pose a
risk to regional stability. There can be no military solution to conflicts in Sudan. The EU
therefore supports the African Union Peace and Security Council's repeated call for a
holistic approach to Sudan's multiple challenges and the need to tackle comprehensively
the political, economic and social causes of persisting conflict.
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20 October 2014
The initiated National Dialogue process is currently the best opportunity to make progress
towards this goal and to pave the way towards internal peace, reconciliation and
democratic governance. The EU welcomes recent signs of a political momentum, in
particular the Agreements on the National Dialogue and Constitutional Process signed in
Addis Ababa on 4 September 2014. It calls on all groups to renounce violence as a means
for political change and to seize this opportunity for a political solution to Sudan's
challenges through dialogue and negotiation without delay.
The EU considers that for the National Dialogue to succeed and to achieve legitimate
results, it should be
inclusive: Space should be given for a meaningful participation of the opposition parties
and armed movements as well as civil society, including women's, groups. The dialogue
should include stakeholders from all of Sudan's regions and reflect the full ethnic, religious
and cultural diversity of Sudan;
comprehensive: To address Sudan’s internal conflicts, issues such as socio-economic
marginalisation, unequal distribution of resources, political exclusion and lack of access to
public services need to be tackled. The dialogue should provide mechanisms for the way
forward for peace and development in all regions in conflict. It should provide for a
platform on which to discuss issues of national importance, including identity and social
equality, agree new and inclusive governance arrangements, a definitive constitution and a
roadmap for the holding of national elections;
held in a conducive environment: The freedoms of expression, of media, of association and
assembly must be guaranteed. Political prisoners must be released, and practices of
arbitrary detention - like those across the anniversary of the September 2013 protests -
accompanied by confidence-building measures: These should include, first and foremost
an immediate, sustained and verifiable cessation of hostilities and free and unhindered
humanitarian access to all civilians in the conflict areas. This is of relevance both to the
Government of Sudan and to the armed movements;
transparent about the process, the objectives, the timeframe and the way forward, so that
the Sudanese people at large can own the process and accept its outcomes.
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20 October 2014
The EU stands ready to support a National Dialogue process as set out above and
encourages all stakeholders inside and outside Sudan to join efforts towards such a process.
The EU reiterates its full support to the work of the AU High Level Implementation Panel
(AUHIP) and commends its chairman President Mbeki on his recent efforts to promote a
genuine National Dialogue process on a broad basis. The EU calls on all international
stakeholders to rally behind the AUHIP to reinforce its role and strengthen its voice. The
EU supports current efforts to create a comprehensive platform for the facilitation of the
National Dialogue that will integrate the different peace and dialogue processes for Sudan's
regional conflicts.
Sudan stands at an important crossroad. A genuine National Dialogue would help enhance
confidence between Sudan and international partners such as the EU. It would also create a
peaceful environment in which tangible and sustained progress in addressing Sudan's main
political and economic challenges, needed to secure debt relief under the HIPC process,
could be achieved. The EU therefore calls on the Government of Sudan, the opposition and
the armed movements to rise to the occasion and demonstrate the leadership necessary to
put Sudan on a path to peace, prosperity and justice. In this respect, the EU recalls the
importance of fighting impunity.
In the face of the worsening humanitarian situation the EU is very concerned by access
restrictions still imposed for international humanitarian agencies and organisations. It
reiterates its call on the Government of Sudan, as well as on armed movements to
guarantee safe, timely and unhindered humanitarian access to all areas by humanitarian
agencies, in particular in conflict-affected areas in line with international humanitarian
principles. Civilians, humanitarian staff and assets must be protected.
The EU reiterates its commitment to support Sudan and the Sudanese people in their
transition to an internally reformed democracy, living in peace with itself and with its
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
The EU welcomes the political and security progress made in Somalia since the signing of
the Somali Compact during the Brussels New Deal Conference for Somalia in September
2013. The Somali Compact has since provided the framework for the reconstruction of
Somalia and has become an important tool to establish the rule of law and security, and
promote socio-economic development.
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20 October 2014
The EU welcomes the steps taken to implement the Government's 'Vision 2016:
Framework for Action' plan, laying the foundations of a new Somalia and realising the
Somali Compact. While the EU welcomes recent progress, further efforts will be needed if
the ambitious timeline is to be met. The EU therefore urges the Federal Government of
Somalia to maintain momentum, unity of purpose and build on the positive gains made to
date. The EU emphasises the importance of establishing interim regional administrations
by the end of 2014 and the need for an ongoing and inclusive dialogue between the Federal
Government and all regions, that includes participation of civil society and women, and
that also tackles more effectively and transparently the fundamental issues of power and
resource sharing. This should apply in particular to resource-generating economic sectors,
such as infrastructure, extractives and fisheries. The National Independent Electoral
Commission and the Boundaries and Federation Commission should be established this
year and steps should be taken to deliver the constitutional referendum and conduct a
legitimate and inclusive electoral process in 2016. This requires the Parliament to fulfil its
legislative duties.
