Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
KEB Alm.del Bilag 134
Dear Sir or Madam,
At the start of the 21st century, the world faces an abundance of challenges and new opportunities.
International networking and innovation are enabling people in more and more regions of the world a share
in economic and social growth. A reliable and cost-effective energy supply is an essential component of this
growth. Meanwhile, climate change and scarcity of resources make it unmistakably clear that new paths
must be found to cover the growing demand for energy, and to do so in a sustainable way.
The German Federal Government is initiating an international dialogue to tackle these challenges. Together
with energy policy experts, representatives of politics, industry and civil society from around the world, we
hope to develop solutions towards an international energy transition. Looking ahead to the Climate Change
Conference COP21 in Paris as well, we want to discuss possibilities of reconciling climate protection,
security of the energy supply and economic growth. We therefore cordially invite you to the:
Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue – towards a global Energiewende
26–27 March 2015 in Berlin
You are invited to take part in the conference and in discussions with other conference participants. We look
forward to welcoming you at the conference on 26 and 27 March in Berlin.
Please register on:
Feel free to contact our team if you have
any questions (eMail:
[email protected]
Phone: +49 30 88 66 74 00).
With best regards,
Peter Fischer
Deputy Director-General for Globalisation, Energy and Climate Policy
Federal Foreign Office
Ursula Borak
Deputy Director-General, International Energy Policy
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Hermann Falk
Executive Director
German Renewable Energy Federation