Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
KEB Alm.del Bilag 6
Mr Steen GADE MP
Climate, Energy and Building Committee
Kingdom of Denmark
Rome & Vienna, 7
October 2014
Dear Mr GADE,
Re: Invitation to
EU Energy Policy Framework for 2030 and National Legislation
Europe 2014 Conference - Rome, 21 November 2014
We write on behalf of GLOBE Europe to invite you to our Annual Conference, which this year
will be hosted by the Italian Parliament and discuss Energy Policy in Europe.
The European Union will agree its climate and energy targets for the post‐2020 period up to
2030 under the Italian Presidency. This is important in order to reduce Europe’s dependence on
fossil fuel imports, create investor certainty in Europe’s low carbon industries, and frame
Europe's ambition for the global climate deal to be reached in Paris in late 2015.
The European Council of 23-24 October is expected to serve as the landing point to agree the
key elements of the 2030 Climate and Energy Package. In turn, this agreement will shape the
position of the European Union at UNFCCC COP20 in Lima next December.
On 21 November GLOBE Europe will dedicate its annual 2014 Strategy Meeting, hosted by the
President of the Environment Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Ermete
Realacci MP, to this important EU decision, in order to:
Raise awareness about the design of the package and its national and regional
implications, as well as about the evolution of the negotiations in Council;
Provide national legislators of the Member States of the European Union with a platform
for discussion between colleagues from other national parliaments;
Help them influence national Governments' positions in Council to ensure that the GHG
emission reductions and energy efficiency targets of the Package are aligned with the
EU's climate objectives by 2050.
GLOBE - The Global Legislators Organisation
Tel.: +442075932032 | Fax: +442075939032 | [email protected] | www.globelegislators.org
GLOBE Initiative at E3G, 47 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0ES, United Kingdom
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As presidents of GLOBE Italy and of GLOBE Europe, we would be honoured to count on your
participation in the meeting.
Should your obligations as Committee President not allow you to come to Rome, we would of
course also welcome a representation of your Committee - the greater the number of national
views and political sensitivities, the richer our exchange will be.
Please find enclosed the draft agenda for your interest.
The working language of the sessions will be English.
For further information and registration please contact GLOBE Europe Director Mr Rafael
Jiménez-Aybar at
[email protected]
and/or GLOBE Italy Director Mr Matteo
Favero at
[email protected]
We do hope you will be able to join us and look forward to welcoming you in Rome.
Yours sincerely,
Hon. Mariastella Bianchi MP
President of GLOBE Italy
Italian Chamber of Deputies
Hon. Petra Bayr MP
President of GLOBE Europe and Chair of the
International Development Committee in the
Austrian Parliament
GLOBE - The Global Legislators Organisation
Tel.: +442075932032 | Fax: +442075939032 | [email protected] | www.globelegislators.org
GLOBE Initiative at E3G, 47 Great Guildford Street, London SE1 0ES, United Kingdom