Socialudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
SOU Alm.del Bilag 202
ZALEWSKI Krzysztof (FRA) [mailto:[email protected]]
28. april 2015 19:00
FRA ALERT - SUMMARY REPORT on Child-friendly justice (embargo until 5 May, 12.30 PM CET)
Dear Friends from EU Parliaments,
On 5 May 2015, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) will publish a new report
Child-friendly justice
perspectives and experiences of professionals,
which suggests how the EU
and its Member State could act to cater to the needs of the hundreds of thousands of children that are
involved in legal proceedings across the EU.
FRA’s fi di gs sho that hild parti ipatio pra ti es ary idely ot just a ross, ut also ithi , Me er
States, and these practices are not always child-friendly. This points to a need for clear and consistent
standards and guidelines which should be systematically monitored. The research also identified the need
for awareness raising measures and the special training of professionals.
I re e t years respe t a d fulfil e t of the hild’s
right to be heard
has improved. Greater efforts
are needed to ensure that children are heard in safe and child-friendly rooms, using techniques
appropriate for a hild’s age a d aturity. Childre should e heard i as fe heari gs as possi le
involving a small number of well-trained professionals;
National legislation often contains provisions on the
right to information,
but practices vary
significantly. Regular, child-friendly information and material about child rights and judicial
pro edures, tailored to the hild’s age,
throughout the proceedings, can improve trust;
Although ost Me er States ha e ade sig ifi a t efforts to guara tee the hild’s
right to
privacy and their right to protection
from harm and re-traumatisation, protective measures are
often under-utilised. Separate rooms to prevent contact with defendants and the use of video by
trained professionals in courtrooms and police stations should become standard;
Despite legal provisions on equal treatment, staff often lack the expertise to deal with children in
vulnerable situations, such as those with disabilities or those with a minority ethnic background.
There is a eed to e sure that hildre ’s a ess to justi e a d ho they are treated is effe ti ely
monitored to prevent discrimination. Access to legal aid and support for children in vulnerable
situations should be facilitated.
For the report, FRA interviewed professionals who are in daily contact with child victims or witnesses in
judicial proceedings in 10 EU Member States. They also draw on the Europea
issio ’s a alysis of
statistical data, legislation and policies collected from all EU Member States. A report on the views of
children will follow in 2016.
summary report
(and related information for the press) is available on the FRA website with the
under embargo until
12:30 CET on 5 May.
We kindly ask you
NOT to communicate these externally
before the end of the embargo date and time.
FRA is committed to ensure that the findings of its project are widely disseminated among EU and national
stakeholders to assist them in developing a child-friendly justice. This communication aims to brief you on
the upcoming activities regarding the launch preparation and launch event:
FRA will launch its report on 5 May in Brussels, during
two live radio debates with Members of the
European Parliament.
The radio debates form part of
Eura et Plus o thly progra
e Citize s Cor er
SOU, Alm.del - 2014-15 (1. samling) - Bilag 202: Henvendelse af 28/4-15 fra European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) om deres rapport: "Child-friendly justice - perspectives and experiences of professionals"
Euranet Plus is a radio network for EU news, made of 15 leading public and private broadcasters within the
EU providing news to 20 million listeners on a daily basis.
There will be two debates live streamed, the first one will be held
in Spanish (Date/Time slot: 5
May, 12.30 am to 13.15 am,
live from the EP Brussels),
the second one in English (5 May, 13.15
live from the EP Brussels). You will be able to join the discussion ahead of the debate on
Facebook or on Twitter during the debate using the hashtags #childfriendlyjustice #rightsofthechild
#CitizensCorner. Our Twitter handle is @EURightsAgency.
The launch will be covered also by following broadcasters: AMS (DE), BFM (FR), BNR (Bulgaria),
EsRadio (Spain), HRT (Croatia), Latvijas Radio (LAT), MTVA (HU), Polskie Radio (PO), Radio24 (IT), RR
Ranscenca (PT), Radio Romania (RO), RTBF (BE), RTV SLO (SL), EKAI 100.3 (Greece), SKY Media (EE).
Building upon some key findings of the project, FRA is developing three
video clips for children
from 12 to
18 in
Bulgarian, German, Estonian, English, Spanish, French, Croatian, Polish and Romanian. One of those
video clips
will be released on 5 May on the FRA website.
We would like to encourage you to distribute the videos widely when available to relevant national
On a final note, I would like to inform you on additional activities organised by some FRA partners and
stakeholders: the
German Institute for Human Rights
will publish a press release on 5 May. On the same
day the
Finnish League for Human Rights
our FRANET partner will hold a release event.
We remain available to provide more information if needed and thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Alina Jalea
Krzysztof Zalewski
Krzysztof ZALEWSKI
Seconded National Expert
Communication and Outreach Department
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Schwarzenbergplatz 11
1040 Vienna, Austria
1 58030 831
[email protected]
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Helping to make fundamental rights a reality for everyone in the European Union
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