Grønlandsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
GRU Alm.del Bilag 43
Kriminalitet og retsbevidsthed – i Grønland
Af Flemming Balvig
Kriminalitet og retsbevidsthed – i Grønland
Flemming Balvig
A study toward public reactions to crime and victimization of crime has been car-
ried out in Greenland. The methodological concept and the design of the study
were based on earlier studies made in Denmark in 2006 and 2009, and because
of this several comparisons can be made with Denmark. The attitudes were ana-
lyzed by using three different methods on representative samples of the populati-
on in Greenland. In the first study, the general or spontaneous sense of justice
was measured by short questions in telephone interviews. The informed sense of
justice was examined by presenting vignettes of six cases in a postal survey. The
concrete sense of justice was studied through focus groups proposing reactions
after having seen a mock trial of a crime case and having discussed the case in
the group. The results from the different studies of attitudes towards crime and
reactions to crime were finally compared to the actual reactions according to as-
sessments from the courts and the police in Greenland. Considering that Green-
land has a rather special criminal law, which put more emphasis on rehabilitati-
on than is usual seen – and even more so if you go back in time – a major questi-
on and special for the study in Greenland, has been how the people view, what
should be the guiding principle for public reactions to crime: Special prevention
or repression?
1. Indledning
I 2010 trådte såvel en ny kriminallov som en ny retsplejelov i kraft for Grønland.
En nydannelse i retsplejeloven var indførelse af et råd, Rådet for Grønlands Rets-
væsen, som ifølge GR-Rpl. § 742 skal varetage koordinationen mellem Grøn-
lands selvstyre og rigsmyndighederne om kriminal- og retsplejelovgivningen,
herunder udvikle det lovgivningsmæssige grundlag,
iværksætte forskning i for-
bindelse hermed
(min kursivering) og følge de enkelte retsmyndigheders funktion
og uddannelsesbehov. Rådet består af 13 medlemmer: landsdommeren i Grøn-
land, dommeren ved Retten i Grønland, politimesteren i Grønland, lederen af
kriminalforsorgen i Grønland, Kanukoka, en advokat, en forsvarer,
en universi-
(min kursivering), 2 repræsentanter for Grønlands selvstyre og repræ-
sentanter for Justitsministeriet, Domsstolsstyrelsen og Direktoratet for Kriminal-