Retsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
REU Alm.del Bilag 77
25 September 2014
Our ref. 2014:1352
ECPRD Request no. 2636
This is a response to the Danish Folketinget concerning the following questions.
1. How is the oversight/control of public authorities dealing with sensitive per-
sonal data organized in your country? What are the experiences?
2. Which authority do they have?
3. What is the budget and how is it funded?
4. Do you have a public debate about data security and data protection in rela-
tion to public authorities’ treatment of sensitive personal data in your country? If
yes, what are the main features in that debate?
How is the oversight/control of public authorities dealing
with sensitive personal data organized in your country? What
are the experiences?
In Sweden this falls under the responsibility of the Swedish Data Inspection
The Board's task is to protect the individual's privacy in the information
society without unnecessarily preventing or complicating the use of new technol-
ogy. The Board supervises that authorities, companies, organizations and indi-
viduals follow: the Personal Data Act (1998:204), the Data Act (1973:289), the
Debt Recovery Act (1974:182), and the Credit Information Act (1973:1173).
Which authority do they have?
The Board works to prevent encroachment upon privacy through information and
by issuing directives and codes of statutes. The Board also handles complaints
and carries out inspections. By examining government bills the Data Inspection
Board ensures that new laws and ordinances protect personal data in an adequate
Anna Holmén
The Research Service
Tel: +46 8 786 45 27 • E-mail: [email protected]
Visit: Jakobsgatan 6
THE SW EDISH PARLIAMENT SE-100 12 Stockholm • Phone +46 8 786 40 00 •
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What is the budget and how is it funded?
The budget for the financial year 2014 was approximately 4.7 million euro
(43 790 000 SEK) as set out in the Government’s appropriation directions for the
Swedish Data Inspection Board.
Do you have a public debate about data security and data
protection in relation to public authorities’ treatment of sen-
sitive personal data in your country? If yes, what are the
main features in that debate?
Yes, there is a public debate in Sweden. The main topics are matters regarding
integrity on the Internet, surveillance and data retention.
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