Kulturudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
KUU Alm.del Bilag 59
29 September 2014
Our ref. 2014:1351
ECPRD Request no. 2637
1. Do you have legislation about compensation responsibility for defama-
tion and privacy violation of individuals exposed in the press?
2. Who has the right to take proceedings?
3. What is the compensation level for injuries to a person’s reputation?
Based on data from recent years.
4. What is the level of sentencing of media regarding publishing of incor-
rect stories?
5. Do you have an independent institution outside the courts dealing with
cases in relation to privacy violation from media?
6. Do you have any experiences about measure of compensation for injury
dependent on the economic income of the convicted? If yes, what are the
Defamation and gross defamation are regulated in Chapter 5, Sections 1 and 2 of
Swedish Penal Code.
Provisions on damages are found in the
Tort Liability
Act (1972:207),
in particular Chapter 2, Section 3 and Chapter 5, Section 6.
If committed by means of printed matter, the act of defamation shall be deemed
as an offence against the freedom of the press (tryckfrihetsbrott). This is regu-
lated in Chapter 7, Article 4, Paragraph 14 of the
Freedom of the Press Act.
If the
act of defamation is committed in a radio programme or technical recording it
shall instead be regarded as a freedom of expression offence (yttrandefrihets-
brott). This is regulated in Chapter 5, Article 1 of the
Fundamental Law on Free-
dom of Expression.
Elizabeth Lindell
Tel: +46 8 786 53 51
THE SW EDISH PARLIAMENT SE-100 12 Stockholm • Phone +46 8 786 40 00 • www.riksdagen.se
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Supplementary rules on damages in case of an offence against the freedom of the
press or the freedom of expression are found in Chapter 11 of the Freedom of the
Press Act and Chapter 8 of the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression.
The Freedom of the Press Act and the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expres-
sion are constitutional laws.
Who has the right to take proceedings?
The main rule is that defamation may not be prosecuted by other than the injured
party. If, however, the injured party notifies the crime for prosecution, and if
prosecution is considered necessary in the public interest, a prosecutor may pros-
ecute for defamation and gross defamation (Chapter 5, Section 5 of the Penal
The Chancellor of Justice
acts as sole prosecutor in cases concerning offences
against the freedom of the press and the freedom of expression. However, the
above mentioned rules in Chapter 5, Section 5 of the Penal Code are equally ap-
plicable in those cases.
A private claim for compensation in consequence of an offence is often con-
ducted in conjunction with the prosecution of the offence. Otherwise, an action
shall be instituted in the manner prescribed for civil actions.
The level of compensation
There are no fixed levels and no statistics regarding compensation for defama-
tion. The compensation is determined in accordance with the provisions in Chap-
ter 5, Section 6 of the
Tort Liability Act (1972:207).
Case law provides examples
of levels between SEK 5 000 – 125 000.
The court may order the offender to pay for printing of the judgment in one or
more newspapers. See also Chapter 7, Article 6 of the Freedom of the Press Act
and Chapter 5, Article 4 of the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression.
The level of sentencing
The penalty for defamation is a fine and for gross defamation a fine or imprison-
ment for at most two years. Fines are imposed in the form of assessed fines based
on daily income.
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Other institutions
The Press Ombudsman (Allmänhetens pressombudsman, PO) and the Press
Council (Pressens opinionsnämnd, PON) are independent self-disciplinary bodies
which deal with complaints about the editorial content of newspapers, magazines
and their websites. The complainant must be personally affected (i.e. identified in
some way) by the publicity and the complaint should be made in three months’
time from the date of publication. Companies, government authorities and organ-
isations can also file complaints. The remedy for such institutional complaints is
the right to reply or the right to a correction. A newspaper that has been found to
violate good journalistic practice is expected to publish the written decision of
the Press Council. It shall also pay an administrative fine.
The Swedish Broadcasting Authority (Myndigheten för radio och tv) supervises
radio and television programme services, on-demand services and teletext. The
Swedish Broadcasting Commission (Granskningsnämnden för radio och tv) is a
separate decision-making body within the Swedish Broadcasting Authority that
monitors whether the content of radio and television programmes adhere to
broadcasting regulations.
Compensation for injury dependent on the economic
income of the convicted
The answer to question no. 6 is no.
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