Retsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
REU Alm.del Bilag 142
United Nations
Distr.: General
30 October 2014
Original: English
Convention on the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Concluding observations on the initial report of Denmark
I. Introduction
The Committee considered the initial report of Denmark (CRPD/C/DNK/1) at its
155th and 156th meetings, held on 23 and 24 September 2014 respectively, and adopted the
following concluding observations at its 169th meeting, held on 2 October 2014.
The Committee welcomes the initial report of Denmark, comprising the information
on Denmark and on the self-governed territories within the Kingdom, namely the Faroe
Islands and Greenland, which was prepared in accordance with the Committee’s reporting
guidelines, and thanks the State party for its written replies (CRPD/C/DNK/Q/1/Add.1) to
the list of issues prepared by the Committee.
The Committee appreciates the fruitful dialogue held with the State party’s
delegation during the consideration of the report and commends the State party for the
strength of its delegation, which included many representatives of relevant government
ministries as well as representatives of the government ministries of the Faroe Islands and
of Greenland, responsible for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities.
II. Positive aspects
The Committee commends the State party on its efforts to review and amend its
legislation, in particular its adoption of the Consolidation Act on Social Services No. 1093
of 5 September 2013, Consolidation Act No. 727 of 2009 to Compensate Disabled Persons
in Employment, and Act No. 31 of 2005 on the Prohibition of Discrimination in the Labour
Market, as well as the amendment to the Upper Secondary School Act, designed to
integrate persons with autism, in 2013. The Committee commends the Government of the
Faroe Islands on its adoption of the Act against Discrimination in the Labour Market due to
Disability, which came into force in May 2011.
The Committee also commends the State party on initiating programmes on the
rights of persons with disabilities, such as the plan of action for people with mental
disabilities, in May 2014, and on increasing the resources available in this area.
* A
dopted by the Committee at its twelfth session (15 September–3 October 2014).
GE.14-19460 (E)