The EU underlines that inclusive and accountable political processes are critical to further
progress and supports the objective of holding peaceful and transparent national elections
in 2016. National reconciliation in Somalia is crucial and the EU welcomes the efforts of
the Federal Government and the emerging interim regional administrations, with the
support of IGAD and its member states, to support inclusive reconciliation processes at
regional level. It urges all political leaders to demonstrate the value of working in
partnership. The EU also welcomes the important contribution made by the Somali civil
society and diaspora and underlines that women, youth and minority groups must all play
an important role in shaping the future of Somalia.
The EU remains concerned by continuing reports of humanitarian law and human rights
violations, including extrajudicial killings, violence against women and children,
recruitment and use of children, attacks against journalists and arbitrary detentions. The
fight against impunity for these crimes is essential. The EU encourages the Federal
Government of Somalia to take concrete measures to implement fully its human rights
roadmap adopted in August 2013 and to continue implementing its action plans on children
and armed conflict.
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20 October 2014
The EU welcomes the successful outcome of the London security conference on
September 18 on the reform of the Somali National Army, and the strong impetus for its
further development into a professional, mobile, inclusive and integrated multi-regional
force. A plan and timetable for this process are essential. At the same time, the EU
welcomes the mapping out of a process for the integration of regional militia into the
Somali National Army. Security and stabilisation of the country is of paramount and
immediate importance as it is a prerequisite for state-building and development. It is
therefore important that the security architecture reflects the political structure and that
suitable arrangements are agreed to ensure local law enforcement.
The EU further recognises the importance of the establishment of a properly resourced and
comprehensive disengaged combatants' programme that is consistent with international
human rights standards.
The EU commends the work of the EU Training Mission (EUTM) in Somalia, which
undertakes advisory, mentoring and training activities, with the aim to developing the
Somali National Armed Forces’ structures and their training capacity in Somalia itself.
Despite a challenging security situation, the Mission is now fully established in Mogadishu
and has trained and mentored 4600 soldiers of the Somali National Army since 2010.
The EU commends AMISOM’s efforts alongside the Somali National Army in Operation
Indian Ocean which has resulted in significant gains, most recently in the liberation of the
Al Shabaab stronghold of Baraawe. It praises the commitment and bravery of both
AMISOM and the Somali security forces - both of whom continue to pay a high price
extending security in Somalia. The EU recalls its continued strong political and financial
support since 2007 to AMISOM’s essential contribution to Somalia's longer-term peace
and security. The EU reiterates its strong and urgent call on other partners to seriously
contribute to the sustainable and predictable funding of AMISOM and the Somali security
forces. It underlines the importance of the Federal Government taking on an increased
responsibility and ownership of the security sector. Furthermore, the EU underlines that it
is essential that military operations be followed immediately by national efforts to establish
or improve governance structures in the recovered areas and by the delivery of basic
services, including security and notes that these stabilisation efforts are an essential part of
AMISOM's eventual exit strategy.
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20 October 2014
The EU is, however, concerned by allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by African
Union Forces in Somalia and firmly condemns all crimes of sexual violence in situations of
conflict, of whatever nature. It welcomes the commitment of the African Union and the
troop contributing countries to investigate these allegations and ensure accountability of
their troops. It also underlines the need for AMISOM troops to receive appropriate
information and pre-deployment training in relation to human rights principles, including
gender equality and sexual violence and be properly informed of the sanctions in place
should any abuse be perpetrated.
Furthermore, the EU urges AMISOM to finally establish a Civilian Casualty Tracking,
Analysis and Response Cell (CCTARC) as called for repeatedly by the UN Security
Council, most recently in its Resolution 2158(2014) of 29 May 2014.
The EU welcomes the significant decline in piracy activity in the Gulf of Aden and
Western Indian Ocean and encourages the Federal Government to further increase its
contribution to this success. However, networks supporting piracy are still operating and
the threat of piracy remains. The EU continues to assume its leading role in the fight
against piracy and contributing to tackling its root causes, including through its CSDP
missions as well as in its capacity as Chair of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of
Somalia (CGPCS) in 2014. The EU intends to continue the deterrence and disruption of
piracy through Operation EUNAVFOR ATALANTA until December 2016. The CSDP
Mission EUCAP Nestor, in cooperation with other actors, including the Maritime Security
Programme and the Critical Maritime Routes Programme, is also playing an important role
in reinforcing maritime security capacities in the region and in Somalia, including by
contributing to a pertinent rule of law framework in Somalia, thus reflecting the EU’s
comprehensive approach to maritime security.
