Grønlandsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
GRU Alm.del Bilag 42
Greenland/Denmark Joint Committee
10th Annual Meeting – October 7, 2014
Washington, D.C.
Representatives of the three parties met on October 7, 2014, in Washington,
D.C. The 11
meeting of the Committee will be hosted by Denmark in 2015.
The Parties approved the 2014 Annual Report/Inventory of Projects and
Other Collaboration. It is now available on the U.S. Embassy website at
A translation into
Greenlandic is pending and will be posted as soon as possible.
All parties acknowledged the importance of the work outlined in that report
and the great potential for expanding collaboration in the future. The parties
reviewed progress under the Language and Education Working Group, the
Science Working Group, and the informal Economic Working Group.
The Language and Education Working Group highlighted
the participation of
two young Greenlanders in the U.S. State Department’s International Visitors
Leadership Program in the areas of small business development and women and
The group also noted that the U.S. Embassy’s English
language training program, now in its final year, could potentially be
redirected toward building English language skills in support of Nuuk
hosting the Arctic Winter Games in 2016.
The Science Working Group highlighted its work to build on collaboration
with the ever-growing international science community working in
Greenland and to expand internship and training opportunities for students
from Greenland. Denmark’s new Forum for Arctic Science will identify
challenges and opportunities in Arctic Research and lead to more efficient
use of limited resources. The parties approved by consensus a new
telemedicine initiative, “The Arctic Transatlantic Telehealth Research
Network,” intended to improve services to Greenlanders who receive care
through the Pipaluk telemedicine system.
The informal Economic Working Group, established during the 2013 annual
meeting, reported U.S. publication of an Investment Climate Statement and a
Country Commercial Guide for Greenland intended to encourage greater
awareness among the U.S. private sector of opportunities in Greenland. The