Skatteudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
SAU Alm.del Bilag 4
MORDUE, Jamie [mailto:[email protected]]
7. oktober 2014 16:26
Mads Rørvig; SAU | Skatteudvalget
Public Accounts Committee, House of Commons - Invitation to conference on the impact of
globalisation on taxation (30.10.2014)
Good afternoon,
The Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, would like to invite you to a
conference on the impact of globalisation on taxation, to be held on Thursday 30 October 2014. Please find
attached an invitational letter and draft agenda.
If you are unable to make it or know a colleague who would like to attend in your place (or with you) then
please let me know and I can arrange for an invitation to be sent to them directly.
Further information will be sent to those who have confirmed their attendance during the week
commencing 13 October 2014.
Please RSVP to [email protected].
Do not hesitate to contact a member of Committee staff if you have any queries or further information.
Apologies if you have already responded to this invitation.
Kind regards,
Jamie Mordue
Committee Assistant, Public Accounts Committee
House of Commons
7 Millbank
Tel: 020 7219 3794