The EU is deeply concerned by the news of the recent release of a pirate leader, in
Mogadishu, and reiterates the urgent need for the Somali authorities to end impunity of
piracy network leaders and strengthen the rule of law. The prosecution of piracy leaders
remains a prerequisite for the disruption of piracy networks’ operational capabilities.
Therefore the EU calls on Somali authorities to take concrete measures towards the
establishment of such legislative framework pertaining to piracy and maritime crime. The
EU also looks forward to obtaining more clarity on the National Maritime Coordination
The EU also notes that new threats such as trafficking in human beings and drugs, illegal
trade in charcoal, smuggling of migrants and proliferation of small arms and light weapons
require increasing attention. It welcomes efforts in the UN to tackle them and invites the
Federal Government of Somalia and other actors in the region to act in support of these
efforts. The EU calls upon charcoal importing countries to ascertain its origin.
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20 October 2014
The EU urges the Federal Government to fight corruption and tighten financial governance
procedures in order to improve transparency and accountability of the government's
finances which will increase public and donor confidence. In this context, it welcomes the
establishment of the Financial Governance Committee and calls for its urgent
strengthening. The EU welcomes the establishment of funds under the Somalia
Development and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF) as an important step towards the
objective of achieving greater alignment of international financing with the Compact
priorities and increased Somali ownership. The EU further reiterates its support to the
efforts of strengthening the Somali Government’s Public Financial Mechanism Systems as
an important building block in establishing a roadmap for future budget support.
The EU expresses deep concern at the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Somalia due to
drought, continued conflict, restricted flow of commercial goods into areas affected by
military operations and surging food prices. and urges all parties to allow safe, timely and
unhindered humanitarian access to all areas by humanitarian agencies.
In addition to responding to the urgent humanitarian situation, the international community
should consider ways to support longer-term resilience-building and development in
Somalia, that would generate employment, improve livelihoods and contribute to
sustainable peace and security.
The EU commends the efforts of the UN SRSG to Somalia in coordinating and facilitating
a comprehensive international response. The EU also commends the work of the EU
Special Representative for the Horn of Africa and his role in galvanising engagement from
Somalia's neighbours.
The EU looks forward to the first Ministerial High Level Partnership Forum on Somalia in
Copenhagen in November, to take stock of joint progress and challenges since the New
Deal Conference in Brussels and agree on the necessary actions and steps required to
achieve the Somali Compact goals by 2016. The EU stresses the continued importance of
the Somali Compact and its implementation for the reconstruction of Somalia and
reiterates that the EU remains committed to supporting the development of a stable,
accountable and prosperous Somalia over the long term."
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EU action against trafficking of small arms
20 October 2014
The Council approved the seventeenth progress report on the implementation of the EU strategy to
combat illicit accumulation and trafficking of small arms and light weapons and their ammunition
covering the EU's activities from 1 January to 30 June 2014.
Restrictive measures - Somalia
The Council amended the EU sanctions against Somalia. Following a decision at the UN, it added
two additional persons to the list of those targeted by the measures, which consist in an asset freeze,
a travel ban and an arms embargo.
Restrictive measures - Syria
The Council reinforced EU restrictive measures against the Syrian regime. For more details, see
press release.
Restrictive measures - Libya
The Council amended the EU restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya to take account
of changes approved at the UN. These include an extension of the designation criteria for travel
restrictions and asset freezes, an amendment of the arms embargo as well as a technical update of
the list of those subject to sanctions.
Restrictive measures - Republic of Guinea
The Council extended the EU restrictive measures against five persons from the Republic of
Guinea. A travel ban and an asset freeze will continue to apply until 27 October 2015 to five
individuals identified by the International Commission of Inquiry as responsible for the events of
28 September 2009 in Guinea.
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Operation ALTHEA
20 October 2014
The Council approved the High Representative's report on the twentieth six-monthly review of
Operation ALTHEA. The mission provides capacity-building and training support for the armed
forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) while retaining the capacity to intervene to support the
BiH efforts in maintaining a safe and secure environment.
EU civilian advisory mission in Ukraine
The Council adopted the concept of operations and the operational plan for the EU Advisory
Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), which is being established
to advise on efficient, trusted and democratically controlled civilian security services in Ukraine.
For details, see
press release.
EUCAP Sahel Mali
The Council approved the concept of operations for the EU Common Security and Defence Policy
mission in Mali (EUCAP Sahel Mali). EUCAP Sahel Mali is currently being set up and aims to
support the Malian state in ensuring democratic order and the conditions for lasting peace as well as
in maintaining its authority throughout the entire territory. The mission will deliver training and
strategic advice on the reform of the three internal security forces, i.e. the police, Gendarmerie and
Garde nationale.
EUCAP estor
The Council allocated a budget of € 17.9 million for activities of the EU mission on regional
maritime capacity building in the Horn of Africa (EUCAP Nestor) for the period from 16 October
2014 to 15 October 2015.