Ligestillingsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
LIU Alm.del Bilag 10
Biographies of the participants
(Ligue des Electrices Tunisiennes LET)
The only female Presidential candidate in Tunisia
Kalthoum Kannou is the only female candidate declared fit to compete in the presidential elections of
November 2014. She is a judge and a former president of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates.
Kalthoum, 55 year old, was known for her perseverance and insubordination about the repressive the
regime of Ben Ali.
The activism of Kalthoum Kannou began in 1981 when she was 22 years old. She entered the law school
and joined the General Union of Tunisian Students (UGET).In a media statement, Kannou said her
candidacy is "a strong message to all Tunisians to demonstrate that Tunisian women can compete with
men in positions of political decisions."
Biography highlights:
1959: Born in Tunis
1981: Entered the Law School
1989: Began her career in the judiciary
1999: Joined the Tunisian Association of Magistrates
2001: Appointed as Judge of the Court of Appeal of Tunis
2005: Becomes Secretary General of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates, mutated as
judge in Kairouan after the "coup" against the association
2010: Mutation as judge in Tozeur
2011: Becomes president of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates
2012: Appointed as Judge of the Court of Cassation in Tunis
2013: Leaves the presidency of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates
2014: Presents herself to presidential elections