Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
FIV Alm.del Bilag 36
Session IV – Research: an engine for growth
Concept note
Europe’s position in the world economy is rapidly changing. By 2050, Europe’s
share of world GDP
could be much less than its current 22.9% (2012 figure).
The European Union still accounts for
the largest share of worldwide exports,
equal to 15.5%.
As stated by the European Commission in its communication of last June,
Research and innovation as sources of renewed growth,
Europe is well placed to
capture the next growth opportunities. With the largest internal market in the
world it is home to many of the world's leading innovative companies, and has a
leading position in many fields of knowledge and key technologies such as
health, food, renewable energies, environmental technologies and transport. It
has an invaluable capital stemming from its highly educated workforce and its
leading talent in cultural and creative industries. However, efforts are still required
to ensure the smooth functioning of its single market, to improve the framework
conditions for businesses to innovate, and to speed up investments in
breakthrough technologies in fast-growing areas.
According to the Commission, to reap the benefits from these advantages in
terms of economic prosperity and quality of life, governments across Europe
need to take an active stance in supporting growth enhancing policies, notably
research and innovation.
As to funding for research, the
Innovation Union
– one of the flagship
initiatives of the
Europe 2020
strategy – has set a target of spending 3% of GDP
on research and development for the Member States (1% in public funding, 2% in
private investment) by 2020, with the goal of creating 3.7 million jobs and
increasing annual GDP by about €800 billion. In the
“State of the
Innovation Union 2012 – Accelerating change”, presented on 21 March 2013, the
Commission reported that public and private investment in R&D grew until 2011
(to 2.03% of GDP) but subsequently declined.
In line with the Europe 2020 strategy, one of the EU’s goals is to create the
necessary conditions to make EU industry competitive, creating jobs and
supporting growth. One of the levers for achieving this goal involves exploiting
the industrial potential of innovation and research policies most effectively.
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For that purpose, one of the three pillars of
Horizon 2020
– the main EU
programme for financing research and innovation, with over €77 billion in seven
years budgeted (from 2014 to 2020) – is so-called
"Industrial Leadership”,
general goal of which (with €17 billion in funding allocated) is to make Europe a
more attractive location to invest in research and innovation, provide more
investment in key industrial technologies, maximize the growth potential of
European companies by providing them with adequate levels of finance and help
innovative European SMEs to grow into world-leading companies.
Furthermore, the approach of using public-private partnerships based upon a
contractual agreement between the Commission and industrial partners aimed at
offsetting the high risk for private actors of investing in research and to “join
forces with the private sector […] to achieve results that one country or company
is less likely to achieve alone”,
is itself an innovation under the Horizon 2020
The data show that many of the recent productivity improvements are the
result of innovation and that, on average, the countries that invested most heavily
in research and development prior to and during the crisis are those that have
demonstrated the greatest resilience during the recession.
In recent years companies have begun to invest in a wider range of intangible
goods (also going beyond the traditional research and development sector),
specifically in data, software, patents, design, new organizational processes and
specific entrepreneurial expertise. This is referred to as knowledge-based capital
Investments by companies in KBC help stimulate growth and productivity, as
shown in studies conducted for the European Union and the United States:
investments by companies in KBC have contributed 20% to 34% to the average
increase in workplace productivity (OECD).
Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to consider:
a) whether the policies implemented by the European Union are appropriate
for promoting research activities, focusing especially on those that can
serve as lever to foster European competitiveness and growth;
b) what solutions and experiences have been found – including in the form of
incentives and subsidies – to be best suited to encouraging an increase in
the share of GDP allocated to research and development;
c) within the context of the various national experiences, which research
projects and programmes have been most effective in terms of generating
returns and reutilisation by the productive sector;
d) what role should public finance play in allocating adequate returns to be
used for research and what measures can be taken to foster public-private
partnerships with greater involvement of private-sector capital.