Ligestillingsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
LIU Alm.del Bilag 10
Biographies of the participants
(Ligue des Electrices Tunisiennes LET)
The only female Presidential candidate in Tunisia
Kalthoum Kannou is the only female candidate declared fit to compete in the presidential elections of
November 2014. She is a judge and a former president of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates.
Kalthoum, 55 year old, was known for her perseverance and insubordination about the repressive the
regime of Ben Ali.
The activism of Kalthoum Kannou began in 1981 when she was 22 years old. She entered the law school
and joined the General Union of Tunisian Students (UGET).In a media statement, Kannou said her
candidacy is "a strong message to all Tunisians to demonstrate that Tunisian women can compete with
men in positions of political decisions."
Biography highlights:
1959: Born in Tunis
1981: Entered the Law School
1989: Began her career in the judiciary
1999: Joined the Tunisian Association of Magistrates
2001: Appointed as Judge of the Court of Appeal of Tunis
2005: Becomes Secretary General of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates, mutated as
judge in Kairouan after the "coup" against the association
2010: Mutation as judge in Tozeur
2011: Becomes president of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates
2012: Appointed as Judge of the Court of Cassation in Tunis
2013: Leaves the presidency of the Tunisian Association of Magistrates
2014: Presents herself to presidential elections
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[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 98 29 37 25 / (+216) 24 29 37 25
Newly-elected deputies in the capital Tunis:
Bochra Belhaj Hmida
A Tunisian woman parliamentarian, Nidaa Tounes political party, Tunis 2
She is a renowned Tunisian woman activist since the old regime of the ousted president Ben Ali.
Bochra is a lawyer and member of the executive bureau of the political party Nidaa Tunes. She
is a former president of the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women (1995-2001) movement.
She ran in the 2014 legislative elections, on behalf of her political party Nidaa Tounes and was
ranked the 2nd on the electoral list of the constituency of Tunis 2.
She was elected a member of the Tunisian parliament following 2014 legislative elections.
[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 98 31 21 68
Leila Hamrouni
A Tunisian woman parliamentarian, Nidaa Tounes political party, Ariana
Member of the Executive board of the party Nidaa Tounes
Member of the Election Committee of the party Nidaa Tounes and Head of the
door to door committee.
Teacher and holder of Master’s degree in Linguistics Discourse Analysis in
French Literature.
She is a trainer on film analysis: teaching through the analysis of the cinematic
image in the center of the Training of Trainers.
Leila is a former local coordinator with the political party Ettajdid in the
constituency of Ariana.
She has been trained on various political skills with LET since April 2013. She
ran for election on behalf of the Political Party Nidaa Tounes and was ranked
2nd on the electoral list of the constituency ofAriana.
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She was newly elected in the Tunisian parliament.
Email:[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 98 36 53 36
Houda Takeya
A Tunisian woman parliamentarian, Nidaa Tounes political party, Mannouba
Houda Takeya is a Tunisian woman Entrepreneur. She ran in the 2014 legislative
elections, on behalf of her political party Nidaa Tounes and was ranked the 2nd
on the electoral list of the constituency of Manouba. She was newly elected in
the Tunisian parliament. She benefited from different trainings with LET since
August 2014
[email protected]
Phone Number:
(+216) 98 20 86 26
Newly - elected deputies in the regions
Hayet Kbayer:
A Tunisian woman parliamentarian, Nidaa Tounes political party, Bizerte
Hayet Kbayer is the Regional Coordinator of Bizerte in the political party Nidaa Tunes since 2012. Hayet
is the first woman who served as regional coordinator in the party. She also holds the position of Chief
of Central Unit Operations in the ARAB TUNISIAN BANK.
[email protected]
Phone Number:
(+216) 98 45 82 78
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English Proficiency:
very fluent
Meriem Boujbel
A Tunisian woman parliamentarian, Nidaa Tounes political party, Nabeul II
She is a young woman Entrepreneur and civil society activist. She graduated
in Management from HEC Canada.
She ran in the 2014 legislative elections, on behalf of her political party
Nidaa Tounes and was
ranked the 2nd on the electoral list of the constituency of Nabeul 2.
She was elected a member of the Tunisian parliament following 2014
legislative elections.
(+216) 98 30 89 22
[email protected]
Khansa Ben Harrath:
A Tunisian woman parliamentarian, Nidaa Tounes political party, El Kef
Consulting Engineer - Expert with insurance companies. She is a
member of the National board of the
Tunisian Association of Road Safety in charge of External Relations
and the Treasurer of the association "Ambassadors for Road Safety"
ASR ".
She ran in the 2014 legislative elections, on behalf of her political
party Nidaa Tounes and was ranked
the 2nd on the electoral list of the constituency of El Kef.
She was elected a member of the Tunisian parliament following
2014 legislative elections.
[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 26 55 16 61
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Potential candidates for the municipal elections
Selima Ben Khedher
A Tunisian woman Lawyer. Selima holds a Master’s degree in Legal Sciences
from the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences of Tunis.
Selima is also an auditor for the International Academy of Constitutional Law.
She is board member of of the national board of the political party Nidaa
Tunes in the constituency of Menzah 1. Selima is an active member in the
League of Tunisian Women voters since August 2011.
She is a potential candidate for the coming municipality elections.
[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 24 27 68 03
Nejma Ben Khedher
She holds a Degree in Management in depth with honors since
Nejma is young Tunisian activist. She was the first accredited
independent National Elections observer following the
revolution. She an active member in several civil society
associations including the League of Tunisian Women Voters.
Nejma coordinates the implementation of several civil society
projects such as conducting awareness campaign on political
participation for women and youth. She is member of the
National Tunisian Workers ‘Union.
Nejma is a potential candidate for the coming municipality
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[email protected]
Phone number:
98 44 11 01
Olfa Abdelmoula
Olfa holds a Master's degree in Accounting obtained. She’s been working for 10
years in a leasing company where she held several positions such as: Head of
Audit Department, head of organization and quality department, head of the
finance department.
She is registered with the National Chamber of the union of entrepreneurs
She is an active member of Ligue des Electrices Tunisiennes (LET). She acted as a National Observer in
the legislative elections observing the electoral process from a gender point of view after being trained
by LET and she is going to observe in the presidential elections as well.
She is a potential candidate for the coming municipal elections.
[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 22 20 18 52
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LET coordinators and representatives
Basma Soudani
, a Tunisian woman activist, holds an
MA degree in Linguistics and Women Studies, High Institute of Languages, Tunis.
She served in Euro- Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHERN) as Tunis Program Officer. She
worked for three years in Tunis Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Regional Office, Tunisia as a
Grant Manager Specialist. Basma was also was a linguistics Professor for twenty four years and she
taught in several international and national institutes.
Basma has a relevant volunteer civil society experience since 1997. In 2011 she founded the NGO, the
League of Tunisian Women Voters “Ligue des Electrices Tunisiennes” (LET) and is acting as its president.
The league aims to Political and public Women Employment under the prism of gender equality and
especially, to strengthen women participation of in the electoral process as a candidate, a observer
and a voter in order to make them more active in their community on a regional, national and
international level. As a founder and president of the association, Basma drafts project proposals, and
sets short and long-term objectives for the NGO. She has built and maintained local, national and
international networks with human rights NGO’s; distributing information on training and development
opportunities for Tunisian activists.
In 2011 Basma Co-Founded “Third Voice” Tunisian Civil Society Salon where she helped organize a post
revolution open forum for exchanging views on the “new Tunisia”; weekly meetings where political
parties, government officials, human rights organizations, and media figures discuss their political vision
with interested members of civil society. She participated in several national and international
Conferences as a guest speaker, lecturer and/or participant.
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[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 23 87 84 64
Najla Abbes, Project coordinator (LET)
Najla Abbes
has a Master’s degree in English Literature from The Higher Institute of Languages
in Tunisia. She was a Fulbright Language Teaching Assistant at Pfeiffer University, North
Carolina from 2007 to 2008.
Najla is the co-founder and program coordinator of the League of Tunisian Women Voters
(LET). The league aims to improve Tunisian women's ability to participate effectively in public
affairs, especially in politics and electoral practices, as voters and candidates based on the
principles of human rights and social gender. As a program coordinator, Najla developed project
proposals on women empowerment strategies and helped to implement an exchange program
between Tunisian female potential candidates for the elections and Danish female MPs. Following the
revolution, Najla was invited to deliver presentations and present papers on women’s activism and
political participation in different international conferences, workshops and seminars. She was recently
elected the Chairwoman of Mediterranean Civil Society and Women in Leadership Conference in
[email protected]
Phone number:
(+216) 24 93 21